BCES Specials Shout Out - Frederick County Public … Shout Out...The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders ......

Post on 29-Jun-2018

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Transcript of BCES Specials Shout Out - Frederick County Public … Shout Out...The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders ......

During the month of February we finished our second term awards ceremony.

Kindergarten and third graders entertained the audience with the songs that they per-

formed during American Education Week in November and did a wonderful job.

During the month of February, our younger grades explored the concepts of pitch, tem-

po and dynamics through games, playing of instruments, as well as doing some creating

of their own melodies.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders reviewed dynamics, as well as different forms in

music, such as rondo and theme and variations.

The 5th grade students who were chosen to represent BCES at the FCPS 5th

Grade Honors Chorus Festival are busy learning their music and we would like to con-

gratulate them on this honor. These students will be attending: Blair DeLaRosa, Ashley

Gildersleeve, Delaney Heurich, Avery Galante, and Chloe King.

During the month of March, grades 3, 4 and 5 will be taking term 3 assess-

ments. 5th grade will be analyzing a piece of music, using terms that they have been using

not only this year, but also in prior grades. Grades 3 and 4 have been learning about all

dynamic levels and putting their Italian names with them. Grade 4 is studying basic key

signatures, which can be quite involved, but they are doing a great job with this concept!

2nd grade continues to use rhythm

to compose and will also be using “solfege”

to write and sing songs. Our first graders will

also be learning and using the solfege sylla-

bles of “sol” and “mi”. This process aids the

students in singing on pitch accurately, as

well as beginning to “sight-read”.

Kindergarten students have been

exploring vibration and pitch (the highness

and lowness of a sound). We even made our

own kazoos, which we hope the students

have shared at home!

The annual talent show auditions

will be held on March 21 and 22. All students brought home permission/sign-up slips if

they would like to audition. We hope everyone will come out on Friday, April 13th to

see the show! It always proves to be entertaining and so much fun!

Music News

Specials Shout

Out 2012


Music News 1

P.E. News 2

Art News 2

Artwork 3


Contact Information











In Mrs. Pilarcik’s fifth grade classes students just finished work-ing on 1 point perspective and are beginning to learn about composition. Fourth graders are learning about tertiary and neutral colors. Third graders just took their third term ACA and will be learning about rhythm, line, and focal point. The second graders are working hard on making coil pots out of clay. First graders just finished creating clay fish and are now creating symmetrical butterflies. Kindergarten has been learning a lot about texture and recently made clay medallions and creat-ed texture by stepping on the clay. Now they are beginning to learn

about symmetry by making symmetrical bugs.

In Mrs. Bryant’s are class fifth graders are working on their pa-per sculpture fish. The fourth graders are learning about tertiary colors and creating Chinese dragons. The third graders are making monochro-matic paper mache owls. Second graders just learned about seascapes and created a seascape scratchboard. They are now creating Maasai figure drawings. First graders recently made collage turtles with texture plates and now they are working on printmaking with potatoes to make bird trees. The kindergarten students are working on watercolor

germs and Pagoda paintings.

Congratulations to students who were selected for Artist of the Week in January and February. Artists of the Week for January include Ava Mason in third grade, Justin Banks in kindergarten, Maddie Lam-oureux in fourth grade, and Kai Palam in second grade. The students who received Artist of the Week in February were Kierra Brown in 1st grade, Harmon Joyner in 5th grade, Ariana Villegas in 2nd grade, and

Chi Ana Lites in 4th grade.

March is Youth Art Month and each art teacher in Frederick county selects three students to display their artwork in the FCPS Youth Art Month Show. The show

will be at the Delaplaine Visual Arts Center in downtown Frederick and runs March 3-25. Congratulations to the students selected for the art show. These students are Avery Ga-lante in 5th grade, Tori Geitner in 5th grade, Deja Kirkpatrick in 4th grade, Jessica Van

Der Hulst in 4th grade, Sarah Setiawan in 3rd grade, and Maddy Bull in 2nd grade.

Please check out page 3 of the newsletter to see more student artwork.

Art News

Page 2

P.E. News January was our annual Jump Rope for Heart month. Students in all

grades jumped rope during P.E. class and learned the benefit of jumping rope.

Many students raised funds to support the American Heart Association. Our top

fundraiser was Cameron Swiegart, a fourth grader in Mrs. Long’s class. He raised

$595 dollars. His class was the top fundraising class and received an ice cream

party! Many students were recognized at the awards assembly on Monday Feb.

6th. The jump was held during all specials classes on Friday January 27th. It was

truly a fun-filled, high energy day!!

In the month of February, students will be worked on their basketball

skills. In March we will be working on the last round of Superfit testing during the month

of March. Grades 2 – 5 will be working on their fitness tests. Kindergartner and 1st grad-

ers will be working at a variety of fitness stations. The Superfit tests include, push-ups,

chin ups, mile run, pacer run, sit and reach and curl ups.

We are thrilled to hear your child speak of your work out routines! Thanks for

encouraging them to do their very best on becoming and staying fit for life!

We are very pleased to welcome Nicholas Galliani, a senior at Frederick High

School, as an intern working with us in the P.E. department this semester. Nicholas

works with us from 11 – 2 each school day. He’s doing an awesome job and aspires to

become a Physical Education teacher one day.

Chi Ana Lites, 4th grade

Kierra Brown, 1st grade

Harmon Joyner, 5th grade

Page 3

Justin Banks, Kinergarten Ariana Villegas, 2nd grade

Maddie Lamoureux, 4th grade Kai Palam, 2nd grade Ava Mason, 3rd grade

Avery Galante, 5th grade

Tori Geitner, 5th grade

Deja Kirkpatrick, 4th grade

Jessica Van Der Hulst, 4th grade Sarah Setiawan, 3rd grade Maddy Bull, 2nd grade