Ben Lockwood - Flinders Medical Centre - Implementing the National Standards in the Operating...

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Ben Lockwood delivered the presentation at the 2014 Operating Theatre Management Conference. Focusing on strategies for implementing the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards and the importance of communication to improve patient safety and clinical practice, the 2014 Operating Theatre Management Conference brought together operating room management and perioperative professionals to review current initiatives across the country. For more information about the event, please visit:

Transcript of Ben Lockwood - Flinders Medical Centre - Implementing the National Standards in the Operating...

Implementing the National

Standards in the Operating

Theatre Suite – A guide to Preparing for


Ben Lockwood Clinical Practice Consultant

Flinders Medical Centre

South Australia

Flinders Medical Centre (FMC)

> Tertiary Trauma Centre

> Part of Southern Adelaide Local Health

Network (SALHN)

2013 Accredited as a Network

> Southern Adelaide Local Health

Network (SALHN)

• FMC, RGH, NHS, GP Plus Clinic

Flinders Medical Centre

> Division of Surgery

o Sub-division Surgical &

Perioperative Medicine (SAPOM)

• Operating Theatre Suite

Network-wide quality framework

> Formation of SALHN accreditation steering


> One committee for each standard

• Executive leads

• Medical leads

• Nursing leads

> Organisational focus is imperative!

Operating Theatre Suite approach

> Mirror network-wide methodology

> Clinical leads for each standard

• 2-3 ACSCs & CNs (Level 2)

• Level 1 RN/EN engagement

• Driven by Clinical Practice Consultant

> Standard 1 led by OTS Governance group

Operating Theatre Suite approach

> Education and awareness campaign

• Regular National Standard in-services

• Driven by each lead group

• Explained what does ‘National Standards’ and

‘accreditation’ mean for ALL staff

Revision of Governance Structure

> Divisional reporting lines were strengthened

• Nursing, anaesthesia, surgery, CSSD, other depts.

> Meeting groups with clear TOR

> NSQHSS focussed Clinical Leadership


Next step… Gap Analysis

> Reviewed information packs (available online)

> Assessed each item/action

• Organisational wide?

• Operating Theatre Suite focus?

If OTS, what do we need to do?

Gap Analysis

> NSQHSS Standards Monitoring Tool

• Excel Spreadsheet

> Available online


OTS Quality Improvement Plan

> Documented presentation of the improvement

activities being undertaken within the suite

> Ongoing use post-accreditation

Quality Improvement Activities

> Policy, procedure & protocol/guideline review

and endorsement

> Auditing & Reporting

• KPI monitoring

> Risk identification & escalation

Policy, procedure & protocol

> Process of review

• Frequency, risk rating, compliance monitoring

• Policy = SA Health

• Procedure/Protocol = SALHN, FMC or OTS

• ACORN Standards

• Right input, right focus, right people

> Process of endorsement

• Right input, right focus, right people

• Locally endorsed

• FMC or SALHN endorsed

> Upload to the intranet

> Ongoing process…!

Auditing & Reporting

> Who is auditing what, when & where?

• Past audit schedules

• New requirements

> Developed comprehensive audit schedule

• NSQHSS requirements

• SA Health audits

• ACORN Standards

• SALHN or FMC audits

• OTS requirements

Auditing & Reporting

Auditing & Reporting

> Reporting aligned with meeting structure

• Reporting template created

• Actions plans formalised & communicated

What is working well?

What needs changing/improving?

Responsibilities & timeframes

• KPI monitoring

Access & capacity

Clinical performance

> Results focussed

• Accountability

• Clarity

Risk Identification & Escalation

> Risk register

• Human & material resources

• Financial

• Political or Legal

• Service delivery & clinical risks

> OTS (local) risk register

• Managed internally

• Items identified via reporting


• Items escalated as required

> Network (SALHN) risk register

• Managed network wide

Accreditation process

> Robust governance structure

> Systems in place

• Quality Improvement Plan

• Policy & Procedure review

• Auditing & Reporting

• Risk Management

> Collect our evidence for National Standards

• Items & Actions

for each standard

Accreditation process

> Clinical leads for each standard

• Reported updates at Clinical Leadership Meeting

> NSQHSS Standards Monitoring Tool

• Data input & evidence collation

The week of the survey

> Network survey activities

• Organisational meetings for each standard

> Local (OTS) survey activities

• Produced overview presentations for each standard

• Summarised our evidence

• Participated in walkthroughs

• Question & answers

• Showed off our



> Organisational approach

> Everyone must be engaged

• Educational package

• Accreditation awareness

> Review governance systems

> Quality improvement plan

• Policy, procedure, protocols

Review & endorsement processes

• Auditing, reporting and KPI monitoring

> Risk management

> Presented our work during survey/audit

Persevere… success takes effort!
