Brandenburg-Prussia. Inherited a scattered and ungovernable collection of territories that had been...

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Transcript of Brandenburg-Prussia. Inherited a scattered and ungovernable collection of territories that had been...


Inherited a scattered and ungovernable collection of territories that had been devastated by the 30 Year’s War.

Brandenburg, richest of his possessions had lost ½ of its population.

As a child had hidden in the woods to escape bands of marauding soldiers

As a teenager had followed corpse of Gustavus Adolphus to its burial.

I653, Frederick William and the Junkers agreed to the Recess. Deal whereby the Junkers agreed to grant

Frederick William 530,000 thalers in return for them having the right to rule their estates as they wished, free from any interference from Frederick William.

To the Junkers, this seemed a good deal. In years to come they realized that the money

they had given to Frederick William would be used against them.

A long stay in Holland during the Dutch Revolt made him realize importance of a strong army and a strong base of revenue for support.

1640: his army consisted of some 2,500 men.The states under his control had no tradition

of military taxation and towns had no obligation to furnish either men or supplies for military operations beyond their walls.

By the 1650’s Frederick had established a permanent excise in the towns. (kind of commodity tax on consumption)

Royal authority stopped at landlords’ gates (recess agreement)

With steady source of income, Great Elector could now create one of the most capable standing armies of the age.

Strictest discipline maintained; Prussian army developed into feared & efficient fighting machine.

Organized one of the first department of wars: oversee housing, supplies

Three factors helped him consolidate his power; devastation brought on by 30 Years’ War

weakened political power of the Estates (representative assemblies)

chaos of Louis XIV’s wars and Swedish-Polish war contributed to atmosphere of crises

wild Tartars of the Crimea in southern Russia swept through Prussia (1656-1657) carrying off more than 50,000 as slaves

Son of the Great ElectorBuilt great palaces and lived luxuriouslyFrederick the OstentatiousOnly great thing he did was to secure a royal

title or kingship for the HohenzollernsAfter aiding the HRE in the War of Spanish

Succession, the HRE permitted him to take the “King of Prussia” title

Hereafter, all Hohenzollerns will be “kings” of Prussia

Known as the “Soldiers’ King”Crude, dangerous psychoneuroticEstablished Prussian absolutism and gave it

its characterCreated the best army in Europe

Infused all of Prussian society with strict military values

Bizarre, almost pathological love for tall soldiers, (kind of like modern basketball coaches in search of the perfect ‘dream team’)

Prussian mothers: “stop growing or the recruiting agents will get you.”

Always wore uniform

Strong centralized bureaucracy; eventually became exceptionally honest and conscientious bureaucracy

Enlisted the Prussian nobility and landowning classes, Junkers, who would serve as officers

Prussia became “Sparta of the North”; unquestioning obedience

Despite his obsession with military, HIS REIGN WAS MARKED BY PEACE; didn’t seem as if he wanted to “spend” his blue boys (color of uniform)

Was said that when sick or depressed, he would order a contingent to march through his bedroom in the hopes that the sight of their glorious grandeur would improve his condition.

Prussian people paid heavy and lasting price for obsessions of their king

Civil society rigid and highly disciplinedUnquestioning obedience highest virtue“To keep quiet is the first civic duty.”Combination of harsh peasant bondage and

Junker tyranny laid foundation for most militaristic country of modern times.