Boala Diabetica de Rinichi

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Boala Diabetica de Rinichi

  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Diabetic Nephropathy

  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi



    A microvascular complication of diabetes

    marked by albuminuria and a deterioratingcourse from normal renal function to ESRD.

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    Current Terminology

    Kidney, not Renal (or Reno)

    CKD, not CRF DKD (= diabetic nephropathy)

    AKI, not ARF

    Still ESRD (End Stage Renal Disease) Still RRT (Renal Replacement Therapy)

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    Redefinirea DKD

    BRC aparuta la un pacient cu DZ

    Dg: -macroalbuminurie, indiferent eRFG


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    ESRD Incidence Counts and Rates

    by Primary Diagnosis (USRDS, 2006)

    Better CKDManagement?

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    Importance of Diabetic Kidney Disease

    Kidney disease as diabetic complication:

    30% of Type 1 Diabetes40% of Type 2 Diabetes

    CKD amplifies CVD risk of diabetes

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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi



    Leziuni specifice

    Leziuni nespecifice, dar cu frecventa maimare si evolutie particulara:

    - macroangiopatia renala (ATS)

    - nefroangioscleroza

    - infectii

  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Pathology DZ 1

    Expansion of mesangial matrix with diffuseand nodular glomerulosclerosis

    (Kimmelstiel-Wilson nodules) (40-50%) Thickening of glomerular and tubular BM Arteriosclerosis and hyalinosis of afferent

    and efferent arterioles Tubulointerstitial fibrosis Progresia relativ uniforma a leziunilor

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    Pathology DZ 2

    Heterogenitate crescuta a leziunilor

    Leziuni glomerulare caracteristice 30-50%

    Aspect pseudonormal in MO 30%

    Leziuni caract. altor BRC (GNC) 20-30%

    Leziuni tubulo-interstitiale si vascularedisproportionat de severe

    Atrofia tubulara, scleroza interstitiala-R ESRD

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    Glomerulus = filtering unit

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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi



    Exposure to the diabetic milieu Hyperglycemia

    Induce mesangial expansion and injury Increased activity of growth factors Activation of cytokines Formation of ROS accumulation of advanced glycosylation endproducts in

    tissues Accumulation of ECM components, such ascollagen

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    Genetic predisposition to or protection fromdiabetic nephropathy

    Differences in prevalence of microalbuminuria,ESRD in different patient populations

    Only half of patients with poor glycemic

    control will develop diabetic nephropathyFamily studies

    Multiple genes may be involved

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    Clasificarea Mogensen

    Stade 1 : hyperfiltration glomrulaire Augmentation du taux de filtration glomrulaire de plus de 25%Stade 2 : lsions histologiques

    paississement de la membrane basale glomrulaire, dpthyalin dans les artrioles glomrulaires et expansion msangiale

    Stade 3 : nphropathie dbutante Microalbuminurie:

    30 mg/j300 mg/jRAC* : 2 mg/mmol20 mg/mmol chez lhomme

    2,8 mg/mmol28 mg/mmol chez la femme

    Stade 4 : nphropathie patente Diminution du taux de filtration glomrulaire Protinurie permanente:

    Albuminurie 300 mg/jRAC : 20 mg/mmol chez lhomme

    28 mg/mmol chez la femmeStade 5 : insuffisance rnale terminale (eRFG

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    Natural History

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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Diabetic Kidney Disease Screening WHEN

    Type 1: after 5 years, then annuallyType 2: at diagnosis, then annually

    HOWAlbumin-to-Creatinine ratio in random urine

    Microalbuminuria = 30-300 mg/g Macroproteinuria

    Estimate GFR (eGFR) from serum creatinine usingformulas

    Retinopathy: useful clue

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    Formulas for Estimating GFR

    CKD-EPI Cockcroft-Gault

    MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study) GFR calculator (

    GFR depends on: Serum creatinine

    Age Gender Race
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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Dg diferential

    Indicatii PBR chiar daca DZ:

    Absenta retinopatiei Hematuria macroscopica Durata DZ 1 sub 10 ani la debutul proteinuriei Elemente clinice sau bc ale unei afectari multisistemice Degradarea rapida a functiei renale (>2-3ml/min/luna)

    Instalarea brusca a unui SN Azotemie (eRFG30% a eRFG in prima luna dupa introducerea IEC

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    Interventions to Slow CKD Progression

    Strong evidenceBlood pressure control

    ACEI / ARBGlucose control in DM

    Weaker evidence

    Protein restrictionLowering LDL cholesterol

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    Hypertension control:

    Lower the BP, slower the decline in GFR inpatients with diabetic nephropathy

    JNC VI recommended BP < 130/85 mmHg in

    patients with renal insufficiencyPatients with CKD and > 1g proteinuria, BP

    goal should be < 125-130/75-80 mmHg

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    Hypertension control:

    Linia I: IEC, BRA, diuretice tiazidice

    Linia II: BCC, BB, alfa-blocante

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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Glycemic control DCCT

    1441 patients with type I DM randomly assigned to intensivetherapy vs. conventional therapy

    Intensive therapy reduced microalbuminuria by 39% Reduced albuminuria by 54%

    Tinta HbA1c < 7% (ADA), < 6.5% (IDF)


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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Il est primordial de traiter la protinurie de faonvigoureuse pour rduire la pression intraglomrulaire etainsi freiner la dtrioration de la fonction rnale.

    Lobjectif vis est une diminution de 60 % de la

    protinurie initiale ou latteinte dun rapport

    albumine/cratinine urinaire infrieur 30 mg/mmol.

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    ACE inhibitors: Type I diabetes with nephropathy:

    Lewis et al. NEJM, 1993. captopril vs. placebo50% RR of combined end points of death, dialysis and

    transplantation in ACEI group independent of BP

    Angiotensin-receptor blockers: RENAAL study(2001)

    1513 pts with type II DM and nephropathy. Losartan vs.placebo. Losartan reduced the rate of doubling of cr by 16%but no effect on the rate of death.

    IDNT(2001) 1715 type II DM pts with nephropathy. Irbesartan vs.

    amlodipine vs. placebo. Irbesartan has 20% lower risk ofreaching endpoints compared to placebo and 23% lowerincidence than that in the amlodipine group

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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi



    ACE inhibitors or ARB have a strong antiproteinuric effectapart from their antihypertensive actions

    Increasing the dose of the ACEI or ARB beyond theoptimum antihypertensive doses further reducesproteinuria

    Antiproteinuric effect is enhanced by a low Na diet ordiuretic

    ACE inhibitors, ARBs, and nondihydropyridine calciumchannel blockers have a greater antiproteinuric effect thanother antihypertensive classes in hypertensive patients withDKD

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    Target dietary protein intake : 0.8 g/kg / day

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    Lowering LDL cholesterol:

    - Target LDL-C in diabetes and CKD stages 1-4

    should be < 100 mg/dL;

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    Treatment - conclusions

    Early screening Tight glycemic control

    HTA management Use ACEI as first line, if not tolerated, use

    ARB. Use the maximum dose as tolerated

    If still hypertensive or proteinuric, considerusing combination ACEI and ARB, orACEI and diuretics

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    AKI Superimposed on CKD


    BP too low

    Obstruction Contrast dye

    DrugsNephrotoxic or allergic or hemodynamic

    NSAID (including Cox-2 inhibitors)

    ACEI / ARB

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    Lvolution de la nphropathie est

    habituellement associe au dclin progressif

    du taux de filtration glomrulaire.

    Deces prin - ESRD 59-66% (DZ 1 + DKD)

    - BCV 15-25%

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  • 8/3/2019 Boala Diabetica de Rinichi


    Supravietuirea in HD DP Tx

    la 1 an 75% 75% >90%

    la 3 ani 50% 85; 68%la 10ani

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    Posttransplant evolution

    Diabetic glomerulosclerosis recurs in renal allografts from2 to 10 years after transplantation. The earliest and mostfrequent change is arteriolar hyalinosis. Less than 10% ofkidneys develop overt nodular sclerosis.

    In patients with type 1 DM, simultaneous pancreatictransplantation can protect against recurrent diabeticnephropathy.

    In patients with type 1 DM, pancreas transplantation canreverse the pathologic lesions of diabetic nephropathy,although reversal requires more than 5 years ofnormoglycemia .