Becoming Lucky the Eleven Secrets

Post on 12-Jan-2016

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Becoming Lucky the Eleven Secrets

Transcript of Becoming Lucky the Eleven Secrets


 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  1  of  33  

   Introduction    In  this  ebook,  I’m  going  to  show  you  how  to  become  a  whole  lot  luckier.  I’m  going  to  do  that  by  showing  you  the  keys  to  becoming  lucky,  the  eleven  Secrets.      If  that  interests  you,  let’s  get  started  by  asking,  “What  is  luck?”    The  dictionary  defines  luck  as:    

“A  force  that  brings  good  fortune  or  adversity;  the  events  or  circumstances  that  operate  for  or  against  an  individual.”    

And  it  defines  lucky  as:    

“Having  good  luck;  happening  by  chance;  producing  or  resulting  in  good  by  chance.”    

When  I  talk  about  luck,  I’m  talking  about  the  ease  and  immediacy  of  seemingly  automatically  getting  what  I  want.      To  me,  being  lucky  means:    

• I  find  a  $20  bill  on  the  ground.    

• I  get  a  free  upgrade  at  a  hotel  or  on  an  airplane  that  I  haven’t  earned.    

• I  immediately  find  a  parking  space  where  none  are  supposed  to  be  available.  

 • I  have  an  empty  taxi  pull  right  up  in  front  of  me  during  a  New  York  

rainstorm  while  everyone  else  is  frantically  trying  to  get  one.    

• I  extremely  rapidly  find  my  Perfect  Partner  who  is  “practically  perfect  in  every  way.”  

 • And  otherwise  being  easily  successful,  to  an  unlikely  extent.  

 In  business,  being  lucky  means  to  me:  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  2  of  33  

 • Having  someone  who  becomes  my  next  client  change  seats  to  sit  next  to  me  

on  a  long  airplane  flight  so  I  can  sell  them  on  the  idea.    

• Having  a  friend  mention  Margaret  Thatcher’s  speech  in  the  House  of  Commons  that  triggers  me  to  write  Thatcher  a  brief  letter  quickly  resulting  in  a  major  contract.  

 • Having  an  acquaintance  mention  someone  they  know  who  quickly  becomes  

my  next  major  client.    

• Getting  right  through  to  someone  “who  can  never  be  reached  by  phone”  and,  a  week  later  receiving  $16.5  million*  from  them  to  start  a  new  venture.  

 • Deciding  to  write  an  eBook,  searching  the  web  and  instantly  finding  an  

eBook  that  tells  me  exactly  how  to  do  it  successfully,  getting  in  touch  with  one  of  the  authors  who  becomes  my  remarkably  successful  copywriter,  “magically”  connecting  with  a  well-­‐known  author  who  became  my  co-­‐author  and  4  months  later  my  eBook  becomes  an  Internet  best  seller.  

 *  -­‐  adjusted  for  inflation.    

All  of  these  are  things  that  actually  happened  to  me.  That’s  the  way  my  life  works  now.    That  isn’t  the  way  it  was  for  most  of  my  life,  however.  I  had  to  teach  myself  how  to  be  lucky.    In  this  eBook,  I  am  going  to  discuss  how  you  can  become  similarly  lucky.  So  let’s  start  looking  at  the  Secrets  of  doing  so,  the  Secrets  of  Becoming  Lucky.      

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  3  of  33  


   Secret  1:  Luck  Isn’t  Incidental  to  Success,  It  Is  An  Essential  Part  of  It      Napoleon  knew  that.  He  specifically  required  that  his  Generals  have  “proven  luck,”  a  track  record  of  being  lucky.    

"I  do  not  want  a  good  General,  I  want  a  lucky  one"  –  Napoleon    

Almost  everyone  who  is  successful  in  business,  sports  and  politics  says  that  a  good  part  of  their  success  is  due  to  luck.    For  example,  when  I  asked  him  about  his  lucky  experiences  when  getting  started,  my  friend  James  Gray,  an  independent  screenwriter,  producer  and  director  told  me:    

“When  I  was  twenty-­two,  in  my  senior  year  of  college,  I  made  a  short  film,  a  thesis  film,  which  I’m  sure  was  not  very  good,  but  it  was  what  it  was.    The  night  that  my  screening  took  place  was  a  really  balmy  and  nice  night.  A  lot  of  people  showed  up.    However,  the  night  of  my  friend’s  screening,  it  was  pouring  and  virtually  nobody  did.    The  night  that  I  had  my  screening  just  happened  to  be  a  night  when  a  specific  agent  was  there.    He  couldn’t  have  come  the  night  after  that  because  of  his  kids,  but  he  showed  up,  saw  the  movie  and  loved  it.    It’s  entirely  possible,  in  fact  probable  that  he  would  never  have  signed  me  if  my  movie  had  screened  the  next  night.    And  that’s  luck.        It’s  also  luck  that  I  got  Vanessa  Redgrave  for  my  first  movie.    There  was  a  charity  event  in  New  York  that  week,  Sarajevo  Artists  Relief  Fund  Charity,  so  she  was  going  to  be  in  New  York  anyway.    The  project,  she  sort  of  liked,  but  she  never  would  have  flown  from  London  to  do  it  because  she’d  never  heard  of  me  before.    She  liked  the  script,  she  was  there  in  New  York  for  an  eight-­day  period,  and  she  figured,  “Why  not?    I’ve  got  free  time  while  I’m  there.”    And  she  did  the  movie.    If  that  Sarajevo  Artists  Relief  Fund  hadn’t  been  that  week,  she  would  not  have  been  in  my  film.    And  yes,  her  appearance  in  the  movie  was  important.        Luck  is  incredibly  important.  People  don’t  like  to  acknowledge  luck  because  when  they  acknowledge  luck,  they  think  it  implies  a  powerlessness,  but  it  doesn’t.    It  means  only  that  you’re  putting  in  place  key  forces  that  will  enable  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  4  of  33  

the  luck  to  happen.    What’s  the  expression?    Luck  is  where  preparation  meets  opportunity.”    

James’  first  film,  “Little  Odessa”  won  the  Silver  Lion  Award  in  the  1994  Venice  Film  Festival.  He  has  been  “lucky”  enough  to  have  top  actors  and  actresses  (including  Gwyneth  Paltrow,  Joachin  Phoenix  and  Vanessa  Redgrave)  star  in  his  films.  His  current  film  (working  title  “Lowlife”)  is  a  finalist  in  the  Cannes  Film  Festival  awards  and  will  be  distributed  by  the  Weinstein  Company.    As  you  can  see,  James  clearly  recognizes  the  importance  of  luck  in  becoming  successful.  

 One  of  the  first  stories  of  being  lucky  that  I  ever  heard  was  about  Lana  Turner  who  became  one  of  the  very  top  movie  stars  when  I  was  a  kid.    

 What  actually  happened  is  that  she  was  a  16-­year-­old  high  school  student  who  cut  classes  at  Hollywood  High  and  was  sitting  in  the  Top  Hat  Café  on  Sunset  Boulevard  drinking  a  Coke.  Billy  Wilkerson,  publisher  of  the  Hollywood  Reporter,  later  recalled  how,  when  he  walked  in,  he  saw  Judy  (her  real  first  name)  and  was  struck  by  her  beauty.      He  arranged  for  the  owner  of  the  Café  to  introduce  them  and  asked  if  she  wanted  to  be  in  pictures.  She  said  she’d  need  to  ask  her  mother  and,  a  few  days  later,  they  both  visited  Wilkerson  who  introduced  them  to  Zeppo  Marx  (of  the  Marx  Brothers)  who  became  Turner’s  agent  and  the  rest  is  history.  

 That’s  how  luck  works.  “Chance”  events  combined  with  the  willingness  to  recognize  and  seize  upon  them.    Here’s  another  “lucky  movie  star”  true  story.    

Harrison  Ford  didn’t  cotton  to  school  and  didn’t  do  well  there  but  it  gave  him  a  chance  to  try  out  acting.  He  liked  it  and  was  told  by  his  acting  classmates  that  he  could  get  acting  work  in  California  so  he  drove  out  there  in  his  old  Volkswagen.    He  didn’t  do  too  well  getting  acting  jobs  and  needed  to  support  his  wife  and  two  children  so  he  taught  himself  carpentry  from  a  book  and  was  “lucky”  enough  to  get  a  job  building  a  recording  studio  for  the  Brazilian  composer  Sergio  Mendes.  He  did  a  good  job  and  was  recommended  to  others  in  the  Hollywood  community.  He  built  a  deck  for  Sally  Kellerman  (Mash)  and  worked  as  a  stagehand  for  the  rock  group,  The  Doors.  One  day,  he  was  building  a  doorway  in  a  studio  and  was  spotted  by  George  Lucas  who  was  casting  a  new  film.    

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  5  of  33  

 Ford  got  the  job,  beating  out  Nick  Nolte,  Kurt  Russell  and  Christopher  Walken.  The  movie  was  “Star  Wars”  which  became  one  of  the  most  successful  films  ever.    And  those  lucky  breaks  propelled  him  into  super  stardom.    

In  entrepreneurship,  luck  plays  a  critically  important  role.  For  example,  Michael  J.  Mauboussin  relates  the  following  in  a  Fast  Company  article:    

“One  of  the  greatest  computer  programmers  of  all  time  grew  up  near  Seattle.  He  saw  an  upstart  company,  Intel,  making  computers  on  a  chip  and  was  among  the  first  people  to  see  the  potential  of  these  so-­called  microcomputers.  He  dedicated  himself  to  writing  software  for  the  new  device  and,  by  one  account,  ‘wrote  the  software  that  set  off  the  personal  computer  revolution.’    In  the  mid-­1970s,  he  founded  a  company  to  sell  software  for  micro-­computers.  In  the  early  history  of  the  company,  “the  atmosphere  was  zany,”  and  “people  came  to  work  barefoot,  in  shorts,”  and  “anyone  in  a  suit  was  a  visitor.”  But  the  company  was  soon  highly  profitable,  and  by  1981  its  operating  system  had  a  dominant  share  of  the  market  for  personal  computers  that  used  Intel  microprocessors.    For  all  of  its  early  triumphs,  the  company’s  watershed  moment  came  when  IBM  visited  in  the  summer  of  1980  to  discuss  an  operating  system  for  its  new  PC.  After  some  negotiation,  the  two  companies  struck  a  deal.  In  August  1981,  retailers  offered  the  company’s  software  alongside  the  brand  new  IBM  PC,  and  the  company’s  fate  was  sealed.  The  rest  is  history,  as  they  say.    In  case  this  story’s  not  familiar,  here’s  the  ending.  This  pioneer  of  computer  technology  entered  a  biker  bar  in  Monterey,  California,  on  July  8,  1994,  wearing  motorcycle  leathers  and  Harley-­Davidson  patches.  What  happened  next  is  unclear,  but  he  suffered  a  traumatic  blow  to  the  head  from  either  a  fight  or  a  fall.  He  left  under  his  own  power  but  died  three  days  later  from  the  injury,  complicated  by  his  chronic  alcoholism.  He  was  fifty-­two  years  old.  He  is  buried  in  Seattle  and  has  an  etching  of  a  floppy  disk  on  his  tombstone.  His  name  is  Gary  Kildall.    You’d  be  excused  for  thinking  that  the  first  part  of  the  story  is  about  Bill  Gates,  the  multibillionaire  founder  of  Microsoft.  And  it  is  certainly  tantalizing  to  ask  whether  Gary  Kildall  could  have  been  Bill  Gates,  who  at  one  point  was  the  world’s  richest  man.  But  the  fact  is  that  Bill  Gates  made  astute  decisions  that  positioned  Microsoft  to  prevail  over  Kildall’s  company,  Digital  Research,  at  crucial  moments  in  the  development  of  the  PC  industry.  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  6  of  33  

 When  IBM  executives  first  approached  Micro-­soft  (the  original  name  of  his  firm)  about  supplying  an  operating  system  for  the  company’s  new  PC,  Gates  actually  referred  them  to  Digital  Research.  There  are  conflicting  accounts  of  what  happened  at  the  meeting,  but  it’s  fairly  clear  that  Kildall  didn’t  see  the  significance  of  the  IBM  deal  in  the  way  that  Gates  did.    IBM  struck  a  deal  with  Gates  for  a  lookalike  of  Kildall’s  product  (CP/M-­86),  the  rights  to  which  Gates  had  acquired.  Once  it  was  tweaked  for  the  IBM  PC,  Microsoft  renamed  it  PC-­DOS  and  shipped  it.  After  some  wrangling  by  Kildall,  IBM  did  agree  to  ship  CP/M-­86  as  an  alternative  operating  system.  IBM  also  set  the  prices  for  the  products.  No  operating  system  was  included  with  the  IBM  PC,  and  everyone  who  bought  a  PC  had  to  purchase  an  operating  system.  PC-­DOS  cost  $40.  CP/M-­86  cost  $240.  Guess  which  won.    But  IBM  wasn’t  the  direct  source  of  Microsoft’s  fortune.  Gates  did  cut  a  deal  with  IBM.  But  he  also  kept  the  right  to  license  PC-­DOS  to  other  companies.  When  the  market  for  IBM  PC  clones  took  off,  Microsoft  rocketed  away  from  the  competition  and  ultimately  enjoyed  a  huge  competitive  advantage.    When  asked  how  much  of  his  success  he  would  attribute  to  luck,  Gates  allowed  that  it  played  ‘an  immense  role.’...”      

Speaking  of  the  immense  role  of  luck  in  business  success,  here’s  story  related  by  Richard  Wiseman,  author  of  The  Luck  Factor,  and  confirmed  in  Warren  Buffet’s  2005  Chairman’s  Letter:    

“Barnett  Helzberg  Jr.  is  a  lucky  man.      By  1994  he  had  built  up  a  chain  of  highly  successful  jewelry  stores  with  an  annual  revenue  of  around  $300  million.  One  day  he  was  walking  past  the  Plaza  Hotel  in  New  York  when  he  heard  a  woman  call  out,  “Mr.  Buffett”  to  the  man  next  to  him.  Helzberg  wondered  whether  the  man  might  be  Warren  Buffett  –  one  of  the  most  successful  investors  in  America.      Helzberg  had  never  met  Buffett,  but  had  read  about  the  financial  criteria  that  Buffett  used  when  buying  a  company.  Helzberg  had  recently  turned  sixty,  was  thinking  of  selling  his  company,  and  realized  that  his  might  be  the  type  of  company  that  would  interest  Buffett.      Helzberg  seized  the  opportunity,  walked  over  to  the  stranger  and  introduced  himself.  The  man  did  indeed  turn  out  to  be  Warren  Buffett,  and  the  chance  meeting  proved  highly  fortuitous  because  about  a  year  later  Buffett  agreed  to  buy  Helzberg’s  chain  of  stores.  And  all  because  Helzberg  just  happened  to  be  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  7  of  33  

walking  by  as  a  woman  called  out  Buffett’s  name  on  a  street  corner  in  New  York.”    

These  are  just  a  few  of  the  types  of  stories  of  being  lucky  that  every  successful  person  I  have  ever  encountered  has  related.      

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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Secret  2:  Luck  Is  Unconsciously  Generated  Success    Most  people  think  that  luck  is  something  that  happens  to  them.  If  that’s  so,  why  are  some  people  very  lucky  and  others  very  unlucky?    Why  do  some  people  win  the  Lottery  where  the  odds  are  177  million  to  one  against  them  while  others  can’t  seem  to  get  an  economic  break,  no  matter  how  hard  they  try?  Why  do  some  people  win  the  Lottery  multiple  times  where  the  odds  against  them  are  truly  astronomical.    

Joan  R.  Ginther  of  Texas  won  the  Lottery  4  times.  The  odds  against  this  are  about  18  septillion  to  one.  But  she’s  not  the  only  one.  In  a  few  minutes  on  the  web,  I  found  3  others  who’d  done  the  same  thing.    In  fact,  in  five  minutes,  I  found  over  50  people  who  had  won  the  Lottery  multiple  times.  One  of  them  didn’t  win  big  like  the  others  I  mentioned  but  she  won  at  least  $600  in  the  Florida  Lottery  240  times  in  19  years  and  another  won  $5,000  at  least  52  times  last  year,  based  on  Florida  State  records.  

 How  do  some  people  do  this?    My  answer  is  that  they  unconsciously  set  things  up  to  create  what  they  experience,  what  they  call  their  good  luck  or  bad  luck.    That  statement  may  surprise  you  but  there’s  a  tremendous  amount  that  most  people  don’t  understand  about  luck.    But  I  do.    How  can  I  make  such  a  seemingly  outrageous  statement?    Because  I  know  how  to  teach  people  to  become  extremely  lucky.    

I  have  proof.    

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  9  of  33  

I  have  trained  over  75,000  people  around  the  world  in  becoming  very  lucky.  Initially,  only  81%  immediately  became  extremely  lucky  but  for  the  last  six  years,  99.7%  have.    During  the  past  six  years,  99.7%  of  the  participants  in  my  Super  Achiever  Coaching  Program  who  did  at  least  most  of  the  assigned  work  successfully  achieved  their  seemingly  impossible  objectives.  I  know  because  all  participants  are  required  to  submit  detailed  feedback.    Some  of  these  participants  individually  “fell  into”  hundreds  of  thousands  of  dollars,  others  “happened  to  hook  up  with”  their  perfect  romantic  partner,  still  others  defied  all  odds  by  “magically”  losing  large  amount  of  weight  without  feeling  hungry  or  struggling,  and  quite  a  few  others  “almost  instantly”  found  and  were  able  to  buy  their  dream  house,  etc.    I  call  this  being  extremely  lucky,  don’t  you?    

If  this  is  the  sort  of  luck  that  you’d  like  to  develop,  read  on.      More  About  How  Luck  Works    Have  you  ever  had  the  experience  of  losing  your  keys  in  your  very  own  home  or  office?    

You  knew  that  you  put  your  keys  down  where  you  usually  do  but  when  you  looked  there,  you  didn’t  see  them.    So  you  rushed  around  looking  for  them  but  you  didn’t  find  them.    Perhaps  you  started  wondering  whether  you  actually  had  your  keys  when  you  returned  to  your  home  or  office.  You  wondered  if  they  dropped  out  of  your  pocket  somewhere.  To  the  extent  feasible  you  looked  for  them  in  the  possible  places  but  they  weren’t  there.    You  felt  especially  pressured  because  you  were  trying  to  head  out  for  something  important.    Then,  when  it  was  too  late  to  get  there,  you  once  again  looked  where  you  usually  put  your  keys  and  they  were  right  there  all  the  time.  You  just  hadn’t  seen  them.    How  unlucky!  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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 You  didn’t  see  your  keys  because  your  Unconscious  deemed  it  unsuccessful  for  you  to  go  where  you  had  intended  so,  since  it  controls  what  you  do  and  don’t  see,  it  ensured  that  you  didn’t  see  them  until  it  was  “safe”  for  you  to  do  so.  It  has  the  absolute  power  to  make  you  blind  to  something.      

Just  think  of  the  times  when  things  went  wrong  and  you  said  to  yourself,  “Oh!  Why  didn’t  I  see  that?”  The  answer  to  your  question  is  that  your  Unconscious  made  you  blind  to  it.  

 That’s  an  example  of  how  bad  luck  works.    Good  luck  works  in  a  similar  fashion.    A  part  of  your  Unconscious  “decides”  that  it  would  be  successful  for  you  if  it  gives  you  something  and  it  causes  you  to  be  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  time  doing  the  right  thing  for  the  lucky  event  to  occur.    

For  example,  during  her  lunch  break,  Cynthia  Jay  Brennan  of  Las  Vegas  won  the  largest  slot  machine  jackpot  in  history  -­  $35  million.  It  only  took  15  minutes.      

She  was  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  time  doing  the  right  thing  to  have  good  luck.    

However,  shortly  thereafter  she  was  paralyzed  and  her  sister  was  killed  when  hit  by  a  drunken  driver  who  had  17  previous  arrests  for  drunken  driving.  

 She  was  in  the  right  place  at  the  right  time  doing  the  right  thing  to  have  bad  luck.    Why  would  her  Unconscious  possibly  decide  to  put  her  where  a  drunken  driver  would  run  into  her?    

Based  on  my  extensive  successful  experience  in  coaching  people  to  turn  their  bad  luck  into  good  luck,  I  speculate  that  a  part  of  Cynthia’s  Unconscious  “decided”  that  she  was  unworthy  of  her  initial  good  luck  and  “decided”  to  balance  the  scales.  

 Cynthia  later  said  that  the  money  she  had  won  had  helped  her  immensely  with  dealing  with  being  confined  to  a  wheelchair  as  a  result  of  the  accident.    In  a  sense,  that  balances  things  out...  or  at  least  her  Unconscious  might  “conclude”  that  was  the  case.    

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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Because  luck  is  the  result  of  unconscious  functioning  and  because,  by  definition,  you’re  not  consciously  aware  of  what  you  do  unconsciously,  it  seems  like  you  get  what  you  want  –  or,  in  the  case  of  bad  luck,  don’t  want  -­‐  without  conscious  effort.    The  usual  conclusion  is  that  it  just  happened  or  that  some  outside  force  did  it.    But  the  truth  is  that  luck  is  unconsciously  generated  success.        

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  12  of  33  

   Secret  3:  You  Have  Remarkable  Resources  to  Make  Yourself  Lucky    You  have  a  much  greater  ability  to  unconsciously  influence  your  environment  than  you  probably  realize.    Yes,  you  have  tremendously  greater  control  of  the  world  around  you  than  most  people  believe.    For  example,  you  may  be  aware  of  the  work  of  Uri  Geller,  the  Israeli  psychic  who  bent  spoons  with  his  mind.    

I  know  a  great  deal  about  Geller  because  he  and  I  were  considering  doing  a  joint  venture  to  train  people  to  function  psychically,  after  I  demonstrated  that  I  could  do  that  with  the  CEO’s  and  Leading  Groups  of  some  of  my  major  clients.    Geller  demonstrated  bending  a  spoon  that  he  later  gave  me  and  I  still  have  in  my  collection.  He  held  the  spoon  in  one  hand  and  very  gently  stroked  it  with  a  finger  of  the  other  while  he  said  to  himself,  silently,  “the  spoon  is  bending,  the  spoon  is  bending.”  And  it  did,  in  just  a  few  seconds.  

 Skeptics,  such  as  James  Randi,  claim  that  the  way  Geller  does  this  is  by  pre-­‐bending  the  spoon  repeatedly  until,  in  engineering  terms,  it  is  fatigued  –  it’s  lost  its  strength  and  can  be  easily  bent  with  one  finger.  While  that’s  a  facile  explanation  of  how  Randi,  a  magician,  might  do  that,  it’s  not  correct  in  Geller’s  case.    How  do  I  know?    Because  the  Naval  Weapons  Laboratory  (U.S.  Government)  studied  the  metallurgical  structure  of  spoons  that  Geller  had  bent.  They  concluded  that  the  spoons  could  never  been  bent  in  the  way  Randi  suggests.    

"Geller  altered  the  lattice  structure  of  a  metal  alloy  in  a  way  that  cannot  be  duplicated.  There  is  no  present  scientific  explanation  as  to  how  he  did  this."      

Eldon  Byrd,  U.S.  Naval  Surface  Weapons  Center.  (This  is  the  first  research  related  to  parapsychology  conducted  at  a  US  Government  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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facility  to  have  been  released  for  publication  by  the  US  Department  of  Defense).    

 Here’s  where  some  of  my  MIT  training  comes  in  handy.    

 When  you  bend  anything,  it  curves.  As  it  does,  the  radius  from  the  center  of  the  curve  to  the  edge  on  the  outside  of  curve  (the  outer  fiber  in  engineering  terms)  becomes  greater  than  the  radius  to  the  inner  fiber.  So  the  outer  fiber  must  stretch  while  the  inner  fiber  must  compress.    There  are  long-­established  metallurgical  tests  that  visually  show  this  effect  that  occurs  whenever  anyone  physically  bends  anything  beyond  the  elastic  limit  (the  point  where  it  distorts  rather  than  just  rebounding  when  you  let  go).    This  effect  was  entirely  absent  from  the  spoons  that  Geller  bent  mentally  so  the  researchers  at  the  Naval  Surface  Weapons  Center  concluded  that  the  spoons  could  not  have  been  bent  physically  –  despite  what  James  Randi  suggests.    

When  Geller  kept  stroking  the  spoon  after  it  bent,  it  broke  and  the  bowl  fell  to  the  ground.  Once  again,  experts  concluded  that  this  couldn’t  have  occurred  by  physically  bending  the  spoon.  

 "The  Geller  method  of  breaking  is  unlike  anything  described  in  the  (metallurgical)  literature,  from  fatigue  fractures  at-­195  degrees  to  brittle  fractures  at  +600  degrees  C."      

Prof.  John  Hasted  (Professor  of  Physics  Birkbeck  College,  University  of  London,  England)  

 Other  carefully  controlled  tests  of  Uri  Geller’s  skills  of  mentally  manipulating  the  physical  world  were  conducted  by  Stanford  Research  Institute.  In  them,  Geller  mentally  erased  parts  of  magnetic  computer  tapes.  Even  Randi  couldn’t  come  up  with  an  explanation  for  that  one,  to  my  knowledge.    What’s  more,  there  have  been  lots  of  press  reports  of  ordinary  people  mentally  bending  spoons  when  they  got  together  in  “spoon  bending”  parties.  For  example,  University  of  Arizona  Psychology  Professor  put  together  such  a  party  for  his  students,  but  in  a  scientifically  controlled  situation  and  a  number  of  them  successfully  mentally  bent  spoons.  Just  search  on  Google  under  “group  spoon  bending”  and  you’ll  get  lots  of  hits.  


 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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If  you’d  like  a  bibliography  of  some  of  the  research  on  Geller  performed  by  highly  reputable  researchers  at  major  research  institutes,  go  to:    http://www.uri-­­papers/gpap.htm  

 Even  more  interesting  is  that  when  Geller  appeared  on  television  in  the  U.K.,  demonstrating  his  mental  spoon  bending,  the  Guardian  newspaper  started  to  receive  reports  of  children  around  the  country  replicating  what  he  had  demonstrated.  So  they  published  a  request  for  verified  reports  of  this  occurring.  To  be  verified,  it  had  to  be  attested  to  by  at  least  three  adults  in  writing,  stating  that  they  had  observed  the  phenomenon.  The  Guardian  received  over  400  such  validated  reports.    

I  met  with  Geller  in  his  palatial  home  in  Redding,  outside  of  London  and  was  startled  to  see  that  his  living  room  was  furnished  with  stacked  glass  chairs  by  Salvador  Dali.  I  asked  him  how  he  afforded  that  and  he  told  me  that  he  was  then  earning  lots  of  money  by  spending  6  weeks  each  year  psychically  prospecting  for  major  mineral  and  oil  companies.  I  verified  that  he  was  then  earning  about  35  million  U.K.  Pounds  (about  $218  million  in  current  dollars)  per  year  taking  only  a  percentage  of  the  finds  he  successfully  made.      He  described  how  he  psychically  scanned  maps  for  likely  locations  and  then  flew  over  them  in  a  helicopter  to  pinpoint  them.  

 Geller  performed  his  psychic  prospecting  for  some  of  the  major  mineral  and  oil  companies  in  the  world.    Visiting  the  Solomon  Islands  for  the  opening  of  the  Zanex  Mavu  gold  mine  Philip  Rennie,  an  oil  and  mineral  engineer,  found  Uri  Geller  who  was  doing  some  psychic  prospecting  in  these  potentially  rich  islands.  Rennie  said,  

 “If  you  had  asked  who  I  thought  I  might  meet  on  a  visit  to  the  Solomon  Islands  to  look  at  gold  mining,  Uri  Geller's  name  would  not  have  been  high  on  the  list.  What  would  the  renowned  Israeli  born  psychic  powers  demonstrator,  famous  for  his  spoon  bending  act,  be  doing  in  this  sleepy  little  South  Pacific  country?    On  another  island  in  the  Solomons  group,  Malaita,  Zanex  wants  to  explore  for  both  gold  and  diamonds,  ...Uri  Geller,  after  flying  over  the  island,  supported  the  view  that  Malaita  is  prospective  for  both  gold  and  diamonds.    What,  you  ask  very  reasonably,  does  Geller  know  about  prospecting?  The  answer  is,  reportedly,  enough  to  earn  £50  million  in  the  last  5  years  from  royalties  (U.S.$  311  million  adjusted  for  inflation).  He  looks  at  maps  and  areas  and  advises  companies  where  to  drill,  charging  a  royalty  on  resultant  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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finds.  No  great  detail  is  available,  but  he  is  said  to  have  pointed  the  way  to  both  oil  and  mineral  discoveries.    Geller  abandoned  his  stage  career  of  spoon  bending,  clock  stopping  and  starting,  psychic  drawing,  etc.  but  has  found  a  niche  in  commerce.  It  was  the  late,  hardly  lightweight  Sir  Val  Duncan  of  Rio  Tinto  Zinc  (one  of  the  world’s  largest  mineral  extraction  companies)  who  is  credited  with  starting  Geller  on  his  prospecting  career.”  

 When  I  met  with  Uri  Geller  back  during  the  1980’s,  he  explained  that  it  takes  a  lot  of  energy  to  perform  such  things.  He  told  me  that  he  had  to  exercise  four  hours  per  day  to  do  continually  do  it.  

 However,  it  doesn’t  take  much  effort  to  psychically  influence  the  people  in  your  environment  –  because  it’s  an  entirely  natural  process  that  takes  place  unconsciously  and  that  anyone  can  do.    

When  I  used  to  perform  live  (rather  than  Internet-­based)  trainings  around  the  world,  I  had  my  students  perform  an  exercise  that  very  clearly  demonstrated  this.    I  asked  for  a  volunteer  who,  when  identified,  I  accompanied  to  another  room  where  I  gave  him  or  her  a  piece  of  card  stock  with  a  bold  horizontal  line  and  a  bold  vertical  line,  crossing  at  the  center  of  the  page.  The  vertical  line  was  labeled  A  at  one  end  and  B  at  the  other.  The  horizontal  line  was  labeled  C  at  one  end  and  D  at  the  other.    I  also  gave  the  volunteer  a  simple  pendulum,  a  lead  weight  at  the  end  of  a  12  inch  long  piece  of  string.  And  I  asked  her  or  him  to  center  the  weight  over  the  center  of  the  paper  and  to  say  silently  and  repeatedly  to  themself,  “The  pendulum  is  moving  for  A  to  B,  the  pendulum  is  moving  from  A  to  B...”  Every  time  I  did  this,  the  pendulum  responded  by  starting  to  move  from  A  to  B,  first  in  a  sort  of  wobbly  fashion  and  soon  in  an  absolutely  straight  line.    This  happened  because  the  volunteer’s  unconscious  mind  took  this  repeated  statement  as  an  instruction  and  “invisibly”  manipulated  his  or  her  body  to  make  the  pendulum  move  as  instructed.    Then,  while  the  volunteer  was  still  practicing  in  the  other  room,  I  took  aside  20  of  the  main  body  of  students  and  told  them  to  just  observe  the  volunteer  when  they  returned,  until  I  gave  a  signal.  At  that  point,  each  was  to  silently  repeat  to  him-­  or  herself,  “the  pendulum  is  moving  from  C  to  D,  the  pendulum  is  moving  from  C  to  D...”    

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I  next  brought  the  volunteer  back  into  the  room  where  he  demonstrated  what  I  had  told  him  to  do.  The  pendulum  moved  in  a  perfectly  straight  line  from  A  to  B  and  back.    Then  I  gave  the  signal  to  the  other  students  and  the  pendulum  started  veering  from  the  A  to  B  straight  line.  First  it  moved  in  a  elliptical  path  from  A  to  B,  then  a  circular  one,  then  an  elliptical  one  from  C  to  D  before  settling  into  a  straight  line  from  C  to  D.    You  can  try  this  yourself  with  a  group  of  friends.  You  might  all  be  quite  surprised  at  the  results  if  you  follow  my  instructions.    

Since  there  was  only  one  volunteer,  what  was  broadcast  by  the  unconscious  minds  of  the  other  twenty  swamped  his  own  instructions  to  his  Unconscious  and  the  will  of  the  mass  prevailed.    But  it  doesn’t  take  numerical  superiority  to  influence  others  in  subtle  but  effective  ways.  Usually,  it  just  takes  a  small  “psychic  nudge.”    

I  and  a  lot  of  my  coaching  students  have  fun  “creating  parking  spaces.”    In  my  coaching  program,  we  each  build  an  imaginary  mechanism  for  instantly  getting  our  unconscious  mind’s  attention  and  having  it  put  a  high  priority  on  implementing  whatever  we  instruct  it  to  do.    Using  this,  when  I’m  heading  out  to  a  movie,  a  restaurant  or  to  visit  a  friend  where  the  parking  is  difficult,  I  instruct  my  Unconscious  to  create  a  parking  space  right  in  from  of  where  I  am  heading.    Usually,  when  I  get  there,  I  not  only  observe  one  person  departing  to  leave  me  a  perfect  parking  place  but  several.    How  does  this  work?    Think  about  a  time  when  you  decided  to  leave  a  restaurant.  You  could  have  left  a  few  minutes  earlier  or  a  few  minutes  later  but  at  some  point  you  felt  it  was  right  and  left.  Usually  that  point  doesn’t  particularly  stand  out,  it  just  seems  like  the  right  time,  doesn’t  it?    As  with  the  pendulum  exercise,  if  I  send  a  signal  to  your  Unconscious  that  this  is  the  time  to  leave  and  if  it  is  within  that  acceptable  window,  you  probably  will  do  so,  right  then.    

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That’s  what  happens  when  I  or  one  of  my  students  creates  a  parking  space,  at  least  that’s  the  way  I  think  it  works.  I’ve  interviewed  a  number  of  the  people  who  pulled  out  when  I  “created  a  parking  space”  to  find  out  their  experience  and  they  all  said  something  like,  “It  suddenly  seemed  the  right  time  to  leave  so  I  got  up  and  said,  ‘Let’s  go’.”  

 Uri  Geller  didn’t  know  how  he  did  the  amazing  things  he  did  and  he  told  me  that  he  didn’t  want  to  know  because  he  was  afraid  that  knowing  would  kill  his  ability  to  do  them.  He  just  told  his  unconscious  to  bend  the  spoon  and  it  did.      Your  unconscious  also  has  remarkable  abilities  to  influence  your  world  that  it  will  use  to  make  you  very  lucky  if  you  know  how  to  tell  it  to  do  so.  

 The  bottom  line  is  that  luck  is  unconsciously  generated  success  and  your  Unconscious  has  lots  of  resources  to  effectively  implement  what  it  decides  to  do.  And  when  those  are  what  you  want  to  happen,  you’ll  probably  say,  “How  lucky.”    

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   Secret  4:  The  Basics  of  Becoming  Good-­Lucky    Conceptually,  becoming  lucky  is  pretty  simple.  But,  as  in  most  things,  the  elegance  is  in  the  details  of  implementing  these  concepts.    

“God  is  in  the  details.”    

Ludwig  Mies  van  der  Rohe    

Here,  I’ll  discuss  the  concepts.  In  subsequent  Secrets,  I’ll  get  into  the  details.    To  become  good-­‐lucky,  you  just  need  to  effectively:    

A. Tell  Your  Unconscious  What  You  Want    Write  out  what  you  want,  editing  until  it  seems  perfect.  When  it  intuitively  seems  perfect,  that’s  feedback  from  your  Unconscious  to  your  conscious  mind  that  you  are  basically  on  track.  But  if  you  have  nagging  thoughts  such  as,  “I  can’t  do  that”  or  “I  just  can’t  have  what  I  want,”  that  tells  you  that  you  have  unconscious  roadblocks  that  will  prevent  you  from  getting  what  you  want  (see  E,  below).    B. Prioritize  What  You  Told  Your  Unconscious  to  Do    Your  Unconscious  is  processing  millions  of  things  simultaneously.  Unless  you  let  it  know  that  what  you  want  should  have  a  high  priority,  it  will  get  tossed  in  the  hopper  with  all  the  rest.  That  doesn’t  mean  that  your  Unconscious  won’t  produce  the  result  you  want  but  it  certainly  sharply  reduces  the  probability  of  that  happening.  

 C. Be  Open  To  New  Experiences.  

 Lucky  people  constantly  recognize  opportunities  in  chance  encounters.  They  are  open  to  them  and  expect  them  to  happen.  They  are  relaxed  about  finding  them.  Almost  no  day  goes  by  that  I  don’t  have  a  “lucky”  experience,  although  most  of  them  have  limited  impact.  Be  open  to  and  pay  attention  to  

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what’s  going  on  around  you  as  your  Unconscious  attempts  to  give  you  what  you  are  asking  it  to  create.  

 D. Expect  That  Your  Ship  Will  Arrive  and  Carefully  Check  Whether  It  

Has.    Surprisingly  enough,  most  people  don’t  expect  and  don’t  see  the  lucky  opportunities  when  they  appear  and  their  lucky  ship  just  sales  by.  However,  lucky  people  do.    D. Give  Your  Unconscious  Appropriate  Ongoing  Feedback    If  you  want  to  learn  to  become  lucky,  you  have  to  define  what  you  mean  by  that  (by  picking  relevant  experiences)  and  give  your  Unconscious  appropriate  feedback  that  tells  it  when  it  has  done  what  you  want  and  when  it  hasn’t.    E. Resolve  Any  Roadblocks  (Self-­Defeating  Unconscious  Habit  

Patterns)  That  Prevent  You  From  Being  Lucky    Some  people  get  the  opposite  of  what  they  wish  for  because,  in  effect,  their  Unconscious  has  things  “wired  backwards.”  Others  get  nothing  or  only  a  fraction  of  what  they  want  because  their  Unconscious  “decides”  it  isn’t  appropriate  for  them  to  have  what  they  want.  If  this  is  what’s  going  on  with  you,  you’ll  have  to  resolve  these  self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit  patterns  into  self-­‐supporting  ones  before  you’ll  become  good-­‐lucky.    If  you  do  all  of  these  things  effectively,  you  will  become  a  lot  luckier.  Keep  reading  and  I’ll  tell  you  how  to  do  all  of  them.  


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   Secret  5:  It’s  Easy  To  Get  Started  Becoming  Luckier.  You  Can  Sharply  Increase  Your  Luck  By  Telling  Your  Unconscious  What  You  Want.    There  are  two  aspects  of  this:    A. Home  in  on  the  times  when  you’ve  already  been  lucky  and  ask  your  

Unconscious  to  “Do  It  Again!”    

B. Create  a  very  clear  and  precise  statement  of  what  you  want  and  ask  your  Unconscious  to  create  it.  

   Home  in  on  the  times  when  you’ve  already  been  lucky  and  ask  your  Unconscious  to  “Do  It  Again!”    It  doesn’t  matter  whether  you  come  up  with  lots  of  examples  or  just  a  few.  If  you  need  to  prime  the  pump,  ask  your  friends  to  tell  you  about  some  of  their  lucky  breaks.  You’ll  find  that  most  people  can  readily  do  that.    I’m  luckier  than  most  so  when  I  just  started  listing  my  lucky  breaks,  I  came  up  with  46  major  ones  in  5  minutes.    

For  example,  many  years  ago,  I  was  flying  from  London  to  Washington,  D.C.  and  I  noticed  a  woman  changing  seats  two  times  before  she  decided  to  sit  in  the  empty  seat  next  to  me.      We  started  chatting  and,  since  I  always  used  to  fly  First  Class  with  mostly  business  travelers,  I  asked  her  what  she  was  in.  She  told  me  she  was  an  Executive  Vice  President  of  one  of  pioneer  independent  phone  companies,  MCI.    I  asked  her  how  things  were  going  and  she  recounted  a  tale  of  woe.  That  gave  me  a  chance  to  tell  her  how  I  could  train  her  team  to  turn  her  woes  into  successes.  We  set  up  a  meeting  for  the  next  morning  to  meet  with  her  team  and  discuss  what  I  had  to  offer.    

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In  those  days,  if  you  went  to  a  business  meeting,  you  wore  a  nice  suit  and  tie.  That  didn’t  bother  me  because  I  had  several  of  those  in  my  luggage  but  British  Airways  didn’t  bring  my  luggage  with  me.  It  was  still  in  London,  as  they  quickly  determined  when  it  didn’t  show  up  on  the  baggage  carousel.    Instead  of  seeing  this  as  an  unlucky  event,  I  told  British  Airways  I  had  an  important  meeting  the  next  morning  and  that  they’d  have  to  buy  me  a  good  suit,  shirt,  shoes,  etc.  Because  I  traveled  around  the  world  monthly  in  First  on  British  Airways,  they  quickly  gave  me  a  budget  of  $1,200  so  I  went  to  Nordstroms  department  store,  found  the  right  suit,  got  it  fitted  the  same  evening,  found  a  nice  pair  of  shoes  and  showed  up  at  the  meeting  the  next  morning  properly  attired.    By  the  way,  I  got  a  major  contract  from  MCI  –  and  a  new  suit  and  pair  of  shoes  -­  out  of  those  lucky  events.  

 I’ll  bet  that  as  you  read  that,  you  remembered  at  least  one  of  your  own  lucky  breaks,  didn’t  you.  If  so,  record  it  before  you  forget.  If  not,  search  the  Internet  for  “lucky  break”  stories  and  ask  your  friends  for  further  examples,  in  order  to  prime  the  pump.  Pretty  soon,  your  Unconscious  will  get  the  point  and  start  giving  you  memories  of  your  own  lucky  breaks.    Be  sure  to  record  them.  Doing  so  will  further  prime  the  pump.    When  you’ve  got  a  list,  remember  the  first  event  on  the  list  and,  when  it  is  really  clear,  imagine  putting  that  memory  into  your  Heart  Chakra  (the  center  of  chest)  and  say  to  yourself,  “That’s  a  lucky  break.  Please  give  me  more  lucky  breaks.”    Do  this  with  each  of  the  other  examples  on  your  list.    Then,  at  the  end  of  the  day,  see  what  lucky  breaks  you  experienced  during  that  day  and  add  to  the  list.    Do  this  every  day,  winnowing  your  list  to  the  “best”  examples.      Create  a  very  clear  and  precise  statement  of  what  you  want  and  ask  your  Unconscious  to  create  it.    You  already  know  how  to  do  this.  It’s  where  all  of  those  years  in  English  classes  will  pay  off.    Translate  your  intuitive  wish  into  a  clearly  stated  written  instruction  to  your  Unconscious.    

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 First,  write  out  what  you  want,  how  you  want  to  be  lucky.    

For  example,  “I  will  find  a  parking  place  at  Joan’s  on  Third  Café  when  I  have  lunch  with  Gloria  today  at  noon.”    

Edit  that  until  it  seems  intuitively  perfect  for  you.    

As  I  read  this,  I  realized  that  I  want  the  parking  space  to  be  there  when  I  get  there  and  I  want  it  to  be  large  enough  so  other  cars  won’t  bump  into  my  Porsche.  (Those  dings  are  expensive  to  fix.)  So  I  edited  what  I  wrote  until  I  was  fully  satisfied  with  it.  (Note  that  the  changes  are  in  bold  type.)    “I  will  find  a  large  parking  space  as  soon  as  I  arrive,  right  in  front  of  Joan’s  on  Third  Café  when  I  have  lunch  with  Gloria  today  at  noon.”  

 When  what  you  have  written  seems  intuitively  and  intellectually  perfect  for  you,  imagine  placing  that  into  your  Heart  Chakra  saying  to  yourself,  “Please  make  this  happen  in  ways  that  are  for  the  highest  good  of  me  and  of  all  concerned.”  When  you’ve  done  that  you’ve  completed  this  step.      However,  if  you  have  thoughts  or  feelings  that  tell  you  that  you  won’t  get  what  you  are  asking  for,  you  are  almost  certainly  encountering  Blockers  (self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit  patterns)  that  can  stop  you  cold.  If  so,  see  Secret  10.      

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   Secret  6:  You’ve  Got  To  Get  Your  Unconscious  Mind’s  Attention  Before  It  Will  Pay  Attention  To  Your  Request.  That’s  Also  Easy.    Your  Unconscious  has  a  tremendous  number  of  things  to  do  to  keep  you  alive  and  functioning  and  it  has  a  built-­‐in  priority  that  puts  issues  dealing  with  your  survival  at  the  very  top  of  the  stack.    If  you  want  it  to  put  something  other  than  a  survival  issue  near  the  top  of  the  stack  as  well,  you’ll  have  to  do  something  to  make  that  happen.    You  already  know  how  to  do:  through  repetition,  as  you  did  when  learning  your  lines  for  a  school  play.    If  you  repeatedly  read,  or  far  better,  write  out  your  request  to  your  Unconscious,  its  priority  on  giving  you  what  you  request  will  grow  and  grow.  Functionally,  this  works  by  getting  a  part  of  your  brain  called  the  Reticular  Activating  System  (RAS)  focused  on  what  you  are  repeatedly  asking  your  Unconscious  to  give  you.    Your  RAS  is  a  part  of  your  brainstem  that  determines  whether  and,  to  what  extent,  you  are  awake  and  alert.  It  is  one  of  the  parts  that  keeps  you  focused  on  something.  You’ve  probably  observed  it  in  action.    

Let’s  say  that  you’re  like  me  and  are  considering  buying  a  new  car,  a  Porsche  Panamera.  You  may  read  about  it  in  magazines,  visit  dealerships  and  otherwise  become  quite  familiar  with  it,  repeatedly  focusing  on  it.    Pretty  soon,  because  this  action  stimulates  your  RAS,  you’ll  start  seeing  Porsche  Panameras  all  over  the  place  –  not  because  they  suddenly  become  more  populous  but  because  your  RAS  has  you  focused  on  paying  attention  to  their  distinctive  physical  characteristics  whenever  even  the  smallest  distinctive  aspect  of  them  comes  into  your  field  of  vision.    Similarly,  I  remember  a  study  perhaps  40  years  ago.  The  participants  who  repeatedly  imagined  themselves  finding  currency  on  the  sidewalk  had  a  much  higher  rate  of  doing  so  that  the  control  group.  Again,  the  key  was  stimulating  their  RAS  so  that  they  paid  particular  attention  to  anything  that  could  be  currency  as  they  walked  along,  whereas  most  people  don’t  even  look.  

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 Your  Reticular  Activating  System  is  a  mechanism  in  your  brain  that  your  Unconscious  uses  to  keep  you  focused  on  something,  a  mechanism  that  it  triggers  when  you  have  done  what’s  necessary  to  increase  its  priority  on  that  something.    

Just  remember  back  to  when  you  had  to  learn  your  lines  for  a  school  play.  Your  repeatedly  read  and,  perhaps,  said  your  lines  out  loud  until  you  reached  the  point  where,  when  you  got  the  cue,  they  just  rolled  off  your  tongue  almost  automatically.    Or  remember  learning  to  sing  a  popular  song  that  you  liked.  Through  repetition,  you  reached  the  point  where  whenever  you  heard  a  chord  of  that  song,  the  rest  of  the  song  and  the  accompanying  words  popped  into  your  conscious  mind.    

So  get  your  Unconscious  to  increase  its  priority  on  giving  you  what  you  want  by  repeatedly  reading,  or  even  better,  writing  your  request  to  it  as  well  as  asking  it  to  give  you  lucky  breaks.  When  you  do,  your  RAS  will  make  you  more  aware  of  those  lucky  chance  occurrences.    Again,  however,  if  this  repetition  triggers  feelings  or  thoughts  that  you  won’t  or  can’t  get  what  you’re  asking  for,  you’re  almost  certainly  running  into  Blockers  (self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit  patterns)  that  will  probably  stop  you  cold.  Or,  if  your  Unconscious  is  “wired  backwards,”  it  will  give  you  the  opposite  –  the  result  of  another  Blocker.    Being  Unconsciously  “wired  backwards”  was  something  that  the  researchers  at  the  Princeton  University  Engineering  Anomalies  Research  Institute  (PEAR)  found  that  some  people  repeatedly  demonstrated.    

The  Dean  of  the  Princeton  Engineering  School  set  this  Institute  up  to  find  out  why  some  people  were  “computer  jinxes”  while  others  were  not.    During  ten  years  of  research,  they  found  that,  at  an  incredibly  high  level  of  statistical  significance,  anyone  could  mentally  control  any  electronic,  mechanical  or  nuclear  device  they  tested.    As  Uri  Geller  did  when  stroking  a  spoon,  they  instructed  their  test  subjects  to  just  repeatedly  say  to  themselves,  “The  graph  is  going  up”  or  something  similar  to  the  situation...  and  the  graph  went  up.    However,  they  found  that  some  people  experienced  the  graph  going  down  when  they  told  it  to  go  up.  This  was  because  they  were  unconsciously  “wired  backwards.”  

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 Some  people  are  “wired  backwards”  in  terms  of  success  and  being  lucky.  The  more  they  try,  the  less  successful  and  less  lucky  they  become.  This  is  because  they  have  self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit  patterns  operating.  (More  about  that  in  Secret  10.)      

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   Secret  7:  Be  Open  To  New  Experiences  Because  They  Will  Include  Chances  To  Be  Lucky.    Lucky  people  constantly  recognize  opportunities  in  what  they  encounter  because  they  are  open  to  them.    

For  example,  I  was  open  to  the  MCI  Vice  President  who  bounced  around  from  one  seat  to  another  in  the  airplane  before  settling  down  next  to  me.    I  was  open  to  the  possibility  that  what  she’d  done  wasn’t  crazy  but  that  she  was  unconsciously  looking  for  me.    And  that’s  something  she  realized  had  been  the  case  after  we’d  been  working  together  for  while.    

As  related  above,  Barnett  Helzberg  Jr.  was  open  to  the  extremely  unlikely  chance  that  when  he  thought  he  heard  someone  say,  “Mr.  Buffett,”  it  was  THE  Mr.  Buffett,  the  investing  wizard  who  is  the  third  richest  person  in  the  world  and  Chairman  of  Berkshire-­‐Hathaway  –  and  who  eventually  bought  Helzberg  Diamonds  through  a  tax-­‐free  exchange  of  Berkshire-­‐Hathaway  stock.    Be  open  after  telling  your  Unconscious  what  you  want  and  great  lucky  things  can  occur.    

For  example,  I  used  to  go  out  only  with  women  who  had  only  a  particular  type  of  appearance.    However,  when  I  went  looking  for  my  Perfect  Partner,  my  Unconscious  directed  me  to  eHarmony.  There,  the  third  candidate  that  they  sent  me  didn’t  look  at  all  like  what  I  thought  I  was  looking  for.    But  there  was  a  resonance  about  what  she  had  to  say  and  the  picture  of  her  in  yellow  slickers  with  baby  penguins  exploring  her  really  intrigued  me.  So  I  opened  myself  to  something  new.    

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That  was  Gloria,  who  is  now  my  wife  and  is  “practically  perfect  in  every  way,”  only  one  of  the  thirty-­two  characteristics  I  was  seeking  in  my  Perfect  Partner.  Each  day  with  her  is  a  joy.    What  if  I  hadn’t  been  open  to  someone  who  looked  different  from  what  I  expected?  

 The  bottom  line  of  this  Secret  is  that  lucky  people  are  open  to  unlikely  chance  occurrences  that  sometimes  turn  out  to  be  lucky  breaks.  In  contrast,  unlucky  people  say  to  themselves  something  like,  “That’s  not  what  I  am  looking  for”  and  ignore  such  opportunities.      

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   Secret  8:  Expect  The  Lucky  Thing  You  Have  Requested  To  Show  Up  And  Act  On  It  When  It  Does    Lucky  people  expect  good  things  to  happen  to  them,  recognize  them  when  they  do  and  act  on  them  when  they  appear.  

 This  is  what  psychologists  call  a  “confirmation  bias”  and  everyone  else  calls  “a  self-­‐fulfilling  prophecy.”  If  you  believe  that  you  are  lucky  and  act  accordingly,  there  a  much  higher  probability  that’s  what  you’ll  get  than  if  not.    

“Luck  is  believing  you’re  lucky.”       Tennessee  Williams  

 Unlucky  people  don’t  expect  to  be  lucky  and  that’s  what  they  get.  By  the  way,  that’s  another  Blocker  in  operation.    Richard  Wiseman,  a  psychologist  at  the  University  of  Hertfordshire,  studied  a  group  of  about  400  self-­‐identified  very  lucky  and  unlucky  people  for  about  ten  years,  conducting  some  interesting  experiments.    He  found  that  the  lucky  people  consistently  encountered  and  recognized  opportunities  whereas  unlucky  people  didn’t.  In  an  article,  “The  Luck  Factor,”  Wiseman,  author  of  a  book  by  the  same  name,  related:    

“I  gave  both  lucky  and  unlucky  people  a  newspaper,  and  asked  them  to  look  through  it  and  tell  me  how  many  photographs  were  inside.  On  average,  the  unlucky  people  took  about  two  minutes  to  count  the  photographs  whereas  the  lucky  people  took  just  seconds.      Why?  Because  the  second  page  of  the  newspaper  contained  the  message  “Stop  counting  –  There  are  43  photographs  in  this  newspaper.”  This  message  took  up  half  of  the  page  and  was  written  in  type  that  was  over  two  inches  high.      It  was  staring  everyone  straight  in  the  face,  but  the  unlucky  people  tended  to  miss  it  and  the  lucky  people  tended  to  spot  it.  Just  for  fun,  I  placed  a  second  large  message  half  way  through  the  newspaper.  This  one  announced:  “Stop  

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counting,  tell  the  experimenter  you  have  seen  this  and  win  $250.”  Again,  the  unlucky  people  missed  the  opportunity  because  they  were  still  too  busy  looking  for  photographs.”    

Going  back  to  my  request  to  my  Unconscious  to  immediately  find  a  parking  space  directly  in  front  of  Joan’s  on  Third  Café,  the  occasion  was  my  very  first  in-­‐person  meeting  with  my  now-­‐wife  Gloria  after  meeting  and  communicating  with  her  through  eHarmony.    

Gloria  lived  in  the  Hollywood  Hills  area  of  Los  Angeles  and  I  lived  in  Santa  Barbara  at  the  time.  That  meant  I  had  to  drive  about  90  miles  to  meet  her.    At  the  time,  I  was  not  at  all  familiar  with  Los  Angeles  and  had  no  idea  of  what  to  expect,  assuming  I  even  found  Joan’s.  So,  before  leaving  Santa  Barbara,  I  made  my  request  of  my  Unconscious  and  set  my  GPS.  Happily,  I  arrived  five  minutes  ahead  of  the  agreed  time,  fully  expecting  my  parking  space  to  be  there,  awaiting  me.  

 As  I  was  swiftly  driving  down  Third  Street,  I  noticed  that  there  weren’t  any  open  parking  spots.  Then,  just  after  my  GPS  said  I  was  300  yards  from  my  destination,  I  saw  a  space.  But  it  was  about  900  feet  from  my  destination,  not  right  in  front  of  it  so  I  ignored  the  space  and  continued.    Sure  enough,  as  my  GPS  announced  that  I’d  arrive  at  my  destination  in  100  feet,  I  saw  someone  pulling  out  of  a  parking  space  and,  when  I  glanced  to  its  right,  I  noticed  that  it  was  right  in  front  of  Joan’s.  That’s  the  space  I  took.    If  I  hadn’t  been  expecting  to  find  what  I’d  asked  for,  I’d  probably  have  parked  900  feet  away  and  been  a  little  late  for  my  appointment  but,  expecting  to  get  what  I’d  asked  for,  I  was  just  a  little  bit  early.  And  I  think  that’s  pretty  important  on  a  first  date.    

So  ask  your  Unconscious  for  what  you  want  and  keep  your  eyes  open,  expecting  it  to  give  it  to  you.      

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   Secret  9:  Train  Your  Unconscious  To  Make  You  Lucky  By  Asking  For  What  You  Want  And  Giving  It  Appropriate  Feedback.    In  your  normal  life,  if  you’re  trying  to  learn  to  do  something  that’s  new  to  you,  you  know  how  critically  important  it  is  to  get  constructive  feedback  from  someone  who  already  knows  how  to  do  that.    The  same  is  true  for  your  Unconscious.    If  you  want  to  become  a  lot  luckier  than  you  already  are,  you  have  to  train  your  Unconscious  to  do  something  other  than  what  it’s  already  doing.    

"If  you  always  do  what  you've  always  done,  you'll  always  get  what  you've  always  got."      

Henry  Ford  (although  often  attributed  to  Tony  Robbins)    

Since  you  consciously  decide  whether  you  have  been  lucky  or  not,  your  job  is  to  clearly  show  your  Unconscious  what  you  think  is  a  lucky  break.    Here’s  an  easy  way  of  doing  that.    

• At  the  end  of  each  day,  just  before  you  go  to  sleep,  sit  down  with  a  pen  and  a  piece  of  paper  or  at  your  computer.  On  a  page  divided  vertically  in  two,  label  the  left-­‐hand  column  Successes  and  the  right  Failures.  

 • Then  review  your  day,  looking  carefully  for  any  good-­‐lucky  experiences,  

your  Successes,  and  any  failures  to  be  lucky  where  you  were  expecting  to  find  Successes,  your  Failures.  Record  all  of  each  type  in  the  appropriate  column  and  date  the  document.  

 • Starting  with  the  first  Success,  remember  that  experience.  In  your  

imagination,  using  your  skill  of  Hindsight,  make  it  even  better.  When  it  is  truly  great,  imagine  placing  it  in  your  Heart  Chakra  (the  center  of  your  chest)  and  silently  say  into  your  Heart  Chakra,  “That’s  what  I  consider  a  lucky  break.  Please  give  me  more  lucky  breaks.”  Then  take  a  deep  breath  and  exhale  sharply.  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

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 • Do  this  with  each  of  the  other  Successes  on  your  list.  

 • Next,  starting  with  the  first  Failure,  using  your  skill  of  Hindsight,  change  

that  remembered  Failure  into  an  Imaginary  Experience  of  being  lucky.  When  it  is  truly  great,  imagine  placing  it  in  your  Heart  Chakra  (the  center  of  your  chest)  and  silently  say  into  your  Heart  Chakra,  “That’s  what  I  consider  a  lucky  break.  Please  give  me  lots  of  lucky  breaks.”  Then  take  a  deep  breath  and  exhale  sharply.  

 • Repeat  this  for  each  of  the  Failures  on  your  list.  In  the  process,  you’ll,  in  

effect,  be  telling  your  Unconscious  to  “turn  lemons  into  lemonade.”    You’ll  soon  become  able  to  do  this  quite  quickly  and  will  note  that  you  get  more  lucky  breaks,  if  you  keep  your  eyes  open.      

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  32  of  33  


   Secret  10:  Turn  Unconscious  Habit-­Patterns  That  Prevent  You  From  Being  Lucky  Into  Ones  That  Will  Make  You  Lucky.    Our  unconscious  minds  run  our  lives.  They  ensure  our  blood  is  pumped  and  determine  what  we  do  and  don’t  see,  what  we  do  or  don’t  do  and  how  lucky  we  are.    They  do  this  through  a  series  of  complex  unconscious  habit-­‐patterns  such  as  you  developed  as  an  infant  that  enabled  you  to  easily  stand  up  and  walk  or  to  easily  and  pretty  automatically  drive  a  car.    Sometimes,  however,  unconscious  habit-­‐patterns  that  were  once  successful  become  unsuccessful  as  we  change  and  the  contexts  of  our  lives  change.  If  that’s  the  case,  they  turn  from  success-­‐producing  to  self-­‐defeating.    If  that’s  the  case,  you’ll  typically  become  aware  of  them  when  something  you  want  doesn’t  happen  or  when  you  seem  unable  to  do  something  –  such  as  being  lucky  in  a  particular  situation.    I  call  these  self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit-­‐patterns  Blockers  because  they  are  roadblocks  that  prevent  you  from  being  or  having  what  you  want.    If  you  have  Blockers  that  prevent  you  from  becoming  luckier,  even  when  you  do  what  I’ve  previously  described,  you  need  to  re-­‐train  your  unconscious  in  ways  that  transform  those  self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit-­‐patterns  into  self-­‐supporting  ones.    To  find  out  more  about  this,  read  Posts  6  and  7  on  my  Success  Blog:  where  I  explain  the  process.      Or  if  you  want  detailed  visual  and  audio  instructions  in  actually  resolving  those  Blockers,  read  my  eBook:  http://www.anything-­‐  where  I  tell  you  exactly  how  to  resolve  self-­‐defeating  unconscious  habit-­‐patterns  into  self-­‐supporting  ones.    When  you  do  this  with  respect  to  becoming  luckier,  you’ll  probably  be  startled  at  the  positive  impact.  

 The  Eleven  Secrets  of  Becoming  Very  Lucky    

Copyright  2013  by  Stuart  A.  Lichtman  –  www.anything-­  Page  33  of  33  


   Secret  11:  You  Can  Take  Your  Luck  To  A  Profoundly  Higher  Level  Via  Cybernetic  Transposition.    What  I  described  in  Secret  10  is  only  one  of  the  many  aspects  of  Cybernetic  Transposition.    Cybernetic  Transposition  is  the  process  of  consciously  managing  your  unconscious  mind  to  consistently  achieve  seemingly  impossible  results  that  I  first  invented  over  30  years  ago  and  have  been  improving  ever  since.      It  is  what  I  teach  in  my  Super  Achiever  Coaching  Program  that  empowers  the  participants  to  have  a  99.7%  rate  of  very  rapidly  becoming  extremely  lucky.    I  offer  three  increasingly  powerful  levels  of  training  in  the  Cybernetic  Transposition  techniques.  They  all  start  with  my  Second  Edition  eBook  system.  (Please  note  that  the  links  below  are  live.  Just  click  on  them.)    This  system  consists  of  a  396  page  main  book  in  both  print  and  Audio  Book  format,  14  “application  specific”  Bonuses  that  tell  you  how  to  apply  Cybernetic  Transposition  to  such  things  as  accomplishing  as  much  in  half  the  time  with  better  results,  easily  and  quickly  losing  weight  and  finding  your  Perfect  Partner.  It  also  includes  8  Audio  Guidance  segments  that  lead  you  through  key  Cybernetic  Transposition  processes.      To  learn  more,  go  to  http://www.anything-­‐  On  that  page  you  will  find  lots  of  information  and  a  video  in  which  I  briefly  explain  my  eBook  system.    Take  a  look  at  what  quite  a  few  users  of  my  eBook  system  and  participants  in  my  Super  Achiever  Coaching  Program  have  to  say  about  their  successes  resulting  from  applying  what  I  teach:­‐stories.pdf.    These  resources  will  empower  you  to  become  far  luckier  if  you  employ  them,  so  lucky  that  you  will  probably  be  astounded.  I  offer  a  100%  satisfaction  guarantee  so  you  can  try  them  with  absolutely  no  risk.  Don’t  delay  taking  action.  Visit  the  site  right  now  and  get  started:  to  http://www.anything-­‐