Beekeeping theory disease and pests of honey bee

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Transcript of Beekeeping theory disease and pests of honey bee

Disease and pest of the honey bees

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 1

Disease of the adult honey bee

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Nosema disease


•Affected worker bees are unable to fly

•Crawler about the hive entrance

•Bees tremble on top of the frames

•Abdomen of an infected worker often swollen

•Dysentery, you see feacal spots in the hive or entrance


•Protozoa: Nosema apis or Nosema ceranaTheoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL

Andreas Reichart 2016 3

Nosema disease


•No medicines for treatment in EU

•Fumidil ( an antibiotic) not licenced in EU


•Good husbandry

•Maintaining strong colonies

•Well fed

•Young and prolific queens

•Good locationTheoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL

Andreas Reichart 2016 4

Amoeba disease• Importance:

Can lead in spring to damage, like Nosemosis is not often recognised.

• Cause:

Amboeba Malpighamoeba mellificae PRELL (Protozoe)

• Incidence:

In the malpighi tubuli, at the end of the digestive canal.

• Sympotoms:

Similar as nosemosis



Abdomen of an infected worker often swollen Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL

Andreas Reichart 2016 5

Amoeba disease

Malpighi tubuli

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Amoeba disease


•No medicine available


•Good husbandry

•Maintaining strong colonies

•Well fed

•Young and prolific queens

•Good location

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Tracheal mite (Acarine)


In former days resonsible for winter looses?

• partly by varroa‐treatment seized

• on climatic inclement locations same problems

• in same regions occur suppentily colonies with damage: USA (13 years ago), Baden

• causes unknown

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 8

Tracheal mite


Acarapisosis is the infestation of the breathing tubes (trachea)of the adult bee by the parasitic mite Acarapis woodi

• Crawler

• Feacal spots in the hive or entrance

• Shorten the lifespan of the over‐wintering bees. This may lead to ‘spring dwindling’, where the winter bees die early in the spring, meaning that the expanding brood cannot be supported sufficiently leading to the demise of the colony

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 9

Tracheal mite

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Tracheal mite

TreatmentSame varroacides effective:• formic acid• thymol

Prevention• Stronge colonies• good location (climate, pollen)• dissolve infected colonies and weak colonies• Re‐queen colonies that are susceptible to the disease

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 11

Disease of the brood

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distinction „brood damage“from healthy brood

Egg (~3 days) →larvae (~6 days) → capped phase (~12 days) → pupal stage: white eyed → red eyed →brown eyed → brown body → dark body → skinning →wings, hairs → tan colouring

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 13

This is?brood disease?healthy brood!

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 14

American foulbrood (AFB)


• Notifiable disease:

• Everybody has even a suspicion to report!• high infectious

• no self‐healing

• onset of disease associate with prohibited area and the veterinary officer determined what to do

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American foulbrood

Diagnosis: „typical“ bee location

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American foulbrood•Diagnosis: perforated and sunken cappingsStrange smell: like chocolate

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American foulbrood

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Roping, sticky larval remains when drawn out with a matchstick

Control American foulbrood

Number infected location last 20 years constant (250 – 400 in Germany)

•All infected colonies are destroyed. The first stage is to destroy the adult bees and brood combs by burning, then the hives and any appliances are sterilised by scorching with a blow lamp.

• No Antibiotic in the EU allowed!

LV Hannover Imker

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 19

European foulbrood symptoms

American foulbrood European foulbroodSmell like sauerkraut

20Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016

European foulbrood

Primär:- Melissococcus plutonius

Sekundär:- Achromobacter eurydice- Streptococcus faecalis- Bacillus alvei

Anton Imdorf, Liebefeld Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 201621

European foulbrood

•Erratic or uneven brood pattern

•Twisted larvae with creamy‐white guts visible through the body wall

•Melted down, yellowy white larvae

•An unpleasant sour odour

•Loosely‐attached brown scales

Stress supports the spread of the pathogen shortage of foodbad weather period

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016



•Adult bees usually tear down the brood cell cappings to remove the dead larvae, often noticeable on the hive floor or at the hive entrance

Disease signs

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 201623


TreatmentA good, strong healthy colony will usually be able to tolerate chalkbrood and it is not usually a serious disease. However, in smaller colonies or those under stress (for example suffering heavy varroa infestations) chalkbrood can be a problem. The best method for keeping chalkbrood to a minimum is the maintenance good strong stocks of bees, although in particularly bad cases the problem may be solved by re‐queening with a young and vigorous queen from a chalkbrood‐free colony. Choice of apiary site is also important and you should avoid damp sites.

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 24

Varroa bee pest no.1


• Nowadays responsible for dramatic losses of colonies (partly 30% a year)

• Very different distibutions in the country, in the bee colonies

• Consistend treatment leeds to less losses

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 25

„Varroa family“ in a worker cell after 11 days after capping the cell

Protonymph Deutonymph


Fresh young femal Mother mite

Adult male

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Deutsches Bienenmonitoring „DEBIMO“

Effective varroa burden to winter losses 2005 -2009

Anzahl Varroa-Milben pro 100 Bienen im Oktober








n = 3.588 Bienenvölker

From 5 mite/ 100 bees risk of winter losses increase


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Andreas Reichart 2016 28

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Varroa mite

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Drawer with varroa mite

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colony 1 colony 2

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Diagnosis with icing sugar

Quelle:ADIZ/db/IF 8/2011Fotos:Pocker; Binder-Kölhofer

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 33

Drone brood removal

oAt the beginn of the willow bloom give the frame for drone brood direct near the brood nest.

oSuccess 20-50%.o combine swarm-control with Varroa controloWax free of arrears for wax foundation

Best with 2 drone comb frames.

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 34

Drone brood removal

…ist eine rückstandsfreie, natürliche Varroamilben-Falle

…wirkt schwarmvorbeugend…dient der Wachsproduktion

Regelmäßige Drohnenbrutentnahme…

nach 14 bis 24 Tagen

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 35

Summer treatmentVarroa treatment in colonies

with brood• synthetic


danger of resistance,

thus inadequate effectiveness

• Naturally occurring substances

formic acid

60% and 85%


Apilife VAR

After the last honey harvest, or nucleus colonies without honey harvest


Thymol treatment• Alternative to a treatment with formic acid

• No effect in capped brood

• Treatment for 4 weeks, after 2 weeks new drug

• Wafers placed directly on top bars of brood nests.

• Minimum 0,5 cm distance to cover

• Keep hive entrance small, put the drawer under mesh floor

• Daytime temperatures above 15°C

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 37

Long time evaporatorNassenheider Professional Nassenheider alte Ausführung


Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 38

Nassenheider Verdunster Professional

• You need a empty box (honey super)

• You have to controll the amount of formic acid that evaporated

• Procedure:

• After the last honey harvest, check supplies of feed ( minimum need 5‐6kg )

• 1. treatment with 290 ml formic acid 60% for 14 days

• Afterwards 14 days to feed the colony. Check the natural mite fall

• Perhaps 2. treatment with 60% or 85% formic acid

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 39

Authorised varroacides

treatment of the colonies with brood

• 60%/85% Ameisensäure

• Apilife var

• Bayvarol

treatment of the colonies without brood

• Oxuvar

• Milchsäure 15%

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 40

Winter treatment

oxalic acid treatment• 3.5% acid solution in 60% sucrose trickled over combs of

bees; 2.5ml per brood comb side (5ml per seam of bees)

• Don’t use evaporated oxalic acid

Latic acid treatment

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 41

Oxalic acid

New Pests

Small hive beetle Tropilaelabs mites

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2015 42Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 42

Small hive beetle in Italy

• On September 11 2014, the Italian Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, National Reference Laboratory for Apiculture (IZSV) confirmed the first detection of the presence of Small hive beetle (SHB) in South West Italy, in the port city of Gioia Tauro.

• Untill now 1800 bee colonies destroyed

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2015 43Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 43

Lundie 1940, Schmolke 1974, Neumann & Elzen 2004

In the colonyOutside the

colonyEgg Larvae Wanderlarven


2‐6T 8‐



Small hive beetlelivecyclus

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Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 44


Eggs • hidden• as parcel• 2/3 size of the honey

bees eggs

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Small hive beetle

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 45



• 1.2cm brown‐white• 6 legs

3 pair legs

«Stachelborsten »

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Small hive beetle

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Acetic acid: depot of frames against Galleria mellonella Formic acid: In bee colony against Varroa destructor

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2015 47

Small hive beetle

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Tropilaelaps Milben

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Tropilaelaps mite

• Tropilaelaps mites are parasites of the bee brood.• original host Apis dorsata, Apis brelivigual, Apis

laboriosa (Südostasien, Iran to Neu-Guinea and up to Korea

• Life cycle probably similar Varroa destructor

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2015 49Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016 49

Small hive beetle and Tropilaelaps mite

Notifiable parasite/disease!!!!!

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Virus in honey bees

Akute paralysis virus ABPV

Chronical bee paralysis virus


Deformed wing virus DWV

Sacbrood bee virus SBV

Kaschmir bee virus KBV

Black queencell virus BQCV

Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 201651

Bee virus & varroaAkuter paralysis virus ABPV

Chronical bee paralysis virus


Deformed wing virus DWV

Sacbrood bee virus SBV

Kaschmir bee virus KBV

Black queencell virus BQCV

DWV, ABPV, SBV and KBV will be transmitted by Varroa!!! 52Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL Andreas Reichart 2016

Virus + VarroaBee virus alone hardly effects

Bee virus + varroa often dramaitcally effects

varroa mites:1. spread virus2. The can virus activate

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Prevention of diseasesby the beekeeper!

1. General hygiene

2. controll the colony strength and broodnest

3. Early spring manangement

4. Make new colonies

5. Queens: age and genetic quality

6. Summer management

7. Varroa‐Treatment

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7. Varroa-treatment: „treatment plan“

1. SpringDrone brood removal

2. SummerFormic acidThymol

3. Winter treatmentOxalic acid

4. Diagnosis!During and after the treatment!!! 55Theoretische Anfängerkurse FUAL

Andreas Reichart 2016

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• Wax moth• Green woodpeaker• Badger• Racoon• Ants• Vespa velutina• Mouse

Vespa velutina

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Villmools Merci firs nolauschteren

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