Build Huge

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Transcript of Build Huge


Ben Build Oct 2015

Build: Chest/Triceps (Time: 50 mins)



d Date: 10/2015 Phase: Build




Warm up (3 min)

1. Single Set (Chest)

Exercise DVD Reps Ben

1 Dumbbell Chest Press

20 15 30 1

40 12 35 2

50 8 45 3

d 40 8 40 4

2. Super Set (Chest)

1 Incline Dumbbell Fly 20 15 20


Incline Dumbbell Press 40 15 30 6

2 Incline Dumbbell Fly 20 12 25 7

Incline Dumbbell Press 40 12 35 8


Incline Dumbbell Fly 30 8 30 9

Incline Dumbbell Press

50 8 45 10

d 40 8 40 11

3. Giant Set (Chest)


Close Grip Press 30 15 30

Top position


Partial Chest Fly 30 15 25 13

Decline Push-Up 15 30 14


Close Grip Press 50 12 35 15

Partial Chest Fly 30 12 30 16

Decline Push-Up 12 30 17


Close Grip Press 50 8 40 18

Partial Chest Fly 30 8 30 19

Decline Push-Up 8 30 20

4. Single Set (Triceps)

1 Triceps Extension

15 15 10


20 12 15 22

30 8 20 23

d 20 8 15 24

5. Super Set (Triceps)

1 Single Arm Kickback (L/R) 15 15 15


Triceps Push-Up 15 25+



2 Single Arm Kickback (L/R) 20 12 20 27

Triceps Push-Up 12 25+ 28


Single Arm Kickback (L/R)

30 8 25 29

d 20 8 20 30

Triceps Push-Up 8 25+ 31

6. Super Set (Triceps and Abs)


Bench Dips 60 sec 50+ reps


In and Outs (abs) 60 sec 100 x 3

reps 33


Ben Build Oct 2015

Dumbbell Chest press: Use thighs to help raise the dumbbells up. As you breathe out, use your chest to push the dumbbells up. Lock your arms at the top of the lift and squeeze your chest, hold for a second and then begin coming down slowly. Tip: Ideally, lowering the weight should take about twice as long as raising it. Repeat

Incline dumbbell fly: Support dumbbells above upper chest with arms fixed in slightly bent position. Bend elbows slightly and internally rotate shoulders so elbows point out to sides. Lower dumbbells outward to sides of shoulders. Keep elbows fixed in slightly bent position. When a stretch is felt in chest or shoulders, bring dumbbells back together in hugging motion above upper chest until dumbbells are nearly together. Keep shoulders internally rotated so elbows point downward at bottom position and outward at top position. Shoulder will likely have less range of motion in lower position as compared to Fly on flat bench.

Incline dumbbell press: Use inclined bench. See dumbbell chest press. When you are done, place the dumbbells back on your thighs and then on the floor. This is the safest manner to release the dumbbells.

Close grip press:. Slowly lower the dumbbells to your chest keeping them in close proximity to one another (roughly 2 inches apart). Without allowing the dumbbells to contact your chest, raise them back to the starting position keeping the same distance between them throughout the movement. Exercise Tips: Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible during the set. Don't let the dumbbells touch your chest and don't lock your elbows out at the top of the exercise. Focus on the stretch and contraction of the triceps throughout the movement

Partial chest fly: Like the Incline Dumbbell fly, except lie in on flat bench and bring weights slightly past your shoulders. Keep elbows at the same angle throughout motion. Squeeze chest.

Decline push-up: Keeping body straight, lower upper body to floor by bending arms. To allow for full descent, pull head back slightly without arching back. Push body up until arms are extended. Range of motion will be compromised if grip is too wide or necked is protracted.

Triceps kickback: Using a neutral grip, pick up the dumbbell. Keep your back straight and look forward. Tuck your left upper arm close to your torso and bend at the elbow, forming a 90 degree angle with your upper arm and forearm. Moving only at the elbow, raise the dumbbell behind you until your arm is fully extended. Pause, and then lower the dumbbell back to the starting position. Repeat using other arm.

Exercise Tips: Keep your head up and eyes facing forwards, as this will keep your back straight. Focus on moving the weight with your triceps, keeping control of the weight as you slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Keep your body as still as possible, moving only your forearms.

Triceps extension: Lie on a flat bench while holding two dumbbells directly above head. Your arms should be fully extended at a 90-degree angle from your torso and the floor. The palms should be facing in and the elbows should be tucked in. As you breathe in and you keep the upper arms stationary with the elbows in, slowly lower the weight until the dumbbells are near your ears. At that point, while keeping the elbows in and the upper arms stationary, use the triceps to bring the weight back up to the starting position as you breathe out. Repeat.

Triceps push-up: Lie on the floor face down and place your hands closer than shoulder width for a close hand position. Make sure that torso is up at arms' length. Lower torso until chest almost touches the floor, inhale. Using your triceps and some of your pectoral muscles, press your upper body back up to the starting position and squeeze your chest. Breathe out during this movement. After a second pause at the contracted position, repeat the movement for the prescribed amount of repetitions.

Dips: Sit on side of bench. Place hands on edge of bench. Position feet away from bench. Straighten arms, slide rear end off of edge of bench, and rest heels on floor with legs straight. Lower body by bending arms until slight stretch is felt in chest or shoulder, or rear end touches floor. Raise body and repeat. Bench height should allow for full range of motion. Feet can be elevated on other bench to increase resistance.

In and outs (Seated leg tucks): From a seated position on mat or bench, kick legs straight out in front of you, then bring the knees back into the chest.


Ben Build phase Oct 2015

Build: Legs (Time 60 mins)



d Date: Oct 2015 Phase: Build




Warm up (~ 3 min)

1. Single Set (Legs)

Exercise DVD

Reps Ben Don’t lock knees, drop as low as possible. Legs @ shoulder width, toes turned slightly out. Back straight, tighten glutes, shoulders back, chest high, elbows in, and torso upright. 1 Sumo Squat

20 15 35 1

40 12 40 2

50 8 50 3

d 40 8 40 4

2. Super Set (Legs)

1 Alternating Lunge (L/R) 20 15 20


Step-Up Reverse Lunge combo 20 15 20 6

2 Alternating Lunge (L/R) 30 12 25 7

Step-Up Reverse Lunge combo 30 12 25 8

3 Alternating Lunge (L/R) 40 8 30 9

Step-Up Reverse Lunge combo 40 8 30 10

3. Giant Set (Legs)


Bench assist Parallel Squat 20 15 20

Tighten glutes, back straight.

Go as low as possible.

Front knee should pass toes. Thigh parallel with floor. Tighten glutes, back straight.


Bulgarian Squat 20 15 20 12

EZ bar Straight Leg Deadlift1 0 15 0 13


Bench assist Parallel Squat 40 12 25 14

Bulgarian Squat 40 12 25 15

EZ bar Straight Leg Deadlift 20 12 20 16


Bench assist Parallel Squat 50 8 30 17

Bulgarian Squat 20 8 30 18

EZ bar Straight Leg Deadlift Straight Leg Deadlift

40 8 30 19

4. Giant Set (Legs)

1 Calf Raise M - 100 (50)


Leg Extension 3 sets - 80 22

2 Calf Raise M - 100 (50) 23

Leg Press 3 sets - 180 24

3 Calf Raise M - 100 (50) 25

Romanian deadlift 3 sets – 20/25/30


5. Abs (Cool down)

1 In and outs 3 sets 100 reps


2 Decline cross toe touch sit-up 3 sets 30 reps (L/R)


3 Decline leg raise hip thrust 3 sets 50 reps 29

4 Wheel rollout 3 sets 20 reps 30

1. Ver explicación en la siguente página


Ben Build phase Oct 2015

Sumo Squat: Hold a dumbbell under chin. Set feet about around shoulder width apart, your toes turned out slightly. Lower body as far as you can by pushing your hips back and bending your knees. Pause, then push yourself back to the starting position. Keep your torso as upright as you can for the entire movement, with your lower back naturally arched. Do not lock knees. Chest up, elbows in, tighten glutes.

Alternating lunge (L/R): Primary muscle group: Glutes & Hip Flexors, Quadriceps. Secondary: Abs, Calves, Hamstrings.

1. Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet shoulder width apart. 2. Keep shoulders back and back straight. 3. Take a long stride forward with your right leg. Your right foot should be in a position, that when you bend your right knee, your upper and lower leg form a 90 degree angle. Do not let your knee travel past your toes in the down position. 4. Slowly bend both your knees, to lower your hips until your left (rear) knee is just above the floor. Hold for a count of one. 5. Return to the start position by slowly straightening your legs and raising your body back to a standing position. 6. Alternate between legs for each rep.

Step-Up to reverse lunge: Step up to the bench, step down and then extend the same leg back to reverse lunge. Complete rep with the same leg. Repeat for other leg.

Bench assist Parallel squat: 1. Stand straight while holding a dumbbell in each hand (palms facing the side of your legs) at the end of a bench. Heels touching bench frame. 2. Position legs using a shoulder width medium stance with the toes slightly pointed out. Keep head up at all times, maintain a straight back and tighten glutes. 3. Begin to slowly lower your torso by bending the knees as you maintain a straight posture with the head up. Continue down until glutes touch bench lightly. Knees should not pass toes. Chest up, glutes back. 4. Begin to raise your torso as you exhale by pushing the floor with the heel of your foot mainly as you straighten the legs again and go back to the starting position.

Bulgarian squat: Primary muscle group: Quadriceps, Secondary: Abs, Calves, Hamstrings. 1. Stand up straight while holding two dumbbells. Maintain a tight core and flat back as you carefully place your right foot on top of a bench behind you with toes facing down. 2. Bend at the front knee as you drop the back knee, maintaining perfect form. Front knee should not go over the toes. Put forward leg as far as possible from the bench. 3. Allow your thigh to come to parallel with the floor. 4. Pause then slowly return to the starting position without locking out your knee. 5. Repeat then switch sides once set is complete.

Romanian deadlift: 1. Grasp two dumbbells with an overhand, shoulder width grip. Stand with a shoulder width or slightly narrower stance. 2. Bend knees slightly, keeping hips and back straight. Lift the weight straight up concentrating on using hips as you stand. 3. When standing, the weights should be resting against thighs. 4. Lower the dumbbells by pushing hips back and maintaining a slight bend in the knees unlike when squatting or performing regular deadlifts. Lower the dumbbells to a position just below your knees rather than all the way to the floor. Back should be straight and nearly parallel to the floor at the lowest position. 5. Return to the standing position by maintaining a slight bend in your knees and keeping your hips and back straight as you lift the weight straight up. Concentrate on using your hips and legs as you stand. Tighten core and glutes. Shoulders back, chest out when standing.

EZ bar Straight leg deadlift (“The Sagi Move”): Stand in a lunge stance, holding the bar between legs then bend at the waist, lowering the bar to the floor as you do so, then back up again, making sure you squeeze your quads as you progress without rounding back. Keep legs extended and straight.

Build: Back/Biceps (50 mins)



d Date: Sept 2015




Warm up (3 mins)

1. Single Set (Back)

Exercise DVD Reps Ben

1 Deadlift

20 15 30 1

40 12 35 2

50 8 45 3

d 40 8 40 4

2. Super Set (Back)

1 Dumbbell Pullover 20 15 30


Pull-Ups 10 10 6

2 Dumbbell Pullover 40 12 35 7

Pull-Ups 10 10 8

3 Dumbbell Pullover

50 8 40 9

d 40 8 35 10

Pull-Ups 10 10 11

3. Giant Set (Back)


EZ Bar Row 20 15 25


One-Arm Row (L/R) 40 15 30 13

Reverse Fly* 10 15 5 14


EZ Bar Row 50 12 30 15

One-Arm Row (L/R) 50 12 35 16

Reverse Fly 10 12 10 17


EZ Bar Row 70 8 35 18

One-Arm Row (L/R) 70 8 40 19

Reverse Fly 10 8 12 20

4. Single Set (Back)

1 Close-Grip Chin-Up

30 S 10 + reps


30 S 10 reps 22

30 S 10 reps 23

5. Single Set (Biceps)

1 Seated Bicep Curl (dual)

15 15 15


40 12 20 25

50 8 25 26

d 20 8 20 27

6. Single Set (Biceps)

1 1,1,2 Hammer Curl (seated)

15 15 15


20 12 20 29

40 8 25 30

7. Single Set (Biceps)

1 Neutral EZ Bar Curl

50 15 10 per


70 12 12.5 per 32

90 8 15 per 33

d 50 8 12.5 per 34

8. Single Set (Back)

1 Airplane Cobra

30 S 30 S See explanation on next page.


2 30 S 30 S 36

*Same as Rear Delt Raise

Dumbbell Deadlift: Stand with torso straight and legs spaced using a shoulder width or narrower stance. The knees should be slightly bent. Keeping knees stationary, lower dumbbells to over the top of feet by bending at the waist (dumbbells reach lowest point and torso almost parallel to the floor) while keeping back straight, glutes and core tight. Keep moving forward until you feel a stretch on the hamstrings. Exhale as you perform this movement. Start bringing torso up straight again by extending hips and waist until you are back at the starting position. Inhale as you perform this movement. Repeat. The back should always be straight. Avoid jerking motions or too heavy a weight. Stretch on the way down and squeeze glutes pushing out. Open chest out and pull shoulders back when up.

Dumbbell pullover: Keep arms straight, exhale during movement. For each rep hold the weight in the initial position for a second and repeat the motion. Do not engage triceps.

Pull ups: Brace abdominal muscles to stabilize spine. Head should be aligned with spine and wrists in a straight line with forearms (neutral). Pull the shoulders back and down. Maintain these engagements. Do not swing body during upward pull. Continue pulling up until chin is level with the bar or hands. Pause. In a slow and controlled manner, return to starting position by allowing elbows to fully straighten. Keep the abdominals engaged and the shoulder blades pulling down. Maintain head and spine alignments and wrists in neutral. Repeat the movement.

EZ bar row: Load EZ bar. Stand with feet at around shoulder width, bend at the knees, and squat down to grip the bar with a reverse grip (thumbs at the top of the bar) and hands wider than shoulder width apart. Keeping back straight, stand straight up so you're holding the bar in front of you against waist. To get into the starting position bend you knees slightly, and while keeping back straight and glutes out let the barbell slide down thighs until it drops just below knee level. This is the stance that should not change throughout the set. Pull the bar up to just below chest. Squeeze shoulder blades together at the top of the movement. Then slowly lower the bar back to the start position. Exercise Tips: 1. Keep elbows tucked in at sides. 2. Keep back straight. 3. Do the exercise slowly and control the weight.

One arm row: Bend torso forward from the waist until upper body is parallel to the floor, and place right hand on the bench for support. Pick up the dumbbell off the floor with the hand opposite the fwd leg and hold the weight while keeping lower back straight. Pull the resistance straight up to the side of chest, keeping upper arm close to side and keeping the torso stationary. Breathe out as you perform this step. Tip: Concentrate on squeezing the back muscles once you reach the full contracted position. Force is performed with the back muscles and not the arms. The upper torso should remain stationary, back straight and only the arms should move. The forearms should do no other work except for holding the dumbbell; do not try to pull the dumbbell up using the forearms. Lower the resistance straight down to the starting position. Breathe in as you perform this step. Switch sides and repeat again with the other arm.

Reverse fly: Grab 2 dumbbells and sit on the end of a flat bench with knees together. Place the dumbbells between feet and the end of the bench. Lean over until chest is resting on thighs (or as far as you can go). Grasp the dumbbells with palms facing inward and pick them up of the floor. This is the starting position for the exercise. Keeping arms slightly bent and rotating at the shoulders only, slowly raise the dumbbells up following a semi-circle path. Raise them as high as they can go, and squeeze shoulder blades together. Pause, and then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position. Repeat. Exercise Tips: Try not to use too much momentum to move the weight up. For added intensity, always pause at the top of the movement and squeeze shoulder blades together. Do not let the dumbbells touch at any point during the exercise. Do not bend wrists.

Close grip chin up: Grip the pull up bar with an overhand grip and hand about 10-12 inches apart. Pull Up Tips: Make sure you use a full range of motion. Pull up until chin is above the bar, and lower self-back down until you're almost hanging with arms straight. Control motion throughout the exercise, and don't let body drop quickly. Slow and controlled movement will get the best results.

Seated bicep curl: Seated with legs at 90 degrees, together. Curl at the same time. Hammer (supinated) position at bottom, rotated at top (pinky looking right at you). Turn dbs during halfway up/down arc. Squeeze on top, turn and slow down. Elbows down and in. Chest up, shoulders back.

1-1-2 Hammer curl: Seated lift one db first, lower. Lift the other, lower. Lift both. This is 1 rep. Keep db in hammer position always. Do not move torso. Elbows down and in. Chest up, shoulders back. Squeeze shoulders and chest at top.

Standing neutral EZ bar curl: Holding an EZ curl bar at the wide outer handle. The palms of hands should be facing forward and slightly tilted inward due to the shape of the bar. Keep elbows close to torso. Elbow back, tight glutes and core, chest up, knees slightly bent. While keeping upper arms stationary, exhale and curl the weights forward while contracting the biceps. Focus on only moving forearms without moving the elbows. Raise to shoulder level. Hold the top contracted position for a moment and squeeze the biceps. Inhale and slowly lower the bar back to the starting position.

Airplane Cobra: Stretch out the legs backward arms straight out in front, palms together. Brace the whole body and lift upper body, arms and legs at the same time in a slow and controlled motion bringing arms to side. Hold the tension for a few seconds and come back to the starting position slowly. Repeat.

Ben Build August 2015

Beast: Total Body (40 mins) R



Date: Sept 2015 Phase: Build




Warm up (4 mins) war 1. Circuit Set

Singllds Exercise DVD Reps Ben


Pull-Up (Back) 15 15 1

Push-Up (Chest) 15 30+ 2

Squat (Legs) 10 15 20 3

Crunch (Core) 15 20 4


Pull-Up (Back) 15 15 5

Push-Up (Chest) 15 30+ 6

Squat (Legs) 40 15 35 7

Crunch (Core) 15 20 8

2. Circuit Set


Incline Press (Chest) 35 15 35 9

Incline Bent-Over Row (Back) 35 15 35 10

Reverse Alt. Lunge (Legs) 30 15 20 11

Plank Twist-Twist (Core) 15 15 12


Incline Press (Chest) 40 15 40 13

Incline Bent-Over Row (Back) 40 15 40 14

Reverse Alt. Lunge (Legs) 30 15 25 15

Plank Twist-Twist (Core) 15 15 16

3. Circuit Set


1,1,2 Military Press (Shoulders) 45 15 15


Post Delt Raise (Shoulders) 10 15 10 18

Stiff Leg Deadlift (Back) 30 15 30 19

Russian Twist (Core) 10 15 20 20


1,1,2 Military Press (Shoulders) 60 15 20/25


Post Delt Raise (Shoulders) 15 15 15 22

Stiff Leg Deadlift (Back) 30 15 30 23

Russian Twist (Core) 10 15 20 24

4. Circuit Set


Bicep Curl/Hammer (Biceps) 20 15 20


Triceps Ext. Kickback (Triceps) 20 15 20 26

Calf Raise (Calves) 30 15 M - 100 27

Side Forearm Plank (Core) 15 15 15 28


Bicep Curl/Hammer (Biceps) 30 15 25


Triceps Ext. Kickback (Triceps) 20 15 25 30

Calf Raise (Calves) 30 15 M - 100 31

Side Forearm Plank (Core) 15 15 15 32

Ben Build August 2015

Beast: Abs (10 mins)



d Date: Sept 2015




1. Circuit Set Singllds Exercise Reps Record


Crunches 20 20 1

Russian Twists (10 lbs) 20 20 2

Hip ups 20 20 3

Crossed Tuck-in 20 20 4

Cobra 10 10 5

Spiderman Crunch 10 10 6

Bucket Drop 10 10 7

One Arm Planck 12 12 8

Window washers 20 20 9

Beast Abs (forward) 30 sec 30 sec 10

Beast Abs (backward) 30 sec 30 sec 11


Ben Build Oct 2015

Build: Shoulders (40 mins)




Date: Oct 2015

Phase: Build



t Warm up (4 mins)

1. Single Set

Exercise DVD Reps Ben

1 Seated Shoulder Press

25 15 20 1

30 12 25 2

40 8 30 3

d 30 8 25 4

2. Super Set (Standing)

1 Lateral Raise 15 15 10


Upright Row (EZ Row to chin) 20 15 20 6

2 Lateral Raise 20 12 15 7

Upright Row (EZ Row to chin) 40 12 30 8


Lateral Raise 25 8 15 9

Upright Row (EZ Row to chin)

50 8 35 10

d 20 8 30 11

3. Giant Set (Seated)


EZ Bar Underhand Press 20 15 20


1,1,2 Front Raise 10 15 10 13

Rear Delt Raise 10 15 10 14


EZ Bar Underhand Press 70 12 30 15

1,1,2 Front Raise 10 12 15 16

Rear Delt Raise 10 12 12.5 17


EZ Bar Underhand Press 90 8 35 18

1,1,2 Front Raise 15 8 15 19

Rear Delt Raise 15 8 15 20

4. Super Set

1 Standing Dumbbell Shrugs 30 15 30 21

Inclined Dumbbell Scap Trap 10 15 30 22

2 Standing Dumbbell Shrugs 50 12 40 23

Inclined Dumbbell Scap Trap 10 12 40 24

3 Standing Dumbbell Shrug

70 70 50 25

d 50 50 45 26

Inclined Dumbbell Scap Trap 15 8 45 27

5. Super Set

1 Sagi Six-Way (↓,↔,◦,↑, ◦,↔,↓) 10 12 10 28

Tuck & Roll 15 20 29

2 Sagi Six-Way (↓,↔,◦,↑, ◦,↔,↓) 10 8 15/10 30

Tuck & Roll 15 20 31 d = Drop rep: drop from heavier to lighter weight.


Ben Build Oct 2015

Shoulder Press: 1. While holding a dumbbell in each hand, sit on bench that has back support. Place dbs on thighs. 2. Raise the dumbbells to shoulder height one at a time using thighs to help propel them up into position. 3. Rotate wrists so that the palms of hands are facing forward. 4. Exhale and push the dumbbells upward until they almost touch at the top. Squeeze chest. 5. After a brief pause at the top contracted position, slowly lower the weights back down to the starting position while inhaling. Repeat.

Standing Lateral Raise: 1. Stand with 2 dumbbells, feet at shoulder width. Hold the dumbbells with palms facing in and arms straight down sides. This will be starting position. 2. While maintaining the torso stationary (no swinging), lift the dumbbells outwards with a slight bend on the elbow. Continue to go up until arms are parallel to the floor. Lead with knuckles as elbows follow side deltoids. Keep bottom and top of db parallel to the floor. Do not bend wrists. Exhale during this movement and pause for a second at the top. 3. Lower the dumbbells back down slowly to the starting position as you inhale.

EZ bar Upright Row: 1. Stand and grasp EZ bar with overhand grip slightly less than shoulder width. Work with light weights and do the moves slowly. Keep back straight at all times. Chest out, shoulders back, glutes in. 2. Use side shoulders to lift the bar as you exhale. Keep bar close to the body moving up and use elbows to drive the motion. Continue to lift bar until it nearly touches the chin. Elbows higher than forearms at top and pause for a second at the top of the movement. Keep chest out and torso stationary. 3. Lower the bar back down slowly to the starting position. Inhale on the way down. Repeat.

Seated EZ bar underhand press: Palms of hands facing inwards (knuckles out), bar right under chin level, lift all the way up. Bring down in a controlled manner. Keep torso stable. Repeat.

Seated 1, 1, and 2 Front Raise: Sit holding dbs with arms down palms facing body. Bring up in hammer position, right, left and then together. Do not bend elbows. Work front of shoulder. Keep body stable, legs together, chest up.

Seated Rear Delt raise: Keep torso forward, stationary and arms slightly bent at the elbows, lift the dumbbells outwards until both arms are parallel to the floor. Exhale as you lift the weights. Avoid swinging the torso or bringing the arms back as opposed to the side. After a one second contraction at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position. Repeat.

Standing dumbbell shrugs: squeeze shoulders as high as possible going up. Stretch all the way down. Up/down. Only move shoulders.

Incline bench dumbbell scap trap: Chest on incline, head and spine in neutral position. Head and chin at the very end of the bench. Drop arms, hands directly underneath shoulders. Feet firmly planted on the floor. Bring the dumbbells up with only shoulder blades. Do not bend or move arms forwards on backwards and use a firm grip on dbs. Keep tension on the shoulders in the back the entire time. While pulling dbs squeeze (drag) shoulder blades together and down the back. Do not bend elbows.

Seated Sagi six way: Side, front, up, front, side, down. Hold at each step for one second. Squeeze shoulders. Hold dbs with palms facing body when in down position. Do not rotate wrists.

Tuck and roll: lay with back on bench and bring legs all the way up. Slightly bend knees.