Books - Technical Publications

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Books - Technical Publications

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications



    Audio, TV & Video 60

    Automotive 91

    Cables & Interconnection 62

    Chemical Engineering 86

    Communications 62Computer - General 70

    Computer - Operating Systems 66

    Computer - Programming 67

    Computer - Software Packages 68

    Control & Instrumentation 71

    Cross Reference & Selection Guides 58

    Dictionaries & Technical References 59

    Electrical Appliances & Motors 74

    Electrical Regulations & Standards 75

    Electronics Theory & Application 77

    EMC/RFI 80

    Engineering 81

    Fluid Power 89

    Health & Safety 89

    Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering 84

    Internet 63

    Mathematics Application & Theory 87

    Machining & Metalwork 89

    Materials & Structures 93

    Mechanical Engineering 83

    Microprocessors 76

    Networking 64

    Optoelectronics 76

    Power Conversion 87

    Quality & Reliability 88

    Security 94

    Training 54

    Welding 90


    Books & Technical Publications

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications




    Farnell June 2001 Book 1 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Page 54





    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical


    Prices are in Hong Kong Dollars

    Training IT

    IT Training

    N.B. All of the products which are installed on a computer are licensed for asingle, stand alone PC.

    Demonstration disks and videos are available for CBT and VIDEO. To obtain one ofthese, on a 14 day trial, contact the Sales Office quoting order code 183-659 for CBTand 183-660 for video.




    'Technology Based Training' (TBT) is the use of technology (computers or video) toeither train, or to assist in the training of, people. The type of training available covers abroad spectrum of subjects. TBT is an umbrella term used to cover several forms oftraining.

    'Computer Based Training' (CBT) is supplied on computer disk(s), with minimal 'paper'support. CBT is very lively and interactive, and provides complete low cost training.

    There is a wide range of CBT products, most of which runs on a fairly basic PC, but acolour monitor and a mouse are often required.

    CBT for IT subjects, are 'SIMULATED' (you don't need the Application Software you'relearning about loaded on your PC).

    'Multi-Media Training' (CDROM) offers great potential. The main 'media' involved arecomputing, audio and video. These are supplied to on CD-ROM. They run on a PC,which will need to have a CD-ROM player, audio system etc.

    'Video Based Training' (VIDEO), media brings the 'human' element into play. It is wellsuited for group training, and/or as a catalyst for groups. With the time and expenseinvolved in using traditional methods of training, this type offers the perfect solutionfor both employer and employee. The courses may be used when it is convenient foreveryone involved. You may not wish to go through the whole course in one session,they may be fitted in 'as and when' either in work or at home. The on-screen clockenables easy location of topics and sections.

    Unless otherwise stated the system requirements for all PC training products are:Windows 3.1 or higher, VGA or higher display and a mouse. Memory requirements willbe listed on individual items.


    Subject: ACCESS 7 Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Access for Windows 95 Part 1 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code


    Course Contents:Guided Tour. Test drive. Survival kit. What is a database? Getting down to business.Your own record collection. Looking your best. The finishing touches. The art ofjuggling. Seeing the bottom line. Working with queries. Working with macros.

    Total running time: 3 hours Audience: Intermediate507

    Subject: ACCESS 7 Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Access for Windows 95 Part 2 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code

    Price Each


    Course Contents:Relationships. Tables. Queries. Advanced queries. SQL specific queries. Forms.Advanced forms. Reports. Macros.

    Total running time: 2 734 hours Audience: Intermediate506

    Subject: ACCESS 7 Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Access for Windows 95 Part 3 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code


    Course Contents:

    Developing applications. Introduction to VBA. Putting VBA to work. Applicationintegration. Database security. Optimising Access. Customising your application. MSAccess World.

    Total running time: 3 hours Audience: Advanced505

    Subject: ACCESS 97 Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Microsoft Access 97 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code


    Course Contents:The 60 second database. What is a database? Guided tour. Help. Working withrecords. Working with forms. Creating your own database. Creating forms. Designeffects. Importing and exporting data. Managing information. Finding precise informa-tion. Creating reports. Mail merging. Expert tips and tricks.

    Total running time: 2 612 hours Audience: BeginnerIntermediate508

    Subject: MULTIMEDIATitle: Professor Multimedia Version 2 Media:CDROM


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code


    Learn what Multimedia is Really About Learn to Produce Multimedia Presentation(s) and Projects Explore Award-Winning Software, 3D Animations and Videos Get Expert Tips on Hardware and Software Trouble shooting Test Drive Leading Software

    There are more than 50 dazzling videos and 3D animations with over 6 hoursinformative narration, music and sound effects. A 200 word glossary of multimediaterms. Over 500 tips on real-life applications. Fully functional modules of Action! andAstound presentation programs. 12 different award-winning multimedia programtours from education to entertainment. There are also explanations and solutions tothe most common problems encountered when working with multimedia.

    System requirements: 386, 33MHz or higher, Windows 3.1 or higher, 8MB RAM,CD-ROM drive, 256 colour VGA or higher, soundcard,speakers or headphones and mouse.

    Course duration: 1-2 hours Audience: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced340

    Subject: INTERNETTitle: Creating Your Own Web Page Media:VIDEO


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Why create a Web page. How to create it, design essentials, working with graphics andbackground effects, authoring software.

    Running Time: 50 Mins Audience: Beginners534

    Subject: NETWORKING Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Windows NT 3.51 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code


    Course Contents:Guided tour. What is Windows NT? Windows NT programmes. Installation. Filesystems. Security. Setting up Users and Groups. Networking. Other administrativetools. Managing fault tolerance. Printing. Applications for Windows NTS.

    Total running time: 3 hours Audience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced


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    Farnell June 2001 Book 1 CYAN MAGENTA YELLOW BLACK Page 55


    Books & Technical Publications





    Sales Tel 8104 8208 Sales Fax8104 8268

    Subject: OFFICE 97 Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Microsoft Office 97 Professional Edition (Top Tips) Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code


    Course Contents:

    Outlook part 1. Word 97. Outlook part 2. Excel 97. Outlook part 3. PowerPoint97. Outlook part 4. Access 97. Office 97 and the internet. FrontPage 97 a preview.

    Total running time: 1 hour Audience: All Users511

    Subject: PERSONAL COMPUTERSTitle: PC Library (Release 2) Media: CDROM


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code


    The complete contents of 46 top manuals and computer reference books. PC Libraryincludes the complete contents of books covering Communications, Database,Graphics and Desktop Publishing, Hardware, The Home, Networking, OperatingSystems, Presentation, Productivity, Spreadsheets, Technical Support/Help and WordProcessing.

    There are also over 50 interactive videos.

    Minimum System requirements: 80386sx PC with CD-ROM drive, mouse, colour VGAmonitor, 4 bit VGA adaptor (16 colours), 4MB RAM,4MB free hard disk space, MS-DOS 3.3 or later andWindows 3.1 or higher. Video and audio playbackwill not be smooth without these minimumrequirements.

    Audience: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced342

    Subject: POWERPOINT Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: Microsoft PowerPoint 97 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code

    Price Each


    Course Contents:60 second presentation. Guided tour. Help. Creating your first presentation. Navigatingand viewing slides. Editing text. Advanced text editing. Formatting text. Creatinggraphics. Audience handouts and speaker notes. Printing. Running a slide-show.Slide-show effects. Multimedia effects. Expert tips and tricks.

    Total running time: 2 612 hours Audience: BeginnerIntermediate512

    Subject: POWERPOINT Producer: SOFTVISIONTitle: PowerPoint 97 for Windows 95 Media: Video


    3+2+1+Order Code

    Price Each


    Course Contents:Guided tour. Test drive. Survival kit. Getting down to business. Taking control. Lookingyour best. The finishing touches. The art of juggling. Organising your ideas. Seeing thebottom line. Leaving your mark. Lights, Camera, Action! Multiple presentations. Andfinally . . .

    Total running time: 3 hours Audience: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced513


    DiscoverWarePRO IT Training,

    993-438Lotus Notes 4.5993-426Internet and World Wide Web993-414FrontPage 97/98993-402Windows NT 4.0993-396

    Office 97 5 in 1 (2 CDROMScontaining the above 5 titles)

    949-220Outlook949-218PowerPoint 97949-206Word 97949-190Excel 97949-188Access 97


    Price Each

    Order CodeTitle

    DiscoverWarePRO is a range of multimedia trainingproducts for Windows basedapplications. These are professional productsdesigned to provide a superbly effective userinterface. They are complete corporate trainingcourses that allow you to enter at a level whereyou choose, from beginner through to advanced.They have been designed by computer softwaretraining professionals to allow you to easily reacha level of competency that makes the most ofyour software programs.

    System Requirements: IBM 486 PC or compatible, 8MB RAM, Double-speed CD-ROM drive, 256 colour mode videocard, 8-Bit sound card andspeakers or headphones, and Windows 3.x.





    Training Programming

    A+ Core and Windows/Dos Exams CertificationBoxed Set


    The Complete Test Yourself Kit includes: Comprehensive CD-ROM Testware covering both A+

    Certification exam modules - Core and Windows/Dos. Internet Explorer 4 Software Expert advice on how to take an A+ exam The A+ Career Centre strategies for finding a good job

    once you get your certification Detailed analysis of individual A+ exams

    This CD-ROM Testware and Study Guide Package features

    more than 1,400 interactive A+ Certification exam-basedquestions of all types, hundreds of pages of expert answersand explanations, detailed score by exam topic, and aunique benchmarking tool that charts your progress.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Interactive Programming Courses from Waite Group Press

    Each of these courses include enrolment in the eZone, a complete Web-based Internetlearning centre, making them a powerful and comprehensive training system for theirsubject matter. As you work through the book's carefully crafted, hands-on lessonsyou can log on to the eZone and:

    Earn Certification - Download a certificate of achievement after successfullycompleting the course.

    Ask a Mentor - Real, live experts answer your questions quickly, so you get help whenyou need it.

    Browse Reference Material - A resource centre providing 'hyperlinks', a coursenewsletter, and a student mailing list makes sure you have access to the latest newsand tools.

    Get the FAQs - Check out the updated database of Frequently Asked Questions for the

    relevant courses whenever you need another perspective.Read Chapters - Consult the book whenever you need to; the complete text is availableonline.

    Take Tests - Online quizzes, midterms, and final exams evaluate your command of thelessons and provide instant feedback.

    Join a Virtual Community - Learn and exchange ideas with other readers, share thelatest information with online experts.


    946-497JavaScript946-485HTML 3946-473Perl 5946-461VBScript946-450Java 1.1946-448C++



    Price Each

    Order CodeCourse Subject

    Note: The inclusion of a CDROM with each book means VAT is chargeable on this range.


  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    Training ElectronicsUCANDO Electronics Videos

    A range of videos designed to provide instruction on electronics theory. Each videogives a sound introduction and grounding in a specialised area of the subject. Thevideos make learning both easier and more enjoyable than textbook study. Each videouses a mixture of animated current flow circuits plus text, plus cartoon instruction, anda very full commentary to get the point across.

    Order Codes 655-545, 655-557, 655-569, 655-570, 655-582 and 655-594 are a coursein basic electronics and have been designed to be used as a complete series ifrequired.

    Order Codes 655-600, 655-612, 655-624, 655-636, 655-648 and 655-650 are theDigital series of videos. This series is designed to provide a good grounding in digitaland computer technology.

    Demonstration videos are available for the UCANDO range. To obtain one of these, on a14 day trial, contact the Sales Office quoting order code 183-647




    Subject: DIGITAL ELECTRONICSTitle: Digital 1 - Gates Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This video begins with the basics as you learn about seven of the most common gateswhich are used in almost every digital plus, plus Binary notation.

    Total Running Time: 54 mins.386

    Subject: DIGITAL ELECTRONICSTitle: Digital 2 - Flip Flops Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:Flip Flops will further enhance your knowledge of digital basics. You will learn aboutOctal and Hexadecimal notation groups, flip flops, counters etc.

    Total Running Time: 55 mins.387


    Title: Digital 3 - Registers and Displays Media: VIDEO


    Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This is your next step to obtaining a solid understanding of the basic circuits found intoday's digital designs. Gets into multiplexers, registers, display devices etc.

    Total Running Time: 54 mins.388

    Subject: DIGITAL ELECTRONICSTitle: Digital 4 - DAC and ADC Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This video shows you how the computer is able to communicate with the real world.You will learn about digital to analogue and analogue to digital converter circuits.

    Total Running Time: 59 mins. 389

    Subject: DIGITAL ELECTRONICSTitle: Digital 5 - Memory Devices Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:An introduction to the technology used in many of today's memory devices. You willlearn all about ROM devices and then proceed into PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, SRAM,DRAM and MBM devices.

    Total Running Time: 56 mins.390

    Subject: DIGITAL ELECTRONICSTitle: Digital 6 - The CPU Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:The CPU gives you a thorough understanding in the basics of the central processingunit and the input/output circuits used to make the system work.

    Total Running Time: 56 mins.391


    Title: Part 1 - DC Circuits Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This video is an absolute must for the beginner. It covers series circuits, parallel cir-cuits, ohms law, how to use digital multimeters and much more.

    Total Running Time: 54 mins.399

    Subject: ELECTRONICSTitle: Part 2 - AC Circuits Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This is your next step in understanding the basics of electronics. You will learn abouthow coils, transformers, capacitors etc. are used in common circuits.

    Total Running Time: 62 mins. 400

    Subject: ELECTRONICSTitle: Part 3 - Semiconductors Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:Part 3 gives you an exciting look into the world of semiconductor theory. Plus 15 dif-ferent semiconductor devices explained.

    Total Running Time: 57 mins.401

    Subject: ELECTRONICSTitle: Part 4 - Power Supplies Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This video guides you step-by-step through different sections of a power supply.

    Total Running Time: 56 mins.402

    Subject: ELECTRONICSTitle: Part 5 - Amplifiers Media: VIDEO

    Contents:This video shows you how amplifiers work as you have never seen them before. ClassA, Class B, Class C, op. amps etc.

    Total Running Time: 57 mins.

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300



    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Subject: ELECTRONICSTitle: Part 6 - Oscillators Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:Oscillators are found in both linear and digital circuits. This video gives you a good

    background in oscillator circuits.Total Running Time: 54 mins.


    Subject: FIBRE OPTICSTitle: Fibre Optics Media: VIDEO


    Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:From the fundamentals of fibre optic technology through cable manufacture toconnectors, transmitters and receivers.

    Total Running Time: 58 mins.397

    Subject: LASER TECHNOLOGYTitle: Laser Technology Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:A basic introduction covering some of the common uses of laser devices, plus theoperation of the Ruby Red laser, HeNe laser, CO2 gas laser and semiconductor laserdevices. Also covers the basics of CD and bar code scanning.

    Total Running Time: 57 mins.398

    Subject: RADIOTitle: A.M. Radio Theory Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:The most complete video ever produced on a.m. radio. Begins with the basics of a.m.transmission and proceeds to the five major stages of a.m. reception. Learn how thesignal is detected, converted and produced. Also covers the Motorola C-QUAM a.m.stereo system.

    Total Running Time: 61 mins.392

    Subject: RADIOTitle: FM Radio - Part 1 Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:FM basics including the functional blocks of a receiver. Plus r.f. amplifier, mixeroscillator, i.f. amplifier, limiter and fm decoder stages of a typical fm receiver.

    Total Running Time: 58 mins.393

    Subject: RADIOTitle: FM Radio - Part 2 Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:A continuation of f.m. technology from part 1. Begins with the detector stage output,proceeds to the 19kHz amplifier, frequency doubler, stereo demultiplexer and audioamplifier stages. Also covers RDS digital data encoding and decoding.

    Total Running Time: 58 mins. 394

    Subject: VCR MAINTENANCETitle: VCR Maintenance Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:A step-by-step easy to follow procedure for professionally cleaning the tape path andreplacing many of the belts in most VHS VCRs. The viewer will also become familiarwith the various parts found in the tape path.

    Total Running Time: 35 mins.396

    Subject: VCR REPAIRTitle: VCR Repair Media: VIDEO


    3+2+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Contents:This is an introduction to VCR repair aimed at non-beginners. Through the use ofblock diagrams this video will take you through the various circuits found in the NTSCVHS system. You will follow the signal from input to audio/video heads then from theheads back to the output.

    Total Running Time: 84 mins.395


    183-088Electronic Circuits & Components& The Parts Gallery

    183-076Digital Electronics

    3+1+Order CodeTitlePrice Each

    Two applications on the CDROM provides an introduction to principles and applicationof the most common types of electronic components and shows how they are used toform complete circuits. The virtual laboratories, worked examples and pre-designedcircuits allow you to learn, experiment and check understanding as you proceedthrough the sections of the CDROM. The Electronic & Components section of the CD issplit into five areas: Fundamentals, Passive Components, Semiconductors, PassiveCircuits, Active Circuits. The Parts Gallery includes: Components & Quiz, Symbols &Quiz and Circuit Technology.


    High quality component and technologyphotographs

    Hundreds of circuit symbols Virtual laboratories and on-screen quizzes Full audio commentary Keyword search/index Editable assignments


    Electronics CDROM's ideal for student use,covering large sections of syllabuses and easilyintegrated into schemes of work.Both CDs are single user licensed and include:

    Digital Electronics, Electronics & Components

    & The Parts Gallery

    Electronic Circuits and Components & The Parts Gallery

    Builds on the knowledge of logic gates covered inElectronic Circuits and Components, and takes

    users through the subject of digital electronics upto the operation and architecture ofmicroprocessors. The virtual laboratories allowthe users to operate many circuits on screen.

    The CDROM is split into five sections:

    Fundamentals, Combination Logic, SequentialLogic, Digital Systems and Gallery

    Digital Electronics

    Major International


    All the leading brand names from over

    1,000 major international manufacturers.

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    Training Business Solutions

    Financial Solutions

    Mastering Spreadsheet Budgets & Forecasts Save time and effort Link budgets and cash flow

    Investment Appraisal for Non-Financial Managers Evaluate the costs and benefits of projects Sell your projects internally

    Budgeting for Non-Fiancial Managers Prepare and present your budgets with confidence

    Develop realistic contingency plansAccounts De-Mystified Presents the facts in and easy to understand manner The essential guide

    722-4151Finance Manual for Non-FinancialManagers

    722-4140Accounts De-Mystified722-4138Budgeting722-4126Investment Appraisal722-4114Mastering Spreadsheets

    3+1+Order CodeTitlePrice Each


    Cross Reference and Selection Guides

    The 200 Ic Master and IC Master CD ROM for Windows

    The 2000 IC Master CDROM For Windows Online to the Internet for quick access to updates. Links in directly to

    manufacturer's web-site and actual datasheets 170,000+ current and discontinued ICs including 10,000 new device listings Includes pinout and package for over 110,000 devices in the CD-ROM, hundreds of

    supplied supplemental data pages, the IC Master Alternative Source Directory, andthe complete IC Master Manufacturers and Distributors Directory

    True parametric search: (New Faster Search Engine) Allows users to search on only the specifications required Search results can be sorted on multiple parameters A powerful compare function allows a side-by-side comparison of devices selected

    Allows users to search on package styles A true parametric search capability with all the advantages of on-line access to themost current database


    2000 IC Master Functional and numerical guide to

    116,000+ ICs from 375 manufac-turers world-wide

    10,000 new ICs Product data organised in ten

    Master Selection Guideswithhundreds ofmanufacturer supplied supple-mental data pages

    The industry-wide Alternativesource Directorylists over193,000 pin-for-pin equivalents forboth current anddiscontinued ICs

    Including pinout diagram and packaging styles for 110,000 devices only in the CD-ROM

    Includes a complete Manufacturers and Distributors Directory It is organised for easy access with ICs listed by manufacturer and by functioncategory in ten Master Selection Guides: Digital Microprocessor Interface MPU Development Systems Linear Chip Sets and Multifunction Devices Memory ASIC/Custom Digital Signal Processing Programmable Logic Devices

    620-4641996 Alternative Source Directory993-5781998 Alternative Source Directory183-6961999 Alternative Source Directory

    329-82062000 Alternative Source Directory884-5101997 IC Master CD ROM for Windows993-5661998 IC Master CDROM for Windows183-6841999 IC Master CDROM For Windows329-81902000 IC Master CD ROM for Windows884-5091997 IC Master183-6721999 IC Master329-81882000 IC Master

    1+Price Each

    Order Code


    ALABEL the new CD-ROM data disk formore than 10 million electroniccomponents from 1,000 internationalmanufcturers. ALABEL means ALl ABoutElectronics because on this CD the R&Dengineers, the purchasing and salespeople will find all they need. The data isgrouped in four sections:

    Integrated circuits 50,953 ICs/303manufacturers/2,316 distributors

    Discrete and optos 33,395 parts/75manufacturers/1,044 distributors

    Electromechanical 44,479groups/110 manufacturers/1,295distributors

    Passive components 18,321 groups/286 manufacturers/1,483 distributors Search functions and parameters by manufacturer type, components function,

    key-parameter, functional description one word, replacement and family types,search-word combinations, package and case type

    Multi language screen (English, French, German) Simultaneous opening of different screens Search functions across all sections Internet connection with more access to manufacturers information

    System requirements: 486DX/50, CD-ROM 6x, SVGA graphics, mouse, 16MB RAM,10MB free hard disk space, Windows 3.x, Windows 95, Windows NT.



    1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Omron Knowhow CD ROM

    ALL OMRON PRODUCTS stocked by farnell show the order code alongside the

    Omron part number. OMRON PRODUCTS not stocked by Farnell are available through Farnell Access,

    giving a wider product range.


    PriceOrder Code

    The Omron KNOWhow CD comprises of afull library of Omron product with com-plete technical data sheets, user manualsand an initial set of application guides,training modules and product selectors -all of these libraries accessed via a uniqueexpertise interfacing layer.


    Towers International Transistor Selector


    Price EachOrder Code

    Latest 5th update of this popular selectorguide contains over 30,000 bipolartransistors, IGBTs and surface mountdevices from worldwide sources. The guideincludes electrical and mechanicalspecifications for all devices, plus a uniquesurface mount cross index, and animproved standardised format, whilstretaining its established easy-to-use layout.

    5th Edition5

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300

    Towers International MOSPower and Other FET Selectorp


    Price EachOrder Code

    A selector guide, containing data onelectrical and mechanical specifications,manufacturers and available substitutes onover 9000 American, British, European andJapanese high and low power field-effecttransistors, including over 3000 newentries.


    The Semicon International Indexes SEMICON INDEXES

    Volume 1, Transistors (edition 25)Approximately 37,500 bipolar, FET, IGBT,unijunction and surface mount transistors. 450pin out diagrams, with ratings and characteris-tics, a comprehensive cross reference anddetailed information on 400+ manufacturers. Thesurface mount section includes a leaded transis-tor conversion guide and package markings. CV

    and BS devices listed. New package diagramsVolume 2, Diodes and Thyristors (edition 18)The same format as volume 1, covering 41,500

    diodes, bridge rectifiers, thyristors, triacs and surface mount devices from 400+ manu-facturers, and 278 line diagrams.

    Volume 3, Integrated Circuits (edition 17)Over 25,000 ICs including optocouplers from 800 manufacturers. The index includesdevice description, package and pin outlines, manufacturer, process, case material andoperating temperature. Also includes a useful substitution guide, 564 line diagramsand 195 tables.

    A comprehensive 3 Volume reference set Introductions and definitions are also in

    German and French


    .484-271Vol 3. Integrated Circuits

    .432-404Vol 2. Diodes and Thyristors

    .290-993Vol 1. Transistors

    Price EachOrder Code

    Dictionaries & Technical References'FILE-O-PIC' The Programmers Organiser NIGEL GARDNER

    Order Code993-670993-682993-694

    The basis of 'FILE-O-PIC' is a collation PIC functioninformation which is easily referenced. In each sec-tion there are source code examples showing how toset-up and use the various registers. Otherinformation includes hex, binary and ASC11conversion tables, basic of RS232, product lists andavailability, development tools and order codes. Theintention is to assist engineers who write software bygiving them easy access to relevant information.

    The PICs covered in this first edition are all the16Cxx, 12C50x, 12C67x and 16C5x, families, futuresupplements will include 17Cxx and PIC14000. Asnew products and families are introduced by

    Microchip, additional supplements will be released to keep the 'FILE-O-PIC' up to date.

    A typical example might be A/D conversion - simply turn to the A/D section, then

    choose the relevant page for that products- say 16C711. The page for the ADCONOregister shows any associated registers e.g. ADCON1, TRISA and the default/reset val-ues within the register. Also within the A/D section are examples on single channel,multiple channel, polled and interrupt driven conversion.

    The 'FIL-O-PIC' is available in three options:-

    The 'FILE-O-PIC' has been prepared by Nigel Gardner author of the Begineers Guide tothe Microchip PIC order code 489-359 and PIC Cookbooks Vol. 1 & 2 order codes654-991 and 790-606

    An A5 organiser (6 hole) capable of taking additional off the shelf insetsA booklet to include in your own A5 organiser (6 hole) and Time ManagerA booklet to include in a DAY-TIMER (7 hole) organiser


    1+Price Each

    Order Code


    Bigelow's PC Technician's Troubleshooting

    Pocket Reference



    3+1+Order CodePrice Each

    Quickly diagnosePC repair and maintenance problems withsuggested cost-effective solutions

    Packed with essential code tables, commands,symptom summaries, and other frequentlyneeded information

    Easy-to-use format to help you diagnose prob-lems on the job in every major area of the PC

    The full coverage of troubleshooting, reference

    information and tables has only a minimum ofsupporting text

    Hard to find DOS reference notes with essentialcommands and system configuration

    Modems, motherboard, video, drive, inputdevice, and peripheral troubleshootingguidelines


    The Electrician's Pocket Guide JOHN E. TRAISTER


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    A quick and easy reference for any electrical job Pocket size for convenience Filled with the most used tables and charts

    Covers Codes, Standards, Print ReadingEssentials, OSHA and Electrical Safety, Tools,Electrical Materials, Equipment and InstallationProcedures

    At a glance solutions to many common electricalproblems


    McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia & Troubleshooting Guide


    Price EachOrder Code

    This one step reference combines the traditional cir-cuit "cookbook" with state of the art troubleshooting

    techniques, enabling you to build, test and customisea wealth of useful circuit types. Learn to apply over600 circuits commonly used in all areas of electron-ics. Discover how these circuits operate and wherethey fit into various electronic equipment. Get practi-cal guidance on testing and debugging routines thatallow you to easily integrate circuits into your exist-ing systems, also access full details on componentvalues.


    The Master IC Cookbook DELTON T. HORN


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Ideal for the novice, mid-level electronics technician,or even the hobbyist. You will discover a wealth of ICdata in this easy to use book.

    Includes the latest technical information on the mostpopular types of integrated circuits (IC's).

    The focus of this book is on the ICs themselvesrather than circuits for which they are used andincludes updated material on 74xx, 4xxx, digital,memories and computer peripherals, op amps, com-parators, audio amps, oscillators and signal genera-tors, RF and video devices, voltageregulators, digital/analogue crossovers and other lin-ear devices.

    The material is arranged by area of application, then listed alphanumerically withineach section by IC industry standard number.



  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    Dictionaries & Technical References continued

    TAB Encyclopaedia of Electronics forTechnicians and Hobbyists


    Covers virtually every aspect of hobby andconsumer electronics, in an easily understandablelanguage, whilst offering the right amount ofdetail, an abundance of illustrations and real worldexamples.

    Articles are arranged alphabetically by topic. Todeliver deeper into a particular subject, extensivecross references point you to other related entries.

    Whether you choose a home security system,fixing telephones, polishing up your technicalwriting skills, obtaining your ham radio licence,training for a career and just fiddling for fun, youwill find it in this book.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    TV & Video Engineer's Reference Book JACKSON & TOWNSEND

    Written by international experts Ideal for practising engineers and managers

    working in the broadcast, cable and satellite

    services and television equipment industries.The format of this book also makes it anexcellent reference for students

    Starts with basic reference material andfundamentals of electronic circuit design andprovides detailed coverage of all the maincomponents in the broadcasting chain, i.e.transmission, distribution, DBS, TV studiosand equipment, sound, TV receivers andvideo recorders



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Newnes Electronic Pocket Reference Books

    481-932Engineering & Physical Science Pocket Book182-684Electrical Pocket Book198-810Telecommunications Engineer's Pocket Book198-780Electronics Engineer's Pocket Book198-808Passive and Discrete Circuits Pocket Book198-791Service Engineer's Pocket Book183-763Linear IC Pocket Book183-775Digital Logic IC Pocket Book

    3+1+Price Each

    Order CodeTitle


    Audio, TV & Video

    Audio & Hi-Fi Handbook SINCLAIR


    1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Paperback edition Digital technology is covered in full

    including DAT, NICAM, DCC, Mini-Disc Chapters cover sound waves, micro-

    phones, studio and control roomacoustics, principles of digital audio,compact disc technology, digital audiorecording, tape recording, noise reduc-

    tion systems, pre-amps and inputs,voltage amps and controls, power out-put stages, loudspeakersand enclosures, headphones, publicaddress and sound reinforcement,in-car audio,sound synthesis, intercon-nection and modern audioand hi-fi servicing 3rd Edition


    Audio Power Amplifier Design Handbook SELF

    Compiled for professional designers, amateurenthusiasts, academic investigators and students

    Includes unique theory and practices of audio poweramplifiers Supplies practical solutions to many intractable

    design problems The book includes the sources of power amplifier

    distortion, shows how they can be eliminated orminimised and gives detailed information allowingpower amplifiers to be designed and constructed.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    High Performance Audio Power Amplifiers DUNCAN

    Comprehensive and colourful real-life guide Based on wide experience of audio and music

    technology Links analog electronics, acoustics, heat andmusic technology, high-end Hi-Fis andprofessional PA and recording studio use,theory, modelling and real-world practicedesign and repair

    This comprehensive guide to power amps isas a core reference for anyone in the industryand hobbyists.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual JOHN HYDE

    Ideal for audiophiles, electronics hobbyistsand audio engineers, this book will giveyou leading edge electronics tools fordesigning every detail of a superior highpower amplifier. Areas covered includeoptimal audio power supply building meth-ods, new configurations and anaylses ofvoltage amplifiers, new distortion reductiontechniques and the latest info on computeranalysis and diagnostics.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300

    Audio IC User's Handbook R. M. MARSTON


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Over 400 circuits with diagrams Deals with:

    Low frequency linear amplifiers, dual pre-amps,Audio power amps, Charge coupled delay lines, bar-graph display drivers and power supply regulator

    Circuits range from simple signal conditioners andfilters to complex graphic equalizers, stereo amp,systems and echo/reverb delay line systems

    The book is in an easy-to-read andnon-mathematical manner


    Understanding and Servicing CD Players CLEMENTS


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    As a useful companion to service manuals, thisguide explains the principles involved in repairingand adjusting CD players. Its practical style andgenerously illustrated content simplifies faultdiagnostics, and is an ideal source of reference.Contents include the basic principles, opticalassemblies, focus servo, tracking servo, carriageservo, disc or spindle motor servo, decoder,system control, power supplies, fault diagnosisand adjustments.


    Servicing Satellite TV Equipment BEER

    A practical guide for service engineers,designers, manufacturers andenthusiasts

    Covers both indoor and outdoorequipment

    Includes fault-finding, troubleshootingand servicing all areas of satellitetelevision equipment

    From PAL to Mac to MPEG allcontemporary systems are covered



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Digital Video and Audio Compression STEPHEN J. SOLARI


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    A concise, readable account of compressiontechnologies crucial to New Media age

    Delivers a concise account of compressions terms,techniques, standards and tricks in an easy to readstyle

    Subjects covered include:Basic principles underlying digital signal processing

    and compression, how human beings see and hear,in relation to how audio and video are reproduced,all major existing and emerging compressionstandards, adaptive pulse code modulation


    An Introduction to Digital Audio WATKINSON

    Ideal for newcomers to digital audio Includes reasons instead of facts and practical

    applications to contrast with the theory Contents include: Conversion, essential principles,

    digital coding, digital audio interfaces, digital audiotape recorders, magnetic disk drives, digital audio

    editing and optical discs in audio



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    An Introduction to Digital Video WATKINSON

    Comprehensive coverage of Digital Video,concentrating on both the basics and theessentials and the theory behind it

    Mathematics kept to an absolute minimum Contents include: Conversion, Digital

    Processing, Digital coding principles,interfaces, digital VTR and non-linearvideo editing



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    DVD Demystified TAYLOR

    DVD is the all in one storage technologydestined to alter the landscape of businesscomputing and home entertainment. Thisbook teaches you about DVD and how touse it to its best advantage.This guide contains: Detailed description of every facet of


    Over 150 information packed charts andfigures, including a quick reference sec-tion

    Comprehensive comparisons of DVD toother media technologies

    Clear and understandable explanationsof DVD features and technologies


    Price EachOrder Code


    TV Repair for Beginners, Revised and Expanded H. L. DAVIDSON


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Troubleshoot and repair the most commonTV problems

    Photographs and charts lead you througheach repair step-by-step

    The book emphasizes on pinpointing theproblems and fixing them

    Simple ways to upgrade old TVs with newadd-ons

    The revised and Expanded edition featuresnew material on:Universal remote transmitters, Stereo TV,Digital controls, New colour circuits and pic-ture tube sizes, Installing receivers

    New Symptoms and Causes chapter486

    Servicing TV and Video Equipment TRUNDLE


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    A highly practical guide to servicing, fault-finding and repairing domestic TVs, VCRsand camcorders, with the emphasis on the least reliable areas, such as TV power sup-plies, line timebases, and video deck mechanics. Additional chapters include test gear,intermittent faults and repair techniques.

    The book includes 225 illustrations, of which 54 are off-screen and 13 are fault-findingcharts.



  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    Cables & Interconnection

    Introduction to Fibre Optics JOHN CRISP


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    This book provides a thoroughly readable introductionto fibre optics, assumes no previous knowledge of thesubject, nor a technical or mathematical background. Itis suitable for engineers, technicians, students, hobby-ists and installers who are intending to use optical fibresor need to understand how they are used. After a broadintroduction to the subject, ideas are developed carefullyand clearly to ensure that new knowledge is built upon

    firm foundations. At the end of each chapter there aremulti-choice questions. Where calculations are involved,a fully worked answer is provided. There is a usefulglossary at the end of the book.


    Fiber Optic Reference Guide DAVID R. GOFF


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Engineers working with fibre optics as well asnewcomers to the industry will find this comprehen-sive, practical guide extremely useful. It is presentedclearly and with a minimum of jargon, and the text isthoroughly illustrated and indexed. The guide featuresthe fundamentals of optical fibre, connectors, splicers,

    and other components and their applications withinsystems. Key characteristics and principles of opera-tion for critical electro-optic components such asLED's, lasers and detectors. Operation of transmitters,receivers and fibre optic communications systems andspecial emphasis is placed on digital data links andfibre optic video links.


    Fibre Optic Communications PALAIS

    This edition offers a clear overview of the basic concepts of optical fibre communica-tions. It covers all the bases, including system design, operating principles, and appli-cations of fibre optic system components. This edition is written in a lucid and livelywriting style for professionals. Topics include optical solitons, fibre and semiconductoroptical amplifiers, optical isolator, improved laser diodes, new transmission standards,wavelength-dependent couplers and advances in optical inegrated circuits for fibre net-works. Each section gives a summary and has questions and answers on various prob-lems.3rd Edition



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Programmable Controllers An Engineers Guide 2nd Edit ion PARR


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    A practical, hands-on guide to the applications and usesof programmable controllers, liberally illustrated andclearly written. Contents include:- computers andindustrial control, programming techniques, program-

    ming style, analog signals, closed loop control and intelli-gent modules, distributed systems, the man-machineinterface, industrial control with conventional computers,and practical aspects. Although based on general princi-ples, units from Mitsubishi, Siemens, Allen Bradley andABB are referred to.


    Programmable Logic Controllers and their

    Engineering Applications



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Covers basic concepts and components Covers power and control circuits and input devices Uses programming languages based on the new IEC

    1131-3 Contains worked application programming examplesSecond Edition 491

    RS-232 Made Easy SEYER


    Price Each

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    An easy-to-follow guide to inter-connecting computerhardware via the RS-232 interface, including chartsshowing how to connect more than 1000 devices. Thebook includes a description of the function of each lead,pin configuration charts, 3600 cable design diagrams,appendices explaining the RS-232 and RS-449 standards,and answers to the most commonly asked interfacingquestions.

    2nd Edition142

    I2C Bus from Theoryto Practice


    The I2C or Inter-Integrated Circuit bus is a two-wirecontrol bus for linking microcontroller and periperalICs. The simplicity of its unique combination of bothaddress and data bus functions has made it aworld-wide industry standard.

    This guidebook through the world of microcontroller-managed serial buses will enable the reader to designan I2C bus-based system for virtually any application.Structured in four parts, the book covers protocol,components, applications and development tools.This comprehensive text outlines the versatility of the

    I2C bus, which has resulted in its widespread adop-tion in a variety of areas from telecommunicationsand automotive dashboards to energy managementsystem and medical equipment.

    471N.B. The inclusion of a disk means VAT is chargeable


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Examination of typical industrial and consumerapplications which will enable the reader todesign effectively in a real-world environment

    Examples of modular solutions at various levels of complexity Instruction on building bridges to other buses Accompanying disk containing I2C bus instruction software


    Technician's Guide to Electronic Communications FREDERICK L. GOULD


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Jargon-free coverage of all you need to know toput theory into practice

    A guide specifically written for technicians A clearly detailed look at how and why todays

    electronic communications systems work Covers traditional and rapidly developing fields Free of re-engineered English and complicated


    Telephone Installation Handbook ROBERTS


    Price EachOrder Code

    This book provides you with knowledge of regulations andtechniques to help plan and implement telephone installations.Above all, this is a practical book for those intending to makea living from installing extensions and systems, for facilitiesmanagers responsible for workplace systems and who need tocommunicate effectively with installers and maintainers, andfor those who prefer to do their own work around the house.


  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300

    ISDN Explained GRIFFITHS


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network)is a new developement in the UK telephonenetwork. The book presents a highlyreadable overview of the principles of allfacets of the subject, giving on internation-al perspective.Contributions from various members of thehighly experienced team at British Telecomcover the users needs and technology,pulse code modulation, digital networking,

    local area transmission and ISDN basicrate interface. The final section is con-cerned with applications: high qualityspeech, fax, video and packet switching.


    Using ISDN QUE


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    This is your complete guide to speeding up every-thing you do online. You'll be able to experiencethe power of ISDN as you surf the World WideWeb in overdrive with ISDN. Whether your goal ispersonal or proffesional, this book has the infor-mation you need to get productive with ISDN

    immediately.You are guided through the installation and config-uration of ISDN in a conversational style andcomfortable format. There are details of varioustypes of ISDN services and hardware that are avail-able so you can decide what best suits your needs.Explore the new communications possibi lities , suchas interactive video and voice conferencing, thatare available with this high-speed communicationsstandard.


    Special Edition

    Practical Antenna Handbook CARR

    Practical introduction to designing, constructionand installing a wide range of communicationantennas. Heavily illustrated, including examplesand worked out solutions of equations. Typescovered include HF dipole, vertical polarised HF,multiple band, tuneable wire long wire directional,hidden and limited space, small transmitting andreceiving loop, wire VHF\UHF transmitting andreceiving, microwave waveguides, satellite, mobileemergency and many more.CDROM included containing shareware modellingsoftware and visual basic programmes forcustomised design.3rd Edition


    182-862 3+1+

    Price Each

    Order Code

    Radio Frequency Transistors DYE/GRANBERG


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Containing a wealth of practical design information, this book concentrates onamplifiers, oscillators, switches, pulsed power, modular systems, wiring state-of-the-art devices, and design techniques, with extensive information on RF power MOSFETs.Coverage is also given to various modulation methods, eg. FM and SSB, with practicaldesign examples from 2MHz to microwaves and the UHF spectrum is discussed indetail.


    The Internet

    Extranets, The Complete Sourcebook RICHARD BAKER

    Extranets, the next generation of Internet, aredynamic wide area networks that link a company'semployees, suppliers, customers and other keybusiness partners in a secure, electronic on-lineenvironment for business communications.Extranets is the first book ever to show networkprofessionals and non-technical managers how tocreate and manage an Extranet for your business.

    Going far beyond the Internet, e-mail, and conven-tional Internets, Extranets provide fast reliable,secure, and low-cost computer-to-computer com-munication for a wide range of applications, every-thing from sales, marketing, fulfillment, on-linepublishing, and customer service, to productdevelopment, directory and database services,employee communications, workgroup projects,and elctronic commerce.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Building an Intranet TIM EVANS

    It is a detailed,practical guide that shows how to use Web technology, Web servers,browers, and TCP/IP networking - to create an Internal Web.

    With this book, you will not only discover the tools needed to create an Intranet, butalso learn how to design, develop and deploy Intranet applications within a cross-plat-

    form, user-friendly environment. Coverage includes everything from preparing legacycontent and data for your Intranet to running internal newsgroups and developing Webfront ends, making this the most comprehensive book on Intranet development. A CD-ROM includes a complete toolkit.

    This book is a hands on guide to setting up anInternal Web.

    Learn how to set up - and secure - an internalWeb server

    Select the best tools for developing an Intranetinfrastructure

    Transform your organisations existinginformation into Web-ready documents

    Understand the design principles behind anIntranet

    Add indexing and search capabilities to yourorganisations data

    Provide easy access to internal databases

    N.B. The inclusion of the CDROM means this book is VAT chargeable.


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code


    The New Internet Navigator GILSTER


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Establish and fine-tune your Internet connection Master and optimise Web browsers Install and use the latest graphical

    Internet tools: WS-FTP, Fetch, WS

    Gopher, EudoraThe New Internet Navigator is the mostcomprehensive reference for users, bothbeginners and experts. It defines in an easyto follow manner, how the Internet works,provides practical examples on how toperform searches. Subjects coveredinclude UNIX, TCP/IP, Electronic Mail, FTP.3rd Edition



  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    The Internet continued

    The Internet Web & Golden Directory HAHN

    198-9851999 Version

    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    A unique telephone directory style publication,listing thousands of Internet address codesworld-wide bringing a vast amount ofresources to Internet users in an easy to useformat

    A CD-ROM is included containing a hypertextversion of the book enabling the user to findtheir topic of interest and hotlink to the site

    Topics included range from Advice, Agricultureand Aviation to Software, Support Groups andZoology


    Advertising on the Internet ROBBIN ZEFF & BRAD ARONSON

    This guide to online advertising is a must reading for everyone who wants to takeadvantage of the most important new advertising medium since television. A completeprimer on online advertising for businesses of all sizes, it gets you upto speed on thecrucial issues, hot new trends, and most effective new technologies in Internet adver-

    tising. Included are Traffic measurement and gauging the effectiveness of your ads,buying and selling ads on your Web site, advertsing locally and to an international mar-ket, legal aspects of Internet advertising and how to advertise for free, or almost free.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    The E-Commerce Book - Building the



    This book focuses on business concepts, and how toapply technology in order to be successful. It coversglobalizing your company, marketing and advertising,market trends, vendor solutions, and must-know tech-nologies such as credit card vertification systems, securi-ty, auction technologies, storefronts and overall technolo-gy architecture. The final portion of this book focuses onhow to utilize E-Commerce solutions from process re-engineering to actual deployment and testing.



    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Getting Hits

    The Definitive Guide to Promoting your Website

    SELLERS Post your site to a search engine Understand what links give the biggest hits Producing hits offline Enducing visitors to site SELECTED CONTENTS : How search engines

    think; How to get quality links; How to getlinks from hundereds of sites; The benefits ofprofessional help


    3+1+Order CodePrice Each



    Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems HALSALL

    A comprehensive introduction to datacommunications and networking, includingdynamic data compression, digital leasedcircuits, high speed networks (FDDI andDQDB), bridges and routers and internet-working. The TCP/IP protocal suite is nowincluded with the OSI protocol suite to givea broader coverage to open systems inter-

    connection.4th Edition162X


    3+1+Price Each

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    Computer Networks, Protocols, Standards and Interfaces BLACK


    3+1+Price Each

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    An extensive and extremely detailed cover-age of the electronic and physical structureof computer networks. The subjects cov-ered range from worldwide networks tosimple pin assignments for RS232-C, therelative merits of transmission media andprotocols such as Ethernet.2nd Edition


    Understanding Local Area Networks SCHATT


    3+1+Price Each

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    This book explains, in clear terms, how LANs and their various hardware and softwarecomponents work. It provides an understanding of the theory behind the various typesof network architecture, data transmission methods, and the major LANs available andtheir compatibility. Future trends are also discussed, covering wireless, remote,asynchronous transfer mode and fast Ethernet LANs.5th Edition


    Network Administration Survival Guide PLUMLEY

    312-3157 3+1+

    Price Each

    Order Code

    If you manage a network computing infrastructure, yourlife just got easier. Each of this book's twelve incisive sec-tions functions like a mini-manual on a different aspect ofthe network administrators job. Each features step-by-stepguidelines, task lists and instructive real world examples.Each is backed up by a quick reference appendix that'spacked with valuable technical information.


    DOS-UNIX Networking and Internetworking BURGARD & PHILLIPS

    This book is an in-depth guide into making two ofthe worlds most popular operating systems worktogether. It presents practical advice and provensolutions that work based on the experience ofbuilding and testing networks by running allpossible hardware and software configurations.This is helped by means of Hot Tips, illustrationsand on screen examples.

    Beginning with an overview of networking theory,this comprehensive guide goes on to give you allof the information you need to build networks witha wide variety of configurations in all types ofcomputing environments, including DOS, UNIX,

    NetWare and Windows. It also provides productreviews, hardware recommendations and com-plete discussions of implementation strategies.

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300



    3+1+Price Each

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    High Speed Digital Transmission Networking HELD


    Price EachOrder Code

    This book covers all aspects of high speed digitaltransmission systems, including the fundamentals ofdigital signalling, coding and clocking to acquaint

    readers with the technology and terminology.Readers can focus upon specific information, deter-mine the advantages and disadvantages associatedwith the use of different digital transmission facilitiesand use this book as a self-learning text.

    Second Edition



    3+1+Price Each

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    A completely user friendly guide aimed atbeginners, explaining everything you needto know about selecting, setting up, usingand managing small computer networks.

    Areas covered include LANtastic. Windowsfor workgroups and Netware Lite.


    Complete Guide to Networking NORTON


    Price EachOrder Code

    This book targets administrators and users who want tobe able to use networking tools at a high level regard-less of the primary operating system they are using. Itdiscusses a variety of topics including hardwareinstallation, configuration and administration. Plus itaddresses advanced maintenance and security topics.

    Second Edition


    Upgrading and Repairing Networks QUE


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    More than just a 'repair' manual, this is the mostcomprehensive network support reference avail-able. Learn about the inner workings of your net-work, how to install hardware, and troubleshootproblems. You will gain in-depth knowledge ofmajor network operating systems - NetWare 4.1,UNIX and Windows NT. Learn about backup tech-nology, linking to mainframes, and SNMP. Specialsections include coverage on adding network ser-vices and upgrade options, Internet, remoteaccess, and virus protection with troubleshootingtips to help you identify and solve problems.


    Ques Network & Internet Titles

    QUE's Networking & Internet Titles, Special Editions QUE

    946-394Using Microsoft Internet Information Server 2946-382Using Microsoft Commercial Internet System946-370Using the World Wide Web946-357Using Lotus Notes and Domino 4.5183-593Using Microsoft Outlook 98946-266Using Microsoft Outlook 97

    946-333Using Windows NT Workstation 4.0946-321Using Windows NT Server 4946-291Using Microsoft Exchange Server

    3+1+TitlePrice EachOrder


    Using Windows NT Server 4This book is the one complete tutorial and reference the helps you get Windows NTservers operating, clients connected, and the network optimised. This step-by-stepguide offers you the complete coverage of Microsoft's latest client/server networkoperating system.

    Using Windows NT Workstation 4.0This is a jam-packed full reference on the newest features of the workstation version of

    Windows NT. With hundreds of optimising tips, this is the resource for maximum pro-ductivity with Windows NT 4.0.

    N.B. The inclusion of a CDROM means VAT is chargeable.

    Using SAP R/3This is the only handbook companies will need to master the implementation of thiscomplicated, and highly successful client/server system. It focuses on the needs of in-house SAP developers, independent SAP consultants, and corporations moving to aSAP environment. It tackles the fundamentals of the SAP system structure, outlinesthe specific SAP modules, and presents the business changes that must occur prior toimplementing a SAP system.

    Using Microsoft Outlook 97This is your A-Z reference for all your Outlook 97 questions. The comprehensive bookincludes hundreds of pages of Outlook 97 solutions that let you master this powerfulnew application quickly.

    You'll learn how to create and edit schedules, set meeting times and choose recipientsthrough a network, manage the flow of events, and route email. Also discover how toshare information and create hypertext links among all five of the Office 97 products,

    and how to put Outlook 97 documents and schedules onto a Web or intranet site.Using Microsoft Outlook 98This book includes the same topics as the Office 97 version but includes updates tomatch the many improvements to Outlook 98. It also shows you how to collaboratewith your colleagues particularly if you use Microsft Exchange Server.

    Using Lotus Notes and Domino 4.5Written by an expert in the industry, this powerful resource contains valuable insightinto Lotus Notes, revealing effective techniques for making Notes work for you.

    N.B. This inclusion of a CDROM means VAT is chargeable

    Using the World Wide WebThis is the A-to-Z reference on mastering all aspects of the World Wide Web. Fromchoosing and using the best browser for your needs to conducting information search-es on the Web to securing your site and using electronic commerce, you will have allthe information you need to master the mysteries of the World Wide Web.SecondEdition

    N.B. The inclusion of a CDROM means VAT is chargeable

    Using Microsoft Commercial Internet SystemThis is your guide to mastering MCIS. Targeting professional site developers, adminis-trators, and ISPs, this reference addresses important issues, including chat systems,email and NNTP servers, site maintenance and security, and much more. You will learnto integrate the Index Server with MCIS and discover efficient and secure ways to buildand maintain effective product merchandising Web sites that support customer serviceand credit card purchases.

    Using Microsoft Internet Information Server 2This is a comprehensive guide to server installation, configuration, and implementa-tion. Written for intranet and Web developers, this complete reference addressesimportant issues, including security and access restrictions, BackOffice integration,site maintenance, upgrades, and much more.

    Using Microsoft Exchange ServerThis is a 'must have' resource for properly installing, configuring and maintaining anExchange system. From e-mail subsystems to document management, you will findexpert advice you need to get to work immediately.


    Only available until stocks are exhausted

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    Computer Operating Systems

    DOS & Windows for Dummies GOOKIN & RATHBONE

    557-882Windows for Dummies557-870

    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    DOS for Dummies

    A fun and easy way to learn and under-stand both DOS and Windows. Aimed atthose new to computing, these two bookswill enable the beginner to quickly acquireboth competence and confidence. Bothbooks are user friendly and written in ahumorous manner, and include first aidkits explaining what to do when things go



    UNIX for Dummies LEVINE & YOUNG


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Aimed at the novice, this book written in the usualdummies style has been designed as a quick ref-erence guide for use when problems occur. UNIX

    for Dummies covers all major versions includingLINUX, BERKELEY UNIX, System V, System Vrelease 4, SunOS and Solaris.


    Windows 95 for Dummies RATHBONE


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    A fun, quick and easy way through Windows 95.The book discusses the necessary preparationsfor a computer to run Windows 95, DOS andprogramming, performing tasks carried outpreviously on Windows 3.1.

    It tackles issues from installation through tocustomising the Windows 95.Issue 1995


    Windows 98 From A to Z QUE


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    If you are a fairly experienced user, but youdon't want to know everything about yourcomputer and operating system. This bookwill give you the answers fast and easily toaccomplish tasks and improve your desk-top productivity.The book is alphabetically organised to helpyou:Add and remove programs, boot disks,change the screensaver, disable unusednetwork software, find files, installWindows 98, link files, record sounds, usethe taskbar and send E-mail.


    The Complete Reference Windows 98 LEVINE & YOUNG


    Price EachOrder Code

    A comprehensive reference/tutorialdesigned to help you take full advantage ofthe power of Windows 98. You'll findencyclopaedic coverage of this package andits new features. Capabilities are arrangedby topic, with step by step examples,screen shots, tips and advice. Suitable forthe beginner or advanced user.


    Complete Guide to Windows NORTON


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    Everything you want to learn aboutWindows 98 in an easy to follow format.The book will enable you to master theActive Desktop, install the latest hardwareand tune up your system, make Windows98 your Internet launch pad and quickly setup your own web site,discover Windows98 architecture from a user's point of view.Also included are performance, compatibil-

    ity, troubleshooting and other general tips.


    Special Edition using Windows 98 QUE


    3+1+Price Each

    Order Code

    This book was designed and writtenexpressly for intermediate and advancedWindows users who understand the impor-tance of keeping up with advances in tech-nology. Contained are details on everyaspect of Windows 98 including set-up,customisation, troubleshooting and

    networking. You will find completecoverage of Internet Explorer from basicWeb browsing to advanced security topics.The book also includes step-by-stepinstructions on how to find and installonline updates.


    Windows NT 4 Server Unleashed SAMS

    VAT is chargeable on this product

    Focuses on unique strengths and chal-lenges of administering Windows NT 4Server

    For casual to expert users How to install, maintain and connect

    computers The ultimate tool for anyone working

    with Windows NT 4 Server CD ROM included : Fully functional ver-

    sion of WEB Transit from InfoAccess,Purveyor WebServer from ProcessSoftware Corporation and much more


    3+1+Order CodePrice Each


    Free Same Day DeliveryFor orders received before 12.30pmwe provide free same day delivery.

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300

    Linux at Work GONCALVES


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    This book describes proven business solutions thatmake strategic use of Linux's inherent advantages.Includes Linux processes, functions and tools, businessimplementation strategies, integrating Linux with legacysystems and managing and administering a LinuxServer.


    Linux Clearly Explained BRYAN PFAFFENBERGER

    This book will show how to set up a usable, alternativeoperating system. Included is a CD-ROM featuring RedHat 6.0, which will help you learn how to install Red HatLinux smoothly and optimize its performance on yoursystem. Also included is Corel WordPerfect for Linux8.0, with this you'll be able to explore the new GNOMEdesktop. From there you'll learn how to obtain and set upfree software that will enable you to browse the Web, useemail and running office suite applications. You'll learnhow to connect your computer to the Internet, how toobtain and install new software and how to keep yoursystem running smoothly.


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    Computer Programming

    Software Engineering SOMMERVILLE

    Best-seller, discussing the key introductoryconcepts and methods involved in software engi-neering, and written in a clear, comprehensivestyle. Fully revised to include latest develop-ments such as computer-based systems engi-

    neering, requirements analysis, architecturaldesign, managing people, quality management,process improvement, and software re-engineer-ing. There is also expanded and revised treat-ments of requirements engineering, CASE, soft-ware management and software evolution.

    5th Edition



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    The Indispensable Guide To C DAVIES

    A complete reference to the principles and applica-tions of C programming for the computing and engi-neering professional. A wide range of engineering

    examples are given, using all the features unique to C.The book contains many example programs andextensive use of graphics.



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    C for Dummies GOOKIN


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    Volume 1 reference guide has been written foranyone who has ever tried to learn C programming buthas met with confusion and frustration. This book isideal for the novice who requires morepractical advice and instructions than have been foundpreviously in other C books. Covering all popular com-

    pilers including Borland and Microsoft this book willenable you to learn, understand and program C quicklyand simply. 205X

    The C Programming Language, 2nd Edition KERNIGHAN/RICHIE

    The first edition of this book has been the standardintroductory text on C programming. This new editiondescribes ANSI C and many of the original exampleshave been refined and new ones added. Theappendices cover the ANSI standard, the standardlibraries and the differences between the original andANSI C languages.



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    C The Complete Reference SCHILDT


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    This C reference guide is written for all C programmers regardless of their level ofexperience. Assuming an elementary knowledge of C, this book describes in detail allaspects of the C language and its libraries. The material in the book is divided into fivesections. The C language, The C standard library, algorithms and applications, softwaredevelopment using C and new directions. There are many example programs andfunctions and both the UNIX and ANSI standards of C are covered.3rd Edition


    Teach Yourself C++ Programming In 21 Days LIBERTY


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    Using the proven techniques of the Teach Yourselfseries, this essential guide shows you how to writesuccessful programs in a step-by-step easy to followformat. Shaded syntax boxes explain C++ functionsand concepts, while practical, hands-on instructionsand logically organised lessons help you becomemore familiar with C++ programming environment.There is expert advice and professional techniqueson how to improve your programming procedures.Plus Q&A and Workshop sections to reinforce learn-ing. Do/Don't sections show you how to avoidpotential programming pitfalls.


    The Complete Reference C++ HERBERT SCHILDT

    Whether you're a newcomer just learning C++ oran experienced pro coming up to speed on thenew International Standard, you'll find this book alasting resource that will help you maximise yourprogramming efforts. Covering the entire C++ lan-guage, the book is organised into five parts: the CSubset foundations of C++, C++ Object-OrientedFeatures, the C++ Function Library, the C++ ClassLibrary and Applications.



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    Advanced HTML Companion Schengili-Roberts/ Silk Copeland


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    This is the perfect working guide to HTML, providing astep-by-step guide for beginners learning HTML, andcontaining advanced techniques and reference materialmore experienced Webmasters need. It is an authoritativeand up-to-date guide to the HTML 4 standard. It coversthe whole gamut of HTML, from text-formatting tags toframes, using images and colour, creating complex tablesfor Web page layout, and much more.


  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications








    Books & Technical Publications

    Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Prices are in Singapore Dollars and exclusive of GST

    Computer Programming continued

    The Complete Reference HTML THOMAS A. POWELL

    This book teaches you how to create powerful, interactive Web pages and sites.Discover how to use HTML in conjuntion with the lastest Wed technologies, includingCSS, Javascript, DHTML, ColdFusion, XML and Active Server Pages and learn howHTML works with Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. It includes com-prehensive coverage of all versions of HTML, including 4 and extensive details onCascading Style Sheets 1 & 2, DHTML, and XML.


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    Delphi 4 Developer's Guide BORLAND


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    This is the ultimate source for WindowsRAD with Delphi, written by the developersof Borland Delphi. The book will aid theunderstanding and application of compo-nent based development using ActiveXCOM and the VCL as well as giving in-depth coverage of MIDAS.


    Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days LEMAY & PERKINS


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    This book carefully steps you through all you need tolearn to transform your static Web pages into living,interactive applications with Java. You will learn thefundamental concepts of the Java language as wellas the basics of applet design and integration withWeb presentations.


    Using Visual Basic 5,& Using Visual Basic for Application 5


    Using visual Basic 5 is an updated version of QUE's Visual Basic 4 book coveringevery new feature of Visual Basic 5, making this the developer's choice for getting upto speed quickly and then going beyond.

    A team of recognised experts walk you through the new development environment andteach you how to work with the hottest features of Visual Basic 5. You will learn how tobuild applications for Windows 95 and Windows NT, ActiveX controls, complexdatabases, and progress for Office 97 and Internet Explorer. The Authors will showyou how to implement remote data objects, how to work with OLE applications, andhow to debug your code. Also learn advanced form, control, and code techniques tohelp you get the most from your Visual Basic 5 applications.

    Special Edition

    N.B.No CD ROM included

    Using Visual Basic for Applications 5 covers the new features of VBA 5, making it the

    developer's choice of Office 97 application development.You will achieve new levels of programming success by learning how to use VBA 5'sIntegrated Development Environment, and how to customise current Office 97 featuresusing VBA 5. You'll discover how to improve productivity with object-oriented develop-ment, also learn about Help file creation, Web publishing, and how to optimise variouscomponents in your Office 97 applications.

    Special Edition.

    N.B. The inclusion of a CDROM means VAT is chargeable

    946-254Using Visual Basic for Applications 5946-278Using Visual Basic 5

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    Computer Software

    Introductipn to Autocad Release 14

    A Yarwood



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    This is an introductory text written primarily forengineering students and those beginning to usethe software for the construction of technicaldrawings

    The reader is familiarised with the ability of thesoftware through a course of work in both two andthree-dimentional drawing which covers all thebasic features of the package

    It is illustrated throughout with screen dumps andexample AutoCAD drawings which demonstrateclearly the use and full capability of the package

    A large number of exercises and questions areincluded which allow the techniques presented tobe practised by the reader

    Autocad 14:Provides unrivalled coverage suitable for students taking BTEC and Cityand Guilds engineering courses where CAD is taught, and for higher education stu-

    dents of first year courses in engineering, building and architecture.



    Chris McMahon and Jimmy Browne



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    The most balanced coverage of ComputerAided Design available

    The text is comprehensive and accessible andideal for students of Industrial,Mechanical,Manufacturing and Productionengineers

    The book contains Industrial examples,

    Project-style exercises and extensive refer-ences to books and websites, pointing tomore in-depth material where appropriate


    Computer - QUE's Microsoft '97 Titles, Special Editions QUE

    Using Microsoft Office 97 with Windows 98This special edition shows you how to use explorer to keep your files organised, createand manage personal web sites and share Office documents with co-workers. Learnabout security features when sharing in Windows and Office, add and manage fonts,get instant answers to Office questions with Internet Explorer, peek inside any Officefile with Windows 98 web view. You will also see all key changes Windows 98 bringsto your computer and see which ones you want to install and use.

    Using Microsoft Office 97 ProfessionalThis is your in-depth reference for all Office 97 topics and applications. Expert authorsprovide essential information about the Office applications and how to use themtogether.

    Using Microsoft Word 97The essential all-in-one reference to all Word 97's features and practical applications.This comprehensive book includes hundreds of pages of Word solutions, sampledocuments, expert tips, troubleshooting, and more.

  • 8/12/2019 Books - Technical Publications





    Books & Technical Publications



    Internet Sales Tel (65) 788 0200 Sales Fax(65) 788 0300

    946-280Using Microsoft FrontPage 97946-266Using Microsoft Outlook 97946-254Using Visual Basic for Applications 5946-242Using Microsoft PowerPoint 97

    946-230Using Microsoft Access 97946-229Using Microsoft Excel 97946-217Using Microsoft Word 97946-205Using Microsoft Office 97 Professional183-635Using Microsoft Office 97 With Windows 98

    3+1+TitlePrice EachOrder


    Using Microsoft Excel 97

    The most comprehensive guide to using this powerful spreadsheet application. Trustedby professionals on the job, this complete reference explores the new features of Excel97, including integration with Microsoft Office 97, Web publishing, database creation,and more.

    Using Microsoft Access 97This book teaches you how to master the new features of 32-bit Access 97 and the Jet3.5 database engine. From step-by-step instructions for creating relational tables forprogramming with VBA 5.0 and the Jet 3.5 Data Access Object, you will quickly learnhow to achieve professional results with this powerful database development platform.

    Using Microsoft PowerPoint 97The special edition shows you how to create impressive presentations and documents.This comprehensive book provides the reference you need to make your point. Buildpresentations, from the simple to the dramatic, that deliver your message powerfullywith PowerPoint 97.

    Using Visual Basic for Applications 5This book covers the new features of VBA 5, making it the developers choice for Office97 application development.

    You will achieve new levels of programming success by learning how to use VBA 5sIntegrated Development Environment, and how to customise current Office 97 featuresusing VBA 5. Youll discover how to improve productivity with object-oriented develop-ment, also learn about Help file creation, Web publishing, and how to optimise variouscomponents in your Office 97 applications.

    N.B. The inclusion of a CDROM means VAT is chargeable

    Using Microsoft Outlook 97This is your A-Z reference for all your Outlook 97 questions. The comprehensive bookincludes hundreds of pages of Outlook 97 solutions that let you master this powerfulnew application quickly.

    Youll learn how to create and edit schedules, set meeting times and choose recipientsthrough a network, manage the flow of events, and route email. Also discover how toshare information and create hypertext links among all five of the Office 97 products,and how to put Outlook 97 documents and schedules onto a Web or intranet site.

    Using Microsoft Front Page 97QUE's expert authors provide all the information you need to master MicrosoftFrontPage. Use this powerful reference for all your HTML creation, documentconversion, and site maintenance needs.

    N.B. This inclusion of a CDROM means VAT is chargeable478

    10 Minute and Teach Yourself Guides

    Simple and practical references to help busy people who need fast results. Through goaloriented, 10 minute lessons you will gain all the essential know how to develop, manageand operate the subject covered. These include operating systems, networking, group-ware, office suites, the Internet, Intranets and Web programming.


    946-19910 Min. Guide to Intranets946-187

    10 Min. Guide to the Internet and the WorldWide Web (2nd Ed)

    946-17510 Min. Guide to ActiveX Control Pad943-10110 Min. Guide to HTML Style Sheets943-09510 Min. Guide to HTML 3.2 (2nd Ed)183-349Teach Yourself Office 97 in 10 Minutes

    183-337Teach Yourself Windows '98 in 10 Minutes183-325Teach Yourself Outlook '98 in 10 Minutes183-313Teach Yourself Windows '95 in 10 Minutes183-301Teach Yourself Word 97 in 10 Minutes183-295Teach Yourself Excel 97 in 10 Minutes183-283Teach Yourself Access 97 in 10 Minutes

    3+1+Order Code


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    Newnes Computer Pocket Reference Books

    312-3492PC Troubleshooting183-740Computer Engineering Pocket Book183-738C++ Pocket Book183-714Windows NT Pocket Book183-702Windows 95 Pocket Book

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    Sams 24 Hour 'Teach Yourself' Series SAMS

    312-3662Teach Yourself Microsoft Powerpoint 2000 in 24 Hours312-3650Teach Yourself Microsoft Excel 2000 in 24 Hours
