Book Happy

Post on 08-May-2015

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Book Happy

Transcript of Book Happy

ve never met a person who didn't desire to be happy. Who wouldn't want their lives to be more peacefu , learn to enjoy l ife as it is instead of what it could have been or be in a happy relationship? The answer is "Nobody," but sometimes people are so obsessed with trying to be like others that we forget to be happy with what we have now. Dr. Ian K. Smith, the best-selling author of "The Fat Smash Diet" and one of the hosts of the VH1 show "Celebrity Fit Club" giv es readers reasonable advice on how to be happi er

Dr. Smith admits that he has been accused of being a workaholic, even while on vacation. Like many of us tech savvy people, he was always on the Internet, text messaging or answering phone calls even while on vacation. But during a resort stay, he met a driver who used none of the above, lived within his means and talked about how happy he was without a lavish amount of money. It made Dr. Smith re-evaluate his own means of happiness.

Coincidentally, the same week I got this book was the same week I decided to switch cable, Internet and phone providers. This meant I went a week without all of the stuff I relied on for entertainment outside of a cell phone, which I was too close to my maximum minutes on. With all this free time, I went straight to the lakefront (non-Chicagoans would call it "Lake Michigan") to read. Not long into the book I read this:

"Think about sitting on a beach and reading a book with the breeze blowing off the water and the pure sound of waves without the threat of the piercing shrill of a cell phone."

Talk about a coincidence. For the rest of the week, I went right back to the beach near the lakefront and kept on reading this book. I found myself going from being frustrated that I couldn't Tweet, check my e-mails and surf the net to being relieved that when I left work I could fully relax.

But in addition to relaxing, I also brainstormed on some of my own choices in my business and personal relationships while answering some of the questions in this book. Dr. Smith asks readers to answer random questions throughout the chapters. Some examples include: 1) List seven events or situations that have disappointed you recently. 2) Take the seven items listed above and find something positive in each of them. 3) Identify five things you've been wanting to do but have been putting off. 4) Prioritize your list based on the things that you are holding back on versus circumstances you can't control. 5) Think of three activities that would make your workplace friendlier and more enjoyable.

In addition to sharing Dr. Smith's own stories and giving advice on topics like spending time with family (especiallyelderly family members) and the importance of forgiving, just exercising some of these brainstorming questions put my brain into motion on how to improve my own life. I think even the happiest person could learn from this book and those who aren't could take time to truly find out what it is that is making them so unhappy. I've certainly calmed down on sitting in front of a computer all day even when I don't have to and try to spend more of my off days with friends or family .

I'd give this book an easy 5 out of 5 stars and would strongly recommend buying a copy to use as a reference. The best part about this book is 10 or 20 or 30 years from now it'll be just as up to date as it is now. Times change, but being happy doesn't have to.

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