Brugerinvolvering og elektronisk skitsering af nye produkter af Morten Wagner, Delta

Post on 27-Jan-2015

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Oplægget blev holdt ved InfinIT-arrangementet "Temadag om evaluering af fysiske prototyper og produkter", der blev afholdt den 16. januar 2014.

Transcript of Brugerinvolvering og elektronisk skitsering af nye produkter af Morten Wagner, Delta

DELTA – Technology path!nders for 70 years

1941: Started as acoustics lab (Lydteknisk Laboratorium)

270 employees out of which 50% are engineers Annual turnover 35 Mill Euro and 50% export 2,000 customer assignments annually Headquarters in Hørsholm Departments in Odense, Nordborg, Sønderborg, Västerås, Wales and Aarhus

DELTA today We still help your ideas meet the real world

Microelectronics Microchips for every industry

Body sensors Intelligent health monitoring

Optical filters – mobile retroreflectometer

Requirements: Does your product comply with statutory requirements and standards?

Users: What do users think and how can we raise the quality of your product?

Environmental impact: What effect do the weather and environment have on your product?

Electromagnetic noise: Can your electronic product coexist with other electronic products?

Function & technology: Does the technology work?

Testing Every year we perform around 2,500 product tests, which all helps to ensure that your product can be successful in the real world

- of all products fail

80 % Manufacturing & operations

Idea & requirements

Product development All product development starts with a good idea - which must also turn into a good business

Creating the right product?






”Supposing  is  good,  finding  out  is  be1er.”    –  Mark  Twain  

DELTA idemoLAB  ..helping ideas into the world  11  

DELTA idemoLAB  ..helping ideas into the world  9  

(Rapid Prototyping, Provotyping, Pretotyping, Proto-try’ping)!

Sketch to prototype continuum:

(Bill Buxton, Microsoft)

Sketch vs. Prototype


1 / Problem understanding Investigating and defining values and needs for the involving stakeholders.

2 / Explorative mockup A visual representation of concept that forms the basis for common understanding.

3 / Working sketch A working Eletronic Sketch that can be tested on users. Focus on function and interaction.

4 / Detailed sketch A working model that can be tested on users. Focus on function, interaction and form.

4 Phases:

Electronic Sketching model

Method examples: Pill Box

•  Bodystorming (Prototyping) •  Card Sorting (Exploraton/Prototyping) •  Case Studies (Exploration) •  Cognitive Walkthru’ (Exploration/Prototyping) •  Collages (Exploration) •  Competetive Testing (Scoping & Monitoring) •  Creative Toolkits (Prototyping) •  Crowdsourcing (Everything but Scoping) •  Cultural Probes (Exploration) •  Design Workshops (Exploration, Prototyping,

Evaluation) •  Evidence-based design (Everything) •  Experience Prototyping (Prototyping) •  Flexible Modeling (Prototyping) •  Focus Groups (Scoping & Monitoring) •  Heuristic Evaluation (Prototyping and Evaluation) •  The Love Letter and the Breakup Letter

(Scoping, Exploration and Monitoring)

•  Observation (Exploration) •  Parallel Prototyping (Prototyping) •  Participatory Design (Exploration, Concepts and

Evaluation) •  Personas (Prototyping) •  Prototyping (Exploration, Evaluation) •  Research Through Design (Everything) •  Role Playing (Exploration / Prototyping) •  Scenarios (Exploration / Prototyping) •  Shadowing (Exploration) •  Simulation Exercises (Prototyping) •  Storyboards (Prototyping) •  Think-aloud Protocol (Prototyping, Evaluation) •  Usability Testing (Everything but scoping and

exploration) •  Wizard of Oz (Prototyping and Evaluation)

Methods for design

Creative Toolkits

Experience Prototyping

Parallel Prototyping

Wizard of OZ

Electronic Sketching Interactive Furniture

Electronic Sketching Interactive Rehabilitation

IdemoBits: Easy, early testing of ideas

Illustrate and experiment with electronics!

Thanks! Contact: @idemolab