Be diligent and wide awake in - Clover Sites

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Transcript of Be diligent and wide awake in - Clover Sites

“Be diligent and wide awake in serving God, and keep in mind why you left the world and entered the monastery. Did you not come here to live for God and to become holy and prayerful man? Therefore, seek perfection with a steady eagerness, for you will recieve the reward of your labors and then both fear and sorrow will be foreign to you. Your labor is rather slight and yet aW]�_QTT�ÅVL great and everlasting joy!

~ Thomas Kempis


Capital Interns is a ministry of Capital Christian Center designed to

instruct, train and develop the spiritual disciplines in the life of each

participant. It is our passion to help young people find their shape

spiritually. Our mission is to encourage a commitment to the spiritual

practices; to refresh and stimulate the theological mind; and equip

practitioners by giving them resources that are essential for life. It

is our desire to assist you in establishing your shape both spiritually

and vocationally. Capital Interns is a training ground for you over

the next 9 to 18 months. We offer biblical classes that strengthen,

equip and challenge each individual in their walk with Jesus. You will

have the opportunities to work hands-on with various ministries

at Capital Christian Center. Ministries involving; pastoral services,

Generation Church, campus ministries, creative arts and worship,

GC kids, media production, prayer ministries and more. You will be on

the forefront of what God is doing in our city, nation and across the

globe. We ask that you prayerfully consider committing the next

one, two or three years as a Capital Intern. The outcome of such a

choice will significantly change you for a lifetime!

Blessings in Christ Jesus,

Shane Grove

Director, Capital Interns, Capital Christian Center

“Be diligent and wide awake in serving God, and keep in mind why you left the world and entered the monastery. Did you not come here to live for God and to become holy and prayerful man? Therefore, seek perfection with a steady eagerness, for you will recieve the reward of your labors and then both fear and sorrow will be foreign to you. Your labor is rather slight and yet aW]�_QTT�ÅVL great and everlasting joy!

Thomas Kempis

eade Ken & Connie Wilde


Ken & Connie Wilde Krist & Kelly Wilde

Shane & Kirsten


Mark & Rachelle


Dr. Stan Fleming

Pastoral Team

Capital Interns is a two-year training program holding to a progressive training strategy, each year building upon the foundation of the previous year. Simply put, we equip, mobilize, and commission young people into their specific area of ministry. Capital Interns is a local church program designed to enrich the lives of every participant as they fulfill the calling of God. God has given us a local, national, and global strategy in fulfilling our mission.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit

comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses,

telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem,

throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of

the earth.”

(Acts 1:8)

The Strategy

SECOND YEAR(Z� H� ZLJVUK� `LHY� 0U[LYU�� `V\� ^PSS� IL� LZ[HISPZOLK� PU� H� ZWLJPÄJ�ministry track. Our expectation is to see you excel in areas of

leadership. Weekly schedules will differ depending upon the track

you’re involved with. This is where Capital Interns takes on another

dimension. The second year program requires your commitment at a

new level. Various responsibilities in Media, GCb, GCkids, Worship,

Prayer, and more will be delegated to you on a weekly basis. Ministry

opportunities locally, nationally, and globally will be available as



Capital Interns follows an academic

year, beginning in September and ending

the first week of June.

WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY & FRIDAYgeneral schedule 9:00am-10:00am Corporate Staff & Youth Prayer10:00am-12:30pm Instruction (Two Sessions) 1:30pm-4:30pm Ministry Tracks

WEDNESDAYS/THURSDAYSgeneration church Wednesdays5:30pm-9:00pm GC Boise ServiceThursdays6:30pm-11:00pm GC Downtown Service

SATURDAYS 4:00pm-7:00pm | Ministry training in the ministries of Capital Christian Center

SUNDAYS 7:30am-1:30pm | Ministry training in the ministries of Capital Christian Center


DAILYscheduleCapital Interns was developed to

facilitate the training concepts of

instruction, mentoring, and practical

experience. Everything we do is built

upon this foundation and prayer is

the mortar that holds it all together.

PRAYER 9:00am - 10:00amAt 9:00am sharp you’ll start your day seeking God in corporate prayer. Prayer is a vital part in the life of HU`�ILSPL]LY��0[�PZ�V\Y�ÄYT�JVU]PJ[PVU�[OH[�^L�JHU�KV�UV[OPUN�LMMLJ[P]LS`�V\[ZPKL�VM�WYH`LY��(Z�HU�0U[LYU�`V\�will join with our pastors as they train you in the area of prayer and intercession. You will learn to pray with a greater level of faith, passion, and clarity.

INSTRUCTION 10:00am - 12:30pmInstruction sessions include courses in biblical content, practical ministry, and relevant life issues that equip each Intern with foundational truths that build character and knowledge essential for Kingdom service. Our instructors are proven ministers with a passion to empower you toward a life of intimacy with Christ and Kingdom leadership.

MINISTRY TRACKS 1:30pm - 4:30pmYour afternoons will consist of serving in Ministry Tracks. Whether it’s involvement in creative design ministry, serving on our school campuses, community outreach, working with the GC kids, or serving in youth ministries, you’ll be involved in the heartbeat of a growing and thriving ministry. We believe that teaching and experience go hand-in-hand, and that the integration of information and application is the key to your success.

MENTORINGEach week you’ll be spending time building relationships and ministering in the context of small groups. It is a time to be mentored by some of our best leaders and to see your own leadership skills develop as you interact with others in life-giving, accountability relationships.

Ministry TracksAs a first year intern you will spend your year serving in various ministries and out-

reaches of Capital Christian Center. We believe that a significant portion of your leadership training can take place only in a “hands-on” environment. The Ministry

Tracks and training goals are listed below:

GENERATION CHURCH Over the span of 9 months, you will be trained in different aspects of youth ministry. This will not only include instruction in the “how-to’s” of ministry, but also the practical workings. You will have hands on experience learning how to; greet, communicate and welcome visitors, connect small group leaders with new people, follow up on new disciples, usher during conferences and services, participate and lead outreaches, as well as pray for and encourage people in their walk with Jesus

CHURCH ADMINISTRATION As a thriving local church with many branches of ministry, Capital Interns are able to be trained to serve PU�P[Z�HKTPUPZ[YH[PVU�HUK�THUHNLTLU[�Z`Z[LTZ��@V\�^PSS�IL�PU]VS]LK�PU�WYVQLJ[Z�Z\JO�HZ!�JVW`PUN��ÄSPUN��running errands, mailings, phone calls, answering e-mails, and other administrative tasks. You will also be trained in preparing and hosting conferences and events as well as in the ministry of hospitality. Some interns will also be trained in the operation of retail sales through our bookstore.

CAMPUS MINISTRIES As a Capital Intern, you will have opportunities to be involved in Jr. High, High-school & University campus ministry. Each week we assist our students on their campuses with Bible studies, activities, house WHY[PLZ�HUK�V\[YLHJOLZ��(Z�HU�PU[LYU�`V\�^PSS�[HRL�V^ULYZOPW�HUK�SLHK�YVSLZ�VU�ZWLJPÄJ�ZJOVVS�JHTW\ZLZ�throughout the academic year. We are delivering the reality of Christ daily to our campuses and you will be a vital part.


GC KIDS Interns will be trained in the philosophy and vision of children’s ministry and see those concepts worked out on a weekly basis. You will be involved in creating and executing weekend productions with the staff of Capital Christian Center. Interns will have the opportunity to teach and administrate many of the classes and activities we have throughout the year. GC Kids is one of the most rewarding and exciting ministries to be involved in!

CREATIVE ARTS DEPARTMENT Capital Christian Center has the latest and greatest of audio and video capabilities. As a Capital Intern you may have the opportunity to be trained in the various aspects of audio, video & stage production, including taping, editing, camera work, lighting, producing Song Show visuals, assisting with media, broadcast, and much more. In addition to audio and video production, interns may have an opportunity to be involved in graphic design print publications, as well as other printed materials.

PRAYER MINISTRIES As an intern, you will be involved with prayer on a daily basis. You will be a vital part of early morning prayer times with pastors and staff, as well as weekly prayer watches covering a variety of times. Not only that, but many of you will get the experience of traveling to Washington, D.C. to be a part of the National Prayer Center. It is our privilege to pray for our city, state, and nation. Get ready for a year of dynamic growth in your prayer life.

INTERNSHIPexpectationI Timothy 4:12 “Let no one despise your youth, but be an

example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in

faith, in purity.” As a Capital Intern you are to be an example in

your speech, your lifestyle, your love for God and others, your

attitude of faith, and in your moral


Pledge of Honor | The Pledge of Honor outlines character choices and disciplines consistent with the lifestyle of a Capital Intern at Capital Christian Center. The framework for these expectations include: intimacy, character, authority, study, stewardship, health, faithfulness, purity, fellowship, leadership, focus, and excellence.

Relationships | This season is dedicated for the development of intimacy with God and His word. We ask our interns to set this time aside and focus on their training. Keeping this focus will maintain [OL�PU[LNYP[`�VM�[OPZ�WYVNYHT�HUK�WYV]PKL�̀ V\�̂ P[O�[OL�M\SS�ILULÄ[�VM�̂ OH[�[OPZ�WYVNYHT�̂ HZ�KLZPNULK�to produce.

Employment | We realize that as a Capital Intern you may desire to pursue some type of part-time employment in order to meet your expenses. Because of your commitment to Capital Interns, we recommend that you limit your part-time work week to 20 hours or less.

Ministry Trips | One of the vital parts of your training will come through participation in one of our ministry trips. These trips vary in location and duration each year. There are both national and international opportunities provided as the Lord directs.

GRADUATIONrequirements*LY[PÄJH[LZ�VM�*VTWSL[PVU�^PSS�IL�H^HYKLK�[V�0U[LYUZ�^OV�OH]L�Z\JJLZZM\SS`�completed the course set before them in the following areas:

- Instruction Standards You must complete all assignments and worksheets on time and maintain at least an 80% average for all courses.- Ministry Standards You must receive above average ratings in your Ministry Tracks, based on promptness, attendance, performance of tasks, attitude and the completion of a Ministry Track journal.- Mentoring Standards You must maintain consistent attendance and leadership in a small group through Generation Church Boise or Capital Christian Center.- Attendance Standards You cannot acquire more than three unexcused absences per semester. (Excused absences include: The Capital Christian Center Mission Trips & Outreaches as well as pre-arranged, excused personal absences.)��-PUHUJPHS�:[HUKHYKZ�@V\�T\Z[�IL�J\YYLU[�VU�`V\Y�ÄUHUJPHS�VISPNH[PVUZ�LHJO�TVU[O�HUK�IL�WHPK�PU�M\SS�H[�[OL�[PTL�VM�NYHK\H[PVU��0U[LYU�ÄUHUJPHS�VISPNH[PVUZ�PUJS\KL!�[\P[PVU�HUK�TPZZPVU�[YPW�WH`TLU[Z�

DISCIPLINARYprocessTo maintain the standards and integrity of the Capital Interns Leadership Training Program, if any of

these guidelines, pledges or standards are violated, the following actions will be taken:

>HYUPUNZ!�0M�[OL�ULLK�HYPZLZ��H�^HYUPUN�^PSS�IL�NP]LU�HUK�[OL�PU[LYU�^PSS�IL�WSHJLK�VU�H�ÄM[LLU�KH`�“probation”. If there is no measurable change, plans for dismissal will be initiated.

Dismissal: If for any reason the warnings have not resulted in measurable change, the intern will be

dismissed from the program and released from any further obligations to the program.

Tuition for Capital Interns is $2,000 per year per student. The tuition covers all books,

materials, manuals, conference fees. Mission trips throughout the year are an additional

expence. Upon acceptance into the program, a minimum down payment of $1,000 ($500

UVU�YLM\UKHISL�� PZ� K\L�UV� SH[LY� [OHU�(\N\Z[���Z[��;OL�ÄUHUJL�KLWHY[TLU[�^PSS�THPS� HU�invoice for the required down payment. The remaining balance will be divided into eight

monthly installments, culminating in May. Monthly minimum payments of $125.00 are due

on the 1st of each month and begin in October. Payments received after the 10th of the

month will be subject to a late fee (5%of outstanding balance). Capital Interns may be paid

in full at any point throughout the program.

FINANCIALpreparednessFinancial preparedness is a key factor in determining whether this is the right time for you to be a Capital 0U[LYU��>L�^HU[�`V\�[V�IL�MYLL�MYVT�L_JLZZP]L�ÄUHUJPHS�KLI[�K\YPUN�`V\Y�[PTL�HZ�HU�PU[LYU��(JJLW[HUJL�PU[V�[OL�WYVNYHT�PZ�JVU[PUNLU[�\WVU�`V\Y�HIPSP[`�[V�MHP[OM\SS`�OHUKSL�`V\Y�ÄUHUJPHS�VISPNH[PVUZ�HZ�H�*HWP[HS�Intern.

FINANCIALstewardshipFinancial stewardship is a key factor in maintaining your place as a Capital Intern. Falling behind in monthly installments will jeopardize your status as an intern and could result in early dismissal from the program.


Description Amount Payment Due Date

Application $0.00 Application Deadline is August 20th

Down Payment $1,000 August 31st

Remaining $1,000 Eight monthly payments of $125.00

Total Cost $2,000


ENTRANCEqualificationsAPPLICATIONAcceptance into Capital Interns will be determined by your application portfolio, references, an interview, and the prayerful decision of our pastoral team.

TIMINGThree main factors contribute toward determining whether this is the right time for you to be a Capital Intern:

Spiritual Authority: We want to know that the spiritual authorities in your life (parents, pastors, and mentors) all agree that this is the right training environment for you at this time.

Personal Life: Spiritual maturity and preparedness are key factors in determining entrance into this program. In order to be considered for acceptance, your commitment to spiritual disciplines and involvement in a local church over the past six months will be examined.

Finances:�@V\�T\Z[�KLTVUZ[YH[L�ÄUHUJPHS�Z[HIPSP[`�PU�VYKLY�[V�IL�JVUZPKLYLK�HZ�a Capital Intern. Interns are not permitted to work full time jobs. Interns may work part time (around 20 hours per week) as long as it does not interfere with the Capital Intern schedule.


STEPone- Fill out an online application at


- Once online application has been received and reviewed by the Capital Intern staff, we will contact you for a personal interview. For applicants who live in the Northwest, we require an “in-person” interview. Out of state/country applicants will be permitted to hold a phone interview. Our staff will prayerfully consider each applicant before a decision is made regarding your application.

STEPthree- Once acceptance has been determined, we will contact you and mail you an acceptance packet with further information and instruction