Bi crm presentation - Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Post on 24-May-2015

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Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations Vispi Munshi CEO - ERP India

Transcript of Bi crm presentation - Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

1Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Vispi MunshiFounder - ERP Indiavmunshi@erp-india.com

2Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Today’s Agenda

- Introduction

- What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

- Key CRM Functions

- What is Business Intelligence

- Data Analytics, Dashboards

- Data Mining, Predictive Analytics

- Examples of using BI in CRM

- Blueprint of a Customer Intelligence System

- Measuring Customer Relations performance, Scorecard

- Conclusion, Q&A

3Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Ground Rules

- Please turn mobile ringer to SILENT MODE

- If you have to take a call, please leave the room and then start talking

- Questions can be asked any time

- Before asking question, raise your hand

- No talking with each other

- Disagreements allowed, but no disrespect

- Timeframe awareness

- Lets learn from each other and increase our knowledge

4Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations


- Full Name

- Where do you work (Company/Consultant/Student etc)

- Your job designation and responsibilities

- Any BI tool you have already used?

- Any CRM experience?

- Expectation from this workshop

5Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

What is Customer Relationship Management

CRM is about identifying and acquiring new customers, and maintaining and enhancing relations with valued customers.




Lead Mgnt





Opportunity Mgnt

6Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Key CRM functions

- Demand Creation (Marketing Campaigns, Promotions)

- Identify and Acquire customers (Sales Lead management)

- Proposal/Quotation and Order processing

- Order Management

- Contract Management

- Service Management

- Sales Channel Management

- Loyalty Programs

- Surveys (for feedback)

7Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Identifying and Acquiring Customers

Call Center

Field Staff

Your Web Site


External Sources







8Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

What is business intelligence?

Business Intelligence is a term generally used to identify a class of Information System applications useful for supporting operational, tactical and strategic decision making of a organization.

BI deals with producing (and presenting) Accurate, Relevant and Timely (ART) INFORMATION from integrated data.

Not Accurate: Users loose faith in system

Not Relevant: Users ignore the system

Not Timely: Users find alternatives to the system

9Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Benefits- Sales Optimization

- Cost Reduction, Planning and Budgeting

- Inventory Optimization

- Purchase Optimization

- HR Optimization

- Production / Manufacturing Optimization

- Demand Forecasting

- Market Competitive Analysis and Customer Relationship Optimization

- Supply Chain (Sales and Distribution) Optimization

- Most Important is ART Information to support all levels of Decision Making

- Aim is to replace/reduce Excel based Analysis

10Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

BI System Anatomy

BACK-ENDData Collection and

Integration Tools






Data Mart

Forecasting, Mining



Analytics, Visualization, Dashboards, …


Alerts, Email, Mobile, Intranet ….

11Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Backend BI Tools: Used for collection, integration and consolidation of data from various sources.

Intermediate BI Tools: Allows users to create forecasts and identify trends (data mining) from the data.

Frontend BI Tools: Provides users with a interactive and intuitive interface to view the information generated.

12Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

- Based on multi-dimensional view of data (cubes)

- Pivot Table demo

- Features for drilling in and across data

- Slicing and dicing of data

- Graphics capabilities

- Similar to Excel

- Exception reporting

- Data Analyst would use such tools and create Reports/Analysis/Graphs (objects)

- These objects would be supplied to Executives using Dashboards, Alerts etc.

Data Analytics (New Age Decision Support Systems)

13Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Multi-dimensional Data

14Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

High-end: Business Objects, OBIEE, Microstrategy, …

Open Source:

Data Analytics Tools in Market

15Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Dashboards and Alerts

- Dashboards are collection of reports/analysis/graphs

- Alerts are specific events that the system finds and sends a email/sms etc to the executive

- Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) can be set and linked to alerts

- Linking across objects provides executive with ability to go through the generated information in a very intuitive manner

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Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

17Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Data Mining

- Also known as KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Databases)

- Involves use of large data sets

- Involves uses of Statistical Methods, Database Systems and Artificial Intelligence

- The objective is to discover patterns or knowledge from existing data

- Involves four step process: Data Preparation (classification), Hypothesis (user provided guidance), Discovery (of knowledge) and Validation (of discovered knowledge against hypothesis)

- Techniques: Classification, Clustering, Association Rules, Regression

- High end tools: SPSS, SAS, …

- Open Source:

18Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Big Data - Very large datasets (peta bytes), which cannot be handled by regular

database systems

- Applications such as bio-informatics, space research, large banks, large ecommerce portals etc. require big data systems

- Data mining requires big data systems to generate meaningful knowledge

- Hadoop is a leader in this area

19Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Data Visualization- Presents a intuitive graphic representation of the data and generated


- The visualization is a embedded feature in most Analytics and Mining tools

20Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Predictive Analytics - Combines Data Analytics and Statistical techniques to provide a interactive


- encompasses a variety of statistical techniques from modeling, machine learning, and data mining that analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future, or otherwise unknown, events

- Recency, Frequency, Transaction Value, Demographics

- Classification, Clustering, Association Rules, Regression


21Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Case Study 1: Bank using Data Mining (decision tree classification technique) to predict credit risk




Income Income

CarpenterEngineer Doctor

Bad Good Bad Good Bad Good







Predicting credit risk of a person with the jobs specified.

22Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Case Study 2: Determining odd transactions using Clustering technique

Insurance frauds, manufacturing defects, Customer Extension ….

Clustering algorithms find groups of items that are similar. … It divides

a data set so that records with similar

content are in the same group, and groups are as different as possible

from each other.

23Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Case Study 3: Market Basket Analysis using Association Rules

• “An association algorithm creates rules that describe how often events have occurred together.”

Example: When a customer buys a hammer, then 90% of the time they will buy nails. HIGH SUPPORT

Example: When a customer buys a hanger set, then 3% of the time they will buy nails. LOW SUPPORT

If SUPPORT between item pair is more than say 30% then the item pairs can be placed on same shelf.

If SUPPORT between item pair is more than say 50% then they can be packaged together.

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Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

More Ways to Improve Customer Relations

- Customer Profitability Analysis: which customers to value?

- Targeting Marketing Promotions: identifying suspects using data mining (clustering)

- Ecommerce Site User behavior analysis: Make special offers to convert suspects to prospects and leads, depending on which pages of the site the suspect has visited

- Call Center Log Analysis: identifying leads using data mining or predictive analysis

- Customer Retention: identify potential leads, renewal offers

- Customer Relation Extension: identify potential leads based on service records

25Proprietary and Confidential © ERP India – Vispi Munshi –

Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Customer Intelligence System

BACK-ENDData Collection and

Integration Tools


Industry data



Customer Data Mart


Lead Closing


Relation Extension

Demand Creation

Relation Recovery

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Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations

Measuring CRM Performance: Customer Relation Scorecard

New Relations: 5678, 7%

Acquisition Cost: 2500/-

Lead Closing %: 34%

Renewal %: 77%

Extended Relations: 345, 1.3M

Recovered Relations: 45

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Using Business Intelligence to Improve Customer Relations


Thank You

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