Breakfast of Champions

Post on 08-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Breakfast of Champions

Many people are familiar with the statement, "Breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day." Why is this case? According to the John Hopkins, Bloomberg School of Public Health, a healthy breakfast has the following benefits:

- Breakfast provides you with the energy and NUTRIENTS that lead to increased concentration in the classroom.

- Help's us maintain a healthy body weight.

- A lack of breakfast can lead to snacking on foods that are high in fat and sugar later in the day.

- People who skip breakfast are unlikely to make up their daily requirement for some vitamins and minerals that a simple breakfast would have provided.

- Breakfast provides energy for the activities during the morning and helps to prevent that mid-morning slump.

A good choice of nutrients for breakfast is Oat, preferably steel cut oats. One of the main ingredients is Fiber. This macro nutrient can curb your appetite by slowing down our digestive system.

The difference between steel cut oats and rolled oats is minimal. Steel cut oats is slightly lower in carbohydrates and sugar. Rolled oats are steamed, rolled, steamed again and toasted. They are coarsely chopped, giving it a slightly lower percent of sugar than its counterpart. This is good for diabetics because steel cut oats has is lower on the Glycemic index. Try to go with an organic brand, or one without added sugar and/or preservatives.

Please enjoy a homemade recipe I prepared for the 4ever Healthy Wellness Program. Enjoy your day.


2 cups of organic chocolate almond milk1 cup of steel cut oats 1/2 banana cut in 1/4 slices 1 to 2 teaspoons of honey1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon1/4 cups of raisins

- Add soy milk to cooking pot and allow to boil - Lower fire to a simmer and add steel cut oats and cook for 15-20 minutes, depending on your desired texture- Add a pinch of cinnamon to pot while cooking, if desired- Add a few banana slices and raisins after about 5 minutes of cooking oats

When oats is fully cooked, removed from fire and add honey, remaining banana slices, raisins and a 1 tablespoon of margarine or margarine. It will almost taste like a dessert.


Fitness & Nutrition Coach Cell: (215) 410-6382Email: healthy4life484@gmail.comwebsite: Face book (Damon Williams)

Source Material:…/…/_documents/breakfast