Bradfield CE (VA) Primary School School Development Priorities 2015-16.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Bradfield CE (VA) Primary School School Development Priorities 2015-16.

Bradfield CE (VA) Primary School

School Development Priorities 2015-16

Aim: To achieve an Ofsted grading of

‘Good’ in our next Section 5 Ofsted


Overall Effectiveness Leadership and Management Quality of Teaching, Learning and

Assessment Personal Development, Behaviour and

Welfare Pupil Outcomes EYFS

New Inspection Framework

Targets: To ensure that the Quality of Teaching, Learning

and Assessment is at least good To develop a comprehensive school wide approach

to the consistent development of high quality learning and understanding in Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development

To ensure that safeguarding is effective

Overall Effectiveness

Target: To increase leadership capacity throughout the school Establish a clear leadership structure Put in place leadership training for middle

leaders Teachers to develop their skills as subject

leaders, monitoring, evaluating, analysing impact, reporting to governors, leading staff training

Leadership and Management

Target: To ensure that all teaching observed across the school is at least consistently good: Consistent challenge across the school to meet

the demands of the new tests and national curriculum.

Ensure quality teaching and learning across the new curriculum for all ability levels

Embed the new curriculum and develop assessment skills using Target Tracker

Ensure that pupils are given timely developmental feedback in lessons and in marking to help them to progress

Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment

Targets: To further improve attendance and

punctuality To embed the development of positive

attitudes to learning and behaviour for learning

To ensure that the school environment sets high expectations and ensures excellent behaviour and behaviour for learning

To develop a shared vision with the new Full Governing Body, parents and stakeholders

Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare

Targets: Improve Phonics results All pupils to be secondary ready at the end of year

6 60% of pupils to be achieving above ARE in SPAG,

Writing and Maths at the end of Year 6 Close the gaps between girls and boys attainment More vulnerable pupils (SEN, PP) to attain above

ARE through the school Accelerate progress in writing across KS2 and

boys at maths from level 3 stating points

Pupil Outcomes

Targets: To further improve pupil outcomes in ICT Improve outcomes in Managing Feelings and

Behaviour To further develop the outside area To continue to develop knowledge and skills on

developing Sustained, Shared Thinking To develop the provision for teaching the

Characteristics of Learning – introduction of superheroes

To develop parent links through use of home/ school learning logs

Early Years Foundation Stage