Build Your Legacy Online

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Build Your Legacy Online

Building Your Legacy Online

Mike Whaling, 30 Lines

We have the opportunity to improve our residentsʼ

lives every day.

The legacy ... of a businessman

Lessons from Steve Jobs>> Great products are the best marketing

>> Obsess about the customer experience

>> Listen to customers, but not too much

>> Always assign responsibility (DRI)

>> You don’t have to invent. Just improve.

Legacy can be local, too

Why build your presence online?

97% research products online

“53% of the content users read about a company online comes from sources other than that company’s website.”

>> International Social Media Research, Universal McCann

Renters are looking for youMonthly searches on Google:

apartments in Cedar Rapids — 12,100apartments Cedar Rapids Iowa — 5,400Cedar Rapids rentals — 4,400apartments for rent in Cedar Rapids — 1,600Cedar Rapids rental homes — 590

>> It levels the playing field by giving you a voice.

>> It gives you a direct connection to your clients.

>> It gives your clients a direct connection to each other.

>> Google never forgets.

Where should I be online?

Endless opportunities>> Websites>> Blogs>> Local directories>> Facebook>> Twitter>> E-newsletters>> LinkedIn>> Niche social networks>> Location-based services (Yelp, Foursquare)

>> Craigslist>> Internet Listing Sites (ILS)>> Ratings & review sites>> Photo sharing (Flickr, Instagram)>> Video sharing (YouTube, Vimeo)>> Live streaming (Ustream)>> Discussion boards and forums>> Group texting (GroupMe)

A set of communication tools

Answer these questions ...>> Who are our audiences?>> Where are they online?>> Is this a sustainable tactic?>> How does this advance business objectives?>> Does this enhance our residents’ experience?

What are the trends?>> Social interaction

>> Personalized experience

>> Real-time, real-place information

>> Everyone is a publisher (even you)

Have a strong home base

For your website>> Make sure it’s easy to use>> Be clear about what you do>> Photos make the site>> Make it easy for people to contact you>> Keep it fresh>> Use a system that’s easy to edit

You are here.

How does a broad online presence help?

Focus your efforts

What can we do?

Steal these ideas>> Build a broad online presence (SEO)>> Be the neighborhood concierge>> Customer service & FAQs>> Grow “brand” buzz & referrals>> Leave a record for prospects to see>> Monitor & protect your reputation>> Streamline communications

Be the authority

Be the neighborhood concierge

Steal these ideas>> Build a broad online presence (SEO)>> Be the neighborhood concierge>> Customer service & FAQs>> Grow “brand” buzz & referrals>> Leave a record for prospects to see>> Monitor & protect your reputation>> Streamline communications

“Social media” is peoplehaving conversations ... online.

Customer service & FAQs

Steal these ideas>> Build a broad online presence (SEO)>> Be the neighborhood concierge>> Customer service & FAQs>> Grow “brand” buzz & referrals>> Leave a record for prospects to see>> Monitor & protect your reputation>> Streamline communications

Build buzz & referrals

Let others do the talking

Steal these ideas>> Build a broad online presence (SEO)>> Be the neighborhood concierge>> Customer service & FAQs>> Grow “brand” buzz & referrals>> Leave a record for prospects to see>> Monitor & protect your reputation>> Streamline communications

Leave a trail for others to see

Claim your place

Steal these ideas>> Build a broad online presence (SEO)>> Be the neighborhood concierge>> Customer service & FAQs>> Grow “brand” buzz & referrals>> Leave a record for prospects to see>> Monitor & protect your reputation>> Streamline communications

Monitor your reputation

Build a broad presence

A personalized experience

Broaden your reach>> Facebook>> Twitter>> Blogs>> E-newsletters>> LinkedIn>> Niche social networks>> Location-based services (Yelp, Foursquare, Gowalla)

>> Photo sharing (Flickr, Instagram)>> Video sharing (YouTube, Vimeo)>> Live streaming (Ustream)>> Discussion boards and forums>> Group texting (GroupMe)

Steal these ideas>> Build a broad online presence (SEO)>> Be the neighborhood concierge>> Customer service & FAQs>> Grow “brand” buzz & referrals>> Leave a record for prospects to see>> Monitor & protect your reputation>> Streamline communications

Streamline communications

From Library of Congress on Flickr

Many tools. Choose wisely.

Test the water.

Where to start?>> Focus on your website>> Claim Google Place>> Install Google Analytics>> Set Google Alerts for your name>> Create a Facebook Page>> Add “Share” buttons to your website>> Comment on a local forum/blog

What else can you do?>> Use email for efficient communication

>> Use social media to develop relationships

>> Promote your site on print materials

>> Give people an incentive to visit you online

>> Invite happy customers to leave reviews

How can we complement this online?

Itʼs not about you.

Know what success looks like.

Tools and resources?

Look at the whole picture.>> Your “brand” is how people perceive you. What other say about you is more important than ever before. >> Like it or not, people talk about your company. Participating helps you control the message.

Do amazing things.Provide remarkable service. Others will share your story.

“Going to bed at night saying we’ve done something wonderful ... that’s what matters.”

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Thank you!Letʼs talk.