Bequizzed Prelims (Electrifyn 2k14 KIIT University)

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Bequizzed Prelims (Electrifyn 2k14 KIIT University)


No negative marks

In built tie breakers

1. Identify the airport.

2. Identify the island from this famous


Ahu Tongariki in 1914 (Ahu is a stone platform)


Bento is a Japanese packed meal that holds different varieties of traditional Japanese

food in a box shaped container. The “simple, practical and place for everything”

concept of this Bento box served as the inspiration for a famous technology company to

design its flagship product in 1992.

Identify the company and the product.

4. Identify the Game

On March 22, 2012 as part of a

promotion for the new version of a

famous game, the Seattle’s Space

Needle was transformed into a giant


5. New Logo of ?

6. Identify the company and the service?

7. Circles of what?

First Circle (Limbo)

Second Circle (Lust)

Third Circle (Gluttony)

Fourth Circle (Greed)

Fifth Circle (Anger)

Sixth Circle (Heresy)

Seventh Circle (Violence)

Eighth Circle (Fraud)

Ninth Circle (Treachery)

QM - Devesh Pandey

8. Connect

QM - Devesh Pandey

9. The inspiration behind the “Artists” logo

in iPhone.

QM - Devesh Pandey

10. Connect.

11. Identify

Purnima is the advertising agency that has been handling brand X’s creative and

media mandate for the last 30 years and has been consistently focussing on the

value-for-money angle. Its creation has continued to echo in the drawing rooms

of middle-class Indian homes through the decades. While it stresses on the

product, it also salutes the savvy and budget-conscious Indian housewife.

It was first aired on radio in 1975, was broadcast on television in 1982. It is one of the longest running of its kind and the spot has seen very few changes since the

time it was first aired.

12. Identify

13. Identify

Algorithm to derive a phone-number from the 2003 book X:

Step 1: Create a new SMS.

Step 2: Change the mode to number mode.

Step 3: Enter the word that the organization is responsible for.

Step 4: End.

The number so gotten is the phone-number of the organization.

Identify X.

14. Connect.

15. Whose gravestone ?

16. Connect










17. Identify

Q) Who?

18. Identify

19. German scientist and philosopher Georg Christoph Lichtenberg’s

idea forms the basis for the standard size series, based on an aspect

ratio of the square root of 2. The significant advantage offered through

this system is that each entity in this series when divided into two

yields the next size. Which series is this?

20. Full form of PVR in PVR cinemas is