Beartooth Nature Center

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Beartooth Nature Center. Problem. 1. The Beartooth Nature Center is unknown to its target audience in terms of both its existence and its mission. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Beartooth Nature Center

Beartooth Nature Center

1. The Beartooth Nature Center is unknown to its target audience in terms of both its existence and its mission.

2. The Beartooth Nature Center needs to identify the benefits for its target audiences to visit, care about, be involved, and continuously support its mission.

3. The Beartooth Nature Center has limited resources and thus must clearly identify its target audiences with the most growth opportunity.


Gender and Society's Gender and it's effect on two animal rights campaigns•Deals with Gender. When a campaign is

gender specific it runs the risk of losing part of its target market. In this case, one campaign was successful while the other did not adhere to the gender  principle and failed.

The marketing strategy focuses on the residents that live in the county. There may be some environmental

issues in the area, and if the Nature Center can act as a spearhead to

develop and disseminate environmental information to the

public, including local schools, the local people may become more aware of the Nature Center and

support what it's doing.

Secondary Research

The Arctic Refuge Defense Campaign

• Reasons for Success• Helped bring awareness to the community about that the climate crisis

• This can help to bolster support for local greenhouse gas reduction measures and build the national mandate for strong federal action immediately

• Talked about how the animals would be affected

Chesapeake Bay Stewardship Program

• Reasons for Success

• Hot community topic• Went directly to the community and explained the importance of keeping the water way clean

• Focus area wasn’t over whelming

• Researched the Community before campaigning

• They have an established Non-profit organization Friends of the Occoquan

• Knew demographics

Chip Hold Nature Center

• Reason for Success • Hired professional staff

• Used college interns and volunteers to augment programming and instruction

• Secured funding for personnel services

• Developed programming in partnership with schools

• Developed marketing strategies for the four county target service area

• Developed public and private partnerships

Secondary Research Cont.

Awareness Study: Team Wilkinson 151% of respondents aware of BNC.60% say featured animals are primary reason

they visit 60% will visit for more than once60% want updated exhibits to keep interested70% will visit while in Red Lodge25% will make it a primary destination33% are aware of its mission85% think it is a benefit to children


Team Van Maren 1The Beartooth Nature Center needs to identify

the benefits for its end user target audiences to visit, care about, be involved, and continuously support its mission.

1. 62.1% of 30 respondents are willing to travel 1-60 miles to arrive at the zoo.

• 37.9% - “Most definitely”would visit• 40% were aware


Team Wilkinson 2The Beartooth Nature Center needs to identify the

benefits for its Donor target audiences to visit, care about, be involved, and continuously support its mission.

1. Quantitative Survey 2. Sample size of 5000 from Donor list3. Research Instrument approved4. Analysis in Spring 2011

ObjectivesFind out motivation of donors.Find intrinsic and extrinsic incentives


Team Van Maren 2The Beartooth Nature Center has limited

resources and thus must clearly identify its target audiences with the most growth opportunity.

Current visitors are mainly women with families 90% Female 8 people that accompanied were 41 years old or older 7 people that accompanied were 5 years old or younger

Almost all visitors were tourist rather than residents Only 2 respondents from Montana(Red Lodge, Sidney)

5 people heard through friends or family100% of respondents personally enjoyed viewing the

animals the most


Overall research conclusions1. Overall area residents have a lower awareness

(40%) level than familie (50%). Unless there are groups attending, the primary visitors to BNC are tourists from out of state as guests of their Red Lodge friends. This means there is a greater opportunity for an increase in visitors from residents. Also residents bring tourists as guests and create a base a repeat customers as well as donors.

2. Families and schools will provide the majority of the visitors as 86% of the people surveyed agreed that children would benefit from visiting The Center.

3. According to the data collected a billboard would not be the best option for the Beartooth Nature Center to increase it’s awareness.

Overall research conclusions Cont.1. TV ads or using the internet to promote its

business is the best option for the Beartooth Nature Center.

2. The majority of the people surveyed (77%) were either neutral or unaware of The Centers’ mission meaning it doesn’t need to re-focus its mission but make it more well-known.

3. 61% of the people surveyed agreed that feature animals are typically the reason they are interested in visiting a zoo while only 9% disagreed.

• Strengths• Community support• Logo, Website• Open daily all year • Low-cost and tax deductable• Good location, close to Yellowstone• Most inclusive native wildlife facility in the

regionWeaknesses Out grown current facilityAnimal turnover FundingUnhealthy on a landfill They don’t have a main attraction animalE.g. the tiger at Montana ZooAdvertisingNot publicized enoughNot enough signs to easily attract people driving throughLocation isn’t well known•

Strengths and Weaknesses Overview

Good relationship with outside competitors/businesses

Community support

Good story

Land free and clear to use

Great web design and information

‘Going green’

Education building on site with instructors

Open daily all year

Strengths Cont.

• 19,000 total Students• Elementary- 22 Schools• Middle School- 7 Schools• High school- 4 Schools

School District

• Highway 212 Billings to Red Lodge- 356,000 vehicles last year

• Beartooth Rally- 10,000 total visitors• Red Lodge Ski- 110,000 total visitors• Red Lodge Iron Horse and Parade- 90,000 total


Regional Tourism

• Yellowstone County- 129,352• Other Counties- 30,350• Big Area Events- 300,000• Zoo Visitors- 70,000

Area Population/

Large Events

Key Opportunities

•Wild at Heart•Feast for the Beast•Howl at the MoonEvents

•Pet Smart•Veterinarians•Kenmark (Fox)•Yellowstone Valley Woman’s Magazine•Harley Davidson•Pierce


•Tourism Infrastructure Investment Program (TIIP)•Environmental Education Grants Program•Montana Legacy Project (preserving Montana land) Increased access to public landGrants

Key Opportunities Cont.


Competition for


Economic Downturn

Competition of


Threats Overview


Not Primary Destination

Location is hidden

BNC may be too inconsistent with main




Elementary Schools

Cost of Field Trips

Logistics of Planning a Field Trip

Acquiring Chaperones

Fitting into the Curriculum

Montana Fair, Zoo Visitors

(370,000)More Exotic Animals at

the Zoo

Larger Facility at the Zoo

More Activities to do in the Billings area

Fair usually takes up a full day

Additional Traveling to BNC

Threats by Target Market


Limited Donation Pool

Donors/Sponsors would rather donate to businesses that are more

visible to the public

Donors/Sponsors may not support the idea of building a larger facility

Inconsistent with brand image


ThreatsCost/limited time

Capacity of Red Lodge


Bad Highway

Budget Cuts for Schools

Threats by Target Market

All Tourism Targets 560,000

Elementary Schools22 schools(approximately 8,000 families)

Montana Fair, Zoo Visitors370,000

All Donor Sponsor Targets

Target Market

Reach Think Feel Do25% 12% 6% 3% 938,000*3%

= 28,140

Marketing Objectives

Means End Chain















Self direction


Perceptual Map Donors

Distant Tragedies

Social/Self Satisfaction

Personal Causes



United WayHaiti

Child Sponsorship

Perceptual Map Residents


Unique to Montana

Available Anywhere



The Zoo State Fair

The Nile

Perceptual Map Tourists






Yellowstone Skiing


Needs to includeCertaintyParticipationPersonal CauseUniversalismHedonismStimulationAchievement A unique and guaranteed interaction with

Montana’s rescued wildlife

Brand Statement

Befriend the Beast

Focus group testing begins in JanuaryThree different campaign tones

Humorous animal personification Heartfelt connection with humansEscape to nature

Graphics use live animals in videos and photography as heroes

High quality production Intended result is to establish a personal


Creative Brief

We get a lot of tail at the Beartooth Nature Center

At the Beartooth Nature Center…

Every animal has “equill” rights

We All Have a Tale…

Learn Theirs at the BNC

Take a “paws” and relax at the beartooth nature center

Research, Budget, Timeline

Final Creative

Summary Of Focus Group Findings

Group comprised of 5 females, 1 male. All females worked at Elder Grove Elementary School in Billings, MT. All participants had children, and had also heard of the Beartooth Nature Center. Three of the group members had attended the Center at some point in time.Print Advertisements:

Raccoon: everyone liked. Suggested that this be the artistic poster to give away and sell. Also, use this picture to encourage donations on website.

Fox “tail to tell”: everyone liked. Best for educational and promotional flyers (schools). Mountain lion: most liked, but did not like that it was caged in. General Promotional Suggestions: -put website on all promotional items -mention available tours -mention how to donate

 Television Scripts:   Raccoon: everyone liked. Fox: everyone liked, especially the suspenseful music and the interaction with Jeff. Lions: most liked.  Porcupine: everyone strongly disliked. Family: everyone disliked.  General Television Suggestions:

-end all with the owls -end all with audio and visual that tell the customer where to go -everyone liked funny commercials because they catch attention and people talk about them -encourage donations with fox commercial -make sure to mention Red Lodge and Montana (where animals are native) -add map and website to commercials at the end  

Review Final Scripts

Summary of Donor Research

Donor Proposal SummaryDonors would like to sponsor specific animalsDonors believe that BNC needs to use donations for advertisingHousing only native animals to the region is important to donorsConvenient giving is important Most donors do not read the financials from the BNCDonors encourage a new facility for the BNC and would like updates on the progress

Become a Wild Parent Annual DonationsBrochure with donor information

What it means to be a Beartooth Nature Center Donor

BillingsEvent Proposal The Scout Show- March 19, 2011

No charge, offering inside or outside booth Located at Pavillion at Metra Park Contact: Shelli Butz at (406)671-1569 Hand out or offer pamphlets and brochures about family events at the center, also offer

membership forms Wants the kids to engage with the animals, this includes touching them and petting them Possible petting zoo Shelli wants a poster promoting the scout show hung in the visitors center (attached with

admission form) Big Sky State Games- Summer 2011

Cost is minimum $500 for sponsorship- this gets you in the program and flyers in the bags Possible partnership could be available Wake Up Your Life- new run put on by BSSG on June 18, 2011. Negotiations for sponsorship

pricing still in process. Put on by Blue Cross Blue Shield. Contact Karen Gall at (406)254-7426 Billings Mustangs

Radio/Print combo- includes a half page advertisement and an announcement on the radio during home games. Cost is $792

5 night event sponsorship- sponsors 5 home games per sponsor (multiple sponsors) for $625, or $1,000 gets 5 night sponsorship and a half page in the program

Season for the Mustangs run June to September 2011 Help the fan club with 50/50 sales, you split the winnings with the fan club or boosters if you

help out, and you get 25% of the pot, usually around $150 a night for the help

Red Lodge Home of Champions Rodeo and Parade- July 2-4, 2011

Float in the parade- free of charge Hand out fliers while walking through the parade Booth at the parade with animals (appropriate for a rodeo setting, barn animals). This could be

a petting zoo on the rodeo grounds Advertisements in the women’s magazine in Red Lodge available Hand out flyers at parade and rodeo Contact: Shari DeSaveur at (406)446-2422 for advertizing in the magazine, also advertising

rep. for rodeo Contact: Glory Mahan at (406)446-1232 for parade opportunities Contact: Jody Klessens at (406)425-1687 for information on animals appropriate for a petting

zoo on the rodeo grounds Beartooth Rally / Iron Horse Rodeo- July 15-17, 2011

Petting zoo and posters throughout the event Owner of Bone Daddy’s in Red Lodge runs the rally Contact: Tim Buckstead at (888)827-2663 Tim is willing to help, said BNC does food at the rodeo Talked about hanging posters at the event and handing out flyers

Other events to advertise with posters or flyers include events at Red Lodge Mountain Resort during the winter months. Also advertising with posters in the town of Red Lodge would get the name out to tourists that the BNC does exist and is another attraction in town. For events at Red Lodge Mountain, contact Jeff Carroll at (406)446-2610 ext. 104, or email

Attachments: Scout Show poster to hang in the BNC until the show and a booth admission form, Billings Mustangs advertising price card

Event Budget Scout Show

Free of charge 300 fliers 2 posters

Big Sky State Games $500 for sponsorship Minimum 3,000 fliers

Billings Mustangs Radio/Print Combo- $792 No fliers No posters

Home of Champions Rodeo and Parade Free of charge 500 fliers 1 poster

Beartooth Rally Free of charge 500 fliers 1 poster

Total- $1,292 Fliers- 4,300 Posters-4

School Curriculum Kindergarten

Presentations will be between 30 minutes to an hour. Presentations will be tailored to suit age group; fun and exciting without being

overly technical. Children in this age group will receive a small poster and a flyer to take home to

their parents. The flier will have a coupon that has a ‘free admission’ for a child when they are

accompanied by a paying adult. 3rd Grade

Presentations will be between 45 minutes to an hour. Presentations will be slightly more technical than the kindergarten group, but

not overwhelming to students. Children in this age group will receive a small poster, flyer to take home (with

admission coupon) and trading cards. When the entire set of trading cards is collected, students will be able to take them

to the BNC for a free admission for themselves and an accompanying adult. School/Grade Assemblies

Presentations will be tailored to fit the needs of the school and could be the normal 45 minutes to one hour or longer as needed.

Presentations will be tailored to fit the education grouping; if it is a K-6 assembly, then the material will be applicable and interesting to the entire group.

Onsite field trips The BNC already has their own set-up for offering on site field trips,

but could benefit from the school district knowing more about the field trips that it offers.

Website The website address should be placed on every piece of printed

material that goes out. It has many valuable learning tools on the website and this information should be made available to those in the education community in order to further garner interest.

The website should also be ‘shown’ during presentations. Trading cards

The trading cards should focus on the ‘8’ most popular animals. (Bears, mountain lions, raccoons, porcupine, wolves, owls, lynx and fox.) Their ‘tale’ should be printed as well as their statistics (age, diet, species, etc.) on the back of the card. When the entire set is collected, Jeff has agreed that it can be turned in for a free admission, which should be printed somewhere small on the back of the card as well.

Parents information Parents should receive a flyer with every child that attends a

presentation. This information will go home with the children. On that flyer, the website address, phone number and hours of operation should be available. This is the flyer that will have the ‘free’ admission coupon.

Events Schools Donors Tourists TotalsFlyers : 5000

10,000 10,000 5,000 25,000

Big Posters : few

1000 500 1000 2500

Med Posters: 500

500 500 1000

Banners: 4 2 1 5

Materials Required

3/21 3/28 4/4 4/11 4/18Shoot Photography$1000

Shoot Film$1000

Finalize Designs$1000


PrintSign Contracts$2 to $4,000


Media ScheduleRegional EventsRed Lodge EventsSchool PromotionsWebsiteCarbon County News YouTube and Public RelationsTelevision- PSA's NBC ABC CBS FOX BresnanOutdoorHighway SignDonor Sponsor Materials

Total Cost

April MayOctober June JulyJanuary February MarchAugust September November December

ItemPhotography $1500Film $2000Design $2000Printing $2500
