Bethlehem Star Monthly Ministry Highlight · Brenda Harris, Worship Director...

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Transcript of Bethlehem Star Monthly Ministry Highlight · Brenda Harris, Worship Director...

Bethlehem Star

May 2018

Worship Services

8:00 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.

Learning Hour

9:10–10:00 a.m.

“Gathered around Word and

Sacrament, we live the Good

News of Christ’s love throughout

our Community and the World.”

Bethlehem Staff

Pastor Mark Peterson

Deaconess Kristen Baltrum Director of Faith Formation

Deaconess Sarah Loberg Faith Formation Support

Jamie Jurkovich, Communications and Sunday School Coordinator

Brenda Harris, Worship Director

Nancy Tiff, Office Coordinator

Jenny Kelley, Interim Webmaster

Karen Haag, Bookkeeper

Cornerstone Preschool

Andrea Becker, Director of Cornerstone Preschool

Monthly Ministry Highlight

Get to Know the BLC Council Ever heard the expression “The couple who serves on church council together, stays together”? Me neither. But that’s definitely the case with the Lees, members since October 2012, who are coming up on their 42nd wedding anniversary and are serving on the 2018 church council together. This month let’s become better acquainted with Sabrina Lee, Chairperson of Worship, and Bob Lee, Chairperson of Evangelism.

As is true of many of her fellow congregants, Sabrina feels blessed by the church community here, Bethlehem’s friendly climate and its “all are welcome” spirit. She especially likes participating in Dining for 8 and First Friday Fellowship. The outreach ministries of Habitat for Humanity, OUR Center, and Hope demonstrate and model, to Sabrina, a belief in and a commitment to “God’s Work, Our Hands.” As Chairperson of Worship, Sabrina wants to keep things running smoothly and facilitate usher training with the new defibrillators.

Bob agrees with his wife about the welcoming community of Bethlehem and greatly enjoys working with the confirmands on Wednesday evenings. Filling Greg Schumann’s shoes as Chairperson of Evangelism is a challenge, says Bob, though one he has eagerly assumed. He especially wants to reach out to new members. Living Lutheran, to Bob, means being forgiven and loved, acting non-judgmentally, and embracing tolerance. He cites examples of “God’s Work, Our Hands” from Bethlehem and other churches in the community in the ongoing clothing drives and the flood recovery work in 2013.

Sabrina and Bob love spending time with their family including their daughter and her husband, their son, and a total of five grandchildren. They travel, sometimes with good friends and fellow church members, and anticipate doing more upon retirement, perhaps visiting all seven continents one day. Sabrina balances reading fiction, Nora Roberts for one, and non-fiction, Live Strong from the women’s retreat as another, while Bob devours mostly the latter, especially a physics-related reading — “seriously” he adds. In fact, he has a patent for an invention related to high power laser measurements that received international recognition as one of the top 100 inventions in test and measurement in 2017.

Thanks to Bob and Sabrina for their team commitment to the ongoing work of BLC’s church council.

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Ministry Events in May

• Manna Bible Study: Mondays, 9:00–11:00 a.m.

• Daily Discipleship Bible Study: Tuesdays, 7:00–8:00 a.m., Santa Fe Grill

• Worship at the Peaks Care Center: Wednesdays, 9:45 a.m.

• Adult Choir: Wednesdays, 7:00–8:30 p.m.

• Bethlehem Quilters: Thursdays, 9:00 a.m.

• Sr. High Late Start Breakfast: May 2, 8:15 a.m.

• Boomwhackers Children’s Choir: May 2 and 9, 5:45 p.m.

• 8th grade Confirmation Banquet: May 2, 6:30 p.m.

• Rocky Mountain Synod Assembly: May 3–5

• First Friday Fellowship: May 4, 6:00–8:30 p.m.

• Confirmation Sunday: May 6, 10:15 a.m.

• ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting: May 6, 11:15 a.m.

• Teacher’s Appreciation Dinner: May 6, 6:00 p.m. at Dicken’s

• Naomi Circle Meeting and Bible Study: May 8, 9:30 a.m.

• Bethlehem Church Council: May 8, 7:00 p.m.

• Bethlehem Book Club: May 10, 7:30 a.m.

• Bluegrass Worship: May 13

• Prayer Shawl Ministry: May 15, 10:00 a.m.

• Tuesday Afternoon Bunco: May 15, 2:00 p.m.

• Evangelism Ministry: May 15, 7:00 p.m.

• Bethlehem Library Committee, May 16, 1:00 p.m.

• Prison Ministry: May 18

• Habitat Apostle’s Build Day: May 19, 8:00 a.m.

• Pentecost Jazz Worship with the Mile High Jazz Band: May 20

• Graduating Seniors Celebration: May 20, 9:15 a.m.

• Musical Ambassadors at Bross Street Assisted Living: May 20, 11:30 a.m.

• Worship at the Atria Senior Living: May 20, 2:00 p.m.

More details of these events and additional information can be found on our website:

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Pastor Peterson’s Pericopes

“We’re happy for you…but sad for us.”

I have heard that comment many times since I have announced my retirement. I have those same mixed feelings. Recently, Ruth was in Nashville helping my daughter take care of her 2 and ½ year old son. Jesse had some business trips, and her husband was on the road touring with his band. Ruth was there for 10 days. I wasn’t able to join her as I couldn’t be gone from work that long. It was hard not being there to help out. Jesse will be here with Christian over the first weekend in May. I won’t get to see them much because I need to be at the synod assembly in Westminster.

So yes…I’m happy that retirement will now allow me that time to spend with my family. I long for that.

But there is also a sadness in leaving.

If church is “done right,” I think it should feel like a family, a family of faith. That’s the way Bethlehem feels to me. It feels like a family, where we love and care for each other. I know I have repeatedly felt that from you over the years. You helped me through my dad’s death. I will never forget that.

After 13 years as the pastor here, I have shared many of the joys and sorrows of your lives. It has always been a privilege to be allowed into those intimate parts of your journey. I treasure those memories. So yes, it is sad for me to now move on.

It feels bittersweet.

But I trust God has new surprises in store for us all. God is good. Blessings, Pastor Peterson

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!




May 6 – Sixth Sunday of Easter and Confirmation Sunday

• John 15:9-17 – Jesus shares the most important of his commands to love one another.

• Mass of Renewal liturgy

• The Bethlehem Adult Choir will lead worship at 8:00 a.m.; the Revelation Choir will lead worship at 10:15 a.m.

• 10:15 a.m. – Seven of our confirmands will be affirming their baptisms. They will be sharing their faith statements as a part of worship.

May 13 – Seventh Sunday of Easter

• John 17:6-19 – Jesus prayers for his disciples and for us.

• Blue Grass liturgy

• Sunday school teacher recognition and final Learn by Heart recitation

May 20 – Day of Pentecost

• John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 – Jesus tells his disciples about the difference the Holy Spirit, “the helper,” will make in their lives and the world.

• Jazz worship led by the Mile High Jazz Band under the leadership of Ray Leake.

• 10:15 a.m. – Jordan Rae Thomas baptism

May 27 – First Sunday after Pentecost

• John 3:1-17 – Jesus tells Nicodemus about being born in the Spirit.

• Mass of Renewal liturgy

• 10:15 a.m. – Cooper Weber baptism

Worship Attendance for March 2018

Date Total

March 4 206

March 11 205

March 18 196

March 25 240

Average 212

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Faith Formation

May Adult Forums

Sundays, 9:15–10:10 a.m. in the Library Classroom

Journeys Through Revelation: Apocalyptic Hope for Today

Although brimming with mysterious symbolism, Revelation is ultimately a book of hope that sustains those who are oppressed. This hope–filled vision does speak to us today and the crisis that we face. Pastor Jeanne Larson, Seminarian Andrea Kragerud, and Pastor Peterson will be team teaching this class.

May 6: “Diagnosing the Crisis of the Empire” – Revelation chapter 6

May 13: “Singing Hymns of Hope: Interludes of Salvation for God’s People” – Revelation chapters 7-8:5

May 20: No Class. We will be recognizing our high school seniors during the fellowship hour. There will also be a jazz concert in the sanctuary by the Mile High Jazz Band.

May 27: “Witness to Hope”: The Woman, the Dragon and Earth’s Daring Rescue” – Revelation chapter 12

ELCA Youth Gathering Meeting

Youth who are attending the ELCA Youth Gathering in Houston this summer will be meeting to keep building our community and learn about what we will be discovering in Houston! Please make it a point to be at these meetings! This meeting will be at BLC on May 6, 11:15 a.m.–1:15 p.m. Also, mark your calendar for the June 3 Car Wash and Sending Blessing in worship!

Summer Day Camp Registration Open

Register now for Day Camp! BLC is hosting another Day Camp with the partnership of Sky Ranch Lutheran Camp, July 9–13, for ages preschool through those entering 5th grade. The daily schedule for campers entering grades 1–5 will be Monday, July 9–Thursday, July 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. On Friday, July 13, the program will run from 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. The daily schedule for campers age 3 – entering Kindergarten will be Monday, July 9–Thursday, July 13 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We will close Thursday evening with a potluck from 6:00 p.m.–7:00 p.m. During this time, the campers will present a short program with highlights from their week. You can register online at

Day Camp Volunteers Needed

Day Camp needs your help! If you have some time and love passing on the faith to children, we could use your help with Day Camp! There are a variety of needs, and helpers ages 6th grade through adult are welcome to help! Please sign up to help at

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!



Our Sunday school teachers are at the core of our faith formation efforts! If you see one of them in the halls of BLC, please be sure to thank for them for their time, energy, and passion for passing on the faith! This year’s teachers are: Mary Boyer, Brenda Torrez, Matt James, Jill Woodley, Carrie Watson, Shaylee Pierick, Laura Hoime, Sue Smith, Chris Watson, Marisa Carlson, Brian Carlson, Sarah Loberg, Bob Lee, and Pastor Mark.


Apostles Build Day for May

On Saturday, May 19 from 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m., we will be teaming up with members from Calvary Church to work on one of the last homes in Poplar Grove. This year will see the completion of the 20 homes in that area. Thank you to many of you that have helped in getting these homes built. This year is an aggressive one for Habitat, as they tackle work in four different areas! Please sign up on the west wall of the narthex. Contact Bob Cotton for more information or if you have questions (303-651-6563 or

Houston Mission Trip Fundraising Update

The Houston mission trip team would like to thank everyone who contributed to the St. Patrick’s Day dinner and silent auction. The net proceeds were $4,483.65! We are currently planning a Father’s Day pancake breakfast on June 17 as our final fundraiser before our trip in October. Please mark your calendar to attend. Thank you for your support. Contact Bob Cotton for more information or if you have questions (303-651-6563 or


Church Name Tags

Please let the Bethlehem church office know if you need a nametag or even a replacement name tag. Nancy can be reached by calling 303-776-3290 or emailing Wearing name tags will help welcome our interim pastor and also welcomes our visitors.

First Friday Fellowship

Join us on Friday, May 4, 6:00–8:30 p.m. for First Friday Fellowship. First Friday is a monthly adult fellowship opportunity to get to know other church members in a relaxed setting. No reservations are required; just bring an appetizer and a beverage to share. Our hosts this month are Sandy and Jim Woodruff (810 Megan Ct., Longmont). Come and share appetizers and good fellowship!

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Last Late Start Breakfast Club

Come on over to BLC for some fabulous breakfast that will fill your belly before school fills your brain on May 2 at 8:15–9:30 a.m. If you are a non–driver, just get a ride TO the church building. Deaconess Kristen will drop off all students before the late–start bell at their school. Please RSVP to Deaconess Sarah Loberg ( by April 30. RSVPS ARE REALLY IMPORTANT! Our lovely ladies from the Naomi circle will once again be providing this great breakfast, so let’s help them by letting them know that you will be there. Friends are welcome! It’s the last one of the year already!

Graduating Senior Recognition Party

Please join us in Peace Fellowship Hall on May 20 at 9:15 a.m. for a reception to congratulate and celebrate our graduating seniors: James “JR” Baltrum, Brett Boaz, Trevor Curtis, Jamie Lee, Corinne Herbst, and Madison Reed. Let there be cake!!!

Senior High BBQ

Calling all incoming 9–12th graders! Come to a BBQ at Deaconess Kristen’s house on June 4, 5:00–7:30 p.m. It’s that time of year where we need to take a look around and plan some fun stuff for our senior high youth group this summer and next year! We need YOUR input to plan a youth ministry program that is meaningful, fun, and faith formative! Please RSVP to DK or Deaconess Sarah Loberg by June 3 at or

Bike to Church OR Get a Car Wash Day

BIKE TO CHURCH DAY! or bring your car, and the youth will wash it while you are in worship is June 3. (And we hope you’ll donate to the ELCA Youth Gathering.)

In order to make an effort for caring for God’s earth and reducing emissions, we encourage you to take an alternative mode of transportation to worship this morning. If you are unable to do so, please consider allowing our youth to care for your vehicle by washing it and earning your donation toward their trip to Houston for the ELCA Youth Gathering.

How this works: If you ride your bike to church, great! Thank you for reducing emissions! If you do not ride your bike to church, as you pull into the parking lot, we will ask you if you would like your car washed. If you say yes, you will give the keys to an adult supervisor, go to worship, and the youth will wash your car while you worship. When you come out, you will get your keys to your sparkling clean car and the youth who lovingly washed your car will be happy to accept your donation. Thank you in advance!

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!



2018 Summer Coffees

This year we will again have our neighborhood ministry groups provide the summer coffee treats between services. With the help of the fellowship coordinators and the congregation, it will be a time to enjoy each other’s company. Please help make these a success when you are called upon during your neighborhood’s week.

Date: Neighborhood Group:

June 3 Purple

June 10 Orange

June 17 Pancake Breakfast – no coffee goodies

June 24 Gold

July 1 Church BBQ – no coffee goodies

July 8 Pink

July 15 Blue

July 22 Red

July 29 Green

August 5 Purple

August 12 Orange

August 19 Gold

August 26 Pink

September 2 Blue

VBS at First Lutheran

First Lutheran has invited children from our church to participate in their summer vacation Bible school program which runs from June 11–14. To register or learn more, visit


Financial Update YTD through March

General Fund Actual Income: $111,621

General Fund Budgeted Income: 129,208

Income Deficit: -$17,587

General Fund Ministry Expenses: $143,834

Net Deficit: - $32,213

Financial Reports Presented to Council Available

You can download the Financial Reports submitted each month to council from our Member website under Finances ( The key pages are the General Fund Summary and the All Fund Summary. Contact Gene Schnabel ( for more information or with questions or suggestions.

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


First Quarter 2018 Statements

The quarterly statements for January–March of 2018 are now available in your fellowship hall mailbox or, if you have requested, by post. Please review these as soon as possible. If you have any questions, you may contact Jenny Kelley ( or 303-651-6226). Thank you for your generosity to support our BLC mission!

Consider Electronic Giving for this Summer

Electronic giving provides a much–needed cash flow consistency throughout the summer months—regardless of whether you are enjoying a vacation, special trip, or just very busy with activities! There are several options available for BLC members. You can set up an automatic bill pay through your own bank or take advantage of the several ways to set up automatic contributions through the BLC partnership with Vanco. You can use our BLC website, the mobile app GivePlus (GivePlus Android or GivePlus Apple), or request setup by the financial secretary using the printed form, Vanco BLC_Enrollment_Form_2018.pdf, available by download or from the church office. More detailed information can be found on our website Donate page or on the Donate pew cards.

We offer direct withdrawal from a bank account or credit/debit card and you can choose the amount and frequency. If you would like some help or have any questions, please contact Jenny Kelley ( or 303-651-6226). We will also have opportunities to sign up in between services—watch for more details!

BLC Scholarship Application Now Available

Scholarship applications will be available May 1 on the BLC website/MemberOnly/Notes/BLC Scholarship or via email from Pat Wilder. All secondary education students who are members of BLC are eligible and encouraged to apply! All applications must be received no later than July 1. No applications will be accepted after the deadline. Please contact Pat Wilder with any questions (

Property Update

Bathroom Remodel

The bathroom remodel is finally underway! This project has been high on the congregation’s list of facility priorities. These bathrooms were a part of the original building, done in 1970. They are not compliant with current handicap accessibility requirements and need to be redone.

Unfortunately, a small amount of asbestos was found in the wall texture, so that must be professionally removed first. It is estimated that the project will take six weeks. We ask for the congregation’s patience during this time of demolition and construction.

The entrance to the bathrooms will be flipped to the east/west hallway. To meet the handicap space needs, part of the counseling office will be needed. The janitor’s closet will be moved to the storage space across the hallway.

Special thanks go out to Art Holm, our Property Ministry chairperson, who has overseen the project. Also, thanks to our resident architects (Denny and Ryan Bloemker) for their professional help. The Ann Thompson bequest has made this project possible.

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Member Milestones

May Anniversaries

May 2 Nancy & Jim Tiff (37)

May 3 Jamie & Christopher Adams (32)

May 8 Sabrina & Bob Lee (42)

May 8 Karen & Ray Vecellio (9)

May 9 Carol & Bob Dunkel (32)

May 12 Sue & Mike Smith (46)

May 20 Connie & Jay Nelson (40)

May 21 Jane & Roger Lahman (36)

May 24 Pat & Dean Wilder (38)

May 26 Patti & Bob Ritzen (39)

May 26 Margee & Dale Smith (34)

May 28 Shirley & Howie Wayne (58)

May Birthdays

May 2 Sydney Boaz, Jean Flanagan

May 3 Laina Carlson, Kaylee Nelson, Neil Stewart

May 4 Korben Robinson

May 5 Bob Dunkel, Michelle Nelson

May 6 Carolyn Bloemker, Patricia Wilder

May 7 Beverly Coody, Virginia Postle

May 8 Robert Ritzen

May 9 Corinne Herbst

May 10 Ashlei Kee

May 13 Candace Drube

May 14 Carol Dunkel, Amy Zigler

May 16 Greg Schumann

May 17 Deanna Hebbert, Katherine Eikenberg, Melissa Lauzon, Peter Schlagel

May 18 Kathryn Loberg, Darwin Wissink

May 19 Kennar Bowman, Theo Ditillo

May 20 Justin Dirkes, Andrew Forsberg, Cody Hafner, Roger Jurgens

May 21 Trudi Boaz, Denise Lozano

May 22 Ashley Stewart

May 24 Eli Bloemker, Ashley Bostock, Alice Steinke

May 25 Jeremy Goodman, Audrey Marquardt

May 27 Jan Stoffer

May 29 Barbara Blando, Phil Goode, Morgan Rawlins, Nikki Ross

May 30 Claudia Byrne, Jacob Brunscheen, Ava James

May 31 Abigail Blevins

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!



Healing for:

Wayne Kluck, Dave Beyer, Kary Mabie, Larry Sittner, Greg Schumann, Lorie Coulson, Ruth Conrad, Gerry Cole, Sharon Kirby-Cole, Lucille Wollman, Ilene Ryan, Mary Fjeld, Dale Smith, Bob Dunkel, Georgene Gibson, Barb Blando, Scott Flanagan, Jim Ferguson, Jeremy Goodman, and our homebound members: Mike Goeke, Dottie Choun, Mary Schlagel, Inga Froyland, Doris Cotton, Ann Young, Gail Gaffney-Taylor, and Esther Tiff

Sympathy for:

Joyce Gallagher on the death of her sister Alberta on March 29, 2018 in Minnesota.

Mary Fjeld and Dale Grindeland and family of the death of Mary and Dale's brother, Prentice Grindeland on April 8, 2018 in Minot, North Dakota.

The family and friends of long–time BLC member, Harold Sorensen. Harold passed away April 11, 2018.

Thank You

Thank you so much for the care package! Sorry it took so long to get back to you. I was in Florida with my baseball team for spring break. I am enjoying Cornerstone University and decided to study biology. I look forward to worshipping back at BLC this summer!

~Andrew VanDyke

We appreciate the BLC crew preparing and serving lunch to our participants this past Sunday. Andy said everything went very well. Having a veteran volunteer group on the weekends is a HUGE relief. We are very fortunate to have your team as a partner. THANK YOU!

~Steve McLaughlin, OUR Center

THANK YOU!!! To my congregation family, you have blown me away. Thank you for all the notes, cards, gifts, and heartfelt words at my SURPRISE celebration on April 8! It has been a joy and honor walking alongside you these past 10 years, and I certainly would not have made it to 25 years in diaconal ministry without this amazing community. You have walked alongside ME as I have grown in my understanding of ministry. This staff is such a fun team to be a part of, the volunteers I get to work with model passion for meaningful ministry, and every member has touched my heart simply by being part of this place. You together have made CHURCH a fabulous place to be! Thank you for sharing this work with me. YOU ROCK!

~Deaconess Kristen

Office Helpers: Betty Bluhm, Mary Fjeld, Nancy McLeod, and Doris Slinger

Bethlehem Star – May 2018 Blessed to be a blessing!


Bethlehem Lutheran Church 1000 15th Avenue Longmont, CO 80501 Return service requested

Keep the BLC Office Up to Date Please keep the church office up to date with address, email and phone information for your family. Contact Nancy at the church office (303-776-3290, with any changes in contact information. Weekly Announcements are also available on the website. Go to, login as a Member and then go to Notes/Weekly Bulletins. Deadline for weekly announcements: The Wednesday before you want the announcement to appear in the bulletin. Submit all announcements through the Members website/Resources/ Submit to BLC news form or the BLC news email ( Deadline for the 2018 June Star: May 20. Submit all articles through the Members website/Resources/Submit to BLC news form or the BLC news email ( If you have any problems, please contact Aaron Jurkovich or Jenny Kelley.