British food Wanda and Sandra 4.C. Food in...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of British food Wanda and Sandra 4.C. Food in...

British food

Wanda and Sandra 4.C

Food in Britain.................................................................1

Fish and chips..................................................................2

Eat out food......................................................................3


Drinking in Britain..........................................................5

Quiz………………………………………………6 to 10

We are going to speak about different types of food in Britain, for example Fish and chips or Trifle. In another part of the project we are going to speak about drinks for example: tea and coffe, finally we are going to speak about desserts.We hope YOU like the project.

The typical food in Britain is based on beef, lamb, pork, chicken and generally served with potatoes and other vegetables. The most common food include sandwich, fish and chips, pies and trifle.

The classical take-away food of England is fish and chips.They like eating them with their fingers.Fish and chips are covered with salt and vinegar.In the North of England fish and chips is served with mushy peas

British people like fast food very much.The typical fast food chains are:McDonals, Burger King and Subway. Take away food is very famous in Britain and you can find italian,

The favourite dessert of British people is Tryfle.

The Tryfle is made with layers of sponge cake alternated with custard, jam or fruit

British people like drinking Tea or coffee with cookies.Tea was mentioned for the first time in a London newspaper in 1658. Another famous drink in Britain is coca-cola.


What is the clasical take away food in Britain?

a) Snail

b) Cheese

c) Fish and chips

British people like drinking…

a) Coke.

b) Cider.

c) Tea or coffee.