Post on 25-Mar-2016

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ISBN 978-84-15829-16-4 / Layout: 19,5 X 25 cm / Pages: 192 / Cover: Softcover with flaps / We put together in this book works made by renowned illustrators like Catalina Estrada, Paul Shin, Tado, Loulou & Tummie, Jess Wilson, Alejandro Giraldo, Shin Tanaka among others, for important brands like Adidas, Paul Smith, Coca-Cola, Nike, Pepe Jeans, etc., where the latest illustrations produced by these great artists can be appreciated and where the imagination, techniques, color and ultimately, will make us enjoy design, guaranteed.



Catalina EstradaClient: CamperDesign: Catalina

As a child, Catalina marveled at the exuberant and colorful gardens and the lush and vibrant gardens and nature of her native country, Colombia. Now, and internationally successful illustrator living in Barcelona, Catalina has not forgotten her roots. Her delicate and detailed work comes from the spirit of that girl who marveled at what she saw around her, and which is now clearly reflected in the explosions of color, details and elegance of her designs, with which she tries to express the optimism, the love for beauty, colors, details and textures.

De pequeña, Catalina se maravillaba con los exuberantes jardines coloridos y la explosiva belleza de la naturaleza en su país natal, Colombia. Actualmente, como ilustradora de éxito en todo el mundo, Catalina reside en Barcelona y no ha olvidado sus raíces. Su delicado y detallado trabajo es fruto del espíritu de aquella niña que se maravillaba con lo que veía a su alrededor, y que ahora se ve reflejado en las explosiones de color, expresividad y elegancia de sus diseños, con los que busca transmitir el optimismo, el amor por la belleza, los colores, los detalles y las texturas.



Illustration by Catalina Estrada for Camper



Illustration by Catalina Estrada for Camper



Mister OnüffClient: LakenDesign: José María

Mister Onüff is a small design studio, with headquarters in Madrid. It is so small that behind Mister Onüff is only one person: José María Parra. Why the name Mister Onüff? The name originated from a family story that he was told one day. It greatly caught his attention on how touching such story was and moreover, how it was directly related to the world of design, art and crafts and production. Upon hearing it he could not avoid paying a tribute to this character. Due to his different trajectories and professional experiences in the world of communication, design and the industry, and his very technical education in the school of architecture and engineers, he understands design in a very thorough and complete manner. Let us say that this allows him to approach a design project in a coherent manner and with a 360º perspective. It is a great advantage to have had very diverse experiences and knowledge, because it allows him to face each day with new challenges and in a realistic way.

Mister Onüff es un pequeño estudio de diseño, con sede en Madrid. Tan pequeño que detrás de Mister Onüff solamente hay una persona. José María Parra. ¿Porqué Mister Onüff? El nombre nace de una historia familiar que un día le contaron. Le llamó enormemente la atención lo entra-ñable que era dicha historia, y sobre todo lo directamente relacionada que estaba con el mundo del diseño, artesanía y fabricación. Al escucharla no pudo evitar hacer un homenaje a este personaje. Debido a sus diferentes trayectorias y experiencias profesionales en el mundo de la comuni-cación, diseño e industria y su formación más técnica en escuela de arquitectura e ingenieros, entiende el diseño de una manera muy completa y global. Digamos que esto le permite abordar un proyecto de diseño, de manera coherente y con una perspectiva de 360º. Es una gran ventaja haber tenido tan diversas experiencias y conocimientos, porque le permite enfrentar el día a día con nuevos retos, de una manera realista.





Aleix Gordo HostauClient: Puresang - Pepe Jeans LondonDesign: Aleix Gordo

He lives in Barcelona since forever. He has been working as an illustrator since 1997. He started illustrating books for children and young people or designing book covers for publishing houses. Since then he has worked for the press, advertising agencies and seve-ral multinational companies, both foreign and domestic, in several sectors. From Coca-Cola Light, Orange, Movistar, Camper or Buckler to Vans, Montana Colors or Panini Cómics. Today, he focuses his work in the field of advertising illustrations, muralism, graphic design, urban art and his own licensing brand.

Vive en Barcelona desde siempre. Lleva trabajando como ilustrador desde 1997. Empezo dibujando libros para niños y jóvenes o ha-ciendo portadas para editoriales. Desde entonces ha trabajado para prensa, agencias de publicidad y varias empresas multinacionales tanto de aquí como extranjeras de varios sectores. Desde Coca-Cola Light, Orange, Movistar, Camper o Buckler hasta Vans, Montana Colors o Panini Cómics. A día de hoy enfoca su trabajo en el campo de la ilustración publicitaria, el muralismo, el diseño gráfico, el arte urbano y su propia marca de licensing.







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Illustration by Aleix Gordo for Vila Viniteca


Shin TanakaClient: AdidasDesign: Shin

Was just a graffiti artist. He had been looking for an interesting canvas instead of a street-wall. One day, he hit upon an idea to draw graffiti on a toy. However he didn’t have a good toy for it, then he made a toy from a paper as his new canvas. His works have two elements; ORIGAMI and STREET CULTURE. His ORIGAMI experiences helped it when he was young. And when he is designing, mega volume HIPHOP music is playing. His inspiration is the beats and rhyming flow. Because his paper toys are based on a street culture, many artists and brands are interested in them. Before now, over 500 artists and brands join in his paper toy project. His paper toys have been growing with involving pop art, graffiti art, street fashion and more.

Tan solo era un artista grafitero en busca de un lienzo interesante en vez de un muro de la calle. Un día, se le ocurrió la idea de dibujar un grafiti en un juguete. Sin embargo, no tenía el muñeco adecuado para su propósito e hizo uno con papel para utilizarlo como lienzo. Sus obras constan de dos elementos: papiroflexia y cultura callejera. Sus experiencias con la papiroflexia le ayudaron de joven y, cuando diseña, se pone música hip-hop a todo volumen. Se inspira en los ritmos y en el flow de las rimas. Como sus muñecos de papel se basan en la cultura callejera, muchos artistas y marcas se han interesado en ellos. Cerca de 500 artistas y marcas ya han participado en su proyecto del muñeco de papel. Sus juguetes han ido creciendo con el apasionante arte pop, el grafiti, la moda callejera, entre muchos otros.



Illustration by Shin Tanaka for Adidas