Bryonia alba and rhus tox

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Bryonia alba and rhus tox



Bryonia’s Personality Profile:highly irritable when they become ill. live a very clean life and are meticulous in their nature. demanding when they are sick. If they become disturbed for any reason, they usually give into their anger and frustration. They are very often full of anxiety on a regular basis.


From simple cough to bronchitis,larringitis,trachiitis,pneumonia etc.

Dry cough mainly coming in evening, with or without sneezing.

Cough in little kids often with headache,bodyache,malaise and often with fever.

Expectoration of rust coloured sputa.

Difficult,quick respiration worse by every movement.

Female disorders



Early and profuse menses with pain in legs and ovarian region.

Pain in back

All symptoms better by rest and worst by any motion.

Bleeding from nose at appearance of menses.


All types of fevers which are slow developing.Including viral, in typhoid,gastric,bilious type.

Puerperal fevers too..

Fever often comes with headaches <stooping ;nausea on rising; confusion ,Or irritable,wants to go home and rest,dry cracked lips ,coated tongue, bitter taste,

Thirst of full glasses of water.

Lets rewise………


SPHERE OF ACTIONThe effects on the skin, rheumatic pains, mucous membrane affections, and a typhoid type of fever, make this remedy frequently indicated. Rhus affects fibrous tissue markedly-joints, tendons, sheaths-aponeurosis, etc

Ailments from

strains, overlifting, getting wet while perspiring. Septic conditions. Cellulitis and infections, carbuncles in early stages. Rheumatism in the cold season. Septicæmia.

MODALITIESBETTER, warm, dry weather, motion; walking, change of position, rubbing, warm applications, from stretching out limbs.WORSE, during sleep, cold, wet rainy weather and after rain; at night, During rest, drenching, when lying on back or right side.

This is the most common homeopathic remedy for chicken pox where the blisters look like small jellies on red plates and itch like mad, better for heat and HOT bathing.

 It should also be the first port of call after sprains and strains and rheumatic pains which come on after being out in the cold and damp.

The person aches and feels stiff, which is worse at the beginning of a movement but eases up with continued motion.

 Since the pains tend to return if they stop moving, they become restless, and are generally miserable.

Desire to stretch, especially during sciatica, backache or rheumatic pains.

Apprehension at night. Feels threatened, without knowing why.

when in health, these people are usually family and community minded, looking after the interests of others as if they were their own.

They commonly have a great thirst for cold water or cold milk, and may have a taste of blood in their mouth.

In stomach conditions, check the tip of the tongue for a red triangular tip for confirmation.

Main symptoms of Rhus Toxicodendron

Cold sore After the flu or the cold, Tongue is dry and red tippedSore muscles- From the overexertionStrains and sprainsAnxiety, mentally Restlessness, physically Restlessness Coughs from midnight until the morning, cough is dry, teasing cough, coughs on putting hands out of bed.

Sciatica- Tearing soreness down thighs is the symptoms of SciaticaInfluenza- Can't lie still, restless, painful in all bones are common symptoms for Influenza.Rheumatic -Condition of "Rusty gate" and less sore when limbered up .Pains Hardness and pain in small of back, Pain nape of neck are also seen.Hoarseness- From over straining voice

IVY Poisoning Severe burning and itching are seen for IVY Poisoning.Chicken Pox Restless and strong itching are seen for Chicken PoxHives are red, swollen and itching.Worse from the beginning of the motion, dampness, during sleep or rest, after the rain, lying on the right side or back.Better from the continued motion, warm applications, cold, lying on something hard, rubbing, alter the position, HOT, dry weather conditions, stretching out limbs

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