Bing web master tools

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Bing web master tools

Bing Webmaster Tools

You want traffic and we can help you find it.

Getting traffic to your site starts with being listed in the search results shown on Bing.Our tools can help you with this step.

You need to know why people came to your site.

Understanding what lead people to your website can help you understand what to focus on to increase traffic. Our reports can help with this.

You want to improve your site, but don’t know where to start.

Knowing which items to adjust on your website can help take the anxiety out of making changes. Our tools can scan and recommend work items for you.

You need to know what areas to expand on your website.

With research tools a click away, we can help you understand exactly what people are searching for, helping you know where to expand next.

Getting Started Checklist

Step 1: Open a Bing Webmaster Tools Account

Step 2: Add & Verify Your website

Step 3: Create and Upload Your Sitemaps

Step 4: Create a Search Optimization Plan

Note:- If you are new to Bing Webmaster Tools, this checklist can help get you started. Steps 1 and 2 will get you up and running, while steps 3 and 4 are optional, but highly recommended.

Step 1: Open a Bing Webmaster Tools Account

You can open a free Bing Webmaster Tools account by going to the Bing Webmaster Tools sign-in or sign-up page. All you need is a Microsoft account (formerly known as a Windows Live ID). If you have a Hotmail or account you likely already have a Microsoft account. If not, you can get an account for free here. Alternatively, just click sign-up and create a Microsoft account as part of the Webmaster Tools sign-up process.

Step 2: Add & Verify Your Website

Once you have a Bing Webmaster Tools account, you can add sites to your account. You can do so by entering the URL of your site into the Add a Site input box and clicking Add. To complete the addition of a new site to your account, you need to verify that you own the site by proving ownership. There are three ownership verification methods. Click the option best suited for your site and follow the on-screen instructions:

XML File authentication: click BingSiteAuth.xml to save the custom XML file, which contains your customized ownership verification code, to your computer, and then upload the file to the root directory of the registered site.

Meta tag authentication: Copy the displayed <meta> tag with your custom ownership verification code to the clipboard. Then open your registered site’s default page in your web development environment editor and paste this tag’s code at the end of the <head> tag region. Lastly, upload the revised default page file containing the new <meta> tag to your site.

Add CNAME record to DNS: This option requires access to your domain hosting account. Inside that account you would edit the CNAME record to hold the verification code (series of numbers and letters) we have provided you. When complete, we can see this information and verify your ownership of the site.

Verify Ownership For:

Option A: Place an XML file on Your Web Server

1. Download BingSiteAuth.xml

2. Upload the file to

3. Confirm successful upload by visiting in your browser

4. Click the verify button below

Verify Ownership For:

Option B: Copy and paste a <meta> tag in your default webpage

You can add a <meta> tag containing the authentication code to the <head> section of your default webpage

<meat name="msvalidate.01"content="0FC3FD705126161B052E755A56F8952D"/>




<meat name="msvalidate.01"content="0FC3FD705126161B052E755A56F8952D"/>

<title>Chauhan Travel</title>



…………………page content………………….



Verify Ownership For:

Option C: Add CNAME Records to DNS

Once you have added the ownership verification code to your site or in your DNS, click Verify.

If Bing Webmaster Tools is able to verify your site, you will see your site information begin to populate.

If you see a red text message stating "We weren't able to verify your site," review the information in the steps above and try again.

Step 3: Create and Upload Your Sitemaps

Sitemaps are a great way to tell Bing about URLs on your site and Bing supports different formats:

XML Sitemaps and XML Sitemap index files (as specified by

Atom 0.3 and 0.1

RSS 2.0, and

Text files (containing one URL per line)

There are many tools that can help you create sitemaps. You can start with this list and choose the product which best meets your needs. The sitemap typically lives at the root of your domain, so if your domain would be, its location would be something like

After you have uploaded your sitemap to the server, you can tell us about your sitemap through your Bing Webmaster Tools account. On your main Dashboard page, you find a section showcasing Sitemap-related information. Just below this Sitemaps widget, click Submit a Sitemap, enter the URL of your sitemap in the input box, and click Submit.

Step 4: Create a Search Optimization Plan

Bing Webmaster Tools account makes starting a search optimization plan very easy.

Inside Webmaster Tools, will see two areas that will help you with this task: One can be found under Reports & Data and is called SEO Reports.

The second can be found under Diagnostics & Tools and is called SEO Analyzer.

SEO reports will run automatically on any domain you have verified in your account every other week.

So roughly twice a month you’ll see fresh reports with suggestions about which items you should address for SEO.

If your domain has been verified only recently, you may need to wait a few days before seeing these reports.

In contrast, SEO Analyzer is an on-demand tool which will scan a single page on-the-fly and prepares a SEO report for you within seconds.

You can use this tool immediately & as often as you like for all pages on your site.

Bing XML Sitemap Plugin

The Bing XML Sitemap Plugin is an open source server-side technology that takes care of generating XML Sitemaps compliant with for websites running on Internet Information Services (IIS) for Windows® Server as well as Apache HTTP Server.

Easy to install and highly configurable, the Bing XML Sitemap Plugin provides an ideal solution for webmasters and web hosting companies looking to enhance search engine discoverability for their own or their customers' web sites.

You can download the Bing XML Sitemap Plugin as well as a copy of the source code directly from the Microsoft Download Center or by using the download button below.

The XML Sitemaps generated by the Bing XML Sitemap Plugin adhere to the XML Sitemap protocol and can be used by all search engines that support the protocol, not just by Bing.

How The Bing XML Sitemap Plugin Works

The Bing XML Sitemap Plugin generates two types of Sitemaps:

A comprehensive Sitemap of URLs seen in server traffic

A Sitemap dedicated to URLs that have changed recently (delta)

Having both comprehensive and delta Sitemaps provides you with significant benefits, as you will always have a full, up-to-date list of all URLs on your website that search engines can use for deep crawl, as well as a concise Sitemap of URLs that were modified recently, which search engine crawlers can prioritize.

This can help in keeping bot traffic bandwidth down.

In addition, the Sitemap Plugin automatically adds <lastmod> values to your Sitemap, and generates <priority> values to the Sitemap based on how popular your URLs are.

My Sites in Bing Webmaster Tools

If you have added more than one site in Bing Webmaster Tools (you can add up to 1,000 sites per account), you will see all sites that you have added to your account on the My Sites page. You can navigate to the Dashboard for a site by clicking it in the My Sites table. Other than that, the My Sites page allows you to add more sites and see the following information for your sites at a glance:

A thumbnail of your site

Number of new messages that are in your inbox in the Message Center for the site

% change for clicks from search, appeared in search (impressions), pages crawled, and pages indexed

A Date Range Using the Date Selector

You can select the date range for which you want to see data by using the date selector at the top of the My Sites table. You can select from the following presets for the Changes for drop-down box:

Last 7 days

Last 30 days (the default)

Last 3 months

Last 6 months

You can also select a custom start and end date by using the calendar control. Available dates are clickable. Dates for which no data is available are not clickable and grayed out. Note that we start to collect data for your website inside Webmaster Tools from the day it was first registered within a Webmaster Tools account. Currently, we keep a maximum of up to 6 months’ worth of data per site.

Any change information is always based on the selected period compared to the previous matching period of the same length; So when selecting 7 days, you will see change information compared to the 7 day period prior to that. Since we store up to 6 months’ worth of data, you can see data for that entire period with % change information for up to 3 months.

How to Use Disavow Links

Adding a URL

Using the Disavow Links tool, you can easily and quickly alert Bing about links that are pointing at your site that you don’t trust. To start disavowing a link, follow these steps:

Using the drop-down, you can choose whether the URL you provide is entire domain, a directory, or an individual page.

Enter the URL of the domain, directory or page containing the link or links that you want to disavow

Click Disavow

Exporting or Removing Disavowed URLs

To export the list of URLs that you are currently disavowing to a file in CSV format, click Export. To remove a URL from the list, select it by clicking the adjacent checkbox and clicking the Delete Button.

Created By

This is my honour to share my knowledge about the Bing Webmaster Tools. And I hope all of you

guys would have like this presentation.

Thanks for watching my presentation.


Naresh ChauhanSr. Marketing Executive