Building African Knowledge Economy: ECA work-program e... · ICTs, Science & Technology Division...

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ICTs, Science & Technology Division (ISTD), UNECA /

Building African Knowledge Building African Knowledge Economy: ECA workEconomy: ECA work--programprogram

Thierry Thierry HyacintheHyacinthe AmoussougboAmoussougboRegional AdvisorRegional Advisor

ICT, Science and Technology Division (ISTD), ECAICT, Science and Technology Division (ISTD), ECA

SADC E-commerce StudyValidation

16 – 19 February 2012BaLaclava, Mauritius

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African Information Society InitiativeAfrican Information Society InitiativeAISI Launched in 1996AISI Launched in 1996

Focus AreasFocus Areas


AISIInfo & Knowledge




Partnership &


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The Main AISI implementation area The Main AISI implementation area is the Eis the E--strategies strategies

National: National Information and Communication Infrastructure (NICI)

Sectorial: Sectoral Information and Communication Infrastructure (SICI)

Village: Village Information and Communication Infrastructure (VICI)

Regional: Regional Information and Communication Infrastructure (RICI)













Parliament, Media, CSO, Private Sector Involvement

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The Policy dev methodology based The Policy dev methodology based on 3 main Outputs on 3 main Outputs

The Framework general problem and policy areas, specific policy issues and orientations (WHY)The Policy Document: Government policy commitments in relation toWHAT needs to be doneThe Plan: HOW policy commitments can be translated into concrete programmes

The Interrelated Entities

The Policy The Plan

The Structures

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The Methodology also represented an iterative Cycle

NICI ProgrammeIdentification & Selection

Developing next NICI Plan

NICI Programme & Profile Development

NICI ProgrammeMonitoring & Evaluation Resource



NICI ProgrammeImplementation

Determine the National Development Priorities

Development of the Policy Framework

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Human Resource Development

ICTs ind. Private sector development entrepreneurship

Facilitating Government Administration and Service Delivery

ICT in health, education, Agriculture environment

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI)

Drive in ICTs

Legal, Regulatory, Institutional Provisions &


ICT Infrastructure Development

Developing and Facilitating the Private Sector


national Strategy

The ICT Policies and strategies have been typically based on country development priorities, what we called pillars – the number of pillars vary from country to country

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Policiy and Strategies shall focus on the following four ultimate goals/action

ICT Policy and Strategy shall not be isolated from development Agenda – It must be a response a tool to accelerate development goals, for example to contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the Poverty Reduction Strategies (PRSs). Agenda 2020 among others;

Build critical mass of ICT skills (able to harness) through training and education;

Promote the emergence of a strong national ICT sector with effective involvement of the private sector; and

Create adequate institutional and legal frameworks for the development of inclusive, development oriented knowledge economy

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Overall the success was evident :

More than 80% have ICT Policyincreased from 13 in 2000 to 44 in 2011

5% are in the process of developing ICT Policy

12% Countries -has not started

Status of Status of NICIsNICIs

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80% of African countries have a sectorial ICT policy –current are :Benin: developing a sectoral e-education plan implementation strategy and planBurkina Faso: elaboration and subsequent activation of five sectorale-strategies: e-government; e-education; e-Health; e-services for rural development; and e-commerceThe Gambia: Developing NICI Implementation Plan (Focus on E-government+ strategies in additional sectors) Mali: Development of sectoral e-strategies on e-commerce and e-

agricultureNiger: Development of e-commerce, e-education and e-health

strategiesNCI Review and implementation plans (Rwanda +Ghana) Support on NICI policy review, development of tele-innovation centers, and digitalmapping expertise

Sectoral Information and Communication Infrastructure

(SICI) Policies and Plans

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ICTs, Trade and Economic Growth study commissioned in Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Senegal and South Africa

e-Legislation being developed

Ethiopia: National e-commerce law

Ghana: Review of cyber-security policy and support to the creation of a Computer Emergency Response Team

More on SICIs…..

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ECA and its partners (Finland and Industry Canada) provided support to COMESA, ECOWAS, EAC, CEMAC and SADC

ECOWASAdopted important legal texts on cyber crime, personal data protection, legislative act on e-commerce and a model of ICT legislation framework

EACSupported the development of harmonised e-Government platform, currently implemented by all EAC member States

Regional Information and Communication Infrastructure (RICI) Policies and Plans

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Cyber-security strategy being developed in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya andMozambique

eCEMAC 2010 developed for Central African Monetary and Economic Community (CEMAC)/ The Communauté Economiquedes Etats d'Afrique Centrale (CEEAC)

eSADC: Part of ECA-SADC multiyear Program; adopted in May 2010 here.

More on RICIs…..

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UMA : e-Commerce readiness study commissioned, sub-regional e-commerce Plan and platform developed and submitted to UMA for adoption

Africa Convention on cyberlegislation: ECA supported the African Union Commission to develop the African convention on cyber-legislation. The convention was endorsed by AU Head of States Summit. Capacity building and awareness campaign are currently undertaken by AUC and ECA in collaboration with RECs to ensure the endorsement by All African Countries by end of 2012.

The Convention focuses on : e-transaction, cyber criminality, and personal data protection

More on RICIs…..

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The first ICT measurement initiative was launched by ECA in 2002, called SCAN-ICT aimed at measuring and benchmarking the Information Society

Scan-ICT International Partnership for ICT Indicators led to the adoption of core list of ICT Indicators

Currently, ECA, ITU, UNCTAD: Collaborating for building capacity of national statistic offices and specialized statistic agencies on ICT measurement

Group of five Universities led by Manouba University in Tunisia are working on identifying ICT socio economic impacts Indicators

ECA had successfully led the International Partnership Task Force on e-Government indicators – The indicators have been developed and adopted by the International Partnership in 2011 in Mauritius

Developing Information Society indicators

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Workshop, forums, meetings, on-line platform are a number of capacity building activities implemented by ECA to build a critical mass of ICT skills able to harness the potential of ICT for social and economic development;

A center was created to support capacity of decision makers and others stakeholders: Information Technology Centre for Africa (ITCA);

ITCA is offering an on-line courses through its African eLearning Initiative

Capacity-building on Information Society

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To ensure better policy and strategy ownership and effective implementation, ECA has a number of stakeholder consultation andcapacity building initiatives

Promotion of ICT4D networks, including, Media, youth, Private sector, women, CSO ICT4D Networks, and ensuring their effective involvement in policy formulation, implementation and monitoring;

Particular attention is devoted to Parliamentarians with the promotion of ICT Committee in African Parliaments, the support to e-Parliament in collaboration with UNDESA.. Zambia, Botswana, Swaziland etc have this kind of committee

Public Private Partnership, creating enabling environment to increase investment in ICT4D, through local and external private sector actors (FDI) are others critical areas we are focusing on.

Stakeholders’ consultations

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Research Studies on ICT4D emerging issues, aiming at developing information and knowledge resources to support evidence based policy process, decision-making are promoted;

Web-portal, briefing papers, publications on ICT4D are used to support awareness raising, evidence based policy process and capacity building activities;

Awards are organised to promote critical mass of human skills and initiatives in a specific area - such as Media AWARD launched since 2007 to encourage journalists to focus on analytical reports on ICT4D issues and

Technology in Government Administration in Africa (TIGA) Awards,aimed at encouraging initiatives that promote the integration of ICT in Government Administration for efficiency and better services forcitizens

Outreach and communication

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Finland-ECA Cooperation

Partnership for ICTs in Africa (PICTA)

ePolNET – Canada Fund for Africa

International Development Research Center (IDRC)

Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC)

African Innovation Foundation

Partnership and Networking

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Global Alliance on ICT and Development (GAID)

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) - UNPAN

United Nations Asian and Pacific Training Centre for Information and Communication Technology for Development (UN-APCICT)


Partnership and Networking (con’t…)

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Lessons learntLessons learntCommitment to cyber-legislation, cyber-security to support an enabling ICT environment remains crucial

Support to Stakeholders Participation is vital- to aggregate various capabilities and resources, ensure effective implementation through better ownership

Mainstreaming ICT Policy in development programs is crucial

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Lessons learntLessons learntMore attention should be paid to gender equality, the value of women and youth and the importance of integrating women and youth into the knowledge society at all levels and in all sectors

Member States, ECA and other partners need to ensure innovative ICT4D financial mechanism to support effective ICT policies implementation

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Thank you !Thank you !