Branches of Earth Science 1.1. ...And if you are looking for remotely sensed images of the Earth,...

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Branches of Earth Science 1.1. ...And if you are looking for remotely sensed images of the Earth,...

Branches of Earth ScienceBranches of Earth Science


...And if you are looking for remotely sensed images of the ...And if you are looking for remotely sensed images of the Earth, this view is the most remotely sensed image we Earth, this view is the most remotely sensed image we have ever published! have ever published! Earth Observatory, NASAEarth Observatory, NASA

Saturn & Earth imageSaturn & Earth image This beautiful image of Saturn and its rings looks

more like an artist’s creation than a real image, but in fact, the image is a composite (layered image) made from 165 images taken by the wide-angle camera on the Cassini spacecraft over nearly three hours on September 15, 2006. Scientists created the color in the image by digitally compositing ultraviolet, infrared, and clear-filter images and then adjusting the final image to resemble natural color. (A clear filter is one that allows in all the wavelengths of light the sensor is capable of detecting.) The bottom image is a closeup view of the upper left quadrant of the rings, through which Earth is visible in the far, far distance.


On this day, Saturn interceded between the Sun and Cassini, shielding Cassini from the Sun’s glare. As the spacecraft lingered in Saturn’s shadow, it viewed the planet’s rings as never before, revealing previously unknown faint rings and even glimpsing its home world. Seen from more than a billion kilometers (almost a billion miles) away, through the ice and dust particles of Saturn’s rings, Earth appears as a tiny, bright dot to the left and slightly behind Saturn.

Cont.Cont. Although it might appear that Earth is located

within Saturn’s outermost rings, that positioning is just an illusion created by the enormous distance between Cassini and Earth. When Cassini took this image, the spacecraft was looking back at Saturn from a distance of about 2.2.million kilometers (about 1.3 million miles). The Sun was millions of additional miles beyond, hidden behind Saturn. On September 15, Earth’s orbit had brought our home planet to a location slightly behind and to the left of the Sun from Cassini’s perspective.

Cont.Cont.The Website of the Cassini Imaging Central

Laboratory for Operations (CICLOPS) provides more detailed information about this image. The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency, and the Italian Space Agency.

Image courtesy CICLOPS team. Image description from “In Saturn’s Shadow,” on the CICLOPS Website.


Name the four main branches of Earth science.

Discuss how Earth scientists help us understand the world around us.

The Scientific Study of EarthThe Scientific Study of Earth

Earth science the scientific study of Earth and the universe around it

Scientific study of Earth began thousands of years ago with careful observations.

For many centuries, scientific discoveries were limited to observations of phenomena that could be seen with the unaided eye.

Branches of Earth ScienceBranches of Earth Science

Scientists have used technology and hard work to build an immense body of knowledge about Earth.

Most Earth scientists specialize in one of four major areas of study: the solid Earth, the oceans, the atmosphere, and the universe beyond Earth.

4 major branches4 major branches


Earth SciencesEarth Sciences

Branches of Earth Science, Branches of Earth Science, continuedcontinuedGeology geology the scientific study of the origin, history,

and structure of Earth and the processes that shape Earth

Geology includes many specialized fields of study, such as the study of earthquakes or volcanoes, exploration for natural resources such as coal and oil, and the study of Earth’s history through the study of rocks and fossils.



Branches of Earth Science, Branches of Earth Science, continuedcontinuedOceanography oceanography the scientific study of the ocean,

including the properties and movement of ocean water, the characteristics of the ocean floor, and the organisms that live in the ocean

Like geology, oceanography includes specialized fields. Some oceanographers study ocean water. Others study waves, tides, and ocean currents. Still others study the ocean floor or the organisms that live in the oceans.


– waves, currentsBiological

– plants, animalsGeological

– ocean floor to study Earth’s historyChemical

– chemicals

Branches of Earth Science, Branches of Earth Science, continuedcontinuedMeteorology meteorology the scientific study of Earth’s

atmosphere, especially in relation to weather and climate

Using satellites, radar, and other technologies, meteorologists study the atmospheric conditions that produce weather. They may use this information to prepare weather forecasts.

Some meteorologists study climate, the patterns of weather that occur over long periods of time.


Weather forecastingHurricanesTornadoesClimate modeling,448&ei=UTF-8

Branches of Earth Science, Branches of Earth Science, continuedcontinuedAstronomy astronomy the scientific study of the universe

Astronomy is one of the oldest branches of Earth science.

Modern astronomers use Earth-based and space-based telescopes, as well as other instruments, to study the sun, the moon, the planets, and the universe.



Special Branches of Earth ScienceSpecial Branches of Earth Science

Environmental Science Environmental science is a relatively new field

of Earth science that involves the study of the ways in which humans interact with their environment.

Environmental scientists study many issues, such as the use of natural resources, pollution, and the health of plant and animal species on Earth.

Other Special Branches of Earth Other Special Branches of Earth ScienceScienceEcologyGeochemistryGeography &


The Importance of Earth ScienceThe Importance of Earth Science

Natural forces not only shape Earth but also affect life on Earth. By understanding how natural forces shape our environment, Earth scientists can better predict potential disasters and help save lives and property.

The work of Earth scientists helps us understand our place in the universe.

The study of Earth science can help people gain access to Earth’s resources, and Earth scientists also strive to help people use those resources wisely.