Bill Gates Inventor of the Desktop Computer Bill Gates is the inventor of desktop computers. Here's...

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Transcript of Bill Gates Inventor of the Desktop Computer Bill Gates is the inventor of desktop computers. Here's...

Bill Gates

Bill GatesInventor of the Desktop Computer

Bill Gates is the inventor of desktop computers. Here's what he had to go through to accomplish this massive, world changing event.

How Bill Changed The World

Bill was born October 28 1955 in Seattle W.A. and he was the only son in his family.

When Bill was in elementary school, he was enrolled at Lakeside Elementary.

He received special attention because he was very smart in all subjects, ESPECIALLY math.

He was always skipping classes to go to the computer lab and make programs on the computer. He made computer programs that solved math problems and played tic-tac-toe.

Soon after that Bill made a company called Traf-O-Data. It wasn’t very popular.

Very shortly after that, he purchased a small apartment. His roommate was a good friend of his.

Bill and his friend were always pulling all-nighters. They lived off of energy drinks and pizza.

When Bill got slightly older, he made a microcomputer software company called Microsoft.

Since Microsoft was a computer company, he invented the desktop computer. He was becoming very rich.

Microsoft was very famous in the 1990’s. It was thriving.

Microsoft Worker Model

Bill spends his money on children. He funds schools and children that have poor or no parents.

The End