Biology Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 >>>> 10 20 30Classification Protein Synthesis...

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Transcript of Biology Jeopardy 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 >>>> 10 20 30Classification Protein Synthesis...

Biology Jeopardy

















ClassificationClassification Protein Protein SynthesisSynthesis







The scientific name of the common housefly is Musca domestica. This

name indicates the housefly’s

A) Kingdom and phylum

B) Genus and species

C) Phylum and genus

D) Kingdom and species

What is What is BB??

What is What is AA??

Which is the most specific term used to classify humans?

A) sapiens

B) Animal

C) Chordate

D) Homo

Daily Daily DoubleDouble

What is What is DD??

Which is true of organisms that are classified in the same genus?

A) They must be in the same kingdom, but may be in different phyla.

B) They must be of the same species, but may be in a different phyla.

C) They must be in the same phylum, but may be in different kingdoms.

D) They must be in the same phylum, but may be of different species.

What is What is CC??

Which group of terms is in the correct order from most general to most


A) phylum, kingdom, species, genus

B) species, phylum, genus, kingdom

C) kingdom, phylum, genus, species

D) genus, species, kingdom, phylum

What is What is CC??

In which organelle are proteins made?

A) Nucleus

B) Endoplasmic Reticulum

C) Ribosome

D) Messenger RNA

What is What is DD??

Messenger RNA transports the genetic code from the…

A) Mitochondria to the nucleus

B) Nucleus to the mitochondria

C) Ribosome to the nucleus

D) Nucleus to the ribosome

What is What is DD??

The picture below will bond with a codon that is part of

A) Chromosomal DNA

B) Transfer RNA

C) Ribosomal RNA

D) Messenger RNA

What is What is AA??

The polypeptide pictured below could become part of…

A)An enzyme

B) A carbohydrate

C)A fat

D)A vitamin

Daily Daily DoubleDouble

What is What is AA??

Which of the following may contain the nitrogenous base uracil?

A) messenger and transfer RNA, only

B) DNA, only

C) transfer RNA, only

D) messenger RNA, only

What is What is AA??

Which of the following carries amino acids to the site of protein synthesis?

A) Transfer RNA, only.

B) Messenger RNA, only.

C) Messenger and transfer RNA, only.

D) DNA, only.

What is What is BB??

Which of the following carries a specific code from the nucleus to the site of protein


A) Messenger and transfer RNA, only.

B) Messenger RNA, only.

C) Transfer RNA, only.

D) Ribosomal RNA, only.

What is What is DD??

The correct order of molecules involved in protein synthesis is

A) tRNA, polypeptide, DNA, mRNA

B) mRNA, tRNA, DNA, polypeptide

C) DNA, mRNA, polypeptide, tRNA

D) DNA, mRNA, tRNA, polypeptide

What is What is BB??

Who discovered the double helical structure of DNA?

A) Morgan

B) Crick

C) Weismann

D) Mendel

What is What is AA??

Who came up with the modern system of classification?

A) Carolus Linnaeus

B) Jean-Baptiste Lamarck

C) Charles Darwin

D) Rosalind Franklin

What is What is DD??

The idea that new species of organisms develop by means of variations &

natural selection was developed by…

A) August Weismann

B) James Watson

C) Jean Lamarck

D) Charles Darwin

What is What is BB??

Who proposed the theory of evolution stating that acquired characteristics can be passed

to the next generation?

A) Morgan

B) Lamarck

C) Weismann

D) Mendel

What is What is AA??

Which statement best describes evolution?

A) Evolution is a process of change through time.

B) Evolution is a predictable change from simple to complex organisms.

C) Evolution causes organisms to develop characteristics they need.

D) Evolution often proceeds from complex to simpler organisms.

What is What is DD??

Which concept states that the presence of favorable variations enables organisms to adapt

successfully to a change in the environment?

A) Reproductive isolation

B) Use and disuse

C) Artificial selection

D) Natural selection

What is What is CC??

What evolutionary concept is indicated when the weakest members of a species

are killed off? A) Speciation

B) Use and disuse

C) Survival of the fittest

D) Production of mutations

What is What is AA??

Evolution refers to change over a long period of time in

A) a population

B) a rock

C) an embryo

D) a fossil

Double Jeopardy
















FossilsFossils BacteriaBacteria FungiFungi ProtistsProtists





Pot Luck!Pot Luck!

In which type of environment did this fossilized fish most likely live?

A) Deep ocean trench

B) A coral reef

C) A freshwater lake

D) Near an ocean vent

What is What is CC??

What is What is BB??

If Layer A is located above Layer B, which statement is most likely true?

A) Fossils A & B most likely evolved from a common ancestor.

B) Fossil B is older than Fossil A.

C) Fossil A evolved from Fossil B.

D) Fossil B evolved from Fossil A.

Daily Daily DoubleDouble

What is What is CC??

The study of evolutionary relationships between these structures is known as comparative…

A) Embryology

B) Biochemistry

C) Anatomy

D) Cytology

What is What is CC??

The photograph below shows the skeleton of an organism. To which phylum does it belong?


B) Annelids



What is What is BB??

Bacilli, cocci, and spirilla are…

A) Gram stains

B) Shapes of prokaryotes

C) Methods of prokaryotic movement

D) Ways that prokaryotes obtain energy

What is What is BB??

Bacteria that cause disease are called…

A) Viruses

B) Pathogens

C) Endospores

D) Antibiotics

What is What is BB??

Which of the following diseases is not caused by a bacterium?

A) Botulism


C) Tooth decay

D) Tuberculosis

What is What is CC??

Which of the following are members of the Kingdom Archaebacteria?

A) Eubacteria

B) Eukaryotes

C) Methanogens

D) Streptococcus

Daily Daily DoubleDouble

What is What is BB??

A protist is any organism that is not a plant, an animal, a fungus, or a(an)…

A) eukaryote

B) prokaryote

C) eubacterium

D) archaebacterium

What is What is CC??

In an amoeba, the small cavity within the cytoplasm in which food is stored is called


A) Gullet

B) Pseudopod

C) Food Vacuole

D) Contractile Vacuole

What is What is CC??

The sporozoan Plasmodium causes the disease known as

A) African sleeping sickness

B) Amebic dysentery

C) Malaria

D) Algal bloom

What is What is CC??

Fungus-like protists get nutrients by…A) Photosynthesis

B) Living as an animal parasite

C) Absorbing them from dead or decaying matter

D) None of the above

What is What is BB??

Based on the method by which they get food, organisms are classified as autotrophs or

heterotrophs. Which organism listed below is correctly paired with its metabolism?

A) Mushroom-autotroph

B) Human-heterotroph

C) Grass-heterotroph

D) Fish-autotroph

What is What is CC??

The tangled mass that makes up the body of a fungus is the

A) hypha

B) rhizoid

C) mycelium

D) stolon

What is What is AA??

Sporangia are found at the top of specialized hyphae called…

A) Sporangiophores

B) Mycelia

C) Gametangia

D) Stolons

What is What is BB??

All fungi…

A) make their food

B) absorb their food

C) produce mushrooms

D) have chlorophyll

What is What is BB??

Unlike photoautotrophs, chemoautotrophs obtain energy from

A) directly from the sun.

B) directly from inorganic molecules.

C) indirectly from organic molecules.

D) indirectly from other organisms.

What is What is BB??

The outer protein coat of a virus is called a…

A) DNA core.

B) capsid.

C) bacteriophage.

D) tail sheath.

What is What is CC??

A lytic infection concludes with the…

A) embedding of viral DNA into the host cell’s DNA

B) production of a prophage

C) bursting of the host cell

D) production of messenger RNA



The one-celled eukaryotic organisms above are often found in freshwater ponds. What

is one characteristic they all have in common?

A) Cilia

B) Nucleus

C) Pseudopodia

D) Flagellum

What is B?What is B?

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