Building a Community of Pennsylvania Paraprofessionals

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Presentation at the 2011 National Resource Center for Paraprofessionals Conference by Wendy Farone.

Transcript of Building a Community of Pennsylvania Paraprofessionals

Building a Community of Pennsylvania Paraprofessionals

Friday, May 13, 2011National Resource Center

for Paraprofessionals ConferenceHarrisburg, PA

Session 30: 10:11:30Presenter: Dr. Wendy S. Farone

PaTTAN’s Mission

The mission of the Pennsylvania Training and

Technical Assistance Network (PaTTAN) is to support the

efforts and initiatives of the Bureau of Special Education, and to build the capacity of

local educational agencies to serve students who receive special education services.

PDE’s Commitment to Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

Our goal for each child is to ensure Individualized

Education Program (IEP) teams begin with the general

education setting with the use of Supplementary Aids and

Services before considering a more restrictive



• History of PA’s Paraeducator Training Initiative


• Credential of Competency

• Implementation of Training Plan– Initial Efforts–Current Focus

History - Initial Activities

• Created focus group

• Defined the issues

• Developed action plan


According to IDEA ‘97, a “state may allow paraeducators and assistants who are appropriately trained and supervised in accordance with state law, regulations, or written policy in meeting the requirements…to be used to assist in the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities…”.


The Bureau of Special Education’s intention was to assure that the paraprofessionals providing assistance to students with disabilities in PA’s classrooms are appropriately trained and competent.

History - Defining the Issues

Paraeducators are an integral part of the educational team

Receive little or no professional development

Changing role from clerical/routine to instructional assignments

Increasing number of paraeducators employed

Approximate number of paraeducators employed by LEAs in PA

2001-2002 11,500 2007-2008 19,200

Survey Says! History – Goals and Activities

Goal One Identify current

training efforts in Pennsylvania for paraeducators working in special education.

Activity PDE found that

training for paraeducators is sporadic, non-systemic, and dependent on local awareness

History - Goals and Activities

Goal Two Identify the

training needs of paraeducators providing special education and related services in Pennsylvania.

ActivitiesTraining needs identified: Specific disabilities Data collection/observation Confidentiality/legal issues Positive behavior support

and classroom management

Dealing with children in crisis situations – medical/safety issues

Appropriate child/paraeducator relationships


History – Goals and Activities

Goal Three Identify

competencies for paraeducators providing special education and related services in Pennsylvania.

Activities Developed a set of

knowledge and skills for paraeducators based on the CEC standards as well as other national resources

Attended the NRCP Conference to get ideas!

History – Goals and Activities

Goal Four Develop a system

of recognition for paraeducators demonstrating acquired competencies in the area of special education and related services.

Activities PDE to establish a

voluntary Pennsylvania Credential of Competency for Special Education Paraeducators

PDE began issuing Credentials -November 2003

History - PaTTAN Workgroup Formed

Paraprofessional Workgroup meets via Go To Meeting monthly and Face-to-Face yearly.

Use of a perpetual agenda keeps important topics and progress of projects as a focus

Includes Educational Consultants from behavior, reading, early childhood, transition,

Added a parent consultant to our team!

Training Plan – Initial Efforts

• August 2003 initial full-day training for Paraeducators

• Half-day for supervisors• After-school videoconferences• Weekend seminar 2005, 2006, 2007

Training Plan- Current Focus

Changes in Laws and regulations IDEA 2004 and regulations of 2006

required special education paraprofessionals to meet state requirements.

PA State Board of Education included standards for special education paraprofessionals in state regulations effective July 1, 2008.

Paraprofessional Initiative

• Disseminate state regulation requirement for paraprofessional – Completed.

• Develop an online accessible professional development series linked to the Chapter 14 standards – Completed.

• Collaborate with IUs and IHEs to align curriculum and professional development to state standards – Continuous Improvement

Paraprofessional Credential of Competency• PA State Regulations state:Instructional paraprofessionals shall

meet one of the following qualifications effective July 1, 2010:

(i) Have completed at least 2 years of postsecondary study (approx. 48 credits) OR

(ii)Possess an associate degree or higher OR

(iii)Meet a rigorous standard of quality as demonstrated through a State or local assessment.

Credential of Competency

Training Plan- Current Focus

• After-school VC series with diverse topics including Low tech Tools for Engaging Learners; Supporting Students Who Have Tourette’s Syndrome; Overview of Seizure Disorders, Strategies for Diffusing Potential Behavior Problems.

• Online courses available and aligned to the ten Competency Standards

• Summer series • Assist paraprofessionals in obtaining

20 hours of on-going professional development

Training Plan-Current Focus

• On-going webinars/afterschool videoconferences

• Archive presentations for easy access

• Creation of a publication series specifically for paraprofessionals

• IHE Grants to support Paraprofessional training-Assoc. Degree/Credential

• Hosting the NRCP Conference!

Paraprofessional Initiative: Efforts and Effects

• Provided 41 hours of PD to 31,637 participants on skill and knowledge assessed by the Credential of Competency

• 2010-2011 training targeted to behavior topics

• Variety of training formats– VC, webinar, streaming media, online

modules• 10 modules to meet Competency

standards available on-line– 22,831 Certificates of Attendance have

been issued to 16,109 paraprofessionals

Paraprofessional Initiative: Efforts and Effects

To date, over 11,533 Credentials of Competency have been issued

Provided technical assistance to LEAs as they prepared to meet state qualifications standards by July 1, 2010

Paraprofessional Initiative

11/03 - 3/07 4/07 - 3/08 4/08 - 3/09 4/09 - 2/8/10













Total # of Credentials IssuedCredentials Issued

11/03 - 3/07 2048

4/07 - 3/08 678 4/08 - 3/09 824 4/09 - 2/8/10 2826

Next Steps

Partner with community colleges to align courses with state requirements (e.g. IHE Grants 2011)

Partner with LEAs to understand competencies and offer online courses to paraprofessionals

Offer sessions for high-need topics, e.g., Autism, Reading Instruction, Behavior, Job-Coaching

All paraprofessionals meet requirements and have access to meaningful professional development.

Paraprofessional Initiative: Next Steps

• Continue to provide after school and summer professional development activities to meet current state requirements.

• Disseminate paraprofessional folders to organize professional development activities.

• Partner with IHEs to align curriculum and professional development to meet state standards.

• Partner with the NRCP to host the 2011 National Conference for Paraprofessionals

Contact Information

Dr. Wendy Faronewfarone@pattan.net1-412-826-2336 x6846

Commonwealth of PennsylvaniaTom Corbett, Governor

Pennsylvania Department of EducationRonald J. Tomalis, Secretary

Dr. Carolyn Dumaresq, Deputy SecretaryOffice for Elementary and Secondary


John J. Tommasini, DirectorBureau of Special Education

Patricia Hozella, Assistant DirectorBureau of Special Education