Better hearing Better ·...

Post on 08-Oct-2020

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Transcript of Better hearing Better ·...

Specsavers Opticians is renowned for value for money, quality and service. We have built this reputation over 19 years in optics, and now you can expect the same superb standards from Specsavers Hearing Centres.

We believe passionately in providing value for money hearing care for all our customers. When you visit Specsavers, you will only ever be tested by a professional hearing aid audiologist, who will advise on the products that could help you most – and give you all the support and aftercare you need, completely free.

Our advance range of digital hearing aids features the latest technology from world leading manufacturers and offers amazing value, whatever your hearing requirements.

Inside this booklet you’ll find out more about hearing loss and what it means to you, including sections on how the ear works, a detailed guide to what happens in a hearing assessment and details on our latest digital hearing aids. And if you need any more information, just call your local store – you’ll find us in the Golden Pages or call 1890 882 361.

Better hearingBetter value

Many people take hearing for granted, but the ear is an extraordinary, complex organ. Our ears pick up sound waves and translate them into information that our brains can understand.

1 The ouTer ear is the part outside the skull. The intricately shaped pinna (or auricle) collects and funnels sound waves into the ear canal and onto the eardrum. The 2.5cm-long ear canal secretes wax which helps protect the ear against infection and moisturises the air in the canal. The eardrum is a taut membrane, like a drum skin, which vibrates in response to sound waves. The vibrations pass from the eardrum to the bones in the middle ear.

2 The middle ear is an air-filled cavity that contains a chain of three tiny bones, or ossicles, known as the hammer, anvil and stirrup. These transfer sound from the outer ear to the inner ear. The stirrup, the third in the chain, vibrates against a membrane separating the middle ear from the inner ear.

3 The inner earWhen the membrane vibrates, it sends pressure waves through the cochlea in the inner ear. The cochlea is about the size of a pea and is shaped like a snail shell. In the cochlea thousands of hair-like cells, linked to nerve fibres, change the sound waves into electrical signals, which travel along the auditory nerve to the brain. These tiny hair cells can deteriorate over time. So, as we get older they become less responsive to sound waves - making it more difficult to hear.




The ear has Three WorKinG secTions:

Hearing changes gradually, so you may not even realise it is getting worse. To find out whether you may have a problem, just answer these questions:

1 Have you been told that the TV is too loud?

2 Do you find it difficult to hear dialogue at the cinema or theatre?

3 Is it hard work having a conversation on the phone or in groups?

4 Do you hear better with one ear than the other?

5 Do you often misunderstand what others say or ask them to repeat themselves?

6 Has anyone close to you suggested that you might have a hearing problem?

7 Is it harder to hear when there is background noise?


KeeP an eYe on Your hearinG

If you have any doubt about your hearing, it is sensible to seek professional advice. In any case, you should have a hearing assessment every year if you are over 40, or every two years if you are under 40. And at Specsavers, we know how important hearing is to enjoy life to the full, so all our hearing assessments are free.

Almost everybody suffers from hearing loss as they get older, but it doesn’t have to change the way you live your life.

if you answered yes to one or more, you may benefit from a full hearing test

The hearing aid audiologist will ask about your occupation and jobs you have done in the past, your medical history, current or previous hearing aids worn, leisure activities and any current hearing problems.

The hearing aid audiologist will look into your ear through an instrument called an otoscope. They will examine your outer ear for any signs of infection, damage to the eardrum and any abnormalities.

To test your hearing, you listen through headphones and push a button each time you hear the sounds played to you at different pitches. These are played to each ear in turn. This test measures how well you can hear sounds that are transmitted to the ear through the air.

The hearing aid audiologist will assist you to put on a headband, and you complete the same test as before. This measures how well you hear sounds through the vibrations it makes in your skull bones.

At Specsavers Hearing Centres, we can test your hearing and advise on the best solution to your hearing problem. One simple visit could help prevent years of frustration. Your first appointment at a Specsavers Hearing Centre usually takes around an hour. If you would like to bring a friend, or family member with you to your appointment, they will be very welcome. The hearing aid audiologist will answer any questions you have about any stage of the test.

easier hearinG for all

Hearing aids won’t necessarily give you back perfectly clear hearing, but they will allow you to hear more easily. It may take a short time to adjust to your new hearing aids, but you will still notice a difference almost immediately. We are always happy to answer any questions you might have about your hearing aids or their use.





One simple visit could help prevent years of frustration.


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5The hearing aid audiologist will explain the results of your hearing test, using a chart called an audiogram, which shows how well you hear at different frequencies. They will explain the type of hearing loss you are experiencing and suggest why this has happened – and what can be done to help improve your hearing.

If you have hearing loss that can be helped with hearing aids, the hearing aid audiologist will explain the range of aids that are suitable for you, including the different designs, materials and costs. There are many different types of hearing aids available today, and your hearing aid audiologist will recommend which type would suit you best.

The hearing aid audiologist may take a mould of your ear canal, so that your new aid fits properly. First a piece of spongy foam is put in your ear to protect it, then liquid silicone is gently introduced into the ear. This is completely painless and after about five minutes the mould is set and is carefully removed from the ear. It is used to make a hearing aid that fits comfortably in your ear canal.

It can take up to two weeks for your hearing aids to be made for you expertly and delivered to the store. Your fitting appointment will take about 45 minutes. The hearing aid audiologist will programme the hearing aids to suit your needs based on your audiogram. They will fit the new hearing aids and adjust them if necessary, and ask you about the difference they make.

The hearing aid audiologist will make sure that you know how to use and adjust your aids before you leave the store. Some aids automatically change how much they amplify different types of sound to give you comfortable, clear hearing in different situations. Others have a discreet remote control that you can use to adjust your hearing aid without other people noticing.

You will have a follow-up appointment after four weeks to check that everything is well, and to fine-tune the programming. It may take a short time to adjust to your new hearing aids but most people quickly find a big improvement. If after 30 days you are still not happy with your new hearing aids, you can return them for a full refund.

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Hearing well is a natural function of both ears, so sounds heard with both ears actually appear louder and clearer than sounds heard with just one ear. Two hearing aids, therefore, will help you hear more clearly - which is why we offer 2 digital hearing aids for 1 low price across all our advance range.

The advance range is exclusive to Specsavers, and features the latest technology from world-leading manufacturers. They offer amazing specification and value, and what’s more, prices start from just €750 – for two hearing aids. And you could save up to 50% with your PRSI entitlement**.

And if you choose an open fit style, you could even walk out with your hearing aids professionally fitted and programmed on the same day as your hearing test.

All digital hearing aids are suitable for mild, moderate and severe hearing loss. Our products range from a basic digital aid to the most sophisticated currently available. Each level is clearly priced and the price is determined by the type and number of


advice, fitting and aftercare are all absolutely free.

You can find out more in our product brochure, or just ask one of our hearing aid audiologists. They are fully trained to help you choose the hearing aids that best meet

your needs, your lifestyle and your budget, and are always happy to answer any of your questions. So whatever your hearing needs, our wide choice of products brings you more features for better clarity, comfort and style.

features, not the severity of your hearing loss. Simpler, less highly featured products cost less than those with more features, but all provide good quality digital sound and all come with a full two-year guarantee.

At Specsavers, the price you see is the price you pay – we don’t charge extra for the smaller ‘in the ear’, ‘in the canal’ or our new ‘open ear’ styles. Our comprehensive hearing service, including impartial

** subject to eligibility

At Specsavers, the price you see is the price you pay. We don’t charge extra for the smaller ‘in the ear’, ‘in the canal’ or our new ‘open ear’ styles.


The next step to clearer, sharper hearing is to make an appointment for a hearing test. Simply call your nearest store, and our friendly staff will arrange a convenient time for you to visit. You will only ever be seen by a professional hearing aid audiologist who will carry out a thorough and comprehensive test.

Buying digital hearing aids from Specsavers Hearing Centres is totally risk-free.

Our hearing aids have a 30-day money-back guarantee and a two-year manufacturer’s warranty, so complete peace of mind is assured. You’ll also benefit from free support and aftercare.


To book an appointment for your free hearing test, look in the Golden Pages for your local store or call 1890 882 361

The following are registered trademarks of the Specsavers Group of Companies – advance, the Specsavers logo, Specsavers Opticians. ©2010 Specsavers Hearcare Group Limited. All rights reserved.

“There’s noThinG WronG WiTh mY hearinG.” You may think that your hearing is perfect, and it could well be. But your hearing can fade gradually, without you really noticing. So if your family often complain because they have to repeat everything twice, if you find yourself constantly saying ‘pardon’, or you find it hard to distinguish one voice in a crowded room, it could be worth having a consultation with a Specsavers hearing aid audiologist.

“mY hearinG’s noT WhaT iT used To Be, BuT ThaT’s Because i’m GeTTinG older.” Loss of hearing is something that is associated with getting older, and it’s a natural part of the ageing process. But your family and friends will notice hearing loss - whereas in fact, if you wear a hearing aid, no one will notice at all. And for most people wearing a hearing aid enables them to get on with their life.

“hoW do i KnoW ThaT i’m VisiTinG a sPecialisT?” At our Hearing Centres, you can expect the same level of expertise, the same friendly, jargon-free approach and the same care and attention as you enjoy in our opticians. And in our Hearing Centres you will only ever be seen by a professional hearing aid audiologist, whose aim is to find you the best solution to your individual hearing loss.

“i’m Worried ThaT if i haVe a hearinG TesT iT Will definiTelY mean a hearinG aid.” We will never sell you a hearing aid if you don’t need one, because we’re a company that has built its reputation on looking after its customers and providing them with the best possible care. And just as going for an eye test doesn’t always mean you’ll need glasses, having your ears tested doesn’t automatically mean that the best solution will be using hearing aids

“i reallY don’T liKe WhaT i hear aBouT hearinG aids.” We all have preconceptions about hearing aids: how much they cost, how big they are, how uncomfortable they are to wear and what other people will think of us for wearing one. But the truth is, hearing aid technology has developed so much in recent years that most of the things we know, or think we know, are simply not true.

“aren’T hearinG aids uGlY and uncomforTaBle?” Look at a mobile phone, or a digital camera and it’s easy to see how much technology has moved on. Hearing aids are no different. Today’s models are slimmer, lighter and more discreet than ever before. In fact, some people wear them without their partners knowing, because they’re so small. As for being uncomfortable, a hearing aid should be custom made for your ear. At Specsavers, we will make sure your aid fits you perfectly.