Being relevant in an irrelevant world mpi

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Being relevant in an irrelevant world mpi

Being Relevant In An Irrelevant World.

Tips, Tactics, & Best Practices In The Digital Age.

Who Am I To The Consumer?



Values = Relevance

Answer the consumers question – Relevance

Why do you matter to me?

Why is Social Media Important in Online Marketing?


We are driven by Wants, Needs & Desires

Because It makes you FEEL Something.

It has a LOOOOOONG Shelf Life!

Its Delivery is Instantaneous!

Its Reach is Infinite.

Its Gone MOBILE!

Why Be Social?

Social (Tactic) When hunting for NEW BUSINESS, go where the most Relevant Eyes, Ears & Potential Clients can be found. Begin by using old world marketing in the New World of Social Media.


Hounds to the Hunters

The Social Game

Hounds to the Hunters???Hunters – have often used Hounds to assist in the capture of their prize.

Social Media - is the Hound,it’s function is to – (Drive Traffic to the Website!)

Website - is the Hunter it’s function is to –(Convert Traffic to SALES!)

Playing The Game

Remember keep it - Relevant Why do you matter to me?

The Devil Is In The Details

Meeting Relevance

You’re Now In Broadcasting

Getting The Message Out

Why are Comments & Ratings Important?Relevance???

Charles Schwab Boosts Acquisition With Online Ratings & Reviews

A Focus On Transparency And Customer Acquisition Drives Early SuccessExecutive SummaryIn June 2011, the digital marketing team at Charles Schwab rolled out its Clients Speak client ratings and reviews service. To date, Charles Schwab customers have written more than 1,000 mostly positive reviews.

Ratings Matter

Consumer reviews are significantly more trusted - nearly 12 times more - than descriptions that come from manufacturers. (eMarketer, February 2010)

90% of consumers online trust recommendations from people they know; 70% trust opinions of unknown users. (Econsultancy, July 2009)

Consumers were willing to pay between 20 to 99% more for a 5-star rated product than for a 4-star rated product, depending on the product category. (comScore/Kelsey, October 2007)

Get Visitors to Testify

TripAdvisor = Reputation Management

If a social media platform is not bringing in business but still carries weight and has value, (Tactic) - utilize it as a tool.

65% of People Surveyed Stated “A management response would

sway travel decisions”

In the overall scheme, TripAdvisor provides businesses with a great venue to show off their public relations & customer service skills.

Respond to be Relevant

How to Target New Business (SEO) STEP1 Listen to the Consumer

Keyword RelevanceGoogle Keyword Tool

Cross Promotion Breeds Excitement& Relevance

Cross promote all Videos on Blog- by linking videos from YouTube Channel to Blog.

Each time you produce a new video, send a message to fans & followers on Twitter, Linked-In & Facebook.

Video Tip & Tactic

The Rise of the Tablet and the END of the PC?

12/25/12 – Christmas Day There were 17.4 million iOS and Android devices activated on Christmas Day this year. In total, more iPhones, iPads, Galaxy's, Kindle Fires and other mobile devices were activated on Dec. 25 than any other day in history, a (332 % spike!)

Record Activations

2011-14% of all travel related queries are coming from a mobile phone, compared to 4% in 2010.

Travel website traffic via the mobile web has increased by a staggering 72% in the last six months, to account for a total of 17.4% of all website traffic in the industry.

Five years ago, fewer than nine million Americans owned a smartphone. Today, nearly 110 million carry mobile devices.

Country or region

Number of mobile phones Population  % of population Last updated

 United States 327,577,529 310,866,000[8] 103.9 % June 2012[9]

That is an increase of 1,122% in 5 years!

Travelers Mobile Usage

Mobile Responsive (Adapt or DIE!)

Charles Robert Darwin, proposed the scientific theory that evolution resulted from a process that he called natural selection, stemming from the struggle for existence.

Business like nature, evolves through the processes of natural selection. Each business is faced with a choice… Adapt and embrace the shift in consumer habits, or ???? Please Don’t be a DoDo!

Adapt or Die!

A responsive design, scales media up or down proportionally, depending on the device selected and used by consumer.

Responsive = Relevant

Be Analytical (Consult Your Analytics Account)Numbers Don’t Lie!

Mobile TSUNAMI – Warning!

How Highs The Water?

Measure Twice Cut Once

Mobile Responsive – Website

Non- Mobile Responsive - Website

Relevant Content

Removed Relevant Content

Mobile Responsive – GA Mobile Traffic Overview

Non-Mobile Responsive – GA Mobile Traffic Overview

Check List To Be Relevant 1. Know Your Company Value Statement2. Choose (Relevant) Social Platforms3. Broadcast Regular (Relevant) Content4. Inspire (Relevant)Comments & Ratings5. SEO - Listen To The Consumer6. Cross Promote Video & Other Content7. The PC’s Days Are Numbered8. Mobile Responsive Relevance9. Be Analytical – Measure Twice Cut Once

Todays Takeaway