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Transcript of BISSKIT MARCH 2011


W!ters: Annie Chen, Pear Chuwiruch,

Sally Kwon, Sophia Fang, Var$a Raghav

& Charles Zh&


Vasudha Mukherjee

Zainab Samad

Elizabeth Bathory was a well educated and wealthy woman in the late 16th century. As she grew older she feared that she was losing her beauty and youth. She soon started to live under the illusion that bathing in the blood of young women would help her conserve eternal youth. She killed and bathed in the blood of 37 young women in Hungary, before being arrested. This gave her the title of ‘the Blood Countess’. It is said that Bram Stocker’s fifth book, “Dracula was a Woman” was influenced by the tale of Elizabeth Bathory. Vampirism is not just a new trend, it has been adapted and transformed through time. This issue of Bisskit is dedicated to this sudden soar of Vampire drama across television. The time for wizards and broomsticks have passed. Vampires are now the new craze.


BISSKITIssue: 11.03 March 2011 Edition

(e Vampire Issue

Dead Men Don’t sparkle BISS Fa$ion: Go*ic, Emos and

Pure Vampires BISS Updates

Sonnets on the dead and the

beautiful The effects of Vampire TV shows Unravelling

the secrets of girl’s soul mate!

In this issue ...

Experts say if one attempts to drink

human blood, there is a high risk of getting infected and injuring themselves. Not only that, some go through a plastic surgery to sharpen their teeth or make

their ears pointier like a vampire.  

I mean, come on guys. Vampires may be

cool and up-to-beat, but it’s not like you

would ride a limo with a martini in your hand after watching gossip-girl or randomly singing about everything after watching Glee. Vampires are fictional, but some fanatics just don’t seem to get it.

The so-last-season bloody movies of Count Dracula and the terrified

blonde damsels are gone. Now the

rosy love story of the pale, glistening

and totally bitable (???) hero and a

vampire-wannabe scenarios prevail. Apparently vampires are the new hot-item! 

So what kind of movies and shows are inspired by vampires? Since the

first release of the Twilight Saga, the

crossed-lover setting between a

vampire and a perfectly normal person have been a favorite item for some film directors and producers. To list some of the most-loved: True

blood (known to be quite violent and

to the original theme):

Vampire diaries (A gothic, cult version

of Twilight)Supernatural (As the name suggests, vampires are only one of the many other characters)and the list goes on and on....

Twilight (Do I even need to explain?)

Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant (Original Book by Daren

Shan teenage vampires)Vampires Suck (a Parody of Twilight. Heard that it was hilarious!)

Well, as the vampire syndrome is now

in the spotlight, there are the

inevitably created shadows; It is reported that some delirious teenagers in the States practice being

a vampire. For instance, a couple (24

and 21 year old) attacked a homeless (25 year old) just because he refused

to “donate” or “tribute” his blood.

The effect of Vampires on TV

shows and movies

By: Sally Kwon

The trend continues (even in our school!)...


If you were to stand up in your class and ask for the raise of hands of those who found vampires sexy, it wouldn’t be surprising to see all the girls raise their hands up high.

So what exactly is it that makes a vampire sexy? When I was young, I used to think Dracula was cute looking because of this shiny white fangs coming out from the sides of his mouth and that beautiful black and red cape. Little did I know his species would become so popular with time.

I have to say, as much as (most) girls disagree about ‘Bad Boys’ they always have a soft spot for them. Then come the Vampires, the ultimate framework of a bad boy. Of course ‘He is the boy your mother warned you about’ but how can that not be appealing? An immortal being who has been in search of ‘the one’ for untold centuries, and you just happen to be his one, wouldn’t that make you feel triumphant. Okay so now you’ve been in a relationship with him for quite some while, you won’t have to worry about him impressing your mom all that much because he has a great sense of dressing, the perfect hair, pearly white teeth and is all ‘suited up’. Seriously, have you ever seen a badly dressed vampire, don’t know how they do it but they manage to be sexy looking all time. Given that daylight is not a vampires forte, you have all the time in the world to yourself. You won’t have to fry your brain cells to cook up excuses to hang out with your girlfriends or have time outs. As it is says’ ‘distances strengthen love.’ Vampires are moody, unlike any other species. It can become to be a thrilling aspect in a tedious relationship. To back it all up, Vampires are powerful, and always making women feel safe knowing that he will come out of his shell and hunt down whosoever tried to harm them.

The Pros don’t stop just yet...So, what more could a girl ask for - of course keeping in mind that she is not planning to get married, have a few kids and die in his arms. Well, I suppose there might be some marriage ceremony conducted by the priests of ‘vampirehood’ who can declare them Man And Wife. As for the kids part, it’s really up to the man and wife, maybe the girl is the “Listen, I don’t want to put you under any pressure, but when do you want to have kids?” type. BUT to die in his arms? She can forget about that for untold centuries, once those pearly white fangs sink into that fleshy smooth neck.. BANG! You are an immortal being too who can literally bring fairy tales to life by “living happily ever after”. Isn’t that a dream come true?

By Varsha Raghav

Unraveling the mystery of a girl’s soul mate

H u m a

nV a m p i r e


Look! Up in the sky! It’s bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s a glittering, bare-chested man with golden eyes jumping around in the air! Let’s all go up to him and offer him our dog’s blood. Cue in the screaming fan girls. So who is this glittering man you ask? Why, it’s none other than the (in)famous Twilight fiend who has captured the hearts of little girls almost all over the world, Edward Cullen, that’s who. That’s right, vampires are no longer beings of the night that should be feared, but ‘handsome’ men that sparkle in the sun (and if possible, they would exhale rainbows and produce pixy dust). These are the qualities that people (women in particular) look for in a vampire of our time: 1.Sexiness 2.Great hair 3.Fangs 4.Thirst for animal blood and 5.His undying love for you. Oh, and who would ever forget, immortality. Compared to the vampires of the ancient times, only 1/3 of a vampire’s qualities remain the same: immortality and fangs.

! Since Edward Cullen/Damon Salvatore/Eric Northman/etc. seems to have become the ideal modern vampire, who was the first vampire in the ancient days? It wasn’t Dracula. It was actually Cain. Yeah, from Cain and Abel. Apparently, after killing Abel, he was banished, he couldn’t eat fruit since nature wouldn't provide for him anymore, and THEN he went into cannibalism to survive. He was also cursed to be afraid of the sun, to crave for blood, and to fear God, thus, becoming the first vampire. He married a witch of some sort named Lilith who taught him to become even more vampire-like, and then he started turning others into his dark vampy minions. Compared to Edward, Cain seems to have more guts. At least he wasn’t going around sucking deer blood. And the best part? He doesn’t sparkle in the sun. At least it’s not until he’s on fire.

! So how did the big bad vampire of the olden days become the nice little vampires of our time? Thank the women. It seems like they had liked the idea of vampires waking up from a long slumber so they added some romance in it. Now, the vampires would wake up from their slumber to find a doppelganger of their long lost lover. And voila, romance is in the air for the corpse and the human. Vampire modernization doesn’t stop there. Afterwards, they were designed to wear cool casual clothing, ride motorcycles, and party with the ladies at clubs before taking them back to their penthouse in New York. Authors were having the time of their lives making vampires seem attractive, featuring the ‘good vampires’ (Edward Cullen, Stephen Salvatore, Bill Compton, etc) and the vampy romance to catch reader’s attention.

! But then again, perhaps this vampire modernization isn’t so bad. Granted, it had lots of girls going bonkers, making them want to become ‘ladies of the night’ to get closer to their fantasy. Nevertheless, it's still a nice fantasy world for those who enjoy escaping the real world. It wouldn’t be so appealing if vampires were left alone to look like dead, blood-sucking creatures with grease slicked-hair, and turning into bats whilst with an European-accent now would it. It would be a real drag for vampire lovers. To have a guy like that stalking you for eternity? (To have a guy like that stalk you for eternity? What a drag!) I’ll pass. I’ll take an Edward Cullen over Drac-zilla any day.

By: Pear Chuwiruch

Dead Men Don’t


Darling, Dearest,

Dead Meat

BY Sophia Fang

The thought of your flesh makes me salivateThrough your beauty leaves less to desireBut matters not, my love shan’t decimate

Your love is what I wish to acquire

Your tenderest flesh rolling in my mouthOnly the finest that you make it in

I love you in Japan, but not down southA perfect vision, nude, without your skin

A pink, raw, tender, fresh cut of your fleshMine to slice and dice however wanted

Oh my dear how diving you are when freshI’ll approach you completely undaunted

You - My tasty tasty murder victimYour flavor now I describe, verbatim

Sonnets on + deadReminds us of vampires, all that blood!

There are none as beautiful or grand,Dearest, there are none worthy of compare.

For no matter what subject is at hand, When I see you all I can do is stare.

Though it is odd you know my every move,And imitating it with zero flaws.

To me you have nothing to improve.You’re perfect, right from your feet to your jaws.

Sadly, we seem to be fr’ever apart.We are forever separated, detached.

I cannot meet you, though it breaks my heart.We will never touch, though perfectly matched.

Suddenly, logic burst my affection,I realized you’re naught but my reflection.

(e Narc,s,t

By Charles Zhou

... and vampires can be narcissistic too!