Bill White - Selling to Big Companies

Post on 06-May-2015

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As an entrepreneurial venture or a small / medium enterprise, understanding how to engage, connect, and potentially sell to large corporate customers is often challenging and time consuming! Bill White's presentation focuses on how to identify the right corporate partners, determining the role they can play in assisting with the growth of your business, and the“do’s and don’ts” when trying to sell to big companies.

Transcript of Bill White - Selling to Big Companies

Selling to Big Companies

Bill White


February 28, 2013

How do Entrepreneurs and

SMEs engage, connect and

sell to large Corporate


The Very Good news is…..

The Very Good news is…..

Large Corporate Customers

REALLY want to buy from you!!

Companies are always looking for Continuous Improvement in:

• Increasing Revenues and exceeding the projected revenue plan

• Increasing efficiency and effectiveness of: – Revenue generating employees

– Mission-critical employees

– Mission-critical processes

– Workflow and related operations

– Procurement

– Capital resources

– Customer facing services

• Cutting/Containing costs and moving away from unpredictable expenses toward accurate forecasts

• Staying in Compliance: Culture and Law

All with a laser focus on their core business mission!

Unilever - Paul Polman

Partnerships will be crucial in the new development agenda – if we apply the

resources, innovation and creativity of the private sector then this can be the

generation that puts an end to extreme poverty.

Unilever Sustainable Living Plan - calling for a doubling of the size of the company in

this still growing world, but doing this while reducing our environmental footprint and

increasing our positive social impact.

It’s a new model, encompassing all brands, categories and countries, taking co-

responsibility for the total value chain.

The Plan has three big goals by 2020.

- To help a billion people take action to improve their health and well-being.

- To halve the environmental impact of our products.

- And to source 100% of our agricultural raw materials sustainably, protecting the

livelihoods of more than 500,000 smallholder farmers.

The Very Good news is…..

Large Corporate Customers REALLY want to buy

from you!!

If you are focused on solving their problems

Do you know their problems and how you are the

best solution for them?

The Value Proposition



Why should I believe you?



What does it cost?

Effort Risk



Why is yours better?

What’s in it for me?

What are my costs

of making it useful?

What could go wrong? Is this for me?

OK – I Know they need my


How do I get them to Buy it??

The Influence and Authority Network*

* From Selling to VITO by Anthony Parinello




Decision Makers


The Influence and Authority Network*

* From Selling to VITO by Anthony Parinello




Decision Makers


Listen – Learn

Build alignment

Listen – Learn

Get them to decide to


Don’t get stuck here!!

The Sales Equation

Customer Need

Solution Trust Sale $$

The Sales Equation

Customer Need

Solution Trust Sale $$

Who are these “Approvers”? VITO’s

• Big egos! A healthy ego is a defining trait of

high achievers. Power, control, and authority are important to VITOs.

• Brief, direct, and to the point.

• Self-assured, self-determined, driven to success, and goal and results oriented.

• Highly accountable; they are used to accepting responsibility.

• Passionate and highly competitive; they love to win and hate to lose.

• Seekers of information that will give them an edge.

• Constantly on the lookout for ideas that will help them over-accomplish their goals,

plans, and objectives.

• Live in a time-compressed world. with people they feel will help them quickly prosper.

• Have an “early adopter” mentality; they spend time looking for good ideas that no one

else has yet embraced.

• Risk takers and straight shooters. They like being asked direct questions and they like

individuals who will give them direct answers to the questions they ask.

* From Selling to VITO by Anthony Parinello

People DO NOT Like to be Sold

People LOVE to BUY!!!

CBW Associates Inc.

CBW Associates are business advisors providing customized help to the

leaders of growing, small and mid-size companies with a particular focus on

Leadership, strategy, sales, and organizational effectiveness.