BITS PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS LIBRARY (05 to 11 November … 2014-15/Lib/15... · BITS Pilani,...

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Transcript of BITS PILANI HYDERABAD CAMPUS LIBRARY (05 to 11 November … 2014-15/Lib/15... · BITS Pilani,...



Weekly New-Book Display - 15

(05 to 11 November 2018)

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36600Call No : 005.453 CHA-M

The compiler is a vital component in the programmingprocess that translates high-level language to machinecode. This comprehensive guide to compiler designbegins by introducing students to the compiler and itsfunctions. It then explains in detail each phase ofcompiler design…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35583Call No : 152.166 SHA-B

Smell is the most emotional and evocative of our senses:it can bring back memories faster and with moreimmediacy than a photograph - so why is it so littleunderstood? Armed with a hungry curiosity and awillingness to self-experiment…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36022Call No : 172.1 SUN-C

In recent years, 'nudge units' or 'behavioral insightsteams' have been created in the United States, theUnited Kingdom, Germany, and other nations. All overthe world, public officials are using the behavioralsciences to protect the environment, promoteemployment and economic growth, reduce poverty, andincrease national security. In this book…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36724Call No : 305.420954 CHA-M

In 1991, the Indian state’s new economic policies led toa greater role of the market. A public discourse that hadtill then been defined by self-reliance, equity andausterity had to be refashioned. The Indian middle classlearnt that ‘thrift’ was not a virtue and ‘shopping waslegitimate pleasure’…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36018Call No : 338.91 SHO-P

Since its initiation of the financial sector reformsthrough a newly established global cooperation processin the post-2008 financial and economic crises, the G20expanded its agenda to include development pillars asthe global economy began to recover in 2010. It activelyextended its attention to the recycling of surplus countrysavings for investment…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35097Call No : 361.3072 CAM-A

Introduction -- Reviewing the literature -- Selecting yourresearch method -- Sampling techniques in quantitativeand qualitative research -- Qualitative data gathering --Qualitative data analysis -- Introduction to quantitativemethods -- What does it all mean? Exploringquantitative data analysis -- Presenting results andfindings -- Drawing out the discussion, conclusions andrecommendations…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35513Call No : 371.4 DES-C

Who determines your success? Choose: Suma Aunty,that nosy relative whom you meet in family functions a)Ravi, your Facebook friend whose posts are all about his‘great’ life b) You… Success of course means differentthings for different people, but wanting success isuniversal. Many of us make the mistake of beingflabbergasted by the achievements of those who havegone before us…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37214Call No : 384.8095 VAN-R

Acknowledging courtesans or tawaifs as central topopular Hindi cinema, Dancing with the Nation is thefirst book to show how the figure of the courtesanshapes the Indian erotic, political and religiousimagination. Historically, courtesans existed outside theconventional patriarchal family and carved a specialplace for themselves with their independent spirit…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36602Call No : 512.815 KRI-N

This textbook on commutative algebra presents basicresults necessary for elementary algebraic geometry andintroduces basic homo logical algebra and homo logicalmethods in commutative algebra. Its lecture-notes stylewill help readers with some mathematical maturity tostudy it on their own. Motivations are given at a numberof places, examples follow every definition, andexercsies are given at the end of each section…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36590Call No : 516 LEE-J

The story of geometry is the story of mathematics itself:Euclidean geometry was the first branch of mathematicsto be systematically studied and placed on a firm logicalfoundation, and it is the prototype for the axiomaticmethod that lies at the foundation of modernmathematics. It has been taught to students for morethan two millennia as a model of logical thought…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36620Call No : 530 JAI-S

Engineering Physics has been conceived to develop acoherent, comprehensive and practical view of physicsamong engineering students. This will help them todevelop fundamental ways of thinking and inventing intheir future engineering practice. The book attempts tobreak the monotony of just stating theoretical conceptsthrough the following 5 special features: The historicaldevelopment of the subject is traced to show interestinglinks between the various topics…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36632Call No : 541.2 MUK-A

Group theory is an important part of the M Sc chemistrycurriculum of almost all universities. A properunderstanding of chemical bonding and molecularspectroscopy remains incomplete without at least apreliminary knowledge of molecular symmetry aspects.This is obtained from the representation theory ofgroups which is explained in this text. Students with abasic knowledge of elementary quantum chemistry andmathematics will be able to benefit immensely from thebook…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35059Call No : 581.192 DHA-B

An Introduction opens with a chapter on metabolismand how the metabolic processes arecompartmentalized to generate diverse metabolites inplants and discusses bioenergetics, plant cell structure,major bimolecular followed by major primary metabolicprocesses like photosynthesis, respiration,carbohydrates…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35104Call No : 614.852 RAO-B

It is hoped that this book will be helpful for theengineers practicing these area in the industry and willfind its place in curriculum of universities and it willserve as a reference to the policy makers in field. Whilewriting this book lots of literature were consulted andthe practices being adopted by leading industries in thecountry, viz. Indian Oil, ONGC, Bureau of IndianStandard…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36630Call No : 621.36 RAG-S

Fibre Optic Communication – Optical Waveguides,Devices and Applications provides an insight into thegeneral characteristics of optical fibres, their types andapplications in various fields such as data transmissionand optical communication for the benefit of studentspursuing UG and PG courses in ECE, electronicsengineering and applied electronics andinstrumentation…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36665Call No : 652.8015 COZ-M

"How quickly can you compute the remainder whendividing 109837⁹⁷ by 120143? Why would you even wantto compute this? And what does this have to do withcryptography? Modern cryptography lies at theintersection of mathematics and computer sciences,involving number theory, algebra, computationalcomplexity, fast algorithms, and even quantummechanics. Many people think of codes in terms ofspies, but in the information age…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36989Call No : 658 TAL-S

Unlike usual business books, The Two-MinuteRevolution provokes you to think big-about innovationas well as excellence in on-the-ground execution.Sangeeta Talwar, the first woman executive in the FMCGindustry, who established one of the most beloved andenduring brands of India-Maggi Noodles-shares creativeand strategic lessons which can help you grow and addvalue to your business…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37134Call No : 658.12 BUR-E

Every startup wants to change the world. But the oneswho truly do know something the others don't: how tomake government and regulation work for them. Asstartups use technology to shape the way we live, work,and learn, they're taking on challenges in sectors likehealthcare, infrastructure, and education, where failureis far more consequential than a humorous chat with Sirior the wrong shoes showing up on your doorstep. Thesestartups…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36964Call No : 658.4022 JOH-W

Introduction: Being the kind of boss people love to workfor -- The s-curve of learning -- The seven accelerants oflearning and growth -- Recruiting and hiring -- Managingthe hungry new hire -- Playing to their strengths --Managing masters -- Helping people leap to newlearning curves -- Conclusion: Getting started…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36729Call No : 800.06 POE-E

Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most enigmatic andcontroversial writers of American literature. Poe’s workscontinue to engage and baffle readers more than acentury after they broke new ground in Americanletters. This book presents a meticulously edited andannotated selection of Poe’s tales and critical writings.The detailed introduction offers a critical survey of Poe’soeuvre…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 36605Call No : 808.042 GUP-R

It is correct to presume that writing is diffi cult. Of thefour skills in language— listening, speaking, reading andwriting—writing is considered to be the most difficultskill to learn. When it comes to academic writing orresearch writing, using appropriate language and idiomis the key to a good research paper...

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35595Call No : 821 MIS-J

All it takes to encapsulate the intense experiences of lifeor express the beauty of a moment is a few lines ofverse. Transformative and magical, the power of a poemhas long been acknowledged by all. Written from theheart, J.S. Mishra's poetry illustrates the fact that this isnot without reason. An IIT alumna and ex IAS officer, J.S.Mishra has taken his passion for the medium to thenatural next step with this book…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35501Call No : 954.04 THA-R

In this collection of essays, fourteen of India's foremostscholars and specialists in various fields explore thechallenges that lie before twenty-first century India in itsquest for a democratic and just society. The volumeincludes essays by Bina Agarwal, Javeed Alam, KaushikBasu, rustom Bharucha, Dipankar Gupta, Gopal Guru,Sunil Khilnani, Krishna Kumar, N.R. Narayana Murthy,Prabhat Patnaik, Dhruv Raina, N. Ram, MaheshRangarajan and P. Sainat…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37241Call No : 954.0409 PAN-V

The Scope of Happiness is the autobiography of anoutstanding world figure who was the sister, confidante,and lifelong political associate of India’s first primeminister, Jawaharlal Nehru and the aunt of IndiraGandhi. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit participated in the Indiannational struggle for freedom from its inception and wasimprisoned three times. In this very personal view of thestruggle for independence…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35797Call No : 954.90420924 JAL-A

In 1940 the All-India Muslim League orchestrated thedemand for independent Muslim states in India. Sevenyears later Pakistan was created amidst a communalholocaust of unprecedented proportions. Concentratingon the All-India Muslim League and its leade…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37187Call No : Biography ROY-D

In a government school classroom in Delhi, young IndiraThapa is set an unusual assignment by her favouriteteacher: to write an essay around her name. Who wasIndira Priyadarshini, the person after whom hergrandfather named her? And why her? What is herlegacy as India’s first—and only—woman primeminister?...

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37163Call No : Fiction BON-R

The finest non-fiction by Ruskin Bond, a singular writerwho has inspired and comforted three generations ofreaders, collected in a single volume. A lifetime ofreading and writing, observation and contemplation isdistilled in this comprehensive volume of the bestessays, profiles and sketches by Ruskin Bond, themasterly and compassionate chronicler of the smalldetails and lambent moments that capture…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 35725 (Young Learners)Call No : Fiction DiC-C

After eighteen years as a political prisoner in the Bastillethe aging Dr Manette is finally released and reunitedwith his daughter in England. There two very differentmen, Charles Darnay, an exiled French aristocrat, andSydney Carton, a disreputable but brilliant Englishlawyer, become enmeshed through their love for LucieManette. From the tranquil lanes of London, they are alldrawn against their will to the vengeful, bloodstainedstreets of Paris at the height of the Reign of Terror andsoon fall under the lethal shadow of La Guillotine…

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37180 (Young Learners)Call No : Fiction PAT-J

James Patterson's bestselling Middle School series isnow a major motion picture! Catch up with everyone'sfavourite troublemaker, Rafe Khatchadorian, when hegets lost in London on the worst field trip EVER! After amostly-successful stint at Hills Village Middle School,Rafe is excited to visit the incredible city of London withhis class. Sightseeing around a foreign country soundslike a blast, until Rafe finds out his roommate will benone other than Miller the Killer, bully extraordinaire!...

BITS Pilani, Hyderabad Campus

Acc. No : 37098Call No : Fiction PRE-M

Munshi Premchand is one of the most important writersof the Hindi-Urdu canon. His prolific writing contributedlargely to shape the genre the short story as we know itin India. His range and diversity were limitless as hetackled themes of romance and satire, gender politicsand social inequality, with unmatched skill andcompassion…