Post on 03-Jul-2020

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Board Members Present: Randy Chen Current Tetrarch / Previous Parliamentarian Jamie Doyle Current Tetrarch / Previous Deputy Spirit Coordinator / Previous

Deputy Webmaster Allyson Ping Current Tetrarch / Previous MassJCL 1st VP / Previous Publicity

Director Christina Yee Current Tetrarch / Previous Community Service Czar Ina Beinborn Current Publicity Director / Previous Deputy of Publicity Jess Schnitzer Current Deputy of Publicity Anna Aldins Current Publicity Emerita / Previous Publicity Committee Member Nestoras Apodiakos Current Community Service Czar Joshua Lomasney Current Secretary Ashley Chou Current Head Treasurer / Previous Deputy Treasurer Hanyi Wang Current Deputy Treasurer Carina Layfield Current Parliamentarian / Previous Publicity Director Hilary Wong Current Head Historian Masha Leyfer Current Deputy Historian Ada Chai Current Historian Emerita / Previous Historian Ting Wei Li Current Publications Editor Peter Wang Current Publications Emeritus / Previous Publications Editor

(Arrived at 2:32) Jonathan Yuan Current Head Webmaster / Previous Publicity Committee Member Angela Tran Current Deputy Webmaster Luc Azar-Tanguay Current Officer at Large Xiangan He Current Officer at Large Charles Ma Current Officer at Large Danny Nguyen Current Officer at Large Ruth Shiferaw Current Officer at Large (Left at 3:25) Emily Sun Current Officer at Large Tim Liu Current MassJCL Secretary / Previous Secretary / Previous Officer

at Large (Arrived at 3:02) Ben Gaucherin Current Spirit Coordinator (Arrived at 2:42) Kayla Riker Current MassJCL Treasurer / Previous Head Spirit Coordinator

Will Burnett Current MassJCL Historian / Previous Historian / Previous Parliamentarian

Daniel Sherman Previous MassJCL Secretary / Previous Secretary (Arrived at 2:31) Michael Gao Previous Triumvir / Previous Publications Editor William Gao Previous Triumvir / Previous Webmaster Oliver McNeely Previous Head Webmaster (Arrived at 2:40) Nicholas Weiske Previous Officer at Large Jairam Rao Previous Officer at Large Molly O’Halloran Previous Head Treasurer Regrets: Clair Fu Previous Deputy Webmaster Louis Delano Previous Triumvir / Previous Head Treasurer Linda Qin Previous MassJCL President / Previous MassJCL Publications

Editor / Previous Triumvirgo

Sponsors: Ms. Moguel Mr. Bartoloma Ms. Bauer Guests: Dalena Nguyen Previous MassJCL Parliamentarian (Arrived at 2:34) Julia Weeks Highlights:

1. This meeting was a transitional meeting. The main purpose of this meeting was to introduce the board members to one another and to discuss upcoming events. Officers in attendance introduce themselves by stating their name, grade, past and/or present offices held, and their favorite JCL memory (For details, see Minutes 2:30 to 2:44 ).

2. Previous officers who are present give either advice to a specific officer, or general advice to all of the officers (For details, see Minutes 2:44 to 2:52).

3. A new Officer at Large system will be implemented for the next school year. Officers at Large will be assigned to officers and will get the chance to learn more about each individual office by helping them.

4. Publicity Officers will be working on a sixie orientation presentation, which will be shown during sixie orientation. Other BLSJCL members will get the opportunity to come in and talk to incoming sixies about their personal experience with the JCL.

5. The annual BLSJCL Book Wrapping Event will be held near the beginning of the school year. Officers will help wrap books and facilitate the event. There will be an officer meeting on the first day of school to discuss the logistics of the event.

6. The MassJCL spirit party will be held on June 25th at Houghton’s Pond in Milton. All people attending National Convention in Indiana are invited to come out, enjoy burgers and hotdogs, practice cheers, and have a good time.

7. A proposal is made to purchase an Adobe Creative Cloud account. Purchasing an Adobe Creative Cloud account would provide the officers with the necessary creative software needed to improve the quality of their work.

Pre-Meeting Activities: 2:26 -- Allyson hands out the agenda for the meeting. 2:28 -- Ina hands out Publicity materials. Minutes: I. Beginning of Meeting 2:30 PM Officer and Sponsor Introductions: 2:30-2:44 -- Allyson begins the transitional meeting and each officer states their name, grade, position on the board, and their favorite JCL memory.

● Allyson: Allyson is one of the four Tetrarchs and is a junior this year. Her favorite JCL memories are all of the National Conventions that she has been to.

● Randy: Randy is a junior and one of the four Tetrarchs. He has enjoyed all of the National Conventions he has been to but a memory he specifically remembers is Peter and Arjun always going to Jamba Juice.

● Jamie: Jamie is a junior this year and is one of the four Tetrarchs. His favorite JCL memory is finally having the ballista fire correctly after three years of misfires.

● Christina: Christina is a junior and one of the Tetrarchs. Her favorite JCL memory is when she won the couples’ costume contest at State Convention with Ada.

● Ting Wei: Ting is a sophomore and is the Publications Editor. His favorite JCL memory is attending BLA prior to coming to BLS and competing against all of us.

● Joshua: Joshua is a sophomore and the Secretary. His favorite JCL memory is having the MassJCL board perform comical tasks for money at State Convention.

● Nestoras: Nestoras is a sophomore and the Community Service Czar. His favorite JCL memory is attending State Convention.

● Carina: Carina is a freshman and the Parliamentarian. Her favorite memory was of State Convention this year.

● Ina: Ina is a sophomore and the Publicity Director. She has really enjoyed everything about JCL.

● Masha: Masha is a freshman and the Deputy Historian. Her favorite memory was playing as a wildcard team and beating AMSA in Certamen.

● Ashley: Ashley is a freshman and is the Head Treasurer. She really enjoyed State Convention this year.

● Hanyi: Hanyi is in the eighth grade and is the Deputy Treasurer. Her favorite JCL memories have been from playing Certamen.

● Jess: Jess is in the eighth grade and the Deputy of Publicity. Her favorite JCL memory was Harvard Certamen this year.

● Xiangan: Xiangan is in the seventh grade and is an Officer at Large. He can’t pick a favorite JCL memory because they have all been so great.

● Luc: Luc is in the seventh grade and is an Officer at Large. His favorite JCL memory was State Convention this year.

● Danny: Danny is in the seventh grade and is an Officer at Large. His favorite JCL memory was of State Convention this year.

● Charles: Charles is in the eighth grade and is an Officer at Large. His favorite JCL memory was State Convention last year when he ran over a table and fell.

● Ruth: Ruth is in the seventh grade and is an Officer at Large. Her favorite JCL memory is winning first in dramatic interpretation at State Convention.

● Emily: Emily is in the seventh grade and is an Officer at Large. Her favorite JCL memory was State convention this year.

● Ada: Ada is a junior and is the Historian Emerita. Her favorite JCL memories are of Ms. Moguel saving the day at past State Conventions with pizza.

● Anna: Anna is a sophomore and is the Publicity Emerita. Her two favorite JCL memories are the last night of her first National Convention and That’s Entertainment at this year’s State Convention.

● Daniel: Dan is a graduating senior and was the 2015-2016 MassJCL Secretary. His favorite JCL memory was joining the JCL in the eighth grade.

● Michael: Michael is a graduating senior and was one of the 2015-2016 Triumvirs. His favorite JCL memory was attending Harvard Certamen in the eighth grade.

● William: William is a graduating senior and was one of the 2015-2016 Triumvirs. His favorite JCL memory was running BLS Certamen this year.

● Hilary: Hilary is a freshman and is the Head Historian. Her favorite JCL memory was of State Convention two years ago.

● Angela: Angela is a freshman and the Deputy Webmaster. Her favorite JCL memory was of State Convention two years ago.

● Jonathan: Jonathan is a sophomore and is the Head Webmaster. His favorite JCL memory was playing Certamen at National Convention on the Massachusetts intermediate team.

● Peter: Peter is a junior and the Publications Emeritus. His favorite JCL memory is a tie between National Convention in 2013 and this year’s State Convention.

● Dalena: Dalena is a graduating senior from BLA and was the 2015-2016 MassJCL Parliamentarian. Her favorite JCL memory is attending her first National Convention.

● Jairam: Jairam is a freshman and was a 2015-2016 Officer at Large. His favorite JCL memory was winning Harvard Certamen last year.

● Nick: Nick is a freshman and was a 2015-2016 Officer at Large. His favorite JCL memory was attending National Convention.

● Will: Will is a junior and the MassJCL Historian. His favorite JCL memories are State Convention this year because he got elected, and National Convention at Emory.

● Kayla: Kayla is a junior and the MassJCL Treasurer. Her favorite memories are of State Convention this year and National Conventions in general.

● Molly: Molly is a sophomore and was the 2015-2016 Head Treasurer. Her favorite JCL memory was getting egged along with Ms. Moguel.

● Oliver: Oliver is a junior and was the 2015-2016 Head Webmaster. His favorite JCL memory is the toga parade at his first State Convention.

● Ben: Ben is a junior and is the Spirit Coordinator. His favorite JCL memory is yelling “For Narnia!” when firing the ballista.

● Ms. Bauer: Ms. Bauer teaches seventh grade Latin and has been a MassJCL sponsor for 37 years.

● Mr. Bartoloma: Mr. Bartoloma is an eighth grade Latin teacher and his favorite memory was the moment that the BLS delegation had won State Convention for the first time in recent years.

● Ms. Moguel: Ms. Moguel is a seventh grade Latin teacher and is excited that next year the BLSJCL will be run by Mr. Bartoloma and herself.

Advice to New Officers from Old Officers: 2:44-2:52 --People who served as officers on the 2015-2016 BLSJCL board, starting with graduating seniors, give advice to the new board for their respective offices.

● Michael: Michael recommends to the Publications Editor that they make an organized schedule of deadlines, keep in contact with people writing articles and try to make the Publications Committee more active this year. He recommends to the Tetrarchs that they should communicate with not only all the board members, but also with all the members of the BLSJCL since some may not come to board meetings or attend all the BLSJCL events.

● William: As general advice to all board members, William suggests checking your email frequently and responding. He says that everyone on the board has skills that they should use to do the best job possible and represent the BLSJCL.

● Carina: Carina says that communication is very important for publicity and that there needs to be good communication between everyone involved with publicity so they can do the best job possible.

● Kayla: Kayla says that it is easy to plan spirit and prop making, but it is much harder to get people pumped and excited for spirit. The Spirit Coordinator needs to be able to get everyone excited at General Assembly and the parade while they’re going on.The Spirit Coordinator needs to prepare themselves to prepare the delegates. She then recommends to everyone that they check their emails frequently and stay up to date.

● Christina: Christina recommends to the Community Service Czar that they prepare opportunities for the entire year over the summer. Getting in touch and maintaining communication with organizations throughout the year is important.

● Randy: Randy recommends to the Parliamentarian that since there are many changes to be made to the constitution, they should prepare amendments and ideas over the summer opposed to waiting until the school year starts.

● Ada: Ada recommends to the Historians that they start working on the scrapbook earlier in the year rather than later. The bulletin board needs to be updated frequently with up to date information. Also, the Historians should practice taking pictures of people and not feeling weird about it.

● Will: Will too suggests that the Historians stay on top of updating the bulletin board. He recommends spending more time working on the quality of the product rather than the quantity.

● Molly: Molly says to everyone that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask for help. Don’t be afraid to ask for help because you think it would make you look dumb. You want to do the best job possible and getting help and recommendations is great.

● Peter: Peter recommends that the Publications Editor make a system to be able to ask for articles and to make sure they get done.

● Jairam: Jairam suggests to the Officers at Large, that since there are so many of them, that they can spread out the work and can be versatile. They should also actively seek out work and take initiative in finding work to do.

● Oliver: Oliver recommends to the Webmasters that they list out deadlines and stay on top of them, especially state and national deadlines. Also, the website should be updated frequently and kept up to date.

● Daniel: Dan recommends to the Secretary that they not be afraid to ask for help or to ask questions and that they should reach out to board members if something is unclear so that they can make the best possible Minutes.

General Information for Officers: 2:53 -- Allyson has sent out an email to officers that had two surveys. One was for officer contact information and the other was for a goal for this year. An email has been sent out to officers with the contact information of the other officers. She requests that if anyone has not filled out those forms, that they do so when possible. 2:54 -- Randy explains that communication face to face is more valuable than online and that attendance at the board meetings is essential. If something comes up and you are not able to make it to the board meeting, let the board know in advance. Doodle polls will be sent out asking whether or not you can attend future board meeting. Josh, the Secretary, will be sending out Minutes for those who were unable to attend or had to leave early. 2:55 -- Allyson says that all officers should be aware of their duties outlined in the constitution. Officers should feel free to reach out to people who have previously held their office to ask questions or for advice. 2:56 -- Allyson announces that there will be a new Officer at Large system where they will be assigned to a different officer every month or so. Since the Spirit Coordinator only manages two events throughout the year, Officers at Large will either work with them early in the school year, or closer to State Convention. This new system will be implemented because there are so many board members as well as Officers at Large and the Officers at Large will be able to find what they enjoy doing. Fundraising for National Convention 2:57 -- Allyson acknowledges that the National Convention is coming up soon and the bazaar is a great way to raise money. The Head Treasurer should think about things to sell at National Convention for money. The Head Treasurer should also reserve a table at the bazaar by contacting the NJCL. Allyson then asks if anyone has any ideas for items to sell at National Convention. 2:58 -- Anna recommends making bracelets and jewelry to sell since it has worked for the MassJCL in the past. Ms. Moguel comments that we shouldn’t try to steal away the customers from the MassJCL items and that jewelry might not be the best idea for BLSJCL fundraising. Carina then recommends that designing a unique T-shirt and selling them at National Convention has the potential of being very successful since it has worked well for other schools and states at National Conventions. 2:59 -- Ms. Moguel and Mr. Bartoloma acknowledge that we are running low on merchandise already in stock and that we may have to order more or make new merchandise. They will be taking inventory of what is still in stock towards the end of the school year. We are aiming to restock on merchandise that has sold well in the past, as well as new merchandise. 3:00 -- Ms. Bauer brings up the idea of making classically themed bobbleheads. They could be based on historical figures as well as mythological figures. Kayla explains that we should take

caution with larger and more expensive items and that it might be best to order a small amount and see how they sell before committing to a large investment. 3:01 -- Will suggests that we design and sell crewnecks or sweaters since those have also sold very well at past National Conventions. Although T-Shirts are cheaper and more common, people may be looking for unique apparel such as crewnecks or sweaters. 3:02 -- Ashley suggests that we make JCL themed bookmarks since they are pretty simple. Kayla brings up the possibility of making simple JCL keychains. Will says that he thinks that keychains would sell faster than bookmarks at National Convention. 3:03 -- Carina recommends that the BLSJCL should try not to sell items that have the school’s name on it since most people at National Convention won’t care about being affiliated with BLS, but rather that we should keep it simple and broad. Tim arrives and introduces himself. He is the MassJCL Secretary and is a freshman. He recommends to the Secretary that they keep the Minutes detailed, but still readable. Sixie Orientation Presentation: 3:04 -- Allyson explains that over the summer, Publicity Officers should make a presentation and members of BLSJCL can come in to the sixie orientation to explain what the JCL is. Carina describes her experience in making the presentation. It should be fun and interesting to try to get sixies to want to join. 3:05 -- Ms. Moguel explains that this summer’s sixie orientation will be more structured and that we are unsure about when and how the presentation may take place. She will update the Tetrarchs as more information is available. Allyson will send out a volunteer form for people who may want to come in and talk about their experience in the JCL. Beginning of the Year Book Wrapping Event: 3:06 -- Allyson brings up the annual Book Wrapping Event that takes place at the beginning of the year. She then asks the past triumvirs about feedback from this year’s Book Wrapping Event. Michael says that the biggest issue was that there were many books wrapped with a different color than what was requested by students. There was also a problem with being able to wrap the books quickly and get them back to the students. William says that there should be a board meeting prior to the Book Wrapping Event so that officers can get orientated and prepared for the actual event. He also warns about loosing books since it would reflect badly upon the club. 3:07 -- Allyson explains that we will be having a meeting towards the beginning of the school year to decide roles for the Book Wrapping Event and get accustomed to wrapping books. Ms. Moguel explains that we have run out of white paper to wrap books in and that any donation would be greatly appreciated. Anna may have some paper at home that might be useful. 3:09 -- There is also a need for fabric book covers since they sold out pretty quickly this year. Possible places to buy fabric book covers are Ocean State Job Lot, CVS, Stop & Shop, and

Walgreens. Kayla says that they can be purchased at Ocean State Job Lot for less money and in bulk. Anyone who purchases fabric book covers will be reimbursed after the event. National Convention Spirit Party: 3:10 to 3:11 -- Will announces that there will be a spirit part for those attending National Convention. The spirit party will be held on Saturday June 25th at Houghton’s Pond in Milton from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The MassJCL 2nd Vice President Rachel Bisson will be sending out more information soon. It will be an opportunity to meet other students from across the state who are also going to National Convention and to become accustomed with the state cheers. Bake Sale: 3:12 -- Allyson explains that bake sales can only be held on Wednesdays and that the date must be reserved at the beginning of the school year. Ashley says the best available dates are December 14th and December 21st. The preferred date is December 14th since it is close to Saturnalia. JCL Forms for Latin Teachers: 3:13 -- Allyson explains that she would like to talk with the Publicity Officers and try to get more JCL membership forms to all of the Latin teachers when school starts. Many Latin teachers aren’t very involved with the JCL and this would allow them to advertise to their students about the club. Publicity: 3:14 -- Ina points out the items she had handed out at the beginning of the meeting. There are three things that we can do to help out publicity. We can add “BLSJCL” to our email signatures or social media bios, screenshot it, and send the screenshot to to help BLS earn publicity points. We can also add “BLSJCL” to our telephone answering message and filling out the verification form for publicity points. Lastly, we can put up window signs advertising BLSJCL and signing a verification form for publicity points. The screenshot and verification forms should be handed in by the next board meeting. 3:15 -- Mr. Bartoloma mentions that the Tetrarchs should try to make events more related to general classroom activities to connect JCL to the classroom. Some ideas could be having declamation workshops and bringing back the mythology club. 3:16 -- Ina brings up the possibility of having a shared Adobe Creative Cloud account. Since many of the officers on the board require creative software, a shared Adobe Creative Cloud account would allow them to do a better job and make better finished products. 3:17 -- Allyson says that this was done for the MassJCL board and that it was extremely helpful. Will explains that he, as MassJCL Historian, and Shreya, as MassJCL Publications Editor, will be using the MassJCL Adobe Creative Cloud account throughout the year.

3:18 -- The Adobe Creative Cloud account would include website editing software such as Dreamweaver, Muse, and other programs such as Indesign and Photoshop. 3:19 -- Ms. Moguel brings up the issue of paying for the account. A normal registration would cost around 600 dollars a year, however, if a student or teacher email is used, it would only cost around 240 dollars a year. 3:20 -- A major concern is that it would cost a lot of money, which would have to be raised through fundraising. Mr. Bartoloma brings up the possibility of asking Mr. Horrigan for help or recommendations in getting an Adobe Creative Cloud account. 3:21 -- Kayla asks about the possibility of having two bake sales throughout the year. Mr. Bartoloma explains that although bake sales can raise money, the Yankee Candle fundraiser can raise far more money than bake sales. 3:22 -- While on the topic of money, Mr. Bartoloma mentions that the sponsors have been trying to get a display case for all of the trophies and medals that have been won by the BLSJCL. 3:23 -- Kayla brings up the possibility of using some of the half empty trophies cases for the medals and trophies. We can’t use those displays because they are owned by other clubs and we can’t just claim their trophy cases. Tetrarch and Emerita Assignments: 3:24 -- Since there are so many officers on the board who all have many great ideas and plans, each officer has been matched up with a tetrarch, with whom they can schedule checkins to talk about specific plans. 3:25 -- A Doodle poll will be sent out to officers asking when they will be available to meet up with the Tetrarchs to discuss their ideas. Planning Upcoming Board Meetings: 3:26 -- The first board meeting of the school year will take place in September around the time that school will start. The problem with having the first meeting before school starts is that the doors may be locked and administration may not be happy about students being in the building. 3:27 -- Will asks if holding the first board meeting at an alternate location such as the Copley Library would be possible. William explains that he felt that the first meeting to welcome everyone back to school was unnecessary and that it could just be scrapped all together. 3:28 -- Allyson considers scrapping the first meeting entirely and instead just having the meeting to discuss and go over the logistics for the Book Wrapping Event. 3:29 -- Allyson confirms that the meeting for the Book Wrapping Event will happen after school on the first day of school, which is Thursday September 8th. 3:30 -- Just like any other board meeting, the book wrapping meeting is mandatory. As officers, we should take responsibility for the running of the event. The date for the actual Book Wrapping Event itself is discussed and is agreed on for Friday September 9th, Monday September 12th, and Tuesday September 13th.

Miscellaneous Topics: 3:31 -- Ada asks that since we are about to finish on time that all the BLSJCL officers head into the hallway to take a group photo. Allyson is excited that we were able to finish on time. 3:32 -- Tim announces contest changes that will affect next year’s State Convention. Every delegate will be limited to entering 11 Graphic Arts contests. This is being done to avoid having to scale the value of points that each contest is worth at State Convention. Mixed media and charts will not be contests at the next State Convention. The decision to eliminate them as contests was reached because of the low number of entries in recent years. 3:33 -- Allyson announces that each of the Tetrarchs has been assigned one of the four categories of contests at State Convention. Allyson is in charge of Creative Arts, Jamie is in charge of Olympika and Ludi related events. Randy is in charge of Academics. Christina is in charge of Graphic Arts. They plan on holding workshops throughout the year to prepare people for State Convention. II. Conclusion of Meeting 3:33 PM Duration: 1 Hour and 3 Minutes Summary:

Each of the old and new officers introduces themselves and gives their favorite JCL memory. Old officers are given the chance to give advice to the new officers. The importance of attendance, communication, and responsibility is stressed. The new Officer at Large system is announced and explained. Fundraising at National Convention and the dates for upcoming events such as the annual Book Wrapping Event and the bake sale are discussed. A proposal for an Adobe Creative Cloud account to be shared by the officers is made. Upcoming Events:

❏ National Convention Spirit Party – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – June 25th, 2016 ❏ National Convention – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – July 25th to July 30th, 2016 ❏ Sixie Orientation – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – August 22nd to August 26th, 2016 ❏ Book Wrapping Meeting – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – September 8th, 2016 ❏ Book Wrapping Event – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – September 9th, 12th, and 13th, 2016 ❏ Roslindale Parade – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – October 2nd, 2016 ❏ Bake Sale – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Tentatively December 14th, 2016 ❏ Next Board Meeting – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – TBD

Promiscuous Latin Quote: “Alii adnutat, alii adnictat, alium amat, alium tenet. Alibi manus est occupata, alii pervellit pedem; anulum dat alii spectandum, a labris alium invocat.”

To one she winks, and to another she nods; she loves one, but holds another. Elsewhere, a hand is busy, but she tugs on another’s foot; To one she gives her ring to look at, but calls another by her lips.

-- Gnaeus Naevius, Tarentilla, Lines 74-78

Inspirational English Quote: “We can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them.”

-- George Eliot, The Mill on the Floss

Classical Meme Roman Numeral Sudoku

(Meme Cred to Tim Liu) (Sudoku Cred to Ting Wei Li) If you would like to submit a Classical Meme to be possibly included in the next Minutes, Please

email your Meme to the Secretary, Joshua Lomasney, at ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

~~Minutes prepared by Joshua Lomasney~~