Bellator Fitness eBrochure

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Transcript of Bellator Fitness eBrochure

  • 8/9/2019 Bellator Fitness eBrochure





    BELLATORF I T N E S S____________________________


  • 8/9/2019 Bellator Fitness eBrochure


  • 8/9/2019 Bellator Fitness eBrochure



    Firstly, Bellator Fitness would like to congratulate you on taking the rst step toward

    a new you. In your hands you hold everything you need to make a drastic change towhat you see in the mirror. This programme will give you control back over what wasyours to begin with, YOUR body! Your body is the greatest instrument you will everown, over the next 6 weeks you will learn how to make it work both or you and withyou.

    SO lets get started...


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    The rst thing you will notice about theT-Diet is that it is very dierent to yourcurrent dietary habits. On the contrary,this is one o the primary reasons why itwill cause such a drastic change to yourbody.

    Beore we get into the acts and guresthat you will be ollowing, lets set a ew

    things straight about the dierencebetween your typical weight lossprogramme and the T-Diet:

    The T-Diet is a ully roundednutrition programme that will rapidlytransorm your body, no matter whatyour background.

    The T-Diet provides ve eedingsper day. You will be consuming a ewhundred calories every three hours.

    This is not a starvation diet, theT-Diet provides more calories thanyour typical commercial diet plans

    that are based on the principleo restricting energy provision tothe body, thus causing a state o

    ketosis.. The T-Diet provides more than one

    gram o the highest quality protein(provided by our partners pHd) perpound o lean body mass. Intakeo protein rich with amino acidsis essential or maintaining andbuilding muscle mass while on theprogram.

    The T-Diet provides optimal

    amounts o ber while on your diet.This substantial level o ber willencourage peristalsis (movement)o the gut and keep it in an optimalposition to absorb all the essentialnutrients you will be providing yourbody with.

    The most commonly asked question weget asked at Bellator Fitness; Wont Iget hungry on the T-Diet? The answer

    to this question is yes, you may well eelhungry during the initial transition ontothe diet. It is a weight loss diet ater


    What is the transformation diet and why should I do it?



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    all, and it will require a certain level owillpower to begin with. However wemust stress at this point that there is

    no starvation or malnourishment here,your body is provided with everythingit needs to unction optimally or everysingle day o the 6 week programme.

    By denition, a very low calorie dietwill provide the body with no morethan 800 calories. Here at Bellator wesay no. These diets cause the body togo into a state o starvation, which isnot only detrimental to health but alsodetrimental to your results. Allow us toellaborate:

    Your basal metabolic rate (BMR) is therate at which your body uses energy atrest. It is determined primarily by theamount o lean muscle mass you haverelative to your body weight. Your bodyis very intelligent...i you choose to starveit o the nutrients and energy it needs to

    unction eectively it WILL nd its energyelsewhere.

    The body will go into a state o ketosis,whereby atty acids are broken down inthe absence o glucose (sugar used asenergy in the body) and used orenergy. YES! I hear you say,this is what I want!. Let me stopyou there...yes, a state o ketosiswill cause break down o atty

    acids, however, the body willalso begin to break down proteins in thebody to provide energy or itsel. Thismeans a loss o muscle mass in the body

    and thus a drop in your BMR (the rate atwhich your body burns calories).

    O course this means once you aredone with your magic weight lossprogramme that provides you with800 calories a day and go back to yournormal diet, what happens!? Yes...thatsright...your body rightly teaches you alesson and you gain all the at you hadbeore plus more!

    The T-Diet will provide a male weighing85kg with 1,815 calories on training daysand 1,485 calories on non-training days.A emale weighing 68kg will be providedwith 1,710 calories ontraining days and1,380 calories onnon-training days.

    Your body is provided with

    everything it needs to function

    optimally for every single day

    of the 6 week programme

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    On the subject o other weight lossmethods, most i not all other weight lossdiets will also cause the body to go intoa state o ketosis (which we do not wantor reasons mentioned above!) throughother methods such as restrictingcarbohydrates. Carbohydrate intake on

    the T-Diet constitutes between 15-20percent o your total calories every day,yesthe optimal amount, you can thankus later.

    The reasoning behind this is very simple;your body needs energy in order tounction, your body derives its energyrom a sugar called glucose that comesrom carbohydrates. Glucose is storedas glycogen within muscle and your liver.Once all the storage room in the musclesand liver has been used any excessglycogen will be store as ats.

    So yes, starving yoursel ocarbohydrates will cause your body notto store at, however supplying yourbody with just enough carbohydratesto keep a healthy level o glycogen atboth a muscular and liver level will allow

    or a ar more healthier, saer and morerealistic diet that will yield even betterresults!

    Anybody that has tried a carbohydraterestricting diet will understand thehorric state o ketosis your body

    encounters as it struggles to nd energyrom ats.

    The list could go on and onso

    understand, carbohydrates are NOT evil,used correctly they are the key to yoursuccess in loosing weight and keeping itthat way!

    Our nal point on carbohydrate intakeand its eect on your body; your bodiesnumber one priority is survival. You arean animal and contrary to what yourmummy told you, you are NOT unique.Your body does not care about lookinglike a greek god or goddess, it caresabout surviving. Soyou over eed yourbody with too many carbohydrates inone sitting, it will not respond by sayingthank you very much I shall save this justincase we need it later!. On goes theat and your let asking why oh why do I

    look like this!? This is why on the T-Dietyou will be eeding 5 times a day atstaggered intervals, allowing a constant


    A ew side eects o such diets:

    Light headedness


    Impeding cardiac unction

    Uncontrollable shaking

    (neuromuscular atigue) Lack on concentration

    Decreased sex drive


    Extreme lethargy

    Interrupted sleep patterns

    Carbohydrates are NOT evil

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    stream on optimal nutrients in your bodymeaning your body will not be given theopportunity to store ats.

    Understanding these ew key principleson how your body works; combined withthe cutting edge T-Diet will put you onthe path to the body you deserve! Weguarantee it!


    The primary reason why the T-Diet hasbeen so successul as a programme isthe act that it has been shown not onlyto strip away body at at a rapid pace,but it also maintains and even buildsmuscle mass while doing so!Following the T-Diet and keeping

    to the supplements outlined in yournutrition plan causes the body to literallytransorm by the ollowing methods:

    1. Optimal intake o vitamins,mineral and micronutrients essentialto maintaining perect health2. Reduce systemic infammationassociated with exercise and ensurequicker recovery rate.

    3. Turn protein synthesis (building

    and maintenance o muscle) on to

    110% o its potential through not onlythe exercise stimulus but the nutritionprovided as well.

    4. Maintenance o blood and muscleglycogen stores to ensure the body iskept in a constant anabolic state.

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    What you are about to begin is the starto a new you. To ensure you succeed inyour Transormation diet you must ollowsome simple rules. Ignoring or skippingany o the ollowing will cause you to ailin achieving the body you deserve!

    1) Use the exact outline provided, do notcheat yoursel!2) Record, Document and discuss youprogress!

    The rst point is clear, this programmehas been developed by leading exercisephysiologists at Bellator through theapplication o extensive research intoexercise and nutrition so do both usand you a avour and ollow itword orword!

    Recording your data is essential orobvious reasons. You dont know whereyou are unless you know where youhave been! Trust us, you want to beable to look back at your measurementsand pictures and say to yourselI DIDTHAT! So this is how you record yourdata rom your programme:


    To get an accurate measurement youneed to weigh yoursel rst thing in themorning BEFORE your morning shakeand supplements. Always weight yourselwearing the same thing or nothing atall, depending on preerence and usethe same scales! Ensure you record your

    starting weight beore beginning theprogramme or your own records!

    Weigh yoursel once a week! No more,

    no less. Your body will change overthe 6 week period, not every daybecoming obsessive over your weight

    day in day out will not do you anyavours psychologically. Some morningsit may be higher than the last due tothe amount o sleep you had, waterretention, hormonal balances and soon


    Weighing yoursel doesnt tell you awhole lot about what is actually goingon with your body. In act some clients,particularly males have experiencedminimal weight loss. These individualsare the ones with the top leveltransormations, as through perectexecution o the programme they gainedmuscle and lost at in all the right places.

    For this reason, in order to see a realchange you need to take measurementsat the ollowing sights. From the topdown:






    Waist in line with your navelWaist at largest point

    Hips at largest point

    Upper Arm Let

    Upper Arm Right

    Upper Leg Let

    Upper Leg Right

    Lower Leg Let

    Lower Leg Right

    Ankle Let

    Ankle Right





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    Document these recordings on the logbook provided every week to ensure avery clear outline o what is changing in

    your body rom week to week!


    Taking photos o yoursel is nevereasy so to make it easy here is a quickguideline: Take 3; One rom the ront,

    one rom the back and one rom theside. Ensure you are standing normallyand relaxed. No exing or sucking thetummy in and ensure the lighting is

    exactly the same in both the beoreand ater pictures. Preerably, take thephotos in the same place beore and

    ater the 6 weeks.


    Tell your riends and amily about whatyou are doing and what your goals are.Research shows that individuals who areaware that others have knowledge o

    their intended goals are ar more likelyto stay on track to achieving them! Sotell the world and have them cheer youon to success!




    The diet you are about to embark on is highly personalisedor your individual needs. We have made it as easy as it couldever be to ollow and there is no need to count calories orscrutinise ood labels. We will give you your tailor mademenu plan, rom which you will see what you need toconsume and when you need to consume it.


    Keep in mind that youll have fve shakes a day, spreadevenly throughout the day or 28 days.

    Once a week you will enjoy a Solid Healthy Meal(SHM).

    Ater the initial 28 days you will transition intoeating more SHMs. Over the fnal two transitionweeks you will eat more and more SHMs.You WILL be leaner and more athletic;and you WILL have kicked your baddietary habits away.



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    As mentioned above in the overviewyou will consume one SHM each weekor the our weeks. This meal is crucialto the overall success o the programmeand must not be regarded as cheattime.

    The meal will consist o high quality leanprotein, vegetables and healthy carbs.

    The SHM should be a really simple,clean meal. Heres a ully comprehensive



    Boneless, Skinless Chicken Breast

    Tuna (water packed)

    Fish (salmon, seabass, halibut)


    Extra Lean Ground Bee or GroundRound (92-96%)

    Egg Whites or Eggs

    Ribeye Steaks or Roast

    Top Round Steaks or Roast

    Top Sirloin

    Bee Tenderloin (aka Filet, FiletMignon)

    Top Loin

    Flank Steak (Sir Fry, Fajita)

    Eye o Round (Cube Meat, StewMeat, Bottom Round , 96%LeandGround Round)

    Ground turkey, Turkey Breast Slices

    or cutlets (resh meat, not deli cuts)

    Vegetables (Fibrous carbs):

    Green Leay Lettuce (Green Lea,

    Red, Lea, Romaine)



    String Beans


    Bell Peppers

    Brussels Sprouts Cauliower



    Oatmeal (Old Fashioned or Quick


    Sweet Potatoes (Yams)

    Beans (pinto, black, kidney)

    Brown Rice




    Green or Red Pepper






    Small amount o ruit: bananas,

    apples, graperuit, peaches,

    strawberries, blueberries,

    raspberries, Lemons or Limes

    Healthy Fats:

    Natural Style Peanut Butter

    Olive Oil or Saower Oil

    Nuts (peanuts, almonds, brazil nuts,

    cashew nuts)

    Flaxseed Oil

    On the day you consume the SHM, it

    will replace one o your fve daily shakes!Dont get tempted to have the extra




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    We are always asked about portion sizeor the SHM our response is simple;dont worry about. Eat until you aresatised! You will really be surprised howquickly you eel ull when eating healthyclean oods, especially i you ollow therecommendations below.

    Thoughtful Eating

    In todays ast paced society everything

    is rushed, even meal time. In order tomaximise the changes that will occur toyour eating habits and tastes during theprogramme, and to actually enjoy theood you eat, we recommend that youpractice what we call thoughtul eating.In other words, eat your meal slowly andenjoy each mouthul o ood, ensuringthat you pay attention to the taste andtexture o each mouthul o ood.

    Now dont get me wrong, we understandthat at this stage o the programme youhavent eaten solid ood in a number odays and the temptation to devour theSHM is great, but by savouring thesemeals you will develop healthier eatinghabits in the long term.

    The Transition: Coming Off theTransformation Diet

    I you have ollowed the plan diligentlyto this point it should be plain sailingrom here on in!

    The Transition Phase prepares you andyour body or the days and weeks ater

    the programme. At this stage, you wontbe tempted to binge on crap oods asyou will have changed your eating habitsand ood preerences, not to mentionhaving control over and stabilising yourblood sugar and insulin release levels.

    You will now have a greater command oyour diet and youll notice that you eelull a lot quicker ater completing the 28day programme.

    Heres how the Transition works:

    Week One: 1 SHM per day: At this stageo the programme you can enjoy onesolid healthy meal everyday

    Week Two: 2 SHMs per day: Have twoSHMs every day, interspersed with twoor three shakes.

    Post Transition: One/Two Shake PerDay

    The nal step o the programme is tohave one/two shakes per day and to eatsolid healthy meals the rest o the timeusing the comprehensive guide above.The timing o the shake is your ownchoice.

    Many people stay in the Post-Transition

    phase permanently. Simply havingone/two healthy shakes a day ensuresadequate protein intake and also helpsto ll skipped meals.

    Optional timings or the shake are:

    For breakast i you usually skipthis meal

    At night i you still struggle withovereating at this time

    Whenever you might skip a mealbecause you are busy

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    PROGRAMMEEach training programme we provideour clients with is purposeully matchedto your nutrition programme. For thatreason you must ollow your Trainingas you will your Nutrition: WORD FORWORD.

    You will be embarking on 3 dierent


    Transormation weight trainingprogramme

    Independent Light Physical activity(ILPAs)


    Here is a run-down o how each o theseworks:

    Transformation Weight trainingprogrammes:

    You will perorm a weight trainingsession 3 times a week: Either Monday-Wednesday-Friday or Tuesday-Thursday-Saturday. These sessions are designedto or maximal maintenance o musclemass, while at the same time utilisingyour at stores. As stated earlier, the idea

    o maintaining muscle mass whilst losingweight is that you are able to maintainyour BMR and thereore keep the weighto ater the diet!

    The last thing you want to do is loosemuscle mass during a diet...instead,we are going to turn your body into anenergy burning machine!

    How to perform the trainingprogramme:

    There is one rule to stick too when

    perorming the training programme. Allexercises must be done at maximumvelocity whilst keeping good orm. I you

    are struggling with what good orm lookslike in any o your exercises, please checkout the videos on the website to ensureyour technique is sound. I you have anyurther queries please do not hesitate tocontact Bellator, one o our elite trainerswill be most happy to support you.


    The T-Circuit is a body weight circuitthat is perormed once a week, either onSaturday or Sunday, depending on howyou have ormatted your weight trainingprogramme. The idea is to reduce theamount o time it takes you to perormthis circuit every week. You will thereorebe timing yourselevery weekand keepingrecord o how

    ast you areable to do it.

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    The overall goal o the T-Circuit is toprovide you with additional at loss whilstimproving your athleticism and mobility

    during your Transormation. Remember,this is a body weight circuit so it can bedone anywhere, not just in the gym!

    You will be perorming 10 repetitions orevery exercise at maximum velocity whilemaintaining good orm.


    ILPA stands or independent lightphysical activity. Put simply ILPAs arethe movement you perorm outside othe gym. Levels o ILPA will dier romperson to person depending on liestyle.For example; working on a building sitewill have a largely dierent level o ILPArom sitting behind a desk all day.

    Making a commitment to perormingan ILPA once a day will make a huge

    dierence to your body during theprogramme.

    Gold Standard ILPA

    Although the small ILPAs you do duringyour day will make a dierent, there isa gold standard which we recommendyou perorm on a daily basis. The goldstandard ILPA is to purposeully walkor a 2-4 mile every day at an aboveaverage speed. That only constitutes30-60 minutes o your time i you walkat a pace o around 4-5mph (averagespeed or male is 3.5mph and 3mph oremales).

    An ILPA can be as simple as

    Getting o a couple o stopsearlier on the bus and walking ata aster pace than usual to work.

    Taking the stairs rather than theescalators.

    Carrying your bags rather thanrolling them along the foor.

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    Yes...this diet is not yes...

    it doesnt get normal getsoutstanding results! Sticking to the dietor the rst week will be tough going, weunderstand this. So here are some littletips to help you along your way.

    How to get rid of those cravings!

    The rst thing to recognise is that youshould be ingesting a shake every 3

    hours. Doing this will mean your bodyis never truly hungry as there willbe a constant supply o the necessarynutrients to the stomach.

    However, we understandthat you will experiencecravings on this diet asyour blood sugar levelsand hormonal releasepatterns adapt and

    change or thebetter! So what do you

    do when cravings come aknocking?

    Have a cup o green tea. Get Busy! Do something to occupy

    your mind. Youll be surprised how

    quickly your cravings pass whenyoure doing something else. Have hal shake! This doesnt count

    as an extra snack it is hal o a oneo the shakes planned or later in theday.

    Keep It Simple Silly!

    The people who achieved the resultsthey wanted stuck to the plan religiously!This diet has been tried and tested bothin the laboratory and in the eld.Those people who quit the diet hal waythrough or dont get the results theyexpected usually have tinkered with theprogramme in some way

    Remember this is the BellatorTransormation programme, i you wantthe incredible results associated with the

    programme ollow the directions. I youwant to try your own programme thatsne too but dont expect similar results!

    Master your time Master your Life!

    Master your time master your lie...this is a amous quote rom the greatphilosopher Alan Lakein, and it is aquote you will need to think about whileon the Transormation programme.The time you used to spend in the

    kitchen preparing and eating meals orin the ast ood joint ordering ood isnow available to be used however youchoose!

    Yes....This diet is not normal... doesnt get normal

    results, gets outstanding


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    It is very easy to mistake boredom orhunger especially late in the evening orat night. For this reason we recommend

    taking your ILPA in the evening, not onlydoes it relax you ater a tough day, butthe exercise also keeps you away rom

    Add some kick to the Shakes!

    While the products we supply you arenutritionally outstanding and taste great,we do understand that ater a coupleo weeks you might need a change. Atthis point you may want to experiment.Thats cool Go or it, but make sure theadditional items do not add calories tothe diet! (NO MILK).

    Here are ideas that have worked orsome people:

    Use less water, add ice and blend.

    The result is a thicker shake that can

    be eaten with a spoon. Just like ice

    cream!!! Well, sort o....

    Add your chocolate favoured shaketo hot water Hot Chocolate

    Mix and match two dierent favours

    to come up with something totally


    20 Minute Rule

    It takes roughly 20 minutes or your

    stomach to realise that it cant takeanymore ood! When this message nallyreaches the brain it is usually too late youve already eaten more than youshould have and now your stued andlethargic. I you still eel hungry aterdrinking a shake, wait or 20 minutes you will eel satised!


    Q: Should I prepare my body for thediet by gradually reducing carb intakein the weeks prior to starting the diet?

    A: This really depends on your currenteating habits. I you already eat healthyclean oods most o the time, you wontnd the transition into the diet toostressing. On the other hand, i the lasttime you saw a vegetable was when youdumped the gherkin rom your Big Macyou may want to prepare yoursel a little.

    Some people have had success bygradually lowering their carb intakeover the week prior to commencingthe programme. They eel this preparesmakes the beginning o the diet easier.

    Q: Isnt this just another one of thoseliquid starvation diets that you seeadvertised everywhere?

    A: First o there is NO starving ormalnourishment with Transormationprogramme. Hunger? Probably whenbeginning the diet, but heck it is a atloss programme.

    Heres a quick reminder as to why theTransormation programme is dierent toothers.1.You eat our to six meals every day providing a ew hundred calories everycouple o hours.2.ou consume more healthy ats while onthe programme than most people usuallydo.3.You consume more bre than theaverage UK adult.

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    Q: 449 is a lot of money, isnt it?

    A: Yes 449 is a lot o money, especially

    in todays economic environment.Remember or that ee you get all oyour supplements or the 6 weeks, whileat the same time your ood shoppingbill all but disappears! As a result youwill in act be saving money over the 6weeks o the programme; remember thatAlcohol is a banned substance or these6 weeks also, so you will be makingsavings there also.

    Q: Will I get better and faster resultsif I skip the Healthy Solid Meal?

    A: The quick and easy answer to this isNo!

    The Healthy solid meal is crucial tothe success o the diet or a number oreasons. Firstly, and trust me on this,

    during your weak moments early in theprogramme the thoughts o that solidmeal at the end o the week will helpyou to keep going. It also gives you anout i you have a crucial business andsocial event to attend. I mean, you dontwant to pull out your protein shaker inthe middle o your wedding anniversarymeal, especially i you plan on stayingtogether!

    The healthy solid meal also helps you torevitalise your taste buds. The meal willhelp you to learn to enjoy the taste ooods you once thought o as bland andboring! Grilled chicken breast anyone!

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  • 8/9/2019 Bellator Fitness eBrochure


    2010 Bellator Fitness