Building blocks for nanodevices - · Single...

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Transcript of Building blocks for nanodevices - · Single...

  • Single electron tunneling 1

    Building blocks for nanodevices

    Two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG)

    Quantum wires and quantum point contacts

    Electron phase coherence

    Single-Electron tunneling devices

    - Coulomb blockage

    Quantum dots (introduction)

  • Single Electron Tunneling Devices

  • Introduction 3


    Dot Electron

    Attraction to the gate

    Repulsion at the dot



    the energy cost vanishes !

    Coulomb blockade

    Single-electron transistor (SET)

  • Single electron tunneling 4

    Coulomb blockade in a tunnel barrier

    At |q|< e/2 the electron tunneling will increase the energy stored in the barrier one has to pay for the tunneling by the bias voltage

    Energy stored is q2/2C

    Why R matters?

    time delay


    Because of environment capacitances it is

    difficult to observe CB in single junctions

  • Single electron tunneling 5

    Resulting I-V curve

    Experiment: Al-Al203-Al, 10 nm x10 nm (superconductivity was destroyed by magnetic field)

    Coulomb blockage

  • Single electron tunneling 6

    SET: Basic circuit and devices

  • Single electron tunneling 7

    Basic tunneling circuits

    Isolated island:

    At the energy cost vanishes!

    Background charge

  • Single electron tunneling 8

    Residual capacitance Tunneling barriers

    Island between the barriers

    Double barrier structure: Circuitry

  • Single electron tunneling 9


  • Single electron tunneling 10

    Electrostatics: 4 different charge transfer events are relevant



    S D

    induced charge

  • Single electron tunneling 11

    Symmetric system:

    For n=0 and q0=0, all transfers are suppressed until


    Coulomb blockade of transport

    Electrons can tunnel both from drain onto island and from island to source

  • Single electron tunneling 12

    What happens when an electron reaches the island?

    During each cycle a single electron is transferred!


  • Single electron tunneling 13

    First observation:

    Giver and Zeller, 1968 granular Sn film, superconductivity was suppressed by magnetic filed

    Differential resistance

    Coulomb gap manifests itself as increased low-bias differential resistance

    The background charges, q0, influence Coulomb blockade and can even lift it.

  • Single electron tunneling 14

    I-V curves: Coulomb staircase e g c

    + -

    Master equation

    How one can calculate I-V curve? For simplicity, we will do it only for a stationary case.

  • Single electron tunneling 15

    The partial probabilities, , can be calculated from the Fermi Golden Rule: the probability is

    To get the rate we have to multiply the probability by

    and then sum over initial and final states.

    Since only the vicinity of the Fermi level matters we can take the densities of states and matrix elements at the Fermi level and express the results through tunneling conductance, G, of the junctions.

    Fermi function

  • Single electron tunneling 16

    As a result, for, e. g. , for the transition between the emitter and the grain

    We use the tunneling Hamiltonian

    that gives the following expression for the tunneling conductance

    DOS Volume

  • Single electron tunneling 17




    With induced charges, SET

  • Single electron tunneling 18

    Calculations for different background charges

    Thermal smearing

    Coulomb staircase

    Experiment: STM of surface clusters

  • Single electron tunneling 19

    The SET transistor

    An extra electrode (gate) defined in a way to have very large resistance between it and the island.

    That allows to tune induced charges by the gate voltage

    Fulton & Dolan, 1987

    The so-called orthodox theory discussed before is valid; we have just to remember that the energy cost is

  • Single electron tunneling 20

    In this way we arrive at the so-called stability diagram of Single Electron Transistor (SET)

    Coulomb diamonds: all transfer energies inside are positive

    Conductance oscillates as a function of gate voltage Coulomb blockade oscillations

  • Single electron tunneling 21

    Experimental test: Al-Al203 SET, temperature 30 mK

    V=10 V

    Coulomb blockade oscillations

  • Single electron tunneling 22

    The single electron pump

    Two islands each one can be tuned by a nearby gate electrode.

    The structure is symmetric.

    Six electron transfers are important.

    Equalities between direct and reverse processes define lines at the stability diagram.

    It define the regions of stable configurations characterized specific charges of the island.

    The inter-island capacitance C12 is responsible for the interplay of the contributions from VA and VB.

  • Single electron tunneling 23

    At C12=0, the diagram is a set of squares, unaffected by the transitions of 3d type the corresponding lines just touch corners

    In the general situation there are triple points, where and electron can transfer the whole system for free.

    We will show that it allows one to pump electrons one by one.

  • Single electron tunneling 24


    SETs 3 and 4 work as electrometers to measure charges at the islands 1 and 2

    Conductance of the double island

    Conductance of el. 3

    Conductance of el. 4

    Difference signal

  • Single electron tunneling 25

    How one can pump the electrons?

    Bias voltage moves lines at the stability diagram.

    It creates triangles where the energy is relatively large, and CB is impossible.

    Let us adjust the gate voltages to start within a triangle, and then apply to the gates AC voltages shifted in phase. Then the path in the phase space is

    Exactly one electron has passed through the device!

  • Single electron tunneling 26

    The current is then, I=-ef

    This is an excellent current standard!

    Accuracy check: 10-6

    Opposite phase shifts

  • Single electron tunneling 27

  • Single electron tunneling 28

    Only integer number of electrons can be trapped in the potential wells drag current is quantized in units of ef, depending on the gate voltage.

    Talyanskii et al., 1996

    Another current standard: Quantized electron drag in quantum wires

    + + + - - - Piezoelectric


  • Single electron tunneling 29

  • Single electron tunneling 30

    How accurate are the Coulomb-blockade devices? Are there principle limitations?

    We discussed only sequential tunneling through a grain, which is exponentially suppressed by the Coulomb blockade.

    The grain states are involved only in virtual transitions!

    In addition, there is a coherent transfer. Consider the initial and final states in different leads. Then the transition rate in the second order of the perturbation theory is

  • Single electron tunneling 31

    This process is called the quantum co-tunneling. Its rate is

    We pay by additional small tunneling transparency (one more factor containing conductance).

    However, the energy costs enter as powers rather than exponents.

    Due to its importance, the quantum co-tunneling has been thoroughly studied. It can lead to the contributions to the current proportional to V3 and V.

  • Single electron tunneling 32

    Open questions

    In the previous lecture we discussed electrons in terms of waves. However, in this lecture we spoke about particles, their charge, etc. Are we running two horses at the same time? How single-electron effects interplay with quantum interference? These problems are solved to some extent and we will discuss them later.

    Slide Number 1Single Electron Tunneling DevicesSlide Number 3Slide Number 4Slide Number 5Slide Number 6Slide Number 7Slide Number 8Slide Number 9Slide Number 10Slide Number 11Slide Number 12Slide Number 13Slide Number 14Slide Number 15Slide Number 16Slide Number 17Slide Number 18The SET transistorSlide Number 20Slide Number 21Slide Number 22Slide Number 23Slide Number 24How one can pump the electrons?Slide Number 26Slide Number 27Slide Number 28Slide Number 29Slide Number 30Slide Number 31Slide Number 32