Biological Chemistry Laboratory Biology 3515/Chemistry ...

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Transcript of Biological Chemistry Laboratory Biology 3515/Chemistry ...

Biological Chemistry LaboratoryBiology 3515/Chemistry 3515

Spring 2021

Lecture 25:

Quantifying the Trypsin-digestion Experiment,Methods for Visualizing Gels and Other Electrophoretic Methods

13 April 2021©David P. Goldenberg

University of

The Final Weeks!

Week of:12 April: No experiment!Lab sessions will be used for group work and help from TAs, especially data analysisfor Experiment 5.

19 April: Experiment 6, all in one day.Lab report for Experiment 5 due.

26 April: No lab sessions.Last lecture on Tuesday, 27 April.Final on Thursday, 29 April, 10:30–11:30 AM

3 May:Lab report for Experiment 6 due on Wednesday, 5 May.

Problem 2, Part a, from Quiz 2

An energy profile for anenzyme-catalyzed reaction:

E + S E.S

E + P




e e



E + S E.S E + P

What can we infer about the relativevalues ofKm andKd?

Km =k−1 + kcat


Kd =k−1k1

From the energy profile, k−1 � kcat,therefore:

Km =k−1 + kcat

k1≈ k−1


Km ≈ Kd

Problem 2, Part b, from Quiz 2

E + S E.S

E + P




e e



E + S E.S E + P

For substrate X-P versus p-NPP:• Km is 5-fold lower• kcat is 3-fold higher

Draw a new energy profile for thereaction with X-P, assuming that therelative free energies of the substrateand product are the same for the tworeactions.

Changes in free-energy relationships:• E · S is closer to E+S• Catalytic transition state is closer to E · S.

Problem 2, Part b, from Quiz 2

What about:

E + S E.S

E + P




e e



E + S E.S E + P

For substrate X-P versus p-NPP:• Km is 5-fold lower• kcat is 3-fold higher

Increasing the transition-state freeenergy for the binding step reduces k1and k−1 in equal proportions.

Kd ≈ Km is not a�ected!

Kd =k−1k1

Determining k1 and k−1 requiresmeasuring the rate of substrate binding,before steady state is reached.

Direction Change


Back to Digestion of RNase A by Trypsin

Kinetic Analysis of the RNAse A Digestion Experiment

Michaelis-Menten Equation: V =[E]Tkcat[S]

Km + [S]

If [S] � Km:(We will assume this as a simplification, without much justification.)

V =[E]Tkcat[S]


A pseudo first-order rate expression: d [S]

dt= −V = −kapp[S]


kapp =[E]TkcatKm

The Time Course for Digestion

First-order rate expression:

d [S]

dt= −kapp[S]

A�er integration:


[S]0= e−kapp·t

[S]0 = initial substrate concentration

Take logarithms and solve for kapp:

kapp = − ln ([S]=[S]0)







0 10 20 30 40


Clicker Question #1

If 70% of the protein is cleaved in 20 min,what is the apparent first-order rate constant, kapp?

A) 3×10−4 s−1

B) 1×10−3 s−1

C) 2×10−2 s−1

D) 6×10−2 s−1

kapp = − ln ([S]=[S]0)

t= − ln (1 − 0:7)

20 min= 0:06 min−1

= 0:06 min−1 × 1 min

60 s= 0:001 s−1

Estimating kcat=Km from a Single Time Point

From integrated rate expression:

ln ([S]=[S]0) = −kapp · t

kapp = − ln ([S]=[S]0)


Calculate kcat=Km from kapp and [E]T:

kapp =[E]TkcatKm

kcat=Km = kapp=[E]T

The Significance of kcat=Km

IfKd ≈ Km:

∆G‡total = C − RT ln


«E + S


E + P

Catalytic e�iciency is favored by a large value of kcat and a small value ofKm.

How does kcat=Km compare for a protein and a synthetic substrate?

Direction Change


Other Aspects of Electrophoresis

Methods for Detecting Proteins in Gels

To detect all proteins:• Staining with coomassie blue:

Dye binds to proteins and excess is washed awaySensitivity: ≈ 0.1–1—g/band

• “Silver staining”:Based on reduction of silver ions to metallic silver in vicinity of protein.Much more sensitive than coomassie blue; as little as 10 ng/bandMessy, finicky and sensitive to artifacts.

• Staining with fluorescent dyesDye fluorescence is enhanced when bound to proteinsMuch more sensitive than coomassie blue

• Other dyes and metal ions.

To detect specific protein classes:• Specific dyes for phosphoproteins• Specific dyes for glycoproteins

Steinberg, T. H. (2009). Protein gel staining methods: An introduction and overview. Methods Enzymol., 463, 541–563.

Detection of Gel-fractionated Proteins with Antibodies: Western Blotting

Allows selective detection of specific proteins: Requires specific antibodies.

A�er electrophoresis, proteins are electrophoresed out of the gel and transferred(“blotted”) onto a membrane (usually nitrocellulose or polyvinylidene difluoride)

Illustration from

Detection of Gel-fractionated Proteins with Antibodies: Western Blotting

Multistep treatment of membrane with bound proteins.

• Generic protein solution to block all protein binding sites.• “Primary” antibody specific for protein of interest.• “Secondary” antibody, binds to primary antibody and is labeled for detection.

Radioactive label or enzyme that generates colored precipitate or chemiluminescence.Illustration from

Western Blot Example

Coomassie blue Western blot

Sample: HeLa cell lysate.

Antibody: Specific for human CDK7 protein. (cyclin-dependent kinase)

Illustration from Bio-Rad Bulletin 2032 Rev. E,

A Bit More About Western Blots

Clinical applications: Used to detect antibodies in patients indicative of infection.• HIV• Lime disease• Hepatits• Other viral and bacterial infections

Where does the name come from?• 1975: DNA blotted from gels and detected by hybridization to radiolabeled DNA.

Invented by Edwin Southern.• 1977: RNA blotted from gels and detected by hybridization to radiolabeled DNA.

Invented by James C. Alwine, David J. Kemp, and George R. Stark and nicknamed byothers “northern blotting”.

• 1981: Proteins plotted from gels and detected by antibody binding. Invented by W.NealBurnette, who called it “western blotting”.

Another Electrophoresis Method: Isoelectric Focusing (IEF)

pH 3

pH 9

Gel with


pH gradient






-pH gradient is formed by mixturesof bu�ering compoundsincorporated in the gel.

Proteins migrate to point wherethey have no net charge, and thenstop.

Proteins are separated byisoelectric point.

Usually performed in the absenceof detergent, but o�en with ureapresent to unfold proteins.

Two-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis




Focusing Gel

Isoelectric point and chain molecular weight are largely independent properties.

Greatly increases ability to resolve proteins in complex mixtures.

Simultaneously provides information about molecular weight and isoelectric point.

Other variations are possible (e.g., native gel/SDS gel)

O’Farrell, P. H. (1975). High resolution two dimensional electrophoresis of proteins. J. Biol. Chem.., 250, 4007–4021.

A 2-dimensional Gel of Bacterial Proteins

pH Gradientbasic acidic



r W



From The Art of MBoC3 © 1995 Garland Publishing, Inc.

2-dimensional Gel Electrophoresis in Proteomics

Proteomics: A (sort of) new discipline focused on analysis of protein compositions of cell,tissues and organisms under di�erent physiological, developmental or environmentalconditions. One of many new “omics”!An example using 2-d gel electrophoresis:

Comparison of cultured tissue (callus) of vanilla orchid under di�erent conditions.Spots in gel can be excised and chemically analyzed to identify proteins:Protease digestion, mass spectrometry, sequencing

Palama, T. L., Menard, P., Fock, I., Choi, Y. H., Bourdon, E., Govinden-Soulange, J., Bahut, M., Payet, B., Verpoorte, R. &Kodja, H. (2010). BMC Plant Biology, 10, 82.

Di�erential Fluorescent Labeling of Proteins for 2-d Gel Analysis

2-d gels are di�icult to reproduce precisely.

Proteins from di�erent samples are labeledwith di�erent fluorescent reagents.

Reagents are matched to have same massand electric charge.

Samples are mixed and run on a single 2-dgel.

Proteins from di�erent samples aredistinguished by di�erent colors.

Viswanathan, S., Uniu, M. & Minden, J. S. (2006). Two-dimensional di�erence gel electrophoresis. Nature Protocols, 1,1351–1358.

An Example of Di�erential 2-d Gel Analysis

Drosophila melanogaster proteins from di�erentmutants during development, labeled with red andblue fluorescent dyes.

Yellow indicates proteins present at same levels inboth strains.

Red or green indicates proteins present at higherlevels in one or the other strain.

Viswanathan, S., Uniu, M. & Minden, J. S. (2006). Two-dimensionaldi�erence gel electrophoresis. Nature Protocols, 1, 1351–1358.