Bramante is bald figure of Euclid Raphael in extreme right corner Michelangelo is resting on stone...

Post on 16-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Bramante is bald figure of Euclid Raphael in extreme right corner Michelangelo is resting on stone...

Bramante is bald figure of Euclid

Raphael in extreme right corner

Michelangelo is resting on stone block writing a poem

Overall composition influenced by Da Vinci’s last supper

Raphael continued to wrok for Julius II’ successor, born Giovvanie de Medici

School of Athens, fresco, Vatican

Raphael painted this in Pope Julius II library; Philosophy books shelved below

Vastness & variety of papal library and interests

Buliding behind-Bramant’s plan for st. Peters

Nobility & monumentality of forms

Plato (w/Leonardo’s face) pointing up and Aristotle


Small Cowper Madonna, Raphael, Oil on wood panel, 1505 (high Renaissance)

Triangular composition favored in Renaissance

Classical allusions; frequently painted holy family

Atmospheric perspective behind Mary

Raphael was very young

Clarity of forms, sweet expressions; chiaroscuro renders modeling.

La Pieta, Michelangelo

Marble, 1500, 6’ tall

St. Peter’s, Vatican,

La Pieta in the round

Pyramidal composition


Heavy drapery masks Mary’s size as she easily holds Jesus in here lap

Only work Michelangelo ever signed

Shows Mary’s beauty and grief

Michelangelo was Ghirlandaio’s apprentice

Patron French cardinal

“Set free the image from the stone”


David (flashcard)

Medium: Marble

Size: height 17' (5.18 m) without pedestal

Date: 1501–04

Source/ Museum: Galleria dell’Accademia, Florence

Commissioned as symbol of Florence, representing Florence as she faced enemies like France

First colossal nude since ancient world

Muscular, tense, at the ready

David anticipated challenge of Goliath, great concentration on the face

Slight contrapposto, little negative space

Marble, not bronze.. Evoked power of ancient art.. Purity of expression

Influence of Spear Bearer by Polykleitos

2 minute video on Michelangelo's David

Last Judgment, Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo

1536-41, Vatican, Rome

No cornice divisions like ceiling

Mannerism shown in distortions of body, elongations, crowded groups

1. Bottom: dead rising/mouth of hell

2. Ascending elect, desc. Sinners, angels

3. Saved around Jesus

4. Lunette: Angels w/cross

Justice shown

Spiraling composition a reaction against High Renaissance harmony; disunity of church from the Reformation

Drapery added later

St. Bartholomew modeled on contemporary critic LOL

Michelangelos’ face in St. Bart’s skin

Moses, Michelangelo, 1513-16, 1542-45,

Commissioned for tomb of Julius II

Never finished (was to be part of a huge installation of sculptures, he was pulled of this project to do the Sistine Chapel

Meant to be viewed from below

Horns are mistranslation of Bible; Moses thought to have had HORNS coming out of his head, really RAYS (like a halo)

Figure is in awe, heroic body

Inspired by Laocoon

Last Supper, da Vinci, 1495-98, Monastery in Milan, Italy

Experiment with tempera and oil on plaster (FAIL)

Painted for dining hall of a monastery

Linear perspective; orthogonals point to Jesus

Groupings of 3

Drama: Jesus says, One of You will Betray ME

Judas falls back clutching his bag of coins (bribe to betray Jesus)

Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci

1503, Louvre, Paris…

21” x 30”

3/4 profile, triangular composition

Sfumato, chiaroscuro used in figure, atmospheric perspective in background

Mysterious smile, psychological intensity

Lots of mysteries and legends surround this painting (da Vinci code); recently have discovered remains of da Vinci’s model

(da Vinci code?)

Joseph & Potiphar’s Wife

1525, Properzia de’ Rossi


Famous woman sculptor; mastered miniature carvings such as the Last Supper on a peach pit!

Carving in cathedral of San Petronio in Bologna

Only woman included in Vasari’s biography

Got over an unhappy love affair by carving this panel, according to Vasari

Rival male sculptor kept her from being paid fairly for her work

The Chess Game

1525, Sofia Anguissola


Well known portait painter, eventually went to the Spanish court

Well educated in the arts, did portraits but due to here social status and gender could not sell them

Michelangelo critiqued one of her drawings

Court painter in Spain for 20 yers

Rivaled Titian


The Tempest, Giorgione (f. card)

1506 (Venetian School)

Oil on canvas

Studied w/Bellini

Meaning debated

POESIE- painted poems, viewers enjoyed trying to understand what is happening

Emerging use of oil in Venice; softer tones

Emerging landscape tradition

Lightning, mysterious ruins in landscape Gypsy girl breastfeeding baby

Titian was Giogrione’s apprentice. Also studied with Bellini … again poesie, painted poem. Are the 2 nudes the musician’s muses? Mythical world plus real world, landscape

Pastoral Concert, Allegory on the Invention of Pastoral Poetry

Titian, Venetian School, 1510

Oil on canvas


Chiaroscuro, no clear cut edges

Pesaro Madonna, Titian, 1526

Oil on canvas

Commemorate Venetian victory won by Jacopo Pesaro against the Turks in 1502

Jacobo kneels at L with St. George, members of family w/St. Francis of Assisi

St. Peter looks down

Asymmetrical composition

Color not design

Columns added later by another artist


Venus of Urbino, Titian, oil on canvas, 1538.

Sensuous painting, skin tones, probably a courtesan, looks diretly at viewer, deep space in picture, flora motif. Dog = faithful, standard for future reclining female nudes

Feast in the House of Levi, Veronese, oil on canvas, 1573 (Venetian school). Originally last supper, was called before Pope’s Inquisition to question presence of drunks, dwarves, etc. at last supper…. Changed title to another supper instead to avoid being jailed and tortured. Continued classical perspective and painted for Dominican monastery

Last Supper, Tintoretto, 1594, Oil on canvas (Venetto), developed from Titian’s style, mannerist elongated forms, radiant light around Christ and angels, corner view, still life on tables and cat - deep chiariscuro… fast painter, Daughter became artist.

Entombment, Pontormo

Oil & tempera on wood, altarpiece in church in Florence

Mannerist painting with twisted, elongated figures and spiraling composition (what’s in center?)

Little background.

High key colors


Which are men and which are women???


Assumption of the Virgin, Correggio, fresco, dome in Parma Cathedral, Italy, 1530

Spiraling composition again typical of mannerism

Saints at bottom, thjen Virgin escorted to heaven with angels, Christ waits for Mary

Glowing colors prefigures the Baorque


Madonna with the long Neck, Parmigianino, oil on wood, 1534-40, Florence

7 feet by 4 feet

Small head, long neck, delicate, graceful gestures

Elongated and detahced limbs

Column perspective looks odd

Pose reminiscent of la Pieta
