Behavior Change: More Energy Efficiency in the Office

Post on 19-Jan-2015

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Presenting ways to be more energy efficient in the office and what some of the benefits are.

Transcript of Behavior Change: More Energy Efficiency in the Office

Behavior Change: More Energy Efficiency

in the Office

By: Shelly Shinevar

Why go green?

There are some very good reasons for making your office an energy-efficient, environmentally sustainable work environment.

Some benefits to being eco-conscious:

It is a social responsibility. It gives staff a sense of

environmental pride & importance. It can reduce energy, paper & water

consumption. It makes good business sense. It improves corporate image.

Did you know?

More than ___% of the world’s largest 500 companies are now addressing global climate change in their corporate reporting.

Research has shown that businesses who demonstrate to staff their personal environmental savings are ___% more productive.

Of the total energy consumed in offices:

About 50% is used for air conditioning

20% is for office equipment 20% is for lighting

Energy Saving Tips for equipment:

Turn off your monitor if you will be away more than 30 minutes.

Check to be sure equipment if off when you leave for the day.

Think before you print. Use double-sided printing and print in batches to save energy.

Long-term: Use an energy efficient computer or a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) screen.

Energy Savings Tips for lighting:

Use natural light whenever possible.

Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent bulbs or LEDs to reduce energy use.

Switch all lighting off after hours.

Energy Savings Tips for HVAC:

Use natural ventilation and fans when possible.

Set air conditioner systems to a minimum of 24 degree Centigrade.

Close all windows & doors while air conditioners are in use.

Switch off heating and cooling after hours.

Train Your Employees

Trivia Answers

The End