Billy Elliot Essay

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Transcript of Billy Elliot Essay

English (Standard) - Billy Elliot

Individuals venturing into new experiences may encounter obstacles but may also gain significant rewards. Discuss this statement. In your response refer to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of your choosing.Barriers often obstruct the achievement of goals which bring about growth and change. However, with courage and determination these barriers can be overcome and new horizons and possibilities realised.For an individual to move along a new pathway in life, the support and guidance of others is needed to help overcome obstacles they may come across. This transition through new experiences impacts on one’s understanding of ‘self’ as they are growing up with new perspectives of a broader world. This transition is seen in Stephen Daldry’s film Billy Elliot (2000) and the short film Marry Me directed by Michelle Lehman, as both texts show the similarity in experiences of individuals moving into a new world and how it is through their determination that enables each character to begin this transition. Billy Elliot is a sensitive, bittersweet film with engaging characters and extraordinary images. The British coming of age film is set in a fictional town of Everington during the 1984 miners’ strike. This film shows the great struggles that individuals go through when moving into a new world of unexpected experiences. Daldry has portrayed how the eponymous protagonist of the film dances to save himself and his family from a challenging life. Billy challenges society’s expectations based on gender during this era, as he rebels against male stereotypes and follows his passion for dance. Billy’s transition is represented through a series of visual and dialogue driven scenes. The family is opposed to the idea of Billy moving into a world of dance, as they are bounded by traditional belief that “lads do boxing, ballet is for girls”.

Daldry’s combination of form, structure and ideas depict the changes which occur to Billy, and neighbouring characters in the film. The main ideas in the film are shown throughout the transition of a boy with ambitious dreams highlighting the theme of passion and understanding. This strong connection between a boy and dance becomes the catalyst behind him growing up and venturing into a new world. The determination is the key ingredient for Billy’s success in the world of dance.

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The opening sequence of the film shows Billy in his room jumping continuously on his bed in utter happiness. However it is not until he ventures out of his room and is captured running and dancing up the steep hill of his street that we come to realise he is searching for a new world, one filled with dance. This hill is used as a motif throughout the film and is symbolic of how steep the struggle of the transition into dance really is. Throughout the course of the film, his determination is what helps him reach the top of the hill and metaphorically enter a new life. Billy defeats the odds by progressively entering a world which is not socially acceptable for males. Whilst Billy dances in his room, the non-diegetic sounds of Cosmic Dancer by T.Rex sing “I danced myself right out of this room”. These lyrics are foreshadowing of Billy’s aspirations however it is his family that is inflicting on him reaching his dream of becoming a dancer.Marry Me is based around two worlds of Chloe and Jason. Chloe wishes to enter Jason’s world by marrying him; however he is disinterested in her and is focused on bike riding. Jason prefers to socialise with his older brother who is an experienced bike rider. His age becomes a clear divide for Jason entering this new world of riding due to a different level in experience. This transition becomes a struggle for Jason; nevertheless his determination assists in entering this new world. Billy Elliot’s opening scene is similar to what is shown in the first few frame shots of the short film. Jason is seen jumping on a sand castle and ruining it with every jump he makes. This action is similar to Billy jumping on his mattress to the non-diegetic sounds in the background; it is symbolic of entering a new pathway. As the short film progresses Jason is seen building a bike ramp. This bike ramp is a symbol throughout the short film and represents the steep struggle ahead. There is a clear parallel between the bike ramp and the steep hill in Billy’s street. Despite not articulating it, Billy, after major setbacks, has an epiphany and shows through his dancing how determined he is to move into the world of dance. Both characters must continue dance and bike riding in order to overcome the barriers and succeed.Billy’s ballet lesson shows his first encounter with the real world of ballet and the beginning of his transition for individualism. The technique of juxtaposition is used to show Billy’s world of boxing and the ballet world he moves into illustrated best in a scene featuring a ballet lesson. The medium shot shows his lack of interest in boxing, although when the calm diegetic ballet music begins to play he sways to it in the boxing ring. Billy enters the ballet class and is positioned behind the line of female dancers. This diminishes his size and shows his insecurities, accentuating that he initially does not belong in the world of dance. Billy’s dominance in ballet converses as the use of a low angle shot is shown in a frame. This shot establishes his newfound power. Billy continues to overcome obstacles with his dance teacher, Mrs Wilkinson by his side. She knows he has the strength to defeat impediments and continues to encourage him in times of doubt.Marry Me begins to show the contrast between the two worlds of Chloe and Jason through the costume used. Costume is a large technique integrated into the short film as the colours worn are based on gender stereotypes. Jason is seen wearing blue clothes including a t-shirt displaying the text BMX combined with his blue bike. This creates the idea that Jason is only focused on bike riding and is oblivious to Chloe’s ambitions. The divide in clothing arises in this same scene where Chloe is seen across the road in a matching pink outfit sitting on her girly pink

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bike. Chloe becomes interested in all of Jason’s likes as she begins to learn how to ride a bike, integrating bike riding into her world in the hope of Jason entering her world too. There is a correlation between the two worlds in Billy Elliot and the two worlds in Marry Me. In this instance Billy and Chloe’s desires are alike as Billy is shown leaving boxing and entering ballet and Chloe begins to integrate bike riding in her life in order to move into a new world with Jason. Stepping outside both characters security blanket becomes an obstacle that they are willing to take, knowing that there is a reward waiting for them; for Billy dance and for Chloe it is a relationship with Jason.The most significant aspect of the film is the final scene. It is important as Billy’s pathway comes to an end. Previously in other frame shots of the film, Billy has been in line with the camera, however as Billy prepares to enter the stage a low angle shot is used. The effect of using this shot is to show that Billy now has dominance and power in his world of dance; he has made it. As Billy enters the stage the lighting becomes stronger as he is situated under multiple spotlights. The lighting is symbolic of showing that he has successfully entered the world of ballet and is viewed as a star. Billy is asked why he likes to dance, he says “I forget everything…like I feel a change in my whole body. Flyin’ like a bird. Like electricity”. It wasn’t until he began dancing that he felt this way, free. This transition has altered him into a new person as he has grown up. As Lehman’s short film comes to a close, the dialogue of Chloe saying “I do” is used, to inform the audience that Chloe has won Jason over as they enter the world together. Both Jason and Chloe are positioned side by side as the frame closes. Chloe has a large grin on her face, showing that she is pleased with the outcome. Despite changing herself; it was worth it knowing that being with Jason is the reward. Jason, however was unsuccessful in becoming one of the older bike riding boys as his age became too much of a battle to overcome.It is through believing and determination that Billy was able to overcome the barriers which stood in his way when entering the new world of ballet. Daldry’s film portrays how the support and guidance of others assists them overcome these barriers giving the individual a new perspective of the broader world. Billy Elliot and Marry Me challenge societies expectations as both show individuals venturing into new experiences encountering various struggles and when others are against them they continue to stay strong, knowing that there is a significant reward which awaits.

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