Breaking Down Silos - 5 Practical Applications - JD Dillon - Handout

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This handout summarizes the key points discussed during JD Dillon's webinar 'Breaking Down Silos - 5 Practical Applications for Social Tools in the Workplace.'

Transcript of Breaking Down Silos - 5 Practical Applications - JD Dillon - Handout

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     Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  

JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  09/02/2014  




5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools    in  the  Modern  Workplace    

“We  just  installed  a  new  enterprise  social  network!  That  means  everyone  is  going  to  collaborate,  share,  and  learn  from  one  another,  right?”  Not  so  much  …    Plenty  of  companies,  especially  those  with  big  IT  resources,  already  have  multiple  tools  with  “social  capabilities”  deployed  throughout  the  organization.  However,  blogs  are  empty,  comment  aren’t  being  added,  nothing  is  getting  “liked,”  and  statuses  are  unknown.  Despite  the  technology,  many  organizations  just  don’t  experience  any  of  the  benefits  that  are  promised  with  “social  learning.”  If  social  sharing  is  the  new  norm  and  everyone  is  on  Facebook,  Twitter,  or  Instagram,  why  don’t  these  behaviors  easily  translate  into  the  workplace?      In  his  2014  Learn  Camp  webinar,  JD  Dillon  examines  the  application  of  social  tools  (blogs,  wikis,  chat  rooms,  news  feeds,  etc.)  in  5  key  areas:  onboarding,  collaboration,  tacit  knowledge,  performance  support,  and  training  events.  He  discusses  the  simple  ideas  L&D  can  use  to  overcome  common  barriers  to  social  sharing  and  break  down  harmful  organizational  silos.      During  this  webinar,  participants  focus  on:  

• Assessing  your  organization’s  readiness  with  regards  to  the  behaviors  and  mindsets  necessary  to  maximize  the  benefits  of  social  technology  

• Shifting  away  from  an  event-­‐based  communication  and  training  mindset  through  the  application  of  contextual,  real-­‐time  social  learning  and  performance  support  

• Overcoming  common  barriers  to  the  introduction  of  social  tools  and  sharing  behaviors  • Applying  social  tools  in  specific,  meaningful  ways  to  overcome  existing  organizational  challenges  

and  support  key  business  objectives  

This  document  summarizes  the  key  points  JD  discusses  during  his  Breaking  Down  Silos  webinar,  including:  

• 6  Agreements  about  Social  Tools  in  the  Workplace  • 5  Practical  Application  Concepts  • Question  to  Ask  Before  You  Get  Started  • 6  Obvious  GOODs  vs.  6  Perceived  EVILS  of  Social  Tools  • Tips  for  Overcoming  Common  Obstacles  when  Getting  Started  • Suggested  Resources  for  Continued  Exploration  


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Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  



 1. Social  isn’t  a  new  concept.  Sharing  information  among  one  another  has  been  

the  primary  driver  of  human  knowledge  for  most  of  our  history.  We’re  talking  about  using  technology  to  facilitate  social  sharing,  often  at  scale  across  large  distances.  

2. It’s  more  important  to  help  shift  people’s  mentality  about  sharing.  Technology  is  an  enabler,  but  it’s  useless  without  the  right  culture.  

3. Social  tools  aren’t  going  to  solve  all  of  our  problems  and  radically  improve  our  business  results.  The  use  of  social  tools  is  part  of  a  larger  revolution  in  how  work  is  done.  

4. Social  tools  can  make  a  significant  difference  but  only  when  deployed  and  nurtured  effectively.  You  can’t  force  social  tools  into  your  workplace  because  it’s  trendy  or  worked  somewhere  else.  

5. Learning  and  development  doesn’t  own  social  technology  in  the  workplace.  L&D  is  well  positioned  to  help  people  realize  the  benefits  of  this  technology  as  a  way  to  break  down  silos  and  better  share  information.  

6. You  don’t  need  fancy,  expensive  technology  to  get  started.  Focus  on  sharing  behaviors  and  find  resources  that  already  exist  or  are  readily  available  within  the  confines  of  your  organization.  



o Social  tools  can  reduce  a  new  employee’s  reliance  on  formal  onboarding  processes  by  helping  them  reach  into  the  collective  knowledge  and  experience  of  the  workplace  community.  

! Invite  new  and  experienced  employees  to  share  in  an  open  discussion  forum  or  online  community.  

! Integrate  social  tools  into  formal  onboarding  programs  so  those  outside  the  classroom  can  participate  and  share  their  insights.  

! Help  new  employees  build  a  network  and  connect  directly  to  organizational  leaders,  top  performers,  subject  matter  experts,  and  one  another  from  day  one  regardless  of  trainer,  manager,  department,  or  physical  location.    


6  Agreements  about  Social  Tools    in  the  Workplace    

5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools    in  the  Workplace    

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     Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  

JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  09/02/2014  


Collaboration  o Social  tools  can  help  people  from  different  teams  and  locations  

collaborate  more  quickly  while  respecting  their  time  and  working  capacities.  

! Use  persistent  chat  rooms  to  reduce  the  number  of  meetings  and  email  exchanges  required  to  make  decisions.  

! Crowd-­‐source  new  ideas  and  content  through  collaborative  documents  to  reduce  reliance  on  subject  matter  experts  and  project  team  members  who  have  limited  time  and  capacity.  

! Share  key  project  decisions  as  they  happen  with  the  larger  organization  through  a  dedicated,  short-­‐form  blog.  

! Let  people  who  want  to  play  get  involved  regardless  of  role  or  location.  

 Tacit  Knowledge  

o Get  into  the  heads  of  your  top  performers  and  realize  the  long-­‐term  value  of  transforming  tacit  knowledge  into  explicit  reference  information.  

! Create  topical  blogs  for  subject  matter  experts  to  share  their  ideas  before  they  become  official  process.  

! Get  top  performers  on  video  sharing  how  they  do  what  they  do.  ! Shift  the  focus  from  HOW  work  gets  done  to  performance  and  

results  by  introducing  options  and  best  practices  alongside  processes.  


o Extend  the  runway  for  formal  training  and  let  attendees  take  more  control  over  when  and  how  they  participate.  

! Create  dedicated  forums  and  communities  related  to  training  offerings  so  participants  can  engage  before,  during,  and  after  events  without  formal  support.  

! Eliminate  the  “parking  lot”  concept  by  involving  subject  matter  experts  in  events  via  real-­‐time  feeds.  

! Enable  peer-­‐to-­‐peer  learning  away  from  the  classroom  so  training  events  can  be  used  for  deeper  discussion  and  contextual  practice.  



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Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  



Performance  Support  o Connect  those  who  know  with  those  who  need  as  part  of  the  

workflow.  ! Use  a  wiki  to  enable  discussion  between  performers  and  

subject  matter  experts  on  reference  information.  ! Capture  social  exchanges  and  publish  new  information  as  it’s  

shared  for  long-­‐term  reference.  ! Deploy  volunteer  community  managers  from  across  the  

organization  within  social  tools  to  ensure  everyone  gets  the  information  they  need.  


• Why  are  you  interested  in  social  technology  in  the  workplace?  o Good  reason  =  we  have  a  related  business  problem  o Bad  reason  =  it’s  trendy  and  socially  ubiquitous  

• Do  you  have  a  real  business  problem  that  would  benefit  from  the  presence  of  social  tools?  

o Social  tools  are  more  powerful  when  present  in  the  regular  workflow  as  part  of  a  person’s  day,  not  a  separate  place  to  “go  and  learn.”  

• How  does  your  organization  handle  information  TODAY?  o If  you’re  a  top-­‐down  organization,  integrating  social  tools  may  be  more  

challenging.  o If  you  already  have  a  culture  that  values  sharing  from  all  levels,  you’re  

likely  in  better  shape.  • Where  are  your  employees?  

o You  cannot  appropriately  integrate  social  tools  if  you  don’t  account  for  the  physical  realities  of  your  organization.  

o Don’t  just  consider  where  they  are  now.  Consider  where  they  may  be  5  years  from  now?  

• What  resources  already  exist  in  your  organization?  o Implications  for  social  technology  vary  wildly  based  on  the  tools  your  

employees  are  already  using.      o If  you  already  have  tools  with  social  capabilities  in  play,  you  have  a  

head  start.  • What’s  your  overall  IT  situation?  

o Review  your  existing  IT  infrastructure  and  regulations  so  that  you  know  how  to  best  leverage  this  essential  relationship.  

Questions  You  Should  Ask  Yourself  BEFORE  Getting  Started  with  Social  Tools    

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     Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  

JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  09/02/2014  


• What’s  your  regulatory  situation?  o You  must  know  the  rules  of  the  game  for  sharing  information  within  

your  organization.    • How  patient  are  you?  

o Your  introduction  of  social  tools  will  benefit  from  an  organic  approach  to  help  people  integrate  new  technology  and  behaviors  into  their  work.  

• Does  the  obvious  GOOD  outweigh  the  potential  BAD?  o Talk  about  the  real  cultural  outcomes  of  social  technology  BEFORE  you  

get  started.  




6  Obvious  GOODs  vs.  6  Perceived  EVILS  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Workplace    

• The  FLOW  shifts  –  information  moves  in  all  directions  and  becomes  less  reliant  on  hierarchy.  

• Everything  gets  LOUDER  –  now  everyone  can  hear  what  everyone  else  has  to  say.  

• Information  is  no  longer  bound  by  SPACE  and  TIME  –  people  don’t  need  meetings  or  physical  spaces  to  share.  

• No  more  PERCEIVED  importance  –  everyone  can  choose  from  themselves  as  to  what’s  important  and  avoid  reliance  on  managers  and  peers.  

• RECOGNIZE  those  who  know  and  share  –  informal  subject  matter  experts  can  pop  up  from  anywhere  based  on  community  feedback  

• Other  efforts  become  more  TARGETED  –  formal  training  and  communication  efforts  benefit  from  ongoing  conversations  and  become  more  specific/targeted  based  on  real  needs.  


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Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  




• Focus  on  behaviors.  Start  talking  about  the  value  of  sharing  information  and  related  behaviors  within  your  workplace,  even  without  supporting  technology.  

• Start  small.  Use  cheap  or  readily  available  tools  within  a  user  group  that  has  a  specific  problem  that  can  benefit  from  social  technology.  

• Ask  for  partnerships,  not  permission.  Involve  key  partners  within  the  organization  and  ask  them  to  be  an  integral  part  of  the  change  effort.  

• Find  your  champions.  Leverage  influence  and  content  from  respected  employees,  top  performers,  and  visible  management.  

• Prove  for  concept,  design  for  scale.  Always  think  about  how  you  can  expand  your  work  to  the  next  group.  

• Be  patient  and  realistic.  Treat  this  work  like  a  shift  in  workplace  culture,  not  a  technology  implementation.  


• Social  tools  are  LOUD  –  there’s  a  lot  of  noise  in  the  form  of  additional  content  and  discussion  that  may  create  confusion  and  challenge  utility.  

• Social  is  PUBLIC  –  disagreements  and  conflicting  perspectives  that  were  once  private  now  become  obvious  to  everyone.  

• POWER  automatically  shifts  –  people  who  were  once  the  only  subject  matter  experts  now  face  the  collective  knowledge  of  the  organization  and  possible  ego  bruising.  

• Sharing  can  be  SCARY  –  people  may  be  afraid  to  share  their  opinions  due  to  fear  of  workplace  repercussions.  

• DOUBT  can  proliferate  –  people  may  question  their  own  knowledge  and  limit  their  own  participation.  

• TRUST  can  be  challenging  –  with  so  many  people  sharing  different  ideas  and  perspectives,  it  can  be  difficult  for  new  and  inexperienced  people  to  know  who  to  trust.  


Tips  for  Overcoming  Obstacles  when  Getting  Started  with  Social  Tools    

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     Breaking  Down  Silos  –  5  Practical  Applications  for  Social  Tools  in  the  Modern  Workplace  

JD  Dillon  –  –  All  rights  reserved  09/02/2014  


 • JD  Dillon  Online  

o Twitter:  @JD_Dillon  o Blog:  Just  Curious  Blog  

 • Recommended  Books  

o Show  Your  Work  by  Jane  Bozarth  o Social  Learning  Handbook  2014  by  Jane  Hart  

 • Great  People  to  Follow  on  Twitter  

o Allison  Michels  (@anicole87)  o David  Kelly  (@LnDDave)  o Harold  Jarche  (@hjarche)  o Jane  Bozarth  (@JaneBozarth)  o Jane  Hart  (@C4LPT)  o Mark  Britz  (@britz)  

Suggested  Resources  for    Continued  Exploration