BT Managed Event with Cisco WebEx - user guide Managed Event call with Cisco WebEx® Event Center....

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Transcript of BT Managed Event with Cisco WebEx - user guide Managed Event call with Cisco WebEx® Event Center....

BT Managed Event call with Cisco WebEx® Event Center.

User guide.

Issue 1.0


Booking a BT Managed Event and WebEx Event Center call

Booking confirmation email overview

Understanding the roles of the people on the call

Joining the Event

During the Event

Key features

Navigating the WebEx Event Center meeting window

Key differences between Microsoft Live Meeting and WebEx Event Center




Booking your call

Booking a BT Managed Event call with Cisco WebEx Event Center is really simple:

Call the BT reservations team:

Australia1 800 234 799+61 2 9231 1130

China+86 4008811213

Hong Kong+852 2312 9999

Japan0120 363 877

Korea+82 (0)2 3483 1171

Malaysia+60 (0)3 7712 4597

Singapore+65 6295 6237

Taiwan+886 2 2162 6528

France0805 540 095+44 20 7402 8145

Italy800 900 077+44 20 7402 0538

Germany0800 066 33 11+44 20 7706 7834

Spain900 811 428+44 20 7402 4371

United Kingdom0800 77 88 77+44 (0) 20 7402 0303

United States1 866 766 87771 617 801 6700

Booking a BT Managed Event and WebEx Event Center call.


• Shortly after your BT Managed Event has been booked you’ll receive a booking confirmation email which will contain your Event details and next steps to invite participants and speakers.

• Please familiarise yourself with the invitation details for both participantsand speakers.

• Scroll down the email to view features available during the conference and after the conference.

Use Pre-registration to maximise attendance. Attendees are prompted to save a calendar invite. In addition, you can monitor registration and remind participants to register.

Use the two text files included within your confirmation email to cut and paste into your own email invite to participants.

A BT Managed Event with pre-registration booking confirmation email

Your booking confirmation email. Managed Event Automated with Pre-registration and WebEx Event Center.


• Shortly after your BT Managed Event has been booked you’ll receive a booking confirmation email which will contain your Event details and next steps to invite participants and speakers.

• Please familiarise yourself with the invitation details for both Speakers/Chairperson andParticipants.

• Scroll down the email to view features available during the conference and after the conference.

Use the two text files included within your confirmation email to cut and paste into your own email invite to participants.

A BT Managed Event Automated booking confirmation email

Your booking confirmation email. Managed Event Automated and WebEx Event Center.


Host (BT Event Manager)

Panellist Presenter Poll co-ordinator Attendees

Normally the BT Event Manager. Co-ordinates and manages both the audio and web portions of the Event and delivers additional features if booked for the call.

Has the same view as the Presenter. Primarily responsible for helping the Host and Presenter to keep the Event running smoothly.

Shares and presents information during the Event (the Host is initially also the Presenter).

Is normally the BT Event Manager (Host) or can be an alternative person assigned by the Host and Presenter to conduct Polls.

Participants who mainly view the presentations made by the Presenter or Panellists.

At the scheduled time, starts the Event, delegates roles and sets privileges, but retains ultimate Host control of the Event.

Joins and participates in discussions (e.g. as subjectmatter experts).

Joins and participates in presenting information and controlling slide ware.

Prepares Poll questions before or during the Event.

Joins and participates in a limited way based on privileges set by the Host or Presenter.

Controls access, invites additional attendees, facilitates the sharing of documents, multimedia and presentations, manages Polls.

Views and answers attendee’s Q&A, responds to public and private Chat messages, annotates docs and whiteboards, manages Polls.

Can share information, applications, computer screens and whiteboards.

The WebEx ball icon indicates which Panellist is acting as the Presenter.

Conducts the Polling session and shares the results during the Event.

If privileges are assigned, can send and receive Chat messages, submit questions during Q&A sessions and draw on a shared whiteboard. Host or Presenter must make an Attendee a Panellist before they can be given sharing or Presenter privileges.

Concludes the Event, savesfiles and ends the online session.

Roles of people on a BT Managed Event and WebEx Event Center call.


Premium Automated call with Pre-registration and WebEx Event Center

1.Open your meeting invitation.Open the email invite sent to you by the person who invited you to the meeting. This contains all of the information you need to join the Event.

Join your Event.Join by dialling the audio number first and then click on the web link.

2. 1. Enter your dial in number, then enter your Chairperson passcode

2. Click on the web URL to join the WebEx, when prompted, enter your name

If you are a Chairperson or a Speaker

If you are a Participant

1. Enter your dial in number, then enter your Participant passcode

2. Enter your Pre-registration PIN number

3. Click on the web URL to join the WebEx, when prompted, enter your name


Joining a BT Managed Event and WebEx Event Center call.

Dial & enter pre-registration PIN Click web URL

If you have not used WebEx before you will be asked to download or “run” a temporary file when you click the web URL to join the WebEx portion of your meeting.

If you have booked a Pre-registration event call then you must ensure that attendees have been provided with the Pre-registration link.


Premium Automated call and WebEx Event Center

1.Open your meeting invitation.Open the email invite sent to you by the person who invited you to the meeting. This contains all of the information you need to join the Event.

Join your Event.Join by dialling the audio number first and then click on the web link.

2.1. Enter your dial in number, then

enter your Chairperson passcode 2. Click on the web URL to join the

WebEx, when prompted, enter your name

If you are a Chairperson or a Speaker

If you are a Participant

1. Enter your dial in number, then enter your Participant passcode

2. Click on the web URL to join the WebEx, when prompted, enter your name


Joining a BT Managed Event.

Dial number Click web URL

If you have not used WebEx before you will be asked to download or “run” a temporary file when you click the web URL to join the WebEx portion of your meeting.


During the Event. Panels.

• As the customer, you will join as an ‘attendee’ and then the BT Event Manager will change the ‘attendee’ role to a ‘panellist’ role.

The BT Event Manager can manage the WebEx features during the call. Or,The customer can manage the WebEx features during the call.

• The Panellists (other speakers) will shown in the Participant Panel.

• The other panels shown are Chat and Q&A.

• Dial in details are shown for people attending who need to dial into the call.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters.



During the Event. Practice Room and Whiteboard.

• The Practice Room is a WebEx feature that allows only the host and panellists to view content on the screen and hear each other speak. Any attendees that try to join a call during a practice session will not hear the speakers and can’t see the content on the screen.

TIP: Before you end a practice session, close any shared documents, presentations, whiteboards, web content, and polls that you do not want to share with attendees prior to your Event starting.

Practice Room


• Applications such as a Whiteboard can be shared or other applications such as presentations, documents, multimedia, applications or screen share.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters.


• Use File (including video) to share any type of document that can be printed from your computer, such as a PowerPoint, Word or Excel document.

• You will see a window open up:

Browse to find your document/s, select the one/s you want to upload and click Open.

Files are uploaded one at a time and become available for sharing once they’ve finished uploading.

• You will see the progress of the file being uploaded.

• The Presenter will see an extra tab on WebEx for the downloaded file shared by the Host.

TIP: you can email slides to our BT Event team who can upload for you. Or you can upload up to 30 minutes before an Event (requires BT Event Manager (Host) to have started the WebEx session).

During the Event. Sharing, uploading a document.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters. Sharing, uploading a document.


All questions are displayed under the ‘All’ tab within the Host, Presenter or Panellists’


To answer a question, click it and then type in the answer.

Click on Send or Send Privately as requiredNOTE: These buttons will only become available once you have selected which question you are


When you answer a question privately, you will see this

Respond Privately box, simply click on Send

Questions answered privately appear like this

During the Event. Q&A.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters.

• The Q&A panel gives Panellists the opportunity to handle participant questions in an organised manner. You can assign questions to specific Panellists, designate a priority, and defer or dismiss questions.



• The Host specifies Chat privileges for Attendees and Panellists. The Host and Presenter always have full Chat privileges.

• In the Chat panel, participants can communicate with the event Host and Panellists and, if granted permission, with other participants.

Chat turns red when a message is received. Click on Chat to show the a message.Reply to the message by adding text and clicking Send.

During the Event. Chat.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters.Chat


During the Event. Polling.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters.


• Polls are a valuable tool. They help you gather information about your attendees at the beginning of an event, check their involvement and interest during an event, and provide a way to solicit feedback at the end of an event.

You can choose from three question types and you can save the results for future reference:

Multiple choice, single answer

Multiple choice, multiple answer

Short answer

• To find the Poll, click on Manage Panels.• Once you see the window open up, click on Polling and click on

Add.• You will see Polling move across to Current Panels.• Select OK.

TIP: Your BT Event Manager can assist with loading your polling questions for you. Please send these to them 24hours before the Event starts.


During the Event. Recording your Event.

Customer experience for Panellists and Presenters.

• If the web recording feature has been booked then a BT Event Manager (Host) will start the recording at the start of the conference and end the recording at the end of the conference.

• The recording of your Event will show as an icon at the bottom of the screen and will be announced on the audio portion of the Event.

• A web link will be sent to the Event booker to download the recording.

• WebEx is recorded in WebEx ARF format.

• The WebEx player must be used to play the recording.



During the Event. Share webcam.

WebcamCustomer experience for Panellists and Presenters.

• WebEx Event Center automatically detects your webcam once it’s connected to your computer. The BT Event Manager (Host) can grant privileges for up to 5 Panellists to share their webcam.

• The Host must start his/her video before other panellists can send video.

• If you have been granted the video privilege click on the dark grey video icon next to your name to start your video (the video icon will turn green).

• You can start/stop video streaming at any time.

TIP: Depending on your internet connection it may take a little time for your video to stream.


During the Event. Share a web browser.

Share web browserCustomer experience for Panellists and Presenters.

• Sharing a web browser allows participants to view all web pages you access.

• Select the Share button• Click on Web Browser

Your screen will change and you can enter a web address in the tool bar.

This opens a browser on the Presenter’s computer which Participants can see but not interact with.

Tip: Remember to clear your browser history before ‘sharing your web browser’ so that participants are not able to see your list of recently viewed pages as you type the web address.


During the Event. Share web content.

Share web contentCustomer experience for Panellists and Presenters.

• Sharing web content is useful if you want to share web based forms, surveys, interactive flash animations etc. Participants can navigate independently within the content of the shared web page.

• Select the Share button

• Click on Web ContentA window will pop up and let you enter a web address.

• Click OK and your website will appear within the WebEx screen.


During the Event. Quick start and viewing shared information.

• After joining the WebEx Event Centersession, attendees see this screen, containing a reminder of the details to dial into the audio portion of the conference.

• Attendees can see presentation slides but can not control moving them forward or backwards.

Customer experience for Attendees.

View presentation slides

Quick start


During the Event. Q&A.

Customer experience for Attendees. Q&A

• Q&A provides an opportunity for Attendees to ask questions and receive answers from the Host, Presenter and Panellists.

• Enter your question in the Q&A panel message field.

• Choose an individual name or select from the roles in the drop down list and click Send.

• The targeted recipient/s are notified by a question mark that appears next to his/her name.

• Other attendees can’t see the question until a public answer is posted. Or the recipient may choose to send a private response.


During the Event. Chat.

Customer experience for Attendees. Chat

• Attendees cannot Chat with individual attendees, but may choose All Attendees if this option has been specified by the Host.

• To send a Chat message open the Chat panel, in the Chat panel message field, type a message, from the ‘Send to’ list, select your recipient/s and click Send.

Chat panel


During the Event. Polling.

Customer experience for Attendees.Polling

• Polls enable Attendees to provide feedback, submit votes and check knowledge. Results can be displayed instantly to maintain interaction throughout the Event.

• Questions and answers are numbered automatically.For ‘Multiple Answer’ polls, choose all of the answers that apply.For ‘Single Answer’ polls, choose the single answer that applies.For ‘Short Answer’ polls, type your answer directly into the answer field.

• Click Submit.

• The Host can set a time limit for the Poll to close, this is displayed in the Polling window.


Chat with other participants Chat with Host, other Panellists, Presenters and interact with the people attending your Event.

Share applications, documents, video, multimedia

files, and web browsers

Create an interactive experience and share information with groups of people as if you were presenting face to face.

Annotation tools Enables speakers to annotate files and whiteboards shared during a session. The Host can enable or disable annotation

privileges for All Panellists or All Attendees.

File transfer Publish files for transfer allowing other participants to download to their computers.

High-definition desktop video (using webcam) Display up to five high-quality (up to 360p) videos of the Presenter and Panellists, lets you see the body language and

facial expressions of people presenting which leads to productive and engaging events.

Interactive Whiteboard Brainstorm, collaborate and annotate in a shared space.

Polling The Polling feature allows the Host or Presenter to conduct a survey or questionnaire with attendees during an Event.

You can create, edit, and save a poll using the Polling panel within a WebEx session.

Attention indicator Enables Panellists to gauge the attentiveness of their audience. If a red exclamation mark appears next to an attendee’s

name, either in the Attendee List window, or in the Participants panel, it means they have another window open on top

of the Event Center window.

Threaded Q&A Especially useful on large Events where one or more Panellists can field questions whilst others speak. Questions are held

in a queue to maintain the thread of the typed conversation. Sort, manage, answer or assign to a specific person,

designate a priority and defer or dismiss questions.

Private practice room and virtual lobby Allows speakers to practice with slide sharing and presenting prior to the start of an Event. Only the Host can start and end a practice session.

Key WebEx Event Center features and functions available to Panellists and Presenters.

The features shown below are described for the customer as a Panellist or Presenter managing the features during the call.


Key WebEx Event Center features and functions available to Attendees.

Chat In the Chat panel, attendees can communicate with the Event Host and Panellists and, if granted permission, with other participants.

Q&A Provides an opportunity for people attending to ask questions and receive answers from the Host, Panellist and Presenter. Can select one or more recipients using the Q&A panel, the recipient/s receives a ‘?’ next to his/her name.

Interactive Whiteboard

(if privileges assigned by Host)

Leave messages for Host and Panellists on whiteboard.

The BT Event Manager can supply a list of the participants who joined the WebEx conference once the Event has concluded.This is sent as an email 24 hours after the end of the Event.


The Participants panel allows you to view the list of participants as they join an Event. To see a full list of attendees click View all attendees.

Navigating the WebEx Event Center meeting window – Speaker/Panellist.

The Menu Toolbar at the top of the page enables the Host to share presentations, manage participant roles and privileges, control the recording and end the session.

The Annotation Toolbar enables speakers to annotate files and whiteboards shared during a session.

Use the controls in the upper left corner of the content viewer to zoom in, zoom out, or show shared content in full-screen mode.

The event panels on the right side of the Event window enables the Host and speakers to manage and interact with participants, control video streaming, conduct polls, start and stop recording, and more.

When you join the session, the Event window opens.

To open the event panel during a session: Click the panel icon in the icon tray at the top of the panels. The panel is displayed, and the icon turns blue.

The Content Viewer displays what you share during an event, such as presentations, documents, multimedia, applications and whiteboards.

To share content during your event: click Share on the Menu Toolbar, then select a sharing option.


Participants will only see other participants in the Participant Panel, if the person who booked the Event has requested this privilege to be enabled.

Navigating the WebEx Event Center meeting window – Attendee.

Use the controls in the upper left corner of the content viewer to zoom in, zoom out, or see shared content in full-screen mode.

The event panels on the right side of the Event window enables Attendees to conduct Chat and Q&A with the Host and Panellists.

When you join the session, the Event window opens.

To open the event panel during a session: Click the panel icon in the icon tray at the top of the panels. The panel is displayed, and the icon turns blue.

The Content Viewer displays what you see during an event, such as presentations, documents, multimedia, applications and whiteboards.


Feature Description LiveMeeting WebEx Event Center

Practice Room To allow speakers to practice with slide sharing and presenting No Yes

Upload slides Customer to upload slides before a call Yes up to 24 hours


Yes up to 30 minutes before an event

(requires BT Event Manager (Host) to have

started WebEx session), or customer can

email slides to BT Event team to upload

Total Participants The maximum number of participants that can join the web


1,250 Up to 3,000

(with ppm service)



An icon that indicates if Participants have opened other

windows on their pc

No Yes

Web cam A live web cam image of Presenter can be seen by Participants Yes Yes. Display up to 5 Panellists at a time, or

one speaker in full-screen view, or show

speakers side-by-side with the slides

you’re sharing

Breakout rooms To share audio and whiteboard in separate breakout rooms Yes No

Web recording To record the audio and web conference for access from a URL Yes Yes. WebEx uses ARF format for

recordings, download WebEx player to

play back the recording

Roles of attendees To allow different users to have different permissions during

the call

Presenter, Attendee Host, Panellist, Presenter,

Poll Co-ordinator, Attendee

In summary. Key differences between Live Meeting and WebEx Event Center.


• Where can I find a full list of global dial-in numbers?Please refer to your meeting invitation.

• Can I use My Meeting Manager to book a BT Managed Event call with WebEx?No. You cannot currently book via My Meeting Manager.

• Can you have multiple Presenters at the time?No. Only one person at a time will have the Presenter role as indicated by the WebEx green ball icon.

• Can I use Cisco Productivity Tools?No. BT schedules the WebEx service.

• How do I play back the recording?Please go the Cisco WebEx site to download the WebEx Player. Please note if this requires you to have admin rights please contact your IT Team to set up for you.

• What format is the web recording?The WebEx recording is Cisco ARF format.


• Can I send a PowerPoint file to BT before the event?Yes. Please send to BT Advanced services team. Email address

• What is the maximum upload for content?The maximum upload is 250Mb.

• How long does it take to upload a 30Mb file?This depends on the speed and quality of your upload connection link to the WebEx. If you have 30Mbps upload speed of good connection then this in theory will take 1 second.

• What type of reports are available?Your BT Event team can generate reports on attendance and attendee activity, and share pre-registered participant information with the Panellists before the event, ensuring the right target audience is being reached.

• Can I use an iPad or iPhone to join WebEx Event Centre?These devices have limited access to the WebEx Event Centre application, therefore we don’t recommend using them for joining an Event.