Be Your Best for Success & Getting Great Grades

Post on 11-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Be Your Best for Success & Getting Great Grades

Be your Best for SuccessBe your Best for Success

Getting Great GradesGetting Great Grades

Hi my name is Brian Allison and I help people become healthier happier and more successfulbetter faster stronger smarteram I'm excited to be here to share this program with you to help you improve your athletic performance, academic excellence, personal and professional achievement, and how am I going to do it?Wave a magic wand... Dumbledore!Arthur C. Clarke... "Magic."Over the past thrity years, I've worked with thousands of clients including celebrities, doctors, athletes, physical therapy patients, people with weight loss goals, and people who just want to have more energy, feel better and enjoy more zest in life! How many of you would like to be your best for success?All right. Let's get started.

Users Guide to the Brain

Brain optimization requires a truly integrative approach

Putting all the pieces together can result in genuine mind / body


Every one of these things is a factor in your health, happiness, and success. Everything matters. Little things can make a big difference...The DaVici code analogy... the holistic code, Everything is interconnected.

Integrative Checklist1. Immediate Environment2. Water of Life3. Dietary Arts4. Hygiene5. Exercise Arts6. Sleep and Recuperation 7. Mental Development8. Financial Fitness9. Social Interconnectivity10. Arts, Solitude, Spirit

Every one of these things is a factor in your health, happiness, and success. The DaVici code analogy... the holistic code, hidden out in the open. Invisible in their obviousness, and left unmanaged... can bring the whole structure down.Everything is interconnected. Everything matters. Little things can make a big difference...And I will be coming back to this point with examples over and over as we go through this comprehensive program.

“Those who value their time seek out the experts.”

Take it one piece at a time

Every little bit helps

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Play & Humor PerspectiveKeeping it fun, enjoy the process of improving your ability to learn

Reducing stress around test-taking

The importance of friendship and improving social bonds

we laugh most when we are with other people

Environmental Factors

Good Lighting

Air Quality, avoid molds, allergens, etc.

Ergonomics. Avoid Prolonged Sitting

Connection with Nature (tick awareness)

Hydration and Cognition

Quality and Quantity. Keep Track

Your brain is 70% water…

Drink before you get thirsty

Avoid Sugary Beverages

Food for Thought

The importance of healthy fats for myelination and cell membranes

The importance of quality protein for neurotransmitters

Exercise and Learning

From young children who need to play, all the way to adulthood

Especially before studying and testing

We can get a boost in learning by getting the body moving

Sleep & RecuperationOptimal amounts vary but we tend toward sleep deprivation. 7-9 hrs is needed by most

For memorization and problem solving

Dark and quiet

Circadian rhythm

Cerebrospinal fluid movement…

Study Habits

Chunking into 25 minute blocks

Cyclical Review: 20 / 1 / 4 / 7

Take movement breaks with stretching and focused breathing

“Develop good habits and make them your masters.”

MnemonicsMemory Techniques:

Association & VisualizationThe Journey MethodThe Phonetic Alphabet

Review Before Bed and Upon Arising

Goal Setting

Visualize the Grade


Spread the study time out over several days

Study BuddiesSocial circles and learning

Compare notes and synthesize

Research outside of assigned reading,and always be on the

lookout for new ideas

motivate, stimulate and challenge each other

Personal Investment

Time is money

Knowledge is power

Financial fitness is a matter of planning and discipline (just like regular fitness)

Money problems cause stress and interfere with learning


"Somatic quieting" to sharpen the saw of mental focus

Also good immediately before test taking

Has it’s own rewards:Cultivation of wisdom

Life Balance

Sports and Academics

Other Interests, Arts, etc.

Long Term / Big Picture

Creating Your Reality

“You are your own greatest work of art.”

Clean your brushes

Master your craft

Control Panel Magic

Personal Proactives

Identity areas to improve upon

Doing one thing at a time is enough

Have fun with it and expect the best!

Little changes in direction lead to entirely new destinations in health, success, and happinessover time.

Be Your Best for Success

Brian Paul Allison