DISCLAIMER · Bent-over Prone Grip Row Romanian Deadlift OR Resistance Band Deadlift Push up...

Post on 07-Aug-2020

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Transcript of DISCLAIMER · Bent-over Prone Grip Row Romanian Deadlift OR Resistance Band Deadlift Push up...

DISCLAIMER Your Trainer Paige and RESOLVE Group Coaching is not medical advice and is not intended to replace the advice or attention of health-care professionals. Always consult your physician before beginning or making any changes in your diet and/or exercise program, for diagnosis and treatment of illness and injuries, and for advice regarding medications. Disclaimer: You must get your physician’s approval before making any changes to your diet and/or exercise program including every step discussed in this program. These recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to taking any advice from this program/manual or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity or supplementation. This advice is intended for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this program is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training and nutrition along with the approval of your physician. All forms of exercise and nutrition pose some inherent risks. The author advises all readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits and seek expert guidance for performing all of the exercises contained within this program. The exercises and dietary recommendations in this program are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program or making any changes. If you are taking any medication, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including any recommendations in this program. If you experience lightheadedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician immediately. Do not perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, if you have had any injuries, may have an injury, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you don’t use any information in this program, please follow your doctor’s orders. This information is intended for informational use only. Paige Kumpf will not assume any liability or be held responsible for any form of injury, personal loss or illness caused by the utilization of this information. In addition, make sure you use equipment that is properly maintained and safe. You must also have the exercises taught to you by a certified personal trainer or strength coach and have a spotter with you during exercises.

In Phase 2 of RESOLVE, we’ll continue to focus on circuits, but there will be a few changes from phase 1’s tri-sets:

At the beginning of the workout, the first 2 exercises will be focusing on strength and/or technique – the reps are lower, and rest is longer here. Note that the exercises are listed in order of progression in the Exercise Library for this section of the workout. If you’re unsure of which exercise to do, choose the easier one. If you need to progress on the second set, you can.

If you’re not ready to add a more challenging weight, focus on form. Slow it way down, and make sure your form is spot on (i.e. for a squat: hips are even, you’re sitting back, your chest is proud, you have a neutral spine, etc.)

Next you’ll move on to your circuit, which will consist of 5 exercises (the big 5) – a squatting, pulling, pushing, hinging, and ab exercise. Some will also have a 6th exercise – an additional ab exercise.

You have the option of completing a finisher after each strength workout.

The finishers are in ladder format (explained below.) For the circuits, you’ll complete one set of reps for the first exercise, rest for :15-:30, then move on to the second exercise, and so on. After the last exercise in the circuit, you’ll rest for 1-3 minutes, and then repeat two more times. Circuit training is great for fat loss, because it has such a big metabolic effect. We’ll also still be moving from lower body to upper body to core. Alternating upper and lower body movements place a metabolic demand on the body, as it shunts the blood from lower to upper extremity. This also gives the lower body time to recover while the upper body is working, and vice versa, ensuring we maximize our time in our workouts. We’ll also be constantly working at a fairly high intensity, meaning those muscles will be burning, and the heart rate will stay fairly high. In the At-Home track, we’ll make use of mostly bodyweight exercises, along with some dumbbell, stability ball, and resistance band exercises. If you don’t have access to a stability ball or resistance band, let me know and I’ll give you an alternative exercise

Below is a complete list of exercises that are included in the next two weeks’ workouts. Make sure you can complete them with proper form, and that the appropriate muscles feel the work for each movement. If an exercise feels “off,” please do not push through it. Bring it up in our Facebook group and I can help you there. Squat Variation: Bench Squat, Goblet Squat, Dumbbell Front Squat, Split Squat, Rear-foot Elevated Split Squat Seated Resistance Band Row Step Up w/ Reverse Lunge OR Offset Reverse Lunge Bent-over Prone Grip Row Romanian Deadlift OR Resistance Band Deadlift Push up variation: Incline, Hand-release, Regular, Decline, Explosive Plank – hold for :15, rest :02, repeat 2 more x’s – explanation of how Resistance band (or dumbbell) side bend Lunge Variation: Reverse Lunge, Forward lunge, Plyometric lunge Dumbbell Push Press Deadlift Variation: Dowel Romanian DL, Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift Glute Bridge Variation: Regular, Single Leg, Foot Elevated Single Leg Goblet Reverse Lunge – holding Dumbbell vertically 1-arm Couch Supported Dumbbell Row Glute-Ham Raise w/ Assistance Hips Elevated Chest Press Horizontal Leg Raise Oblique Lateral Crunch Towel pushes – omit weight plate from video Kettlebell swing – ONLY complete if you know how to with good form* Long Jump Dumbbell Clean and Press Over/unders Low Holding Squat Renegade Row Stability Ball Plank + Roll Out Stability Ball Hamstring Curl (both feet) Turkish Get Up Variation: TGU Sit Up, TGU Sit Up to Hip Extension, Turkish Get Up Offset Suitcase Squat 3 Point Row Hip Thrust Variation: Hip Thrust, Weighted Hip Thrust, Single-leg Hip Thrust Overhead Press Hand Walk Out Plank Plyometric Step Ups

Feel free to adjust to your own schedule, just make sure not to complete the strength workouts on consecutive days. On your OFF days, feel free to get some movement in restorative formats – walking, yoga, stretching, swimming, dancing, etc. Just make it something you enjoy :)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Workout A + Finisher* Conditioning

Workout B + Finisher Conditioning

Workout C + Finisher

OFF/Active Rest

OFF/Active Rest

*You’ll notice Workouts A, B, & C have finishers, which are meant to give your muscles a good burn and heart rate a good spike at the end of your workout. They are optional, but encouraged in this phase.

Before each workout you’ll need to complete a warm up. For the second two weeks, complete the Activation/Stretching Warm Up 1-2 time through, about 10 reps each. If you have access to a foam roller, it’s a good idea to roll out any sore muscles or muscles that were heavily used in your workout.

Choose a weight that’s challenging enough for you to complete the determined amount of reps with good form, but no more than 1 more after that. If you can easily crank out the determined reps, plus a few, increase weight or intensity (reps, progression, etc.) If you’re struggling to complete the determined amount of reps, decrease weight or intensity.

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1. Squat variation 3 8 :60

B2. Seated Row 3 15 :60

C1. Step up w/ Reverse Lunge/Offset Reverse Lunge

3 10 R&L :15-:30

C2. Bent-Over Prone Row 3 10 :15-:30

C3. Romanian OR Resistance Band Deadlift

3 15 :15-:30

C4. Push up variation 3 10 :15-:30

C5. Plank 3x:15 2 3x:15 :15-:30

C6. Resistance Band (or dumbbell) side bend

2 15-20 :15-:30

Complete 10 lunge variations and 1 push press, then 9 lunge variations and 2 push presses, then 8 lunge variations and 3 push presses, etc. until you meet in the middle at 5.

Exercise Reps Rest Rounds

A1. Lunge variation 10-5 As little as possible 5 A2. Push Press 1-5

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1. Deadlift variation 3 8 :60

A2. Glute bridge variation 3 15 (R&L) :15-:30

B1. Goblet Reverse Lunge - alt 3 10 R&L :15-:30

B2. 1-arm Bench Supported Row

3 8-10 R&L :15-:30

B3. Glute-Ham Raise 3 8 :15-:30

B4. Hips Elevated Chest Press 3 10-12 :15-:30

B5. Horizontal Leg Raise 3 8-10 :15-:30

B5. Oblique Lateral Hold 3 :15-:30 :15-:30

Complete 1 10 yd. push (about 10-12 steps) followed by 10 bodyweight squats. Then complete 2 10-yd pushes, followed by 9 BW squats. Then 3 pushes at 8 squats. Either stop there, or continue to 4 pushes and 7 squats if you’re a glutton for punishment ;)

Exercise Reps Rest Rounds

A1. Towel Pushes 1-3 As needed 3-4 A2. Bodyweight Squat 10-8

Option 1 – Any of the workouts from PHASE 1, or….

Option 2 – Interval Distance Workout

Distance Speed Notes

.25 mi. Walking Warm up

.3 mi. RUN Quick run

3 min. Walk Recover

.2 mi. SPRINT Quicker run

2 min. Walk Recover

.1 mi. SPRINT Fastest sprint

1 min. Walk Recover

Repeat 1-3 times, then

.25 Walking Cool Down Option 3 – Metabolic AMRAP Complete each exercise for :30, resting for :20 in between ea. one. Rest for 1-2 minutes at the bottom of the round. Complete 3-5 times through.

Exercise Time

A1. Dumbbell Swings OR Long Jump :30

A2. Dumbbell Clean and Press :30

A3.Over/Unders :30

A4. Low Holding Squat - pulses :30

A5. Renegade Rows without push up :30

A6. Stability Ball Hamstring Curl :30

A7. Stability Ball Plank + Roll Out :30 Option 4 – Any of the metabolic workouts below:

HIIT Intervals

Bodyweight Interval Workout

Exercise Sets Reps Rest

A1. Turkish Get Up 2-3 3-5 R&L :30-:60

B1. Dumbbell Swing OR Hip Hinge (Dowel RDL) technique work

3 10-15 :30-:60

C1. Offset Suitcase Squat 3 8 R&L :15-:30

C2. 3 Point Row 3 10 R&L :15-:30

C3. Hip thrust variation 3 12-15 :15-:30

C4. Overhead press 3 10 :15-:30

C5. Hand Walkout Plank 3 6 :15-:30

Complete :40 of jumping rope, and then :10 of plyo step ups. Then complete :30 of jumping rope, and :20 of plyo step ups. Continue until you complete :10 of jumping rope, and :40 of plyo step ups. Rest as needed.

Exercise Reps Rest Rounds

A1. Jump Rope :40-:10 As

needed 4

A2. Plyometric step ups OR Plyometric Lunges (Reverse lunges = low impact)
