Because I Am a Girl Passport

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Becaise i am a girl

Transcript of Because I Am a Girl Passport


Welcome to Because I am a Girl’s Passport! Let us take you on a jouney that can help you see how you can change the world!

Let’s start with our Manifesto. And at the end we’re going to ask you to write your very own manifesto.

Because I am a Girl ManifestoBecause I am a Girl… I watch my brothers go to school while I stay home. I eat if there’s food left over when everyone is done. I am the poorest of the poor. And Yet… I will share what I know. I am the heart of my community. I will pull my family out of poverty if you give me the chance. I will take what you invest in me and uplift everyone around me.Because I am a Girl, I can change the world.

Place a picture of yourself here for your passport photo.






Place of birth:



Being a girlmatters. Have you ever thought about:

How girls around the world live?

Where they go to school?

How they spend their time?

What they think about their future?




All around the world girls are treated differently and face certain obstacles just because they’re girls.

For example, did you know that in the poorest countries of the world, girls are denied access to their rights, such as attending school?

Despite the challenges girls face, they also have amazing potential to create change and influence the lives of those around them. When girls are healthy, educated and know their rights, they can change the world!

As a girl in Canada, you have the power to make real change for girls and women in developing countries. Girls are the answer, and so are you.


How many things can you think of that everyone needs?


Where are you headed? Education

My favorite subject is:

I love learning about:


I am always using my:

My favorite way to communicate using technology

is with:


My favorite place to travel to is:

One day, I will go to:


Where is she headed? Education “I would really like to go to school one day and be like the other girls in their school uniforms. I know if I go to school, one day I will be able to help my family as I will get a good job that pays well.” Sofia, 13, Tanzania

Technology “I’m interested in technology, multimedia – the business. I love entertainment, music, I’m meeting new people. In school I was exposed to media, the web, the internet...I loved it, that’s where I could connect with my friends.” Tibusiso, 18, Swaziland

Travel “When I was 10 years old, I began working with a woman in Dhaka. Her business was to take women and children from the village and place them in people’s homes in Dhaka as domestic help. I work from 6 in the morning until 11 at night.” Fatima, 13, Bangladesh


Where are you headed?


I see my friends ______ times a week.

My friends and I like to:


I have ______ brothers and ______ sisters.

I am responsible for this chore:

The best thing about my family is:


When I grow up I want to be a:

At university/college I want to study:


Where is she headed? Friends “No time for friends. When I come back from working I have to cook the dinner. My brothers watch TV. So I listen and watch stuff while I’m cooking or cleaning when I get a chance. I wake up at 5am every morning to get everything ready before leaving for work.” Laxmi, 18, India

Family “The boys in my family don’t do much of the housework. I do most of it and as I am the only girl in my family it’s expected of me.” Mariana, 16, Timor-Leste

Career “When I grow up I want to be a famous businesswoman so I can change my country.” Heba, 18, Egypt

Because I am a Girl, I’m curious about the kind of person I can be!Think about some of the amazing things in your life and the best qualities that you have. Ask yourself a few questions to think about what’s important to you.

• What are your top three goals?

• What are your plans to achieve them?

• What is the one thing you’d most like to change in your community? Country? The world?

• Do you think it takes a lot of effort to make a difference?

• Has anybody ever helped you? What did they do and how did it affect you?

• Have you ever helped anybody? What did you do to help and what impact do you think your actions had?

• What’s the nicest thing someone ever said to you?

• What makes you happy?

• What are you scared of?

• Who is the girl or woman you most admire?

• Now imagine you can time travel ten years into the future. Where do you plan to be? How will you get there?



It may not seem like a lot, but even just thinking about what it means to be a girl, to be you, means you’ve taken a big step toward helping girls worldwide. If you could change a girl’s life and help her get closer to her goals – would you? In the space below, jot down some of your thoughts.

Because I am a Girl, I’m curious about the world and other people!Interview a girl or woman you admire about her life. You can ask questions and make notes on paper or, with her permission, even videotape the interview. It can be someone your own age, someone older, or even an adult. Maybe it’s someone you know well, like your grandmother or sister, or maybe it’s your neighbour, coach or a local business owner.

Use some of these questions or come up with your own!

What is your favourite childhood memory?

Who is someone you look up to and admire?

What was your dream when you were my age? Did you achieve it?

What is something that frightened or worried you when you were my age? How did you overcome it?

How has being a girl shaped your life?

What would you like to tell girls around the world?



Taking the time to talk with someone you look up to can help you make decisions in your own life and achieve your dreams. There’s probably someone who looks up to you too!

Girls have an impact on the people around them. They build strong relationships and pass on what they learn. That’s why investing in girls can help an entire community!

In the space below describe the person you spoke with and why you think she’s special.


Express yourself!Part of spreading the message about girls’ rights is letting people know what it’s like to be a girl in different parts of the world.

This is a wordle created by the Because I am a Girl blogger, Kate. She was thinking about everything she connects to being a girl.











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Come up with a wordle of your own! Think about what being a girl means to you. The most important words should be the biggest.


Create another wordle about what you hope to accomplish in your life. Remember the shape of the wordle can be anything you want!


Work together with a friend to create a wordle on how you would like to improve your school, your community or your world.


Complete these thoughts:Now that you’ve been thinking about what it’s like to be a girl in Canada and a girl in a developing country, how would you finish these sentences? Because I am a Girl, I can

Because I am a Girl, other people

Because I am a Girl, I have the right to

As a girl, I know

As a girl, I will

Because I am a Girl

QuizNow that you’ve been thinking and learning about girls around the world, try this quiz and see how you do!



Answer #1: e (All of the above)

In the developing world, microfinance is about lending small sums of money to people to build businesses. This helps them learn how to manage money which can lead to a better life for their families, children and entire communities.

1. You want to set up a Pink LemonAid stand on your street, so your mom or dad loans you money to buy the lemonade and paper cups. Your activity is an example of:

a. Knowing how to manage money

b. Skills that help you in life

c. Borrowing a small amount of money

d. Training that will help you get a job

e. All of the above


2. In some parts of the developing world, boys go to school but girls are expected to help fetch water, work in the home and take care of their siblings. This is:

a. Ok because it’s part of their tradition

b. Unequal treatment of boys and girls

c. Way better than school

d. A good way for girls to earn money

Answer #2: b

If you answered b. you’re right. It’s gender inequality and it’s wrong. Girls shouldn’t miss out on opportunities like getting an education just because they’re girls.


3. Girls are three times more likely than boys to not have enough food and be malnourished.



Answer #3: True

Unfortunately this is true. And it’s not because they’re picky eaters, it’s because there often isn’t enough food to feed a family and the boys and men get to eat first. Sometimes girls only get to eat if there’s something left over.


4. What’s the leading cause of death for girls aged 15 –19 worldwide, according to the World Health Organization?

a. Starvation

b. Car accidents

c. Pregnancy complications

d. The flu

Answer #4: c

It may seem unlikely, but because many girls get married very young, don’t have much access to medicine and doctors, and get treated unfairly, c is the correct answer.


5. Where do you think you’ll be when you’re 21?

a. Married and having my third child

b. Working as a servant or selling things in a market

c. Hungry and poor

d. Studying, learning and meeting new people

Answer #5: d

D might seem obvious to you but a, b, or c are most likely for millions of girls in the developing world whose options are limited by poverty, and a lack of education and healthcare. If you answered d, your future is boundless – and that includes making the world a better place for everyone.


6. Some friends are organizing a charity car wash and ask you to help. You:

a. Wonder what’s in it for you

b. Make posters, send emails and vow to wash the most cars

c. Think it’s a dumb idea since people can just use automatic car washes

d. Decline and promise you’ll be available another time

Answer #6: b

If you answered b, you are a rare and generous person. If your answer was a or d, well, it’s hard to know what you’ll get from being involved in a community or fundraising event if you don’t participate. And if you answered c, don’t you want to help change people’s habits for a good cause?


7. It might seem like money never stretches far enough but for every dollar spent on development projects in countries around the world, how much is going to programs for girls?

a. 50 cents

b. Less than two cents

c. 25 cents

d. One dollar

Answer #7: b

It may seem crazy, but the answer is b. Less than two cents for every dollar put toward international development is used for programs that improve the lives of girls and women. That’s one reason Plan Canada launched the Because I am a Girl initiative to build awareness around the world about the need to treat girls and boys equally.


8. According to research by the World Bank, what can increase a girl’s eventual income by 10 to 20 per cent and help break the cycle of poverty?

a. Marrying someone rich

b. Moving to a different country

c. More education

d. Dropping out of school to get a job

Answer #8: c

The answer is c. Every extra year of education that a girl gets will help her earn more money later on. Sometimes families who are living in poverty think that it is better for their daughter to stop going to school and get a job but really she will be able to help her family more by staying in school and getting a better job when she graduates.


Answer #9: a

More girls under the age of 16 are involved in domestic work, like cooking and cleaning, than any other kind of work so the answer is a. Sometimes families send their daughters far away to work in someone else’s home so that they can earn money to send back to their families.

9. According to the International Labour Organization, about 215 million children worldwide work and more than half are involved in the worst forms of child labour, which includes dangerous and illegal work. Girls are most often involved in what type of work?

a. Cooking and cleaning in someone else’s house

b. Working in a factory

c. Construction work

d. Office work


10. True or false: Because I am a girl, I can have a huge impact on the world and the lives of girls, boys, women and men around the world.



Answer #10: True!

True! You’ve already proven how amazing you are by doing this quiz. Now imagine all the other incredible things you can do.


Taking actionAre you ready to do something to help girls around the world? You can join Plan Canada and be part of the Because I am a Girl movement.

Plan works with communities all around the world to improve the lives of all children, but we understand that girls face unique barriers and challenges even though they are the key to reducing poverty for children, families, communities and countries.

We run programs to help girls have the same opportunities as boys when it comes to education, healthcare, independence, protection and having a voice in their community.

These programs include things like:

• Scholarships to send girls to school

• Girls’ toilets and dormitories at schools

• Training in money management and life skills like teamwork and decision-making

• Medicine and check-ups to keep them healthy

• Training to help them get jobs.


Girls in Canada are taking action!

Across the country girls like you are:

• Organizing fundraisers, like Pink LemonAid stands, for girl-focused programs around the world

• Starting Because I am a Girl clubs in their schools to learn about how different issues affect girls in Canada and in developing countries

• Spreading the word about girls’ rights and Plan’s Because I am a Girl initiative to their friends and family.

Day of the Girl In fact, because people like you are speaking out for girls’ rights, the United Nations recently made October 11 a special international day just for girls!

Having a day for girls is a powerful way to draw attention to the needs and rights of girls and to call for more action to help girls be safe, educated and healthy.

What will you do on October 11 to help make the world a better place for girls?



What could you do to help change the world for girls? Come up with three ideas and write them below.






If you’re into writing, why not compose a song or poem about what it means to be a girl?


If drawing or painting is more your speed, transform your powerful words into imagery.

My Manifesto: Because I am a Girl...


And yet...


Are you ready to take action for girls around the world?

Join the movement now!
