BGH Newsletter

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BGH Newsletter

Transcript of BGH Newsletter


News & Updates

Inside this issue:

Continued on Page 2............

by Bojan Schianetz and Dzung Price


Upcoming one day seminar

How stress affects your hormonal balance

3 Humor CornerEvents Calender

Upcoming 1 Day Seminar“The Secret of Creating Your Reality”Sunday, 28 April 2013

It is only a few weeks to go to the next exciting 1-day workshop at the Glades/Goldcoast. If you missed last yearʼs workshop then this is your chance to join us on 28 April 2013.

This is a very practical workshop which will provide you with excellent techniques to improve your health and to make you more successful at the same time. From our experience gained during our work with thousands of clients, we can


WEEKLY E-NEWS on Page 3............

generally say that all illnesses, unhappiness and discontent in life arise from chronic stress caused by conflicts, be they physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. These conflicts prompt our muscles to tense up and block energy flow, which induces pain, discontent, depression and tiredness.

The universe supplies infinite energy sources that are available to us at all times for creation. If we understand how to intentionally and effectively harness these energy sources, we can transform our current experience of reality and create and design the life we truly desire.

Here are just some of the outcomes that you can expect when you come along:

Understand what is holding you back to introduce real and lasting change in your life,

Discover how to change old conditioning and how to stop punishing yourself for past failure and events.

Find the missing pieces of information that most ʻnew ageʼ and self-help techniques do omit; e.g. know why simply applying ʻthe law of attractionʼ on its own has not been giving you the results that you were expecting.

Enjoy the fact that you now have all the techniques you ever need to create the future you want, without having to spend more money on self-help books and seminars.

Gain the respect and admiration of others and most importantly by yourself as you can finally live aligned youʼre your true life purpose and radiate inner strength, power, sincerity and confidence.


Enjoy a higher state of awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Think more creatively – more clearly.  Live in the moment with laser-beam focus.  No longer will you dread challenges.  Youʼll solve problems with ease. Spot opportunities all around you.  No longer feel lost and trapped.  Youʼre now

able to create success in whatever you turn your hand to.  Never worry about money again – now or in retirement (which may be sooner than you thought). Feel years younger and enjoy boundless energy – more strength, stamina and

vitality than you had in your best years.  Feel the satisfaction of directing this newfound potency towards CREATING the reality of your dreams rather than struggling to fight against the tide of an uncertain life.

The workshop will be packed with information and exercises giving you the opportunity to transform fast and lasting. For only $67 you can see Dzung Price and myself for one whole day. And youʼll have the advantage of the powerful group energy during all exercises. I hope you can come along and take advantage of this opportunity to finally create the life you love. To register you need to book at

www.TheSecretOfCreatingYourReality.comor click at

Only $67


Continued on Page 5............

How Stress Affects Our Hormonal Balance - Cortisol, The Stress Moleculeby Marcia Becherel

In a previous newsletter we talked about how stress has a huge impact in our health. So let's take a closer look on how stress affects our hormonal balance and the importance of an specific hormone that has a pivotal role in stress response: cortisol. Cortisol is an important hormone in the body that is produced in the adrenal cortex in response to stress. Cortisol plays an important role in regulating important endocrine functions. Cortisol is needed for nearly all dynamic processes in the body:

Blood sugar levels.Energy production.Blood pressure.Regulation and kidney function.Fat building.Muscle building and protein synthesis.The inflammatory response. The immune system and healing.

High levels of cortisol suppress the immune system, shutting it down to save energy that will be available to serve the stress situation. Thus, when we are involved in a stress reaction, the body systems responsible for repair and regeneration are compromised. Because nothing is ever one-sided in life, here are both sides of cortisol: If we have too little cortisol, we may suffer from fatigue, chronic fatigue, and exhaustion.

If our adrenal glands are producing too much cortisol, we may develop conditions such as weight gain, especially around the abdomen,

depressed immune function with all of


Continued on Page 6...........

the consequences, accelerated aging and stomach ulcers.

Problems arise when we are repeatedly [chronically] stressed because our growth systems and immune systems are constricted or shut down. This is why we experience more sickness during periods of high stress, loose our clear thinking, and react automatically or instinctively. If we are repetitively under stress, it will take us much longer to heal, because that process isnʼt a high priority item.

An important function of cortisol is to make the thyroid work more efficiently. An optimal amount of cortisol [not too high and not too low] is crucial for normal thyroid function. Every cell in the body has receptors for both cortisol and thyroid hormones and nearly every cellular process requires optimal functioning of the thyroid.

So, when cortisol levels are low, caused by adrenal exhaustion, thyroid is less efficient at doing its job of increasing energy and metabolic activity.

Too much cortisol [again caused by the adrenal glandʼs response to excessive stressors] causes the tissues to no longer respond to the thyroid hormone signal. It creates a condition of thyroid resistance, meaning that thyroid hormone levels can be normal, but tissues fail to respond as efficiently to the thyroid signal.

This resistance to the thyroid hormone signal caused by high cortisol is not just restricted to thyroid hormone but applies to all other hormones such as insulin, progesterone, oestrogens, testosterone, and even cortisol itself. So, when cortisol gets too high, we start getting resistance from various hormone receptors and more hormones are required to create the same effect.

In our current high-stress society, the bodyʼs stress response is activated so often that our body doesnʼt always have a chance to return to balance, resulting in a state of chronic stress. None of the hormones are allowed to work at optimal levels. Stress hits the adrenals which either collapse in fatigue and fail to produce enough stress hormones (functional thyroid deficiency) or overproduce cortisol causing overall hormone resistance.

Today I'm going to share with you another 2 simple tips to help you better manage your stress levels, bring your cortisol levels down and harmonise your physiology. You will not only become more calm and relaxed but you will also feel


more balanced, have more energy and zest for life. So, let's go quickly through these 2 Stress Busters.

Tip #1 - Count your blessings. Each day, after a full day at work or at home and just before you go to sleep take 5 minutes just for yourself to review your day and count your blessings. Just notice 3 things that you are grateful for today. It could be anything, however it has to be something that you really appreciated today, because here is the secret “Gratitude is the most powerful healing energy in the Universe”...

Tip #2 – Heart focus breathing. The Hear focus breathing technique has been researched and developed by the HeartMath Institute in USA. It helps to harmonise and synchronise your brain and your whole body with your heart. And the result is a state called high coherence. And in that state your mind is calm, your body is relaxed and your physiology switches to repair, healing and nurturing mode. The exercise is very simple: just sit back, close your eyes and start taking nice, deep, relaxed breaths. And just bring all your attention to the area around your heart. Then imagine that you are breathing in and our through your heart. Imagine that every breath in, your heart expands and every breath out, your heart contracts. And just keep your focus in your heart. Practice this heart focus breathing for 5-10 min everyday, before you go to sleep and just after you wake up in the morning. And you will feel much more energised, focused and balanced through out the day.

I trust these tips will certainly help reduce your levels of stress and harmonise your physiology. For extra tips and personalised support to help you tackle chronic stress and the health challenges that life is bringing you, I invite you to book a session with myself or one of our experienced practitioners.


Humor Corner



Date Time Event Cost

28.04.2013 9.00-5.00 pm The Secret of Creating Your Reality - One Day Seminar - Gold Coast - with Bojan Schianetz

Still seats free

Every Wednesday

6.00-7.00 pm Medical Qi Gong Class - Gold Coast

Still 2 free spaces


6.00-7.00 pm Medical Qi Gong Class - Gold Coast

Still 2 free spaces

12-14 Jul2013

9.00-5.00 pm Accelerated Creation System Practitioner Workshop Still seats free

call 55253471for more infos

10-11 Aug2013

9.00-5.00 pm Accelerated Creation System Advanced Workshop Still seats free

call 55253471for more infos

Note: Beyond Good Health Newsletter contains the opinion of Bojan Schianetz, Dzung Price and its writers. This information is not intended to be interpreted as medical advice, not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All material contained in this newsletter is protected by copyright.

Calendar of Events





