Between 1650-1750 3 distinct regions developed within the colonies. Each region faced different...

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Transcript of Between 1650-1750 3 distinct regions developed within the colonies. Each region faced different...

Between 1650-1750 3 distinct regions developed within the colonies. Each region faced different challenges due to various climate, location and natural resources.

The New England Colonies

The soil in the NE colonies was unsuitable for large scale farming. Many people of the NE colonies turned to ship building, fishing and trading as their major occupations and source of income.

Natural Resources

The forest and sea offered other opportunities for making a living. Many NE worked in the lumber industry, cutting down trees, building saw mills, and shipping lumber to other colonies. The wood was used for ships, houses, and furniture.

The Middle Colonies

The population was diverse. Ireland, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Germany, England

The Middle Colonies contained the most fertile farm land. The majority of people made their living by farming. These were larger farms then in the north. Slave labor as well as hired labor worked these lands.

The Southern Colonies there were two ways of life in the SC. Coastal and Backcountry.

Southern Plantations Many of the English settlers established plantations on the coast-raising rice, tobacco and indigo. Plantations used a combinations of free and slave labor. Later the pressure to increase production lead to plantations using nothing, but slave labor. Backcountry farmers claimed small plots inland. They had no need for slave labor.


Virginia 1607 London Company 1624

Massachusetts 1620 Puritans 1691

New Hampshire 1623 John Wheelwright 1679

Maryland 1634 Lord Baltimore N/A

Connecticut 1635 Thomas Hooker N/A

Rhode Island 1636 Roger Williams N/A

Delaware 1638Peter Minuit and New Sweden Company


North Carolina 1653 Virginians 1729

South Carolina 1663Eight Nobles with a Royal Charter from Charles II


New Jersey 1664Lord Berkeley and Sir George Carteret


New York 1664 Duke of York 1685

Pennsylvania 1682 William Penn N/A

Georgia 1732 James Edward Oglethorpe 1752

13 Colonies

New England ColoniesMassachusetts

Founded by the Puritans.prosperous, but religious differences forced some settlers to move

Rhode IslandThis was the first colony to promote religious freedom. In 1658, aa group of Jewish settlers came to the colony.

Connecticut and New HampshireThe founders set up the Fundamental Orders. This set up restrictionson the Gov. and allowed all men with property the right to voteregardless if they went to church

Middle ColoniesNew York

A Dutch colonyNew Jersey

Rich soil allowed for profitable farms.Pennsylvania

Set up by the Quakers. A religious group that is againstwar and killing. They also promoted religious toleration and equality.

DelawareSet up by the Swiss

Southern Colonies

MarylandColony started to give Roman Catholics a place to worship in peace. Theywere denied rights in other colonies.

VirginiaSee Jamestown notes.

The CarolinasMany that settled here were English from the West Indies. As they came theybrought with them their slaves. My there planted tobacco and indigo.

GeorgiaThe last English colony to be settled. It was set up as a place for those withdebts in England to work them off.