Book 1 Elijah

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Transcript of Book 1 Elijah

  • 8/19/2019 Book 1 Elijah



    “Elijah Incorporated”

    by Barbara Eastwell

    Elijah’s story is found in the Bible:

    I Kings 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22

    II Kings 1, 2, 8 and 9

    II Chronicles 20 and 21

    (See Appendix)

    The Source of the teachings

    in “Elijah Incorporated”

    is Jesus Christ


    A Course in Miracles

  • 8/19/2019 Book 1 Elijah



    Sound B as is


    ABN: 67 321 101 816

    Copyright © Barbara Eastwell 2004

    ISBN: 0-9757680-1-8Email:

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    Table of Contents

    Introduction: Behind the story, The Format ………………………………………. 4

    Assignment: “A Journal Adventure. Elijah’s gift to me ”………………………….. 10

    Chapter 1 . . . “I am sustained by the Love of God” …………………………………… 11

    Chapter 2 . . . “A Taste of Nurturing & Healing”……………………………………… 19

    Chapter 3 . . . “Doubt & Certainty: the ego & the Christ”…………………………… 41

    Chapter 4 . . . “Self-concept versus Self . . . There is no sacrifice ”…………………… 51

    Chapter 5 . . . “Fluxing . . . in and out of the cave”………………………………….. 73

    Chapter 6 . . . “Elisha – releasing the past The Turning Point . . .” ……………… 97

    Chapter 7 . . . “Compromise or Trust . . . “ …………………………………………. 121

    Chapter 8 . . . “My Inheritance . . .” ………………………………………………. 145

    Chapter 9 . . . “Inner Turmo il Conflict is Death “ ……………………………… 179

    Chapter 10 . . . “I want My Plan ”…………………………………………………… 206

    Chapter 11 . . . “The Miracle of Crossing Over”…………………………………….. 226

    Chapter 12 . . . “The ego uprooted The dream exposed ” ………………………… 252

    Chapter 13 . . . ”Completion . . . Being Home” …………………………………….. 286

    Epilogue . . . …………………………………………………………………………. 322

    Appendix . . . Elijah’s story: King James Version; My summary ………………….. 334

    Chapter References are listed at the end of each Chapter

    Cover Design: Translation of Elijah via the vortex

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    Elijah Incorporated

    -An Unlimited Company-

    Inheritors of the Double Portion

    An Introduction:

    Behind the Story

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    Behind the story

    Any sequencing of ideas makes a story. Without time, there is no story.Thus, every story ever told is set in time and space.

    Since I find myself in time, in story,I need to find my way beyond this limitation.

    The Holy Spirit uses story to lead us through the temporal; through the spatial;to take us beyond time and space - to Reality.

    The idea that past, present and future all occur simultaneouslywas a giant shattering of the idea of time being linear.

    To discover time never happened at all takes a miracle.Everything except  God is a metaphor; symbolic; parable material; a story.

    What is being acted out  here in time and spaceis the seeming  separation from God.

    It is not  God‛s Will being acted out here.

    This world of time is founded on unconscious guilt for the sin of being separate from God.Yet, since separation from God is not possible, there is no sin. 

    Guilt  demands punishment.

    If the guilt  were healed, there would be no hidden fear of punishment.There would be freedom, peace.

    However, the ego‛s plan to keep itself going is through blame.

    I think I‛m getting rid of guilt by projecting it on to others.This simply keeps it in my unconscious.

    So, instead of dealing with guilt, I hold on to it by hiding it outside myself.

    I see the seeming  cause of my fear, pain, loss and sufferingas being outside  of me, even though the fear is still in me .

    I perceive the contents of my own mind as being all around me, symbolically,

    instead of in me. So the guilt remains. 

    The ego is the part of the mind which believes in division.How could part of God detach itself WITHOUT believing it is attacking Him?The ego believes that this is what YOU did because it believes that it IS you.

    It follows, then, that if you identify WITH the ego, you MUST perceive yourself as guilty.Whenever you respond to your ego you WILL experience guilt,

    and you WILL fear punishment.

    Listening to the ego’s voice MEANS that you believe it is possible to attack God.

    You believe that a part of Him has been torn away by YOU.The classic picture of fear of retaliation FROM WITHOUT then follows

    because the severity of the guilt is so acute that it MUST be projected.” 1

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    The ego‛s plan is held in place.

    Sin occurs in the past. Guilt is experienced in the present, hence a future of fear.Yet all time is but a dream. MY EXPERIENCE IS A DREAM.

    I had a day dream. It turned into a nightmare.From being awake, I went to sleep, and now I‛m waking up!

    Each story records the ego‛s activities – sin, guilt and fear.

    In recognising this, I can now see through  the storyto the innocence and freedom that are really  there, and so healing takes place.

    I am restored to love, peace and joy - which is my natural state.

    My task is simply to learn, practise and apply true forgiveness in each story presented,

    my own personal story; the drama of those around me; or a story I read in a book.To give me opportunity to fulfil this function of forgiveness, story is given me .

    Another name for this inner Guide is the Holy Spirit. 

    This is my path to freedom and peace.

    Having received  the message of the story of Elijah, I choose to express it to hear it. 

    You are at home in God,dreaming of exile but perfectly capable of

    awakening to reality. 2

    “To follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance is to let yourself be absolved of guilt.” 4

    There is one major differencein the role of Heaven’s messengers 

    which sets them off from those the world  appoints.The messages which they deliver are intended first for them.

     And it is only as they can accept them for themselves that they become able to bring them further

    and to give them everywhere that they were meant to be.Like earthly messengers, 

    they did not write  the messages they bear,but they become their first receivers  in the truest sense, 

    receiving   to prepare themselves to give. 5

    “All that is given you is for release;the sight, the vision and the inner Guide

    all lead you out of hell with those you love beside you,and the universe with them.” 3

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    The history of Elijah is recorded in the Old Testament of the Bible.Each story recorded prior to the story of Elijah 

    led to   the story of Elijah, and thereby becomes part of   Elijah‛s story.

    In the New Testament, Jesus refers to Elijah.The fulfillment of His part in God‛s plan of salvation INCLUDES the part of Elijah!

    So, of course, Jesus acknowledges Elijah‛s part.In His  recognition of the part played by Elijah

    is my  recognition that Elijah‛s story IS INCLUDED in my story.That makes it both personal and current.

    Since the story of Elijah is current   – is for  me NOW,

    it is totally valuable to see and experience  what it offers.

    As with all stories, the only value is in its application in my life; 

    my  recognition that it offers a gift to me . . .IF I‛m willing to be open to the total message. . .

    and that includes all characters and situations portrayed.

    And so – to the story of Elijah.

    It illustrates all facets of the Plan of Salvation –the plan that saves me from my mistaken belief that I am separate from God –

    by reminding me that I am complete, that I am whole, and have always been so.

    It offers a forceful presentationof the ways in which I attempt to maintain opposition to my true state.

    It shows how to bring the unconscious guilt to consciousness,and in doing so, expose its falsity.

    It is a reminder of the games of the ego,and my stoic defence of the games,

    until finally I make the choice to give them up,

    wake up, and be fully alive, free of fear and guilt. 

    “Be grateful to all; you need them as much as they need you.Without those images you see and the miracle,

    you’d never  be able to find the way out.These images are symbolic of what’s in your unconscious mind

    and without them, your unconscious guiltwould be forever hidden from you – there would be no escape.” 6

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    Behind the Story References 

    “Self Revealed”Seven Books: A Practical Daily Guide to the Workbook of A Course in Miracles  

    5 Book 4: Lesson 154, Page 103

    Manuscript of A Course in Miracles, Edit by Bill Thetford

    1 ‘The Two Decisions‛, Page 632 ‘The Inclusiveness of Creation‛, Chapter 9, Page 1283

    ‘The Saviour‛s Vision‛, Page 424

    Manual for Teachers

    4 ‘As For the Rest‛

    The Disappearance of the Universe, by Gary R Renard

    6 Excerpt from Page 238

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    The Format of ‘Elijah Incorporated’

    a. Bible Story:

    i The King James Version of Elijah‛s story is very long. The story presented in this book ismy summary using various renditions of the Bible. I include comments filling out the historicsetting. It is hoped its brevity assists the story flow, without diminishing any aspectnecessary to the teachings of the story.

    Both the KJV and the summary are included as an Appendix.

    Seeing this as a story, as a parable, in no way denies its historicity. It simply gives it animmediate, current value to you, the reader. Eventually it is seen that whether a story is

    historically true or not, it is meaningless unless and until applied personally.

    ii. For the most part, the contents appear in two columns. The Bible Story is blocked in the

    left hand column. Read each block in conjunction with the application of the parable which

    appears in the right hand column, till another block appears.

    b. The commentary: 

    i. I have used the first person, singular, “I, me, my, mine” to assist you to becomepersonally involved, and so maximise the benefits of personalising the parable.

    ii Repetition  is obvious throughout. The learnings are presented in many ways to facilitatethe grasp of the parable‛s offering. This helps train the mind to fill out the understanding;having transfer value as you discover all stories are parables given for you to see theirmessages  for you . Once having taken personal responsibility through incorporating thelearnings by activating them in you, even the personal is superceded in the acknowledgment of


    c. References: 

    i. These are listed at the end of each chapter.ii. Appropriate meanings to ‘religious‛ terms used in excerpts from A Course in Miracles  

    come from “Self Revealing” Seven Books: A Practical Daily Guide to the Workbook of 

    A Course in Miracles   (Pages 32 to 42 of Book 1, Introductory Manual .Reading this “Glossary of Terms” helps in letting go meanings of termslearned from previous teachings, and opens the mind to seeing them anew.

    iii. Other references from A Course in Miracles  are from the Manuscript edited by

    Bill Thetford.

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    How to make the most of ‘Elijah Incorporated’

    First you need a journal notebook.

    Study each chapter in sequence, completing each chapter assignmentbefore moving on to the next chapter.

    Take it all in. Absorb it. Be immersed in it.Read slowly, allowing each word to be heard in the depths of your being.

    Allow it to resonate in you, at all times asking to hear the message for you.Be ready, too, to see its application in your life.

    Allot a period of time, for example one week, or one month, per chapter.

    Then, on a daily basis, write your own Elijah adventure.Write down the key points that are being shared.

    Ask the following questions of yourself.Where is this being acted out in my daily life?

    How am I responding or reacting in each situation I face?Is there another way of seeing this situation, this person?

    Observe how you are operating as each character in the storyin each situation presented in your own personal drama.Bring the story alive in you through this gestalt process.

    The fact that this is a dream will become more and more apparent,

    and you will be aware that you are waking up – that you, in fact, are awake.

    Some ideas you will find easy to accept and deal with. Some will confront you.Simply be honest with yourself. Let it all unfold in you.

    Remember your function is forgiveness; which isstepping back, judging not, and allowing all things to be exactly as they are.

    Write down all your responses and reactions.It‛s all FOR you! Nothing IS against you!

    This is YOUR JOURNEY!As you declare where you find yourself in your drama,

    an opening is activated for the release of the patterns which bind you.and you will rejoice in the freedom and peace of being your Self. 


    “A Journal Adventure: Elijah’s gift to me ”

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    Chapter 1…

    I am sustained by the Love of God


    I am mistaken when I think I can be hurt in any way.

    I am God’s Son, Whose Self rests safely in the Mind of God.


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    Bible Story

    I Kings 17: 1-7

    At the time of the story of Elijah,

    Israel is divided into two kingdoms.

    Israel, the northern kingdom,

    with its capital, Samaria,

    consists of the “lost ten tribes”of Israel.

    Judah, the southern kingdom,

    with its c apital, Jerusalem,

    consists of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

    Elijah is given an assignment by God

    to confront Ahab, the king of Israel,

    and tell him

    that because of his opposition to God,

    “his wicked ways”,

    there will be no further rain in Israel

    till he, Elijah, states otherwise.

    The drought, in fact, lasts 3 ½ years.

    Obviously, Ahab hates Elijah‛s messagethat he is himself responsible

    for the drought,so hates Elijah for delivering the message,

    and seeks to kill him.

    Applying the Parable

    This divided kingdomrepresents the split mind;

    the two separate kingdomsbeing the two voices offering guidance

    in every moment…Israel, the ego, a more fragmented kingdom,

    in opposition  to God, Truth, Love;and Judah, the Holy Spirit,

    representing God, Truth, Love.

    Here Elijah represents the Voice of Truth

    which reminds methat I get the results of my thinking…

    that the very basis of the ego‛s kingdom

    is a belief in lack - which demandsan experience of drought, or total lack ,until such time as I am willing to hear

    a further message from the Voice of Truth.

    When responding as the ego,I do not want to hear

    I am responsible for my thinking –that the world I experience

    results from my thinking.

    I want to place the responsibilityfor my experience outside myself –

    onto the world I have made.I proclaim myself a victim of the world,

    of circumstances, of God.

    I think this self-identity is real – as well asall the identities I have given to everything.

    I want to hear only my own little voice.I want to see myself as separate from God –

    from everything.I seek to get rid of the voice

    that would suggest otherwise.

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    However, I discover that  I have no neutral thoughts

    Also -  I see no neutral things. 

    So,  I am not the victim of the world I see.


    “Neutral thoughts are impossible because all thoughts have power.They will either make a false world or  lead  me to the real one.

    But thoughts cannot be without effects. As the world I see arises from my thinking errors,

    so will the real world rise before my eyes as I let my errors be corrected.My thoughts cannot be neither true nor false.

    They must be one or the other.

    What I see shows me which they are.” 1

    “What I see witnesses to what I think.

    If I did not think I would not exist, because life is thought.Let me look   on the world  I  see as the representation of my own state of mind.

    I know that my state of mind can change. And so I know the world  I see can change as well.” 2

    “How can I be a victim of a world that can be completely undone  if   I so choose?My chains are loosened.

    I can drop them off merely by desiring to do so.The prison door is open.

    I can leave simply by walking out. Nothing holds me in this world. 

    Only my wish to stay keeps me a prisoner.

    I would give up my insane wishes and walk into the sunlight at last.” 3

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    I recognise  I have invented the world I see.

    Further confirmation of this is offered in the following … 

    “the secret of salvation is but this:That YOU are doing this unto yourself.

    No matter what the form of the attack, this still is true. Whoever takes the role of enemy and of attacker, still is this the truth. 

    Whatever  seems  to be the cause of any pain and suffering you feel, this still is true. For you would not react at all to figures in a dream you knew that YOU were dreaming.

    Let them be as hateful and as vicious as they may, they could have no effect on you  Unless you failed to recognise it is it is YOUR dream.

    This single lesson learned will set you free from suffering  whatever form it takes.

    The Holy Spirit will repeat this one inclusive lesson of deliverance until it has been learned,regardless of the form of suffering that brings you pain.

    Whatever hurt you bring to Him He will make answer with this very simple truth.For this one answer  takes away the CAUSE of  every  form of sorrow and of pain.

    The form affects His answer not at all,for He would teach you but the single cause of all of them, no matter what their form.

     And you will  understand that miracles reflect the simple statement,

    “I have done this thing, and it is this I would undo.”

    Bring them, all forms of suffering  to Him Who knows that every one is like the rest.He sees no differences where none exist, and he will teach you how each one is caused.

    None has a different cause from all the rest,and all of them are easily undone by but a single lesson truly learned. 

    Salvation is a secret you have kept but from yourself. The universe proclaims it so.

    Yet to its witnesses you pay no heed at all.For they attest the thing you do not WANT to know.

    They seem to keep it secret from you. 5

    “I made up the prison in which I see myself. All I need do is recognise this and I am free.

    I have deluded myself into believing it is possible to imprison the Son of God.I was bitterly mistaken in this belief, which I no longer want.

    The Son of God must be forever free.He is as God created him, and not  what I would make of him.

    He is where God would have him be, and not where I thought to hold him prisoner.” 4

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    Since Ahab is seeking to kill Elijah,

    Elijah is told to flee from the king,

    and hide by the “brook Cherith”,

    where ravens will feed him.

    What a strange suggestion –

    to go up a mountain to a stream alone,being promised

    the drought will not affect him,and that he will be fed by birds! 

    However, Elijah obeys the instruction.

    And the result? Ravens give him bread and flesh

    in the mornings and evenings,and of course he

    drinks from the brook.

    So, this other voice,the voice of truth (Elijah)

    is no longer accessible.It is removed from the awareness.

    It is given a safe space

    “in the mountain” of mind,where it is nurtured

    by the feminine – the Holy Spirit –the flowing brook and the ravens

    (traditionally bringersof unseen knowledge

    and keepers of the sacred law}

    offering the appropriate nourishment.

    As I follow my instructions to remove myself from the bondage of the ego,whose sole purpose is to gain my allegiance,

    which in fact heralds pain, suffering, loss and death,

    I realise that God‛s Voice speaks to me all through the day. 

    that  God’s Voice speaks to me all through the day. 

    Yet you need but learn you choose but NOT to listen, NOT to see.  

    How differently will you perceive the world when this is recognised!When you forgive the world your guilt, YOU will be free of it.Its innocence does NOT demand your guilt, nor does YOUR guiltlessness rest on its sins.

    This is the obvious; a secret kept from no-one but yourself.   And it is this that has maintained you separate from the world,

    and kept your brother separate from you. 

    Now need you but to learn that BOTH of you are innocent or guilty.The one thing that is impossible is that you be unlike each other; that they BOTH be true. 

    This is the only secret  yet to learn.

     And it will be no secret you are healed.” 5

    “There is not a moment in which God’s Voice ceases to call on my forgiveness to save me.There is not a moment in which His Voice fails to direct my thoughts,

    guide my actions, and lead my feet.I am walking steadily on toward truth.

    There is nowhere else I can go,

    because God’s Voice is the only voice and the only guide that has been given to His Son.” 6

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    After a year or so, the brook dries up. Constant confirmation

    of being sustained by Godis available in my awareness.

    The Elijah in me is giventhis focused period of nourishment –

    in readiness for facingthe next assignment.

    One door closes for another to open.

    Elijah‛s experience of being nurtured by God for an entire yearstands alongside the experience of being nurtured by God

    through applying the lessons of The Workbook of A Course in Miracles  over a period of a year.

    In this, I also discover that ‘I am sustained by the Love of God’. 

    “As I listen to God’s Voice, I am sustained by His Love. As I open my eyes, His Love lights up the world for me to see.

     As I forgive, His love reminds me that his Son is sinless.

     And as I look upon the world with the v ision He has given me,I remember that I am His Son.” 7

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    Chapter 1 References 

    Chapter Cover: Book 3: Lesson 119: Review of Lesson 107, Page 141

    The Bible

    I Kings 17: 1 – 7

    “Self Revealed” Seven Books: A Practical Daily Guide to the Workbook of A Course inMiracles  

    1 and 2 Book 2: Review Lesson 16 ‘I have no neutral thoughts.‛, Page 97

    Review Lesson 17, ‘I see no neutral things.‛, Page 973 and 4 Review Lesson 31, ‘I am not the victim of the world I see.‛, Page 103

    Review Lesson 32, ‘I have invented the world I see.‛, Page 1036 and 7 Review Lesson 49, ‘God‛s Voice speaks to me all through the day.‛, Page 109

    Review Lesson 50, ‘I am sustained by the Love of God.‛, Page 110

    Manuscript of A Course in Miracles, Edit by Bill Thetford


    ‘The Hero of the Dream‛, Chapter 27, Page 378, Paragraph 2 to the end.

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    Chapter 2…

    A Taste of Nurturing & Healing


    I am entitled to miracles 

    because I am under no laws but God's.

    His laws

     release me

     from all grievances, and

     replace them

     with miracles.

    And I would accept the miracles in place of the grievances,

    which are but illusions

     that hide

     the miracles



    Now I would accept only what the laws of God entitle me to have,

    that I may use it on behalf of the function He has given me.

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    The Learnings so far . . .

    I discover I have a split mind… two kingdoms with two kings.…Israel /Ahab and Judah /Jehoshaphat.How can I have peace with a split mind?

    The king I‛m confronting is Ahab – the ego.Elijah‛s function in me is to confront the ego – to re-mind me –

    “Listen! You‛re getting the results of your thinking”.

    So, the first chapter is simply me, as Elijah, reminding myself, 

    that I have made a king Ahab, an ego, to rule me.It‛s up to me! Which am I going to listen to?

    the voice of Ahab the rebel –or the voice of Elijah that reminds me

    of the power of my mind to recognise what is true.

    Of course, Ahab hates the message.The ego doesn‛t want to know the truth at all, because that will mean it is powerless.

    Remember that Elijah is taken up to the brook, Cherith,

    where he is sustained – totally nurtured –by the brook and the ravens that bring him bread and flesh each day.

    There‛s a nurturing occurs in the face of my looking at the ego –

    the king - the chief idea of being separate; of opposition.I am not left alone when confronting the ego.

    Elijah‛s message to the ego is that there is going to be drought –that is - no support for the ego.

    Meanwhile, the Elijah in me that knows  the truth of who I amis always supported and nourished.

    So when I go to the part in my mindthat is in the remembrance of myself as God created me,

    that is where I can rest and be nourishedand know I am  sustained by the love of God.

    Meanwhile, the ego‛s out searching –constantly attempting to pull me down from the place of sustenance.

    Following a moment of total release and freedom,a temptation is there - right in front of me.

    That‛s the ego, wanting to tear down –

    trying to remove the strength I‛ve received from my Creatorduring this concentrated period of nurturing.

    Now look at that for myself! How is that for me?

    A year! That‛s a long time to be alone by a brook,being fed night and morning, nobody about to distract me,

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    having fulfilled my task which was to give this message

    that the ego would no longer be supported, or given a place of power in me.

    So, I must be in preparation for something . . . or I‛m simply being. . .

    Elijah has been the recipient of totally personalized instruction and nurturingup in the mountain at the source of the brook.

    And yet, the brook dries up? I forget who I am.I forget to go to that place in my mind.

    When the brook dries up – when that phase is complete –a newness of particularized function for the Elijah is indicated..

    There comes a recognition that another call is taking place.Circumstances appear to change for the Elijah to open up to more of who he is.

    When I have experienced a remembering of timelessness;when I‛m in that space by the brook, totally nourished, at peace, and free;

    nothing seems to sway me, because I am so focused on the totality of who I am.

    It is then I bring forward, or open my mind to my next encounter.It‛s a constancy of opening – recognising temptation,

    deferring to the Holy Spirit in the face of opposing ideas,

    and coming once again to that place of peace in me.

    It‛s being in the constancy of the opening of my mindthat enables the miracle to occur in whatever I draw to myself.

    So, I experience expansion, opening to a greater awareness of who I am.

    Everything offers healing of the split in the kingdom.The healing of the idea that there could be anything other than one whole kingdom

    occurs in me in every moment I accept myself as God created me. 

    The story continues . . .Remember that the application of the parable

    involves taking on each of the characters, and seeing what each is reflecting.

    I am every character in the cast of my play. I have to feel and experience each part,recognising each part as myself dealing with the situations I have set up in my life.

    Each character, and each situation is a gift, if I can but see it.In embracing each part, I am able to reclaim my projections,

    and free my brothers to be themselves.

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    Bible Story

    I Kings 17: 9 – 24

    Elijah is instructed to go to Zarephath,(Sarepta, in the New Testament)

    100 miles north, at the edge of the


    So, he goes from the mountain

    down to the sea

    where a widow is to “sustain” him.

    As he comes to the gate of the city,

    he finds a widow gathering sticks.

    He calls to her, and asks her

    to bring him some water to drink.

    As she goes to get the water,

    Elijah asks for a piece of bread as well.

    She says she has no bread,

     but is about to bake the last of her supply

    of grain and oil for herself and her son.

    As far as she can determine,

    this is to be their final meal before they die,

    as they have no more food.

    Applying the Parable

    Elijah finds himself moving down

    to be sustained by the feminine,who is - in a sense - free,

    having experiencedletting go of her husband.

    However she still cherishes a son.

    It is in the mundane taskof gathering firewood to prepare a meal

    that he contacts her.It‛s in the mundane, simple tasks of my life

    that the Elijah comes to me, calls me,and asks of me something to quench thirst.

    There‛s always a call.And it‛s always to fulfil an apparent lack.

    In the asking, in my asking,she automatically sets about

    fulfilling the request.Having called, and asked, he asks again –

    this time for food for nourishment.

    Part of the requirement isthat I have to keep asking.

    When I am the recipient of the asking,I am the woman.

    At this point, he is presented with the ideaof lack, not only of shortage,

    but of ‘life and death‛ lack.

    In the apparent scheme of things, as Elijah, I am way down the listof those eligible to receive the benefit of what remains,

    and there appears to be no hope of any in the future.

     Miracle Principle 8:Miracles are healing because they supply a lack; in that they are performed

    by those who  temporarily  have more for those who temporarily  have less. 1

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    Bible Story 

     Elijah told her not to be afraid,

    but to follow his instructions. She was to make a cake  first for him.

    Once she had given it to him, 

    then she could make some

    for herself and her son.

    Applying the Parable

    As the woman in the story,

    at the very pointwhen everything appears hopeless,

    when there‛s nothing leftand I don‛t know where to go with asituation. . . I‛m usually asked to do


    that seems totally impossible orunreasonable.

    I ask myself, ‘Why would I give,

    when I don‛t have enough for myself, and  there is no hope of more?‛

    That is when I‛m asked to listen and fulfill the instructions as given.Elijah tells her NOT TO BE AFRAID, but to follow his instructions. 

    So, of course the initial response is FEAR.

    She is required to “seek first the kingdom of God; (Matthew 6:33) . . .in this case, “offer first to the Elijah. . .

    offer the firstfruits to God.”

    The first step is TO GIVE.Until I say “YES” to what‛s first asked of me,

    I‛m not going to discoverthat I‛m totally supported through  my apparently hopeless situations.

    So the promise is all-inclusive – it includes the Elijah, the woman and the son.Everybody is promised salvation.

    Nothing is excluded from the promise of salvation –from total sustenance by God – right this instant.

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    Bible Story

    She is promised that there will be plenty to last

    till the rains come. She follows the instructions as given. 

    And they continue to eat

    for  a full year.

    At the end of this year,

    the son falls ill – as if dead.

    Guilt kicks in.

    The woman feels she is being punished.

    So, Elijah takes the boy to the loft 

    which has become his home,

    and puts him on his bed.

    He, too, is full of doubt,

    asking God if this is happening because of


    Then Elijah lays beside him,

     praying that the boy will be healed.

    He “stretches himself upon the child”

    three times,

     praying that his life will be restored.

    And the child is healed.

    Elijah takes the boy downstairs

    and presents him to his mother.

    She declares:

    “Now, by this I know 

    that thou art a man of God,

    and that the word of the LORD in thy  mouth

    is truth”.

    Applying the Parable

    She makes a decision. She acts on

    the instructions as given, exactly. Shedoesn‛t deviate. nor ask questions. She

    simply gets on with it. And the outcome?All three continue to eat for a full year.

    Following this incredible year-longexperience of the miracle of being

    sustained by God, the most valued idearemaining(the son, her most cherished idea)

    appears to be being taken from her.

    She feels tricked. Her world is being takenfrom her,and all she has done is follow the

    instructions. So, I‛ve done it. It‛s worked.I‛ve been nurtured for a year.

    And now, it looks as if it‛s all falling apart.

    The last thing I want is my son to die.It seems as if in spite of having doneexactly as I was asked, I am being

    abandoned. I forget my experience ofhaving been totally looked after for a year.

    She thinks it‛s because of her.He thinks it‛s because of him.

    There‛s still the idea of punishment.There‛s still the idea of loss and lack.

    So, the Elijah takes the boy

    to the uppermost part of his mind,the loft, where he rests in God.

    He offers his doubtful thinking to God.

    First of all he asks for healing;and then that the boy will be restored –

    returned to form.Healing occurs; and the return

    from timelessness to time(from the loft downstairs)

    brings the remembrance of wholenessdown to the mundane,

    where the Source of the healingis acknowledged by the feminine.

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    Check inside and see what healing is for me as Elijah, as the son, and as the mother.It is all about levels. Which level am I concerned with?

    If  I assume  it is the healing of a body. . . since I  made the body,

    I then look to healing as something that is physical,as something that has to occur within the body. So what is the body?

    Or I see healing beyond  the form, beyond  the body seen with my eyes and made by me.I remember there is only God, only wholeness;

    that there is no sickness apart from my thinking that it could be so.Healing is a miracle – not of the body, but of the mind.

    It is the mind that needs healing.The body will only respond to what the mind dictates. 

    Christ Jesus tells us: 

    Miracle Principle 23:Miracles rearrange perception, and place the levels of perception in true perspective.

    This heals at ALL levels, because sickness comes from confusing the levels. 2

    “Your egos are trying to convince you that THEY are real and I am not,

    because if I am real, I am no more real than YOU are.

    That knowledge, and I assure you that it IS knowledge,means that Christ must come into your minds and heal them.

     Although I am NOT attacking your egos, I AM working with your higher mindwhether you are asleep or awake, just as your ego does with your lower mind.

    I am your vigilance in this because you are too confused to recognise your own hope.I was N OT mistaken.

    Your minds WILL elect to join with mine, and together we are invincible.You will yet come together in my name and your sanity will be restored.

    I raised the dead by KNOWING that life is an eternal attributeof everything that the living God created.

    Why do you believe it is harder for me to inspire the dispirited,

    or to stabilise the unstable?4


    Miracle Principle 24:Miracles enable man to heal the sick and raise the dead

    because he made sickness and death himself, and can abolish both.“YOU are a miracle, capable of creating in the likeness of your Creator.

    Everything else is only your own nightmare, and does not exist.Only the Creations of Light are real.” 2

    “The body is the ego’s idol;the belief in sin made flesh and then projected outward.

    This produces what seems to be a wall of flesh around the mind,keeping it prisoner in a tiny spot of space and time, beholden unto death,

    and given but an instant in which to sigh and grieve and die in honour of its master. And this unholy instant seems to be life;

    an instant of despair, a tiny island of dry sand, bereft of water and set uncertainly upon oblivion.” 3

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    Elijah calls for nourishment, for sustenance of the woman.

    The answer is inevitable. It‛s always, “Yes”.

    I would settle for a better world .When is it I‛m going to seek the healing of the idea

    that I could be separate, apart, different, sick?That‛s true healing!

    Then everything that IS of a “lower order” – as he suggests -automatically is healed -- because I‛m not seeking that.

    I‛m seeking first the kingdom of God,which is the healing of the apparent split --

    the healing of the idea that there could be anything apart; in opposition;

    anything opposing God; anything opposing me. Nothing is.

    This is what the Elijah does. He lays beside the boy.

    They want to avoid this experience of transfiguration –by reducing its offering to something tangible, a tabernacle. 

    I do not believe that there is an order of difficulty in miracles; YOU do.I have called, and you will answer.

    I KNOW that miracles are natural because they are expressions of love.

    My calling  you is as natural as your answer, and as inevitable.” 4

    “Asking for healing is a sign that he wants TO MAKE WHOLE. And this willingness opens his OWN ears to the Voice of the Holy Spirit,

    Whose message IS wholeness.

    He will enable you to go far beyond the healing YOU would undertake, 5

    “for beside your small willingness to make whole he will lay

    His Own COMPLETE Will and make YOURS whole.” 5

    Immediately following His baptism, in the Biblical account,

    Jesus hears the words of His Father: 

    “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”.6 

    The same words are uttered a second time  – during the Feast of Tabernacles,the festival held in the seventh month of the year.

    The disciples have just witnessed the transfiguration.

    Immediately, they want to build three tabernacles –

    one for Jesus, one for Moses and one for Elijah.

    At this very time, the words are spoken, 

    “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”7

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    “Let‛s build a structure, establish a place for you here in time, a temporary booth,

    so that we can hold on to you Elijah, or you, Moses, or you, Jesus.”This is what I  do! I build a sacred space,

    I establish through ritual or form,and become so involved in this reduction, this distraction

    from being present to the opportunity of participating  in transfiguration,that I miss hearing the words, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”

    That is what I am to hear.

    That is what I am to hear. So right now, at the end of time, I‛m given the instruction – “Hear ye Him”.

    The widow has to “hear the instruction” and “follow it”.There is always a call to hear; and there‛s always a hearing.

    It‛s up to me to be present to the call, to the hearing.And then to remember, “Arise, and be not afraid.” 

    So, too, Elijah faces his  doubt, following the 3½ years drought (fast),having himself been nurtured throughout.

    For 3½ years Jesus walks the earth in His maturity.The stories are parallel.My story is no different.

    There‛s only one story that occurs.But I have to place myself in it in order to see through  the story.

    No matter where he finds himself, Elijah has been nurtured.

    First by the brook, with ravens, bread, flesh and water. . . and that changes.But he doesn‛t need to worry, because he is nurtured no matter where he finds himself.

    And so, too, Jesus faces His temptations with certainty –which has arisen from His willingness to be taught –

    His willingness to listen -- the Source of His certainty. 

    On this second occasion,  “Hear ye Him” is added.

    And the first words Jesus spoke following this were, “Arise, and be not afraid.”7 

    Following the transfiguration,

    Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness of His mind.

    Following a fast of 40 days and 40 nights – hungering and thirsting after righteousness

    representing full commitment to restoring His mind

    to the remembrance of the truth of Himself as God created Him,

    He is then ready to face His doubtful thoughts known as the temptations of Christ,arising from the wilderness of His mind.

     Notice he feels hungry, only after the 40 days and 40 nights,

    when it is time to return to fulfil His function here. 7

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    Does this sound familiar?

    “Stay centred. Remain with the remembrance.Don‛t fall away! Stand firm! Don‛t hold onto ideas. Let them go!”

    Bring all ideas forward for acceptance, for healing, and they fall away of themselves.Nothing is changed. Everything remains exactly as it was –

    except I‛m seeing things in a whole new way.

    So, what about ME?

    Gratitude overflows with the discovery of my newborn certainty of response.I choose  to use the mind that has been nurtured by the Holy Spirit

    during the 40 days and 40 nights.

    It‛s always available in me. It‛s always present in me.Will I use it when I am facing that temptation?

    Or will I revert to the old pattern, and succumb to the temptation,fully immerse myself in the temptation where there is no solution;

    where there is no room to hear the Voicethat is  the perfect response to the temptation.

    Remember the temptation,“Come on Jesus, jump from the temple, and the angels will protect you.”

    And His reply, “No, it is not for me to test God.”Feel the certainty in His response

    coming from the constancy of the training He has received

    during the 40 days and 40 nights.

    As I discover my own certainty in facing my temptations,my certainty becomes broader in its application. It is not attached to anything.

    Certainty is quiet, not arrogant, coming from listening to the Voice of the Holy Spirit.

    It‛s simply finding the place in me where certainty resides,and applying this certainty to whatever confronts me.I face situations in my certainty, and healing takes place.

    So, too, Elijah discovers that by doing whatever is given him to do,the little willingness opens to all power, and healing is accomplished.

    First, he lays beside the boy, praying for his healing.Remembering he is  life Itself, he offers life to the boy

    by physically stretching himself upon the child – three times.He is willing to do whatever is required for however long it takes –

    praying  this time  for his “restoration” – and that‛s all it is –a restoring to mind of what is always there – has never gone. 

    When Jesus has faced His temptations,

    He is ministered to by angels – wherein an integration takes place. 6

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    It‛s not as if he sees this child as “dead”,

    and he is going to have to do some magicto make him now come alive from being dead.

    No! He knows there  is only  Life and LIFE IS ETERNAL.LIFE CAN NEVER BE TAKEN.

    But it can be restored to the awareness of the mind that wants  to remember eternity.That‛s why above all else I want to see. I am determined to see things differently.

    Above all else I choose only the eternal. I will value nothing except  the eternal.

    And the child is healed; is restored to form.

    So, for a moment, be grateful to Elijah for showing what is possible in me!Offer my total gratitude to my brother,

    no matter what the problem seems to be, or what healing is  occurring.

    Healing is the miraculous removal of the need to hold on to a grievance or problem,by seeing it is simply not true. . . and thus freeing myself from judgment.

    So, look at the gift of the apparently dead son –

    my apparently ‘dead ideas‛ are healed, restored to wholeness –How? – through the eyes of Christ, through the vision of Christ,

    through the mind of Christ.

    Healing takes place through my acknowledgmentthat Christ‛s resurrection IS my resurrection. I recognise there is no death.

    So the child ‘comes to life‛ up in the loft in my mind,where I take my apparently dead ideas, or dying ideas, or old ideas.

    I have to restore them. I cannot kill them. I cannot get rid of them.I have to shine the light on each and every one.

    Every idea that I have, overt or hidden, has to be acknowledgedto reveal its meaninglessness.

    In that, I am healed.

    Following the healing comes the return from timelessness (up in the loft) back to time.But I am coming with a new mind, a healed mind, a whole mind –

    bringing the remembrance of wholeness down to the mundane –downstairs to the mother, down to what appears to be a story of a family,

    with myself as part of the story.But there‛s a restoration. A healing takes place in mind.

    It‛s then – knowing the gift I‛ve been given,that I have the opportunity to offer it in an apparently mundane way, in form.

    There is  nothing mundane. But there‛s nothing not  mundane.And the more mundane I see  it to be, the greater the gift,

    because that‛s the place I least want to go with the idea of healing.

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    I‛d like to be ‘a Jesus‛ and make the lame stand up and walk,

    because there‛s a grandiosity about that.I would like to attach myself to the idea that I‛m a healer.

    No. . . make it in the mundane, the unseen, the hidden.Heal my mind of all my ideas!

    Bring to mind those ideas I want to keep hidden.“Holy Spirit, reveal what I am trying to keep hidden.

    Help me to be willing to be open to whatever is hidden, to bring it to the Light.”The more I bring to the Light, then the more that is healed,

    so the more I am willing to bring to the Light,because I realise it is the painless way.

    To struggle to hide it is the painful way.

    I AM Light! But I am only in the expression of the Lightwhen I am in that place in my mind that IS Light.

    Whatever thought comes to mind, stay with it till it is changed in my seeing.

    Don‛t try to get rid of it.Acknowledge that it‛s my thought. . . I need only see it in my mind,and recognise that the Light is the transformation of my thinking.

    It changes my thinking from grievance to healing and forgiveness.It transforms the entirety of that which up until now I  have held bound.

    And finally – her powerful declaration to Elijah –

    recognition that she knows the truth of the Elijah in her.The healing is obvious to her. She trusts the Elijah!

    She sees the power of mind in action. So, she acknowledges it in an Elijah.This is the first step in acknowledging the power in herself.

    Take that story back home to my self,and it opens to me the power of my own mind when activated from a true place,

    and what it is that I have to offer.

    She discovers that when she speaks with the voice of truth, she is of God.So this is all it is – an acknowledgment!

    Ultimately I learn the Voice of God is my  Voice;it‛s my real  Voice, because I AM the Christ.

    When I see or experience a healing in my own mind, I acknowledge the power in meto offer healing through forgiveness within me of every idea that I have.

    See this episode of Elijah‛s story through the following lessonfrom the Workbook of A Course in Miracles:  

    So where does it begin?. . . The first step is for me  to be healed. 

    “When I am healed, I am not healed alone.” 8

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    Any time I think  I‛m sick,I focus on difference,

    a different state - which I name sickness.So, I‛ve already chosen to be separate.

    I‛ve closed my mind to any possibility except what is apparently  occurring for me.I‛m already isolated and alone.

    What I focus on is what I increase.My whole attention seems to be drawn to that one idea of sickness.

    My attention is always drawn to something that appears separate or different.That‛s the sign that I must be choosing separation.

    So, what I have seen  to be a sickness is really a gift.

    because it is not  a sickness.I see  it as sickness to remind me that my thinking is mistaken.And then the healing takes place.

    I simply had an idea of separation when I saw that as sickness.

    Now, all of a sudden that is transformed into a healing of my mind.So, it‛s not a sickness, it‛s a gift. In fact, everything is a gift.

    I build the story till it‛s “sickened flesh”. I flesh it out – I flesh sickness out!

    Sickness serves laws.

    And since I made up sickness, I made up the laws it serves.So I have  to make it real, and I have  to make it consistent

    so that I can continue to validate and maintain my idea of sickness. 

    “Today’s idea remains the central thought on which salvation rests.For healing is the opposite of all the world’s ideaswhich dwell on sickness and on separate states.

    Sickness is a retreat from others, and a shutting off from joining. It becomes a door that closes on a separate self, and keeps it isolated and alone.” 8 

    Sickness is isolation. For it seems to keep one self apart from all the rest,

    to suffer what the others do not feel. 8

    “It (sickness) gives the body final power to make the separation real,and keep the mind in solitary prison,

    split apart and held in pieces by a solid wall of sickened flesh,

    which it can not surmount.” 8

    “The world obeys the laws that sickness serves,” 8

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    Most of the time, I have everybody else play it out –

    because I think that keeps me ‘safe‛ from sickness…cancer, heart attack, disease, my child dying …if only I put it out there .

    I thereby remove myself from guilt.At times, I play it out in my own body.

    Why would I do that? when I recognise sickness is an idea whose fulfillment is death.

    Sickness has nothing to do with who He is.Give the idea no power, and it‛s powerless!But where is it powerless? In my mind.

    Now I can offer to my brother the power to recognise its powerlessness.It‛s the power in the healer to see wholeness – to see beyond what is being presented –

    to know that he, as healer, offers his whole mind –which breaks up the blocks that are apparently   there.They‛re not  there.  “Self only appears to be dismembered.”

    So, make this true in me right now! 

    “but healing operates apart from them. (the laws of sickness)It is impossible that anyone be healed alone.In sickness must  he be apart and separate.

    But, healing is his own decision to be one again, 

    and  to accept his Self  with all its parts intact and unassailed. In sickness does his Self  appear  to be dismembered,

    and without the unity that gives it life.But healing is accomplished as he sees 

    the body has no power to attack  

    the universal oneness of God’s Son.” 8

    “Sickness would prove that lies must be the truth.But healing demonstrates that truth is true.

    The separation sickness would impose has never really happened.” 8

    “To be healed is merely to accept what always was the simple truth,and always will remain exactly as it has forever been.

    Yet eyes accustomed to illusions must  be shown that what they look upon is false.So healing, never needed by the truth, must demonstrate that sickness is not real.

    Healing might thus be called a counter-dream,which cancels out the dream of sicknessin the name of truth, but not in truth itself.

    Just as forgiveness overlooks all sins that never were accomplished,

    healing but removes illusions that have not occurred.Just as the real world will arise to take the place of what has never been at all,

    healing but offers restitution for imagined states and false ideas

    which dreams embroider into pictures of the truth.” 8

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    I‛m impressed by the pictures I make; the illusions I dress up… sickness, death…

    I doctor them up very well to be very convincing. But they are not so.Think what I continually do to make illusions appear  real, valuable, valid, and true to me.

    And all the while, truth IS – not affected in any way by anything I make up.

    When I‛m thinking  anything here is real… I make  it real to me.My whole existence spins around one little idea – from the story, a son, a dying son!

    An idea of loss or lack or threat or attack or pain or defenceinstantly is embellished, until it becomes my entire thinking.

    In that moment – it is my entire world.

    Since that ‛s my world, that ‛s the one that can be healed.I offer healing to that  world.

    Until I receive healing of the ideas confronting me, I have nothing to offer my brother.

    So forgiveness is not to be feared.

    Forgiveness has no problem with what has seemingly  occurred.It doesn‛t make it real. 

    If  my peace is disrupted, I must be seeing something amiss.

    I must be mistaken! Something needs forgiveness. It simply needs to be “shined away”.Bring it into the forefront of my thinking.

    Shine the truth on it, which is the remembrance that it is not so.That which seemed  to happen IS no longer. It‛s “shined away”…“Shine away” all ideas I have about the word “sin”,all ideas I‛ve attached to “sin” from every teaching

    about being wrong, to blame, at fault, guilty..Bring that in to my mind to be shined away with forgiveness;

    the recognition that there is no sin, there is nothing apart from wholeness. 

    Yet think not healing is unworthy of your function here.For anti-Christ becomes more powerful than Christ

    to those who dream the world is real.” 8

    “The body seems to be more solid and more stable than the mind.and love becomes a dream,

    while fear remains the one reality

    that can be seen and justified and fully understood.” 8

    “Just as forgiveness shines away all sin” 8

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    As I extend healing by recognisingthat extending my remembrance of wholeness is all I can offer to my brother,

    it is then available to be received by him.

    Of course, his experience depends on how muchhe is willing to accept   what is offered.

    So, the healing experience can still be denied. . . shut out!

    I can no longer cherish sickness, pain or suffering,once I see that I give them meaning;

    that I enhance them, build a world around them,and continue to build another world around that, until I am so walled in

    that I convince myself that sickness pain and suffering are real,and completely forget that I have given them reality.

    And that‛s all it is. . . ideas I‛ve embroidered and embellished and given power to,

    and I‛m holding on to this belief to prevent me from experiencing the truth.

    Yet all that I need to do is let go of that grip – saying –

    ‘I don‛t know how to do this. I do not know what anything is for.It must be a gift. It must be for the healing of my mind, or I wouldn‛t be seeing it.

    Whatever I‛m seeing is therefore a gift, even though I‛m making it up as I‛m seeing it.

    I don‛t have to get rid of it.I have to draw it in and ask to be shown its purpose in my healing.‛ 

    “and the real world will occupy the place of what you made,so healing must  replace the fantasies of sickness

    which you hold  before the simple truth.When sickness has been seen to disappear

    in spite of all the laws that hold it cannot but be real,

    then questions have been answered.” 8

    “And the laws can be no longer cherished nor obeyed.” 8

    “Healing is freedom.For it demonstrates that dreams will not prevail against the truth.

    Healing is shared. And by this attribute it proves that laws unlike the oneswhich hold that sickness is inevitable are more potent than their sickly opposites.

    Healing is strength. For by its gentle hand is weakness overcome,and minds that were walled off within a body free to join with other minds, to be forever strong.

    Healing, forgiveness, and the glad exchange of all the world of sorrowfor a world where sadness cannot enter,

    are the means by which the Holy Spirit urges you (so, it’s urgent) to follow Him.His gentle lessons teach how easily  salvation can be yours;

    how little practice you need undertaketo let His laws replace the ones you made to hold yourself a prisoner to death.” 8

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    Don‛t set about healing others.Set about my own healing,

    because in my healing is the healing of all.

    Don‛t look outside of me, and try to heal a brother.First, be healed myself. 

    “His life becomes your own,as you extend the little help He asks in freeing you from everything that ever caused you pain.

     And as you let yourself  be healed,you see all  those around you, or who cross your mind, or whom you touch

    or those who seem to have no contact with you,

    healed along with you.Perhaps you will not recognise them all, nor realise how great your offering to all the world,  

    when you let healing come to you.But you are never healed alone.

     And legions upon legions will receive the gift that you receive  when you are healed. 

    Those who are healed become the instruments of healin   .” 8  

    “Nor does time elapse between the instant they are healedand all the grace of healing it is given them to give.

    What is opposed to God does not exist, and who accepts it not within his mindbecomes a haven where the weary can remain to rest.

    For here (in that place in mind) is truth bestowed,and here (in that place in mind) are all illusions brought to truth.

    Would you not offer shelter to God’s will?You but invite your Self to be at home.

     And can this invitation be refused? Ask (in the story, he asked her ) the inevitable to occur, and you will never fail.

    The other choice is but to ask what cannot be to be, and this can not succeed.Today we ask that only truth will occupy our minds;

    that thoughts of healing will this day go forth

    from what is healed to what must yet be healed; aware that they will both occur as one. 

    We will remember, as the hour strikes, our function is to  let our minds be healed, that we may carry healing to the world,

    exchanging curse for blessing, pain for joy, and separation for the peace of God.Is not a minute of the hour worth the giving to receive a gift like this?Is not a little time a small  expense to offer for the gift of everything?

    Yet must we be prepared for such a gift.

     And so we will begin the day with this,and give ten minutes to these thoughts

    with which we will conclude today at night as well:” 8

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    “When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would share my healing with the world,that sickness may be banished from the mind of God’s one S on, who is my only Self.”  

    Let healing be through you this very day. And as you rest in quiet,

    be prepared to give as you receive, to hold but what you give,and to receive the Word of God

    to take the place of all the foolish thoughts that ever were imagined.Now we come together to make well all that was sick,

    and offer blessing where there was attack.Nor will we let this function be forgot as every hour of the day slips by,

    remembering our purpose with this thought: 

    “When I am healed I am not healed alone. And I would bless my brothers, for I would be healed with them,

    as they are healed with me.” 8 

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    Summary . . . the Parable of Elijah so far. . .

    It‛s the story of the healing of my mind. There can be no other story.I‛m given everything up in the brook.

    I‛m given everything when I‛m in that place of healing in my mindto heal my  mind so I can bring the world that I‛ve made to this healed mind.

    Take my world up into the loft of my mind,where there is no sickness, there is no suffering, there is no pain.

    It‛s simply an idea that is healed and whole as I take it home.

    ‘Taking it home‛ is owning it as my idea.Sickness is my idea. It can have no effect, unless I give it power.

    So, I discover everything is given to me

    as a result of listening to, that is, following instructions.I am then tempted – offered a mundane, seemingly impossible scenario.

    However, I remember the result of following simple instructions,of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.

    So it is time for me  to offer instructions as they are given me .

    When these are received and given full value, I discover again – I re-member –that I am sustained by the Love of God.

    A situation arises where I face my ideas of death, sin, and guilt.Everything is given me to show there is no death,

    that everything leans towards me to bless me –and to show me that in the healing of my mind is the healing of all –

    there is one healing, one miracle, one forgiveness

    of the last block to the full experience of Love‛s presence.All I can do is declare this is true in me –

    that I do recognise the Voice of God in me.I am sustained by the Love of God.

    Then, remain in that place in me where I am sustained,in the place of true seeing, the place of vision.

    That is where healing takes place.

    I am promised freedom.

    I am promised I will be sustained if I do what is asked of me. . .first make a cake for Elijah … give the firstfruits to the Father;

    Offer everything I‛ve made to the Father.

    And in that is the healing of the idea of everything that IS made.That‛s the promise – freedom.

    I am then freed from my own ideas through the healing of my mind.


    What is the Christ? 

    “Christ is the link that keeps you one with God,´ 9

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    So that‛s what I need for the healing of my mind -

    to use the Christ mind. That‛s the link.

    …the following is the promise … the guarantee …

    And finally. . .


    The healing of my mind IS the end of dreams.But it‛s not a promise for the future.

    It‛s not a day I look forward to in the future.

    It is NOW !

    If freedom is in the future, it might not happen.What then? Why not be at the end NOW!

    Creation‛s freedom promises my own! 

    “and guarantees” 

    “that separation is no more than an illusion of despair.For hope forever will abide in Him.

    Your mind is part of His, and His of yours.He is the part in which God’s answer lies –

    where all decisions are already made, and dreams are over…

    “He remains untouched by anything the body’s eyes perceive.” 9 

    Creation’s freedom promises my own.

    “The end of dreams is promised me,” 10

    “because God’s Son is not abandoned by his Love. Only  in dreams is there a time when he appears to be in prison,

    and awaits a future freedom, if it be at all.” 10

    “Yet in reality  his dreams are gone,with truth established in their place. And now is freedom his already. 

    Should I wait in chains which have been severed, for release,

    when God is offering me freedom now?

    I will accept Your promises today, and give my faith to them.My Father loves the Son Whom He created as His own.

    Would You withhold the gifts You gave to me.” 10

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    Am I open to the healing of my mind in order to be in the experience of Creation?

    . . . because Creation‛s freedom promises my own. . .

    And that promise is fulfilled in the healing of my mind this instant . Why wait?Whatever ideas are at the periphery of my seeing right now,

    ask that they be brought forward in me, in my mind,for the light to shine upon them.

    As I express the Light that I am, Being the Light that I am…I discover I am what freedom is!

    Chapter 2 References

    Chapter Cover: Book 3: Lesson 89: Review of Lesson 77. Page 77

    The Bible

    I Kings 17: 9 – 246 Matthew 47 Matthew 17

    “Self Revealed” Seven Books: A Practical Daily Guide to the Workbook of A Course inMiracles  


    Book 4: Lesson 137, “When I am healed, I am not healed alone.” Pages 70 - 739 Book 6: Part II, “What is the Christ?” Page 6110 Book 6: Lesson 279, “Creation‛s freedom promises my own.” Page 67

    Manuscript of A Course in Miracles , Edit by Bill Thetford

    1 ‘Principles of Miracles‛, Miracle Principle 8, Page 12 ‘Principles of Miracles‛, Miracle Principles 23 and 24, Pages 2 and 33 ‘The Temple of the Holy Spirit‛, Chapter 20, Page 2884 ‘The Escape from Fear‛, Page 485

    ‘The Willingness for Healing‛, Page 137, paragraph 4

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    Chapter 3 . . .

    “Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.”

    It is through accepting my function that I will see the ligh t in me.  


     in this light

    will my function stand clear and perfectly unambiguous before

     m y sight.


    My acceptance does not depend on

     my recognising

      what my function is,

    for I do not yet  understand forgiveness.

    Yet I will



     in the light

     I will see it as it is.

    My forgiveness is the means by which the light of the wo rld finds expression through me. 

    My forgiveness is the means by which I become aware of the light of the wo rld in me. 

    My forgiveness is the means by which the world is healed, together with myself.

    Let me, then


     the world, that


     may be healed

     along with me.



    Doubt & Certainty:

    the ego & The Christ

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    Bible Story

    I Kings 18: 1 – 18

    After three years,

    Elijah is directed by God

    to go to Ahab –

    and only then will the rains fall.


    Jezebel, Ahab’s wife, hates God,

     blaming Him for all their national troubles.

    So she has His prophets killed.

    However, Obadiah,

    Ahab’s chief steward,has hidden 100 of God’s prophets

    in a cave –

    and has fed them bread and water.

    Applying the Parable

    Following three years

    when Elijah is miraculouslyguided and sustained,

    the drought affecting the worldis to be broken.

    The experience of loss will be replacedby the experience of nourishment.

    Following Jesus‛ 3 years of ministry2,000 years ago came the resurrection;

    the restoration of wholeness,

    the breaking of the drought offorgetting;

    the firstfruits of a complete harvest;

    all-inclusive salvation.

    Within my egoic kingdom, the ruling queenautomatically hates the idea of God –because if God exists – she does not

    exist. Rather than admit to being thecause

    of problems she perceives in the kingdom,she blames God.

    And of course wants to be rid of anythingthat reminds her

    of a power greater than herself,

    a power that she sees as outside herself.

    So, she thinks she gets rid of – kills –all associated ideas which pose a threat

    because of their acknowledgment of God.

    However, this is impossible.Hidden in a cave within

    are 100 reminders of the truth –which are not  powerless –

    but are being fed by my Obadiah,acknowledging their total dependence on


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    To the Jezebel in me, Jesus says, 

    “Do not forget, however, that to deny God will inevitably result in projection,

    and you will believe that others AND NOT YOURSELF have done this to you.You will receive the message you give because it is the message you WANT.

    You may believe that you judge your brothers by the messages they give YOU,but YOU have judged THEM by the message you give to THEM.

    Do not attribute your denial of joy to them,

    or you cannot see the spark in them that could bring joy to YOU.” 1

    “Yours is the independence of creation, NOT of autonomy.Your whole creative function lies in your complete DEPENDENCE on God,

    Whose function He shares with YOU.By HIS willingness to share it, He became as dependent on you as you are on HIM.Do not ascribe the ego’s arrogance to Him Who wills not to be independent of YOU.

    He has INCLUDED you in His Autonomy.Can YOU believe that autonomy is meaningful APART from Him?

    The belief in EGO autonomyis costing you the knowledge of your dependence on God


    The ego sees ALL dependency as threatening,and has twisted even your longing for God into a means of establishing ITSELF.

    But do not be deceived by ITS interpretation of your conflict.” 2

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    Bible Story

    There comes a pointwhere the famine is so great

    that Ahab gives Obadiah the task

    of helping him find grass

    for the last of the cattle.

    Ahab goes in one direction ---

    and Obadiah in another.

    Obadiah, Ahab’s servant,

    on his search to find a way

    to maintain his master’s kingdom,

    meets Elijah, and immediately recognises him

    as the prophet of God.

    When Elijah tells Obadiah to inform Ahab

    that he has found Elijah, Obadiah is terrified.

    When Elijah had first predicted the drought,

    Elijah had “disappeared”.

    And Ahab had sent Obadiah to many nations

    to look for Elijah.

    Of course, as we know,

    Elijah had been relocatedat the brook Cherith, and was not to be


    So Obadiah assumes the same will occur


    He fears that as soon as he tells Ahab

    that Elijah is found – Elijah will disappear.

    And he, Obadiah, will be killed.

    Applying the Parable

    A decision is made to gather strength

    for the few remaining vestigesof the ego‛s rule.

    Ahab takes one route to this.And obviously Obadiah follows anotherway; since they are following different

    guides; Ahab, the ego; and Obadiah, theChrist.

    At a point of desperation,

    a little light flickers –

    and within me is the decisionto search for truth to bring respite

    from my situations of total lack.

    In my willingness to seek an answer,I meet the Elijah in me.I recognise it is of God.

    Obadiah thinks  he‛s looking for grass,but what he finds is Elijah.

    So, I deceive myself if I think

    I can look for and find a solution in myworld.I have to admit I want to continueto believe I can serve two masters –

    but it is impossible!

    At first, as Obadiah,I don‛t like what I‛m asked to do –

    which is confront “the Ahab”,the doubt, the opposition,

    with the finding of what is true in me.

    I am afraid that as has occurred beforewhen I have opened to the light,

    it‛s going to disappear again,and I‛ll face death –

    I won‛t be able to find the light in mymind.

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    In his fear, he reminds Elijah

    that he has been instrumental

    in the saving of 100 prophets from deathat the hands of Jezebel.

    Elijah takes no notice of this,

    stating in his certainty

    that whether Obadiah

    follows the instruction or not,

    he, Elijah, will see Ahab that same day.

    When confronted with Elijah’s certainty,Obadiah goes to Ahab

    and gives him the news

    that Elijah is at last found.

    So, Ahab sets off to meet Elijah.

    Ahab accuses Elijah

    of causing Israel’s problems.

    Elijah responds,

    “No! You have caused

    your  own problems by forsaking the way o f the LORD;

    and choosing to put your trust

    in your own gods.”

    So I try to bargain from a fearful position,

    reminding myselfthat I salvaged many “good ideas”,

    so surely I am worthy.

    Elijah in me is not affected by this fear –as it is brought to the light.In his certainty, he states

    that regardless of Obadiah‛s fear,

    he is determined to confront Ahab – NOW

    So the tentative  (Obadiah)presents the ego  (Ahab) with the news

    that what is true in me  (Elijah)can be reached, can be found.

    So on meeting with the Elijah in me,as Ahab, I blame “God”

    for causing my problems. 

    What is true in me  recognises, and owns…No! You do this but to yourself! You have forgotten to listen

    to your true Guide, the Holy Spirit,given by God –

    and have put your trust

    in your own littleness 

    “The only source of fear in this whole process can ONLY be what you think you LOSE.

    Yet it is only what the Holy Spirit sees that you can possibly HAVE.We have emphasised many times

    that the Holy Spirit will never call upon you to sacrifice ANYTHING.But if  you ask the sacrifice of reality OF yourself,

    the Holy Spirit MUST remind you that this is not God’s Will

    BECAUSE it is not yours.” 3

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    “To know is to be certain.”Uncertainty merely means that you do NOT know.

    Knowledge is power BECAUSE it is certain, and certainty is strength.

    Perception is merely temporary.It is an attribute of the space-time belief,and is therefore subject to fear or love.

    Misperceptions produce fear, and true perceptions produce love.NEITHER produces certainty, because ALL perception varies.

    That is why it is NOT knowledge.

    True perception is the BASIS for knowledge, but KNOWING is the affirmation of truth. All your difficulties ultimately stem from the fact

    that you do not recognise or KNOW yourselves, each other, or God.To recognise means to ‘know again’, implying that you knew before.

    You can see in many ways, because perception involves different interpretations,and this means that it is not whole.

    The miracle is a way of perceiving, NOT of knowing.It is the right answer to a question, and you do not ask questions at all when you know.

    Questioning illusions is the first step in undoing them.The miracle, or the “right answer”, corrects them.

    Since perceptions CHANGE, their dependence on time is obvious.They are subject to transitory states, and this necessarily implies variability.

    How you perceive at any given time determines what you DO, and action MUST occur in time.Knowledge is timeless because certainty is N OT questionable.

    You KNOW when you have CEASED to ask questions.

    The questioning mind perceives itself in time,and therefore looks for FUTURE answers.

    The unquestioning mind is closedbecause it believes the future and present will be the same.

    This establishes an unchanged state, or stasis.It is usually an attempt to counteract an underlying fear

    that the future will be WORSE than the present,and this fear inhibits the tendency to question at all.”

    The Bible instructs you to “KNOW yourself”, or BE CERTAIN.Certainty is ALWAYS of God.

    When you love someone, you have perceived him as he is,and this makes it possible for you to KNOW him.

    However, it is not until you RECOGNISE him that you CAN know him.While you ask questions about God,

    you are clearly implying that you do NOT know Him.Certainty does not require action.

    When you say that you are ACTING on the basis of knowledge,you are really confusing perception and cognition. (cont.) 4

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    I do this but to myself.There IS only LOVE. There IS only GOD.

    I simply need to recognise

    that apparent  choice is but an idea I made up and embracedin order to give credence to the ego, which does not exist! 

    Knowledge brings the mental strength for creative THINKING,but NOT for right DOING.

    Perception, miracles and doing are closely related.Knowledge is the result of revelation, and induces only thought.Perception involves the body even in its most spiritualised form.

    Knowledge comes from the altar within, and is timeless because it is certain.

    To perceive the truth is NOT the same as knowing it.” 4

    “God and the Souls He created remain in surety,and therefore KNOW that no miscreation exists.

    Truth cannot deal with unwilling error,because it does not will to be blocked out.

    I was a man who remembered the Soul and its knowledge, and as a man,I did not attempt to COUNTERACT error with knowledge

    so much as to CORRECT error from the bottom up.I demonstrated both the powerlessness of the body AND the power of the mind.

    By uniting my will with that of my Creator,I naturally remembered the Soul and its own real purpose.

    I cannot unite your will with God’s FOR you,but I CAN erase all misperceptions from your mind

    if you will bring it under my guidance.ONLY your misperceptions stand in your own way.

    Without them your choice is certain.Sane perception INDUCES sane choosing.

    The Atonement was an act based on true perception.

    I cannot choose for you, but I CAN help you make your own right choice.“Many are called but few are chosen” should read,  

    “ALL are called but few choose to listen. 

    Therefore, they do not choose RIGHT.”

    The “chosen ones” are merely those who choose right SOONER.This is the real meaning of the celestial speed-up.

    Strong wills can do this NOW, and you WILL find rest for your Souls.

    God knows you only in peace, and this IS your reality.”5

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    Once again, it is about total dependence on God, choosing toask for correction of mistakes and the return of sanity. 

    Christ’s Second Coming , which is sure as God,is merely the correction of mistakes and the return of sanity  

    It is part of the condition which restores the never-lost,and re-establishes what is forever and forever true.

    It is the invitation to God’s Word to take  illusion’s place;the willingness to let forgiveness rest  upon all  things 

    without  exception and without  reserve.

    It is the all-inclusive nature of Christ’s Second Comingthat permits it to embrace the world ,

    and hold you safe within its gentle adventwhich encompasses all living things with you. 

    There is no end to the release the Second Coming brings,as God’s creation must be limitless. 

    Forgiveness  lights the Second Coming’s waybecause it shines on everyone as one. 

     And thus is oneness recognised  at last. 

    The Second Coming ends the lessons which the Holy Spirit teaches

    making way for the Last Judgment,in which learning ends in one last summary that will extend beyond itself,

    and reaches up to God.The Second Coming is the time in which all minds are given to the hands of Christ,

    to be returned to Spirit in the Name of true creation and the Will of God. 

    The Second Coming  is the one event in time which time itself can not affect.For every one who ever came to die, or yet will come or who is present now,

    is equally  released  from what he made. In this equality  is Christ restored  as one Identity,

    in which the sons of God acknowledge that they all are one. And God the Father smiles upon His Son, His one creation and His only joy.

    Pray that the Second Coming  will be soon, but do not rest with that.It needs your  eyes and ears and hands and feet . It needs your  voice.

     And most of all it needs your  willingness. Let us rejoice that we can do God’s will, and join together in its holy light.

    Behold, the Son of God is one in us, and we can reach our Father’s Love through Him. 6

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    Chapter 3 References

    Chapter Cover: a Book 3: Lesson 81: Review Lesson 62, Page 69b Book 3: Lesson 82: Review Lesson 63, Page 70

    The Bible

    I Kings 18: 1 – 18

    “Self Revealed” Seven Books: A Practical Daily Guide to the Workbook of A Course inMiracles  


    Book 6: “What is the Second Coming?”, Page 857 Book 6: Lesson 306, “The gift of Christ is all I seek today.”, Page 89

    Manuscript of A Course in Miracles , Edit by Bill Thetford

    1 ‘The Denial of God‛, Page 1322 ‘The Dynamics of the Ego‛, Page 1413 ‘The Acceptance of Reality‛, Page 115, Paragraph 34 ‘Perception Versus Knowledge‛, Page 315 ‘Conflict and the Ego‛, Page 33 

    What but Christ’s vision would I use today,

    when it can offer me a day in which I see a world so like to Heaventhat an ancient memory returns to me?

    Today I can forget the world I made.Today I can go past all fear, and be restored to love and holiness and peace.

    Today I am redeemed, and born anew into a world of mercy and of care;of loving kindness and the peace of God.

    “And so, our Father, we return to You,remembering we never went away;remembering Your holy gifts to us.

    In gratitude and thankfulness we come,

    with empty hands and open hearts and minds,asking but what You give.We cannot make an offering sufficient for Your Son.

    But in Your love the gift of Christ is his.” 7

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    Chapter 4 . . .

    I am in the likeness of my Creator.

    I cannot suffer, I cannot experience loss and I cannot die.

    I am not a body.

    I would recognise my reality today.

    I will worship no idols, nor raise my own self-concepts to replace my Self.

    I am in the likeness of my Creator. Love created me like itself.


    Grievances are completely alien to love.

    Grievances attack love, and keep its light obscure.

    If I hold grievances I am attacking love, and therefore attacking my Self.

    My Self thus becomes alien to me.

    I am determined not to attack my Self today, so that I can remember who I am.



    Self-concept versus Self . . .

    There is no sacrifice

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    The Learnings so far . . .

    As the Elijah, I declare that there will be no further support of the ego.When I don‛t seem  to find myself aligned with the Truth,all I need do is stop supporting this doubt, this apparent lack;

    step back and listen till the Voice of Truth in me is heard.As I hear this Voice, I am ready for true nourishment.

    As the Elijah, I am given a safe space not affected by the ego.Since I have made the decision to listen to the Voice of Truth,

    I am given every support to confront the ego.I am nurtured by the Love of God --

    the ravens by the brook, then the widow down by the sea.I am given the opportunity to offer healing to my entire world.

    Meanwhile, Ahab & Jezebel, the ego‛s ruling king and queenthrash around, blaming God for the experience of lack and loss.

    The ego keeps busy attempting to destroy anythingthat is a reminder that it is not real.

    But that‛s impossible – because Reality is eternal.

    It is invulnerable, indestructible – simply awaiting my remembrance.

    With just a little willingness for a true solution,

    I can discover that the flicker of the Light of this Reality IS within.

    There are moments when I am afraid to open to this Light –fearful that the Light will disappear again,

    as I have experienced in the past – in my moments of forgetting.I say, “Yes”, and then all of a sudden I am afraid.

    I am afraid that the Light is going to disappear again. Or it will flicker.The experience of wholeness is marred by the thought

    that all is about to fall apart; that I will forget.And who has the thought? I do!

    So, when I look to a past reference, I am afraid to open to the light.I hold back in fear of the consequences.

    I don‛t stay true to myself in the present moment.All I need to do now is be present. Be here now!Then, as I find the point of certainty in my mind,

    I am ready to expose all I have kept hidden,aware that healing and forgiveness are possible

    only through my willingness to be  exposed.

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    There is a moment of opening,

    but I doubt that it is going to be safe, so it‛s tentative.And that is the Obadiah - tentative - uncertain.

    It is then that I remember –“I but do this to myself!”

    From being a v