BrandwearUK - Your brand on workwear

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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Transcript of BrandwearUK - Your brand on workwear



Lots of people have started to jump on the bandwagon when it comes to purchasing branded clothing

with company logos. Because of that, it’s important to know what the best practices are for utilizing

your logo on these types of clothing. In this article, we’re going to look at three quick tips that you can

use when getting your logo on branded clothing.

1. Make sure that all of your branding, no matter what it’s on, carries the same message and has the

same appearance. Don’t use your branded clothing as a way to “try out a new logo,” unless you’re going

to be changing the logo on everything. Uniformity is important, because you want to ensure that people

are recognizing the colors and the logo as that of your company. The more that you’re recognized, the

more you will be remembered. The more you are remembered, the more likely it will be for people to

come and check out what products and/or services that your business has to offer them.

2. Get creative with the types of branded clothing that you’re purchasing and utilizing at your business.

Don’t think that “branded clothing” only includes t-shirts. There are so many different things that you

can use as branded clothing. Workshirts and polos are the most common, but you can also find aprons,

hats, and other garments that you can get your company name and/or logo embroidered onto. Different

companies will offer different garments, so if you have an idea, make sure you look around. The more

unique your item(s) are, the more memorable they will be (and in some cases, the more likely your

employees will be to wear them and use them on a regular basis).

3. Make sure that you get extras in a wide variety of sizes, especially if you know you will have new or

different employees in the future. Since buying branded clothing in bulk ends up costing a lot less than

other options, you want to take advantage of the savings and get shirts for people in the future. Ask the

people currently at the workplace for their current sizes, and then order some extras. Remember –

medium is no longer the most common size for shirts anymore; you will want to invest in more larges

and extra larges, and maybe even a couple of spare ones that are in bigger sizes as well. Don’t

overspend, but don’t get too few and end up spending more when you order branded clothing in the


So, as you can see, branded clothing is a really important thing and can be a very helpful selling point if

you know how to use it and you do a good job of making the clothing attractive and comfortable for

your employees to wear. With how much cheaper it is to get these sorts of garments nowadays, it’s

definitely something that you should consider adding to your budget in the future.