
Post on 23-Feb-2016

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Batman. The World’s Greatest Superhero . Hook. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Batman


The World’s Greatest Superhero


He is amongst the richest men in the world, yet he surrounds himself with filth; he is an Olympic-caliber athlete, yet he doesn’t compete in any sports; he has invented ground-breaking technology, yet he shares it with no one. He is a crime fighter, a vigilante, and a hero. He is … the Batman!


Although he is just an ordinary human, Batman is the world’s most amazing hero because of his brilliant mind, his athletic prowess, and his unrelenting willpower.


Though Batman did not attend college, his intellect is unmatched. He traveled the world in order to have the best detectives, scientists, and scholars train him. He has created inventions that dazzle in order to wage his war against crime—inventions he does not share with the rest of society. In fact, Batman wears a cape. There isn’t a mystery he can’t solve, a question he can’t deduce. But his intellect isn’t the only amazing thing about Batman …


Just as Batman’s honed his brain to perfection, he has done the same with his body. Just as he had the world’s smartest educate him, he also had the world’s most deadly do the same. There isn’t a martial art Batman has not mastered, a fighting style he cannot learn. His eyes are blue, his hair is black, and his jaw is square. Batman can only rely on himself for protection, and that’s why he’s perfected his body to get him through any conflict. And though his mind is brilliant and his body is perfect, it takes something even more to be the Batman …


Perhaps Batman’s greatest talent of all is his unwavering willpower. Imagine the inner strength it takes to subject your body and mind to the rigors of being the Batman! It’s no wonder he lives in Gotham City! To constantly fight against impossible odds, to face unknown danger every night, to take on any challenge any time – such will power is truly the earmark of a great hero.