Benghazi deck-of-cards

Post on 03-Sep-2014

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Who's who house of cards on 2012 Benghazi consulate attack.

Transcript of Benghazi deck-of-cards

Benghazi Consulate Attack 2012 – Who’s Who Deck of Cards

Spades - U.S. Government Suit (“Spades” is chosen because the “Ace of Spades” is also known as the “Death Card”: there were four Americans killed because of the U.S. Government’s incompetence). Hearts - Petraeus Affair Suit (“Hearts” is chosen for obvious reasons). (More cards and card suits added as information becomes available…) (c)2012 Acme Intelligence Agency, No Rights Reserved.

President Obama (Blamed YouTube Video)

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton (Blamed YouTube Video)

U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice (Blamed YouTube Video)

David Petraeus Cheated On Wife With Ace of Hearts (Blamed YouTube Video)

“Baghdad Bob” – Middle East Expert “There were no Al-Qaeda terrorists in Benghazi, it was a spontaneous protest of a You-Tube video.”

Ambassador Chris Stevens (Murdered)

Embassy IT – Sean Smith (Murdered)

Navy Seal – Glen Doherty (Hero – Deceased)

Navy Seal – Tyrone Woods (Hero – Deceased)

Paula Broadwell (Cheated On Husband) With King of Hearts

Jill Kelley (“Socialite”/Emailer) With Jack of Hearts

General John Allen (Emailer) With Queen of Hearts

FBI Agent Frederick W. Humphries II

(“Shirtless” Emailer) With Queen of Hearts